How to write to inout port and read from inout port of the same module? - verilog

This is not about actually creating a verilog module with inout ports. There are tons of posts I've found about that.
What I am stuck on is, if I have a blackbox module with an inout port, let's says it's defined like
module blackbox(inout a, in b, in c)
And I want to instantiate it in a different module like
module myModule(input reg inReg, output wire outWire)
How do I also drive the blackbox with the inReg and have it output on the outWire at different times? I don't know of a way to connect one and disconnect the other. This is obviously oversimplified. What I really have is below, but it's more complicated.
module sram_control(
input wire HCLK,
input wire [20:0] HADDR,
input wire HWRITE,
input wire [1:0] HTRANS,
input wire [7:0] HWDATA,
output reg [7:0] HRDATA
parameter IDLE_PHASE = 2'b00;
parameter WRITE_PHASE = 2'b01;
parameter READ_PHASE = 2'b10;
parameter IDLE = 2'b00;
parameter NONSEQ = 2'b10;
parameter READ = 1'b0;
parameter WRITE = 1'b1;
reg current_state, next_state;
wire CE, WE, OE;
reg [20:0] A;
wire [7:0] DQ;
reg [7:0] DQ_tmp1;
wire [7:0] DQ_tmp2;
async the_mem(.CE_b(CE), .WE_b(WE), .OE_b(OE), .A(A), .DQ(DQ));
always #(posedge HCLK) begin
if(current_state == IDLE_PHASE) begin
else if(current_state != IDLE_PHASE) begin
if(HTRANS == NONSEQ) begin
if(HWRITE == WRITE) begin
next_state <= WRITE_PHASE;
else begin
next_state <= READ_PHASE;
else next_state <= IDLE_PHASE;
// we never get here
else next_state <= IDLE_PHASE;
always#(posedge HCLK) begin
if(current_state == READ_PHASE) HRDATA <= DQ;
assign CE = current_state != IDLE_PHASE? 1 : 0;
assign WE = current_state != IDLE && HWRITE == WRITE? 1 : 0;
assign OE = current_state != IDLE_PHASE? 1 : 0;
always#(posedge HCLK) current_state <= next_state;
What I need is a way to assign HWDATA to the async module when I want to write to it, and I need a way to assign the output of the async module to HRDATA when I want to read from the async.

For all inout ports, you can read the data at any time. But for driving that net, generally tri state buffers are used. The reason for that is the same net may be shared with multiple modules and since the net is on inout type, to remove conflict of multiple driver, the tri state buffers are used.
For the same above image, here is the code.
assign io = t ? i : 1'bz; // To drive the inout net
assign o = io; // To read from inout net

As you say, this isn't a Verilog question, it's a logic design question.
You need to implement a tri-state driver to drive DQ:
assign DQ = WE ? 8'bz : HWDATA;
(assuming WE is 1'b0 when you are doing a write).
In general I would avoid tri-state logic inside an IC/FPGA, because not only is there the obvious problem when more than one driver drives a bus, it is also a problem if nothing drives the bus (some gates get floating inputs). There are also further problems in IC design. However, presumably you have not choice in this case; presumably you did not design module async. (If you did - take out the inout.)


Prevent Latch for Register File implementation [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why is this code getting inferred latches?
(2 answers)
Closed 5 months ago.
I am design a register file module and I am trying to prevent the "inferred latch warning". The module allows for asynchronous reads but synchronous writes. This is what I have designed so far. I generally know what latches are, but can't think of a solution to prevent latches in this case. What would I define as the else statement so that the regfile doesn't create inferred latches?
module register_file (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire [4:0] raddr_a,
input wire [4:0] raddr_b,
output reg [15:0] rdata_a,
output reg [15:0] rdata_b,
input wire [4:0] waddr,
input wire [15:0] wdata,
input wire we
reg [15:0] regfile [0:31];
/// 32 x 16 bit register file
// asynchronous reads
// don't allow read zero register
assign rdata_a = (raddr_a == 5'd0) ? 16'd0 : regfile[raddr_a];
assign rdata_b = (raddr_b == 5'd0) ? 16'd0 : regfile[raddr_b];
integer i;
always #(clk) begin
// reset registers
if (rst) begin
for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) begin
regfile[i] <= 0;
end else begin
// if write enabled, write to register at waddr
if (we == 1'b1) begin
regfile[waddr] <= wdata;
Would I set the value to itself? How would I go on preventing an inferring latch? Thanks!
Change always statement from:
always #(clk) begin
always #(posedge clk) begin
I was able to run the posted code on EDA Playground Yosys; it produces latches.
After the change, latches are no longer produced.

