How to get a text / return(JSON ) in my API code with Watson? - node.js

In my example,
If the user clicks the button "Yes" Will return a conversation text. But I'd like it to return a value from my output, the return from my AJAX Post example, which is currently only coming from the "alert (output.request.number)".
How to make? Follow the codes:
In the conversation Intents: #goodbye and two entities: #goodbye:yes and #goodbye:no. If my client-side recognize the intent and user clicks the button "yes", will return something.
My JSON Advanced (Conversation Service)
"output": {
"text": "You can finish the conversation? \n \n
<button id=\"button-yes\" onclick=\"OneFunction();\">Yes</button>
<button id=\"button-no\" onclick=\"OtherFunction();\">No</button>"
I need the return of alert(output.request.number) to come in Watson's conversation flows if the user clicks on the button.
The JS code:
function OneFunction(firstParameter, secondParameter){
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
contentType: "application/json",
url: 'http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/request/create',
data: JSON.stringify({
success:function(output, input, response) {
// alert(output.request.number);
var responseText = null;
var outputTest = {};
outputTest = output.request.number;
var latestResponse = Api.getResponsePayload();
// console.log(latestResponse);
var context = latestResponse.context;
Api.sendRequest = ("Yes", + outputTest); // THIS RETURN one number of request

I try it and work, the error is just a , between ("Yes" + outputTest);
But yours information was essential to this, thanks, #Michal Bida and #timd. :
success:function(output, input, response) {
// alert(output.request.number);
var responseText = null;
var outputTest = {};
outputTest = output.request.number;
var latestResponse = Api.getResponsePayload();
// console.log(latestResponse);
var context = latestResponse.context;
Api.sendRequest = ("Yes" + outputTest); // THIS RETURN one number of request


How to setup multiple webhooks in Watson Assistant

I tried I have multiple actions in IBM cloud functions. I need Watson Assistant to call different ones when certain nodes hit.
My question is, there's only the possibility to put one webhook in Watson assistant's options. I understand that I'd have to code an action that detects the params sent and invokes the proper action. I tried using the Axios NPM as you can see below but it always fails when Watson Assistant try's to run it. It's giving me authorization errors. My current IBM Cloud Function namespace is CF-Based.
Here's the code im trying to get using to call my "emails" action:
const axios = require("axios");
// Change to your "BASE_URL". Type in the "Web Action" url without the name of it at the end. (must NOT contains the end '/')
// All "Actions" must be within the same namespace.
const BASE_URL = ""
const POST = "post";
const GET = "get";
const ANY = "any";
const ALL = "all";
/* List all your API methods
1. method - API Name (This is the "Actions" name at the end of the Web Action URL or just the name)
2. attr - Attributes that should be available in the params object
3. rule - Currently supports 2 rules;
a) any - params is valid if "any" of the attributes are present
b) all - params is valid only if all attributes are present
4. httpmethod -Supports "POST" and "GET"
5. contains - Use for validating GET URL parameters
const API_METHODS = [{
method: "Emails", // Change to your API method "Please put the function name located at the end of the url without "/" example "Email"
attr: ["client_email", "department_email"],
rule: ANY,
httpmethod: POST,
contains: null
method: "testapi", // If Watson needs to "GET" information to a user or athenticate a user
attr: [],
rule: ALL,
httpmethod: GET,
contains: "?ID="
// Returns true if the "params" is valid for the given API method
function isValidParam(method, params = {}) {
var attributes = [];
attributes = method.attr;
var isAny = method.rule === ANY;
for (let index = 0; index < attributes.length; index++) {
const attr = attributes[index];
if (isAny) {
if (, attr)) {
return true;
} else {
if (!, attr)) {
return false;
if (attributes.length === 0 && method.contains) {
return (JSON.stringify(params).indexOf(method.contains) > -1)
// if