I'm aware that not every endpoint provides an ISRC code for tracks. But can it be assumed with certainty that every track has an ISRC code when queried directly from the https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks endpoint? Are there cases where no ISRC is provided?
No, there's no guarantee that the ISRC code is provided for every track, so your application should be able to handle when it isn't available.
So we were starting a new project from scratch and one of the developers suggested why have any GET API requests as POST API's are better in every which way. (At least when using a mobile client)
On further looking into this it does seem POST can do everything GET can do and it can do it better -
slightly more secure as parameters are not in URL
larger limit than GET request
So is there even a single reason to have a GET API ? (This will only be used from a mobile client so browser specific cacheing doesn't affect us)
Is there ever a need to have GET request API as POST is better in every way?
In general, yes. In your specific circumstances -- maybe no.
GET and POST are method tokens.
The request method token is the primary source of request semantics
They are a form of meta data included in the http request so that general purpose components can be aware of the request semantics and contribute constructively.
POST is, in a sense, the wildcard method - it can mean anything. But one of the consequences of this is - because the method has unconstrained semantics, general purpose components can't do anything useful other than pass the request along.
GET, however, has safe semantics (which includes idempotent semantics). Because the request is idempotent, general purpose components know that they can resend a GET request when the server returns no response (ie messages being lost on unreliable transport); general purpose components can know that representations of the resource can be pre-fetched, reducing perceived latency.
You dismissed caching as a concern earlier, but you may want to rethink that - the cache constraint is an important element that helped the web take over the world.
Reducing everything to POST reduces HTTP from an application for transferring documents over a network to dumb transport.
Using HTTP for transport isn't necessarily wrong: Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) works that way, as does gRPC. You still get authorization, and conditional requests; features of HTTP that you might otherwise need to roll your own.
You aren't doing REST at that point, but that's OK; not everybody has to.
That doesn’t mean that I think everyone should design their own systems according to the REST architectural style. REST is intended for long-lived network-based applications that span multiple organizations. If you don’t see a need for the constraints, then don’t use them. (Fielding, 2008)
I have to create a middleware API which a functionality to check for a key present in my database. If the key exists then it should simply fetch it(GET method). If not, then the API should create the key and its value in the database and return that(POST method). So since we have 2 fundamentally different methods being combined in this API, is it correct to do so? What should be the best way to design such API?
Don't combine them.
Return zero results from your GET method if you the record doesn't exist. Then in the client, if you receive zero results, POST the needed information to another API endpoint.
Combining the two ideas into one will create a hard to understand system. Your system should be deterministic, i.e. you can always know the result of every call before you call it.
One way to look at your API is to forget about the underlying database, but think about how an API client uses it.
If an API client does a GET request, 2 things happen:
The existing record is returned
A new record is created and is returned
A client might not actually care if 1 or 2 happened. For the perspective of the client, it might look like the resource always existed (even if it was technically just created).
So as long as there's no extra information that must be sent along with a POST request, it might be fine to use a GET request for both cases.
I don't know about your situation, typically it is best to have your get and post seperated. Though, if your client thinks that it needs to create a record and then posts the data, i dont see the problem with returning the resource and a 409 for the resource already existing. Here is a similar question HTTP response code for POST when resource already exists
Then the client can handle the 409 differently or the same as a 200 depending on your needs.
I am developing an application utilizing the microservices development approach with the mean stack. I am running into a situation where data needs to be shared between multiple microservices. For example, let's say I have user, video, message(sending/receiving,inbox, etc.) services. Now the video and message records belong to an account record. As users create video and send /receive message there is a foreign key(userId) that has to be associated with the video and message records they create. I have scenarios where I need to display the first, middle and last name associated with each video for example. Let's now say on the front end a user is scrolling through a list of videos uploaded to the system, 50 at a time. In the worst case scenario, I could see a situation where a pull of 50 occurs where each video is tied to a unique user.
There seems to be two approaches to this issue:
One, I make an api call to the user service and get each user tied to each video in the list. This seems inefficient as it could get really chatty if I am making one call per video. In the second of the api call scenario, I would get the list of video and send a distinct list of user foreign keys to query to get each user tied to each video. This seems more efficient but still seems like I am losing performance putting everything back together to send out for display or however it needs to be manipulated.
Two, whenever a new user is created, the account service sends a message with the user information each other service needs to a fanout queue and then it is the responsibility of the individual services to add the new user to a table in it's own database thus maintaining loose coupling. The extreme downside here would be the data duplication and having to have the fanout queue to handle when updates needs to be made to ensure eventual consistency. Though, in the long run, this approach seems like it would be the most efficient from a performance perspective.