How to create a register file using register, decoder, and 8 to 1 mux in verilog

I'm trying to build a RegisterFile that utilizes these 3 components. I just don't know how to put them all together. I have the start of the register file module but just have no clue how to top end it. Is there any way anyone could explain, I'm just so lost. I also think there may be an issue with my Register module. I really am a novice with verilog, so I'm very confused on most things.
module Decoder3To8(input enable, input[2:0] in, output[7:0] out);
assign d[0]=(~a[2])&(~a[1])&(~a[0]);
assign d[1]=(~a[2])&(~a[1])&(a[0]);
assign d[2]=(~a[2])&(a[1])&(~a[0]);
assign d[3]=(~a[2])&(a[1])&(a[0]);
assign d[4]=(a[2])&(~a[1])&(~a[0]);
assign d[5]=(a[2])&(~a[1])&(a[0]);
assign d[6]=(a[2])&(a[1])&(~a[0]);
assign d[7]=(a[2])&(a[1])&(a[0]);
module Register4Bit(input clock, input clear, input load, input[3:0] in, output reg[3:0] out);
always#(negedge clock or posedge clear)
module Mux4Bit8To1(input[3:0] in0, input[3:0] in1, input[3:0] in2, input[3:0] in3, input[3:0] in4, input[3:0] in5, input[3:0] in6, input[3:0] in7, input[2:0] selector, output reg[3:0] out);
assign S0 = selector[0];
assign S1 = selector[1];
assign S2 = selector[2];
assign out = S2 ? (S[1] ? (S[0] ? in7 : in6) : (S[0] ? in5 : in4)) : (S[1] ? (S[0] ? in3 : in2) : (S[0] ? in1 : in0))
module RegisterFile(input clock, input clear, input[3:0] write_data, input[2:0] write_index, input write, input[2:0] read_index, output[3:0] read_data);
reg[7:0] content[3:0]; //this line is initializing the register
integer i;
always #(posedge clear, negedge clock). //this is the senstivity list of the always block
if (clear) begin
for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1)
content[i] = 0; //this line is clearing out all the memory locations
end else if (write)
content[write_index] = write_data. //this line is performing a write operation
Verilog describes hardware. As a result the final product is set of connected elements. In your case you need to instantiate and connect your modules.
In verilog it looks like the following:
module in(input clk, input data, output reg value);
always #(posedge clk)
value <= data;
The above module has clock, input data and output value;
module out(input clk, input value, output reg data);
always #(posedge clk)
data <= ~value;
And finally you need to assemble them:
module device(input clk, input datain, output dataout);
wire val;
in in(clk, datain, val);
out out(clk, val, dataout);
in the device, two modules are instantiated. The val plays a role of a connecting wire which connects output of module in with input of module out.
So, you can extend this scheme to your model.

How to properly pass data to a submodule and get results back in verilog?

Say I have a submodule and want to "call" it from a top module.
module sub(
input wire clk,
input wire rst_n,
input wire update,//interface is modifiable
input wire [7:0] in_data,
output wire[7:0] out_data
reg[7:0] state;
always #(posedge clk) begin
else if(update)
state<=state+in_data;//update drives states to change according to input data
assign out_data=state<<1;
module top(
input wire clk,
input wire rst_n,
output reg[7:0] top_out
reg sub_update;
reg[7:0] sub_in;
wire[7:0] sub_out;
sub sub_instance(
reg[7:0] top_state;
localparam STATE0 = 8'd0;
localparam STATE1 = 8'd1;
localparam STATE2 = 8'd2;
localparam STATE3 = 8'd3;
localparam TEMP_STATE = -8'd1;
always #(posedge clk) begin
if(!rst_n) begin
top_state <= STATE0;
sub_update <= 0;
sub_in <= 0;
end else begin
case (top_state)
//want to update the submodule and use its output here
sub_in <= 123;
sub_update <= 1;
top_state <= TEMP_STATE;
STATE2:top_state<=STATE3;//proceed from STATE1
sub_update <= 0;
top_out <= sub_out+1;
top_state <= STATE2;
The main question may divide into 2 smaller questions:
In my module code, the "update" signal is both set and captured at the same edge of a same clock. Is that a data race? Should I use a different edge, or pass a reverse clock to the submodule? Or should I change "update" to other interface?
Is there a better way to get the submodule output than using a temporary state? For this simple example, there is a way to calculate the output when the input is ready: Inline everything, get top_out<=((state+123)<<1)+1; at STATE1. Can this be generalized for more complicated calculation?
there is no problem in setting and capturing 'update' on the same clock edge. Just note that it will be captured with a delay of one clock cycle after it is set. This is the way flops work and your simulation should work same way because you did correctly use NBAs.
This is the question that you should answer for yourself. Better ways or not depend on your requirements and abilities of hardware. You have all these parts of the equation and states for some reason. You can probably collapse them if your algorithm allows it. You can use complex calculations there if they do not violate your design rules.