I am torn between these two approaches, as they both have their share of tradeoffs. Which approach makes the most sense to implement and why?
I'm also interested in this question.
First of all, scenario that you described is very common. Users, videos and messages definitely three different microservices. There is no issue in how you broke down system into pieces.
Secondly, there are multiple options, how to solve data sharing problem. Take a look at great article from auth0: https://auth0.com/blog/introduction-to-microservices-part-4-dependencies/
Don't restrict your design decision to those 2 options you've outlined. The hardest thing about microservices is to get your head around what a service is and how to cut your application into chunks/services that make sense to be implemented as a 'microservice'.
Just because you have those 3 entities (user, video & message) doesn't mean you have to implement 3 services. If your actual use case shows that these services (or entities) depend heavily on each other to fulfil a simple request from the front-end than that's a clear signal that your cutting was not right.
From what I see from your example I'd design 1 microservice that fulfills the request. Remember that one of the design fundamentals of a microservice is to be as independent as possible.
There's no need to over complicate services, it's not SOA.
https://martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html -> great read!
I noticed that as part of the device discovery exchange, device-desc.xml file contains a UDN value.
Can I use this as a unique id for that chromecast device?
You should be able to use the UDN as a unique identifier for a particular Chromecast.
UDN typically means "unique device name" and the format looks like a UUID which was made so that you can uniquely identify things.
As for your other question about how to collect metrics, it depends on what you want to collect and why.
If, for example, you wanted to figure out what the social usage of your app was (assuming that you had some multi-participant logic) you could track usage by device and see if certain devices are hubs of social activity and see usage patterns. This might help you figure out what sorts of features you need and help you determine if you have repeat users or if you have repeat locations meaning that you may want to persist state in different places.
However, I would suppose that the most value can be gained by attaching behaviors to users. It may be better to track application sessions and attach data to a session which would indicate how users interacted with your app and with each other. You can define a "session" in multiple ways. It could be the duration of a user's "joining" of a receiver app or the life of the receiver app itself. Probably a bit of both would be best.
Im working on a small node/angular application
A superadmin should be able to create/edit/delete new client accounts, within views delivered directly from the node application.
The clients on the other hand communicate with the backend/database through Angular and a REST API that the node application delivers. The clients need a username/password to login to their account.
Question: I have this route map, is it right of me to think that the :client need to be in the URL of the REST API, so the backend knows which data to fetch?
the : in the url indicates that it's a variable...
Route map Superadmin
/admin/client – POST
/admin/client/:id – GET
/admin/client/:id – PUT
/admin/client/:id – DELETE
/admin/clients – GET
Route map API JSON
/v1/:client/candidate – POST
/v1/:client/candidate/:id – GET
/v1/:client/candidate/:id – PUT
/v1/:client/candidate/:id – DELETE
/v1/:client/candidates – GET
/v1/:client/settings – GET
/v1/:client/settings – PUT
I think this is a little difficult to answer, because it would say one way is "right" and another is "wrong", when really there could be multiple ways of solving this problem. Here's what I would say though, around how you structure the API endpoints.
If we focus on these API endpoints specifically:
/v1/:client/candidate – POST
/v1/:client/candidate/:id – GET
/v1/:client/candidate/:id – PUT
/v1/:client/candidate/:id – DELETE
/v1/:client/candidates – GET
/v1/:client/settings – GET
/v1/:client/settings – PUT
Here we have a set of APIs that allow someone to look up and perform actions on resources for a specific client. In doing this, you've essentially opened this up to allow anyone to access anyone's data (until you add security). Building APIs like this would be more useful for a "superadmin" like you've described in your question, which would need to access multiple client profiles throughout their day. But as you might imagine, you'd need to restrict access to these endpoints to only those who have "superadmin" access OR are in fact the client themselves.
If instead the main use case of these API endpoints was to serve the clients, I would instead remove the :client parameter:
/v1/candidate – POST
/v1/candidate/:id – GET
/v1/candidate/:id – PUT
/v1/candidate/:id – DELETE
/v1/candidates – GET
/v1/settings – GET
/v1/settings – PUT
Since you mentioned that the client would need to login to hit these APIs, you already know who the client is when they make the request. You can instead look up the client from the request, and access these resources based on who is making the call. Personally I think this makes things a little easier to follow, since the request is always asking for my data, rather than some "client's" data, which you then need to verify they have access to.
But again this is all based on how you architect your application, what's the use cases, who is going to be accessing the system, etc. It might make sense to separate out the "superadmin" APIs from the normal "client" APIs like I've described above, or it might be better the keep them all together. The answer will probably end up being which is easier to understand and maintain in the long term.