verilog assignment results in undefined 'X' output -- why?

I know VHDL, and just learning verilog. I'm trying to do a simple assignment with bit shift, and I get undefined 'X' in the result. I don't understand why. This is in simulation with Xilinx ISim software.
This assignment:
assign dout = $signed(data_out >>> shift_bits);
Results in 'X' wherever a '1' should be. For example, if data_out = '00001100', and shift_bits = 1, dout will = '00000XX0'.
Below is the module definition and the assignment operation:
module SensorINV(
input clk,
input [23:0] din,
input idv,
input [4:0] shift_bits,
output [23:0] dout,
output reg odv
reg [47:0] data_out = 0; // initialize the output
assign dout = $signed(data_out >>> shift_bits);
// assign dout = data_out[44:21]; // this didn't work either
reg [1:0] state = 0;
always #(posedge clk) begin
case (state)
0 : begin // waiting for new data
1 : begin
data_out <= data_out + temp1_w;
state <= 2;
2 : begin
state <= 0;
default : state <= 0;
The problem turned out to be conflicting drivers of dout, only one of which was shown in the code above. In the next module up, where this one was instantiated (not shown), I had a line like this:
wire [23:0] dout = 0;
This created a continuous assignment, not an initialization value. This conflict didn't show up in simulation until I tried to make dout non-zero. If it were a register reg, it would be an initialization value, but in this case it was a wire. Got rid of the continuous assign = 0, and problem solved.

verilog- assign statement reg to output variable not being assigned

I am attempting to use an FPGA as a shift register to some LEDs with pwm, but ran into an error while trying to assign a reg containing the value shifted in to an output variable. When I upload it to the FPGA(i'm using the mojo by embedded micro), it does nothing. when I use the simulator, it reports that all of the output variables are never assigned and have the value of X, while all the other variables inside of the module work just fine. here is my code for the shifting module:
module shifting(
input clk,
input shiftingpin,//data to be shifted in
input rst,
output done,
output [3:0]data//pwm compare value output
reg [2: 0] ctr_d, ctr_q;
reg don;
reg [3:0]datas;
always #(*) begin
if(ctr_q == 3'b100) begin
ctr_d[2:0] = 3'b0;
don = 1'b1;
end else begin
ctr_d = ctr_q + 1'b1;
don = 1'b0;
always #(posedge clk) begin
datas[ctr_q] = shiftingpin;// assign value to the output
if (rst) begin
ctr_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
ctr_q <= ctr_d;
assign data = datas;
assign done = don;
done tells the containing module when to update and assign the value to pwm.
If I understood the question correctly you have a syntax error when trying to drive ports from within always blocks.
When declaring ports they are typically wire by default which can only be driven by ports or assign. Resulting in the code below
module shifting(
input clk,
input shiftingpin,
input rst,
output done,
output [3:0] data
reg don;
reg [3:0] datas;
assign done = don;
assign data = datas;
The solution is to define ports as reg, logic is preferred if you can support System Verilog.
logic will effectively switch between wire and reg as required to make refactoring code easier.
module shifting(
input clk,
input shiftingpin,
input rst,
output reg done,
output reg [3:0] data
always #(posedge clk) begin
data[ctr_q] <= shiftingpin; // <-- data port used directly
NB: shift registers can be done with just
always #(posedge clk) begin
datas[3:0] <= {datas[2:0], shiftingpin};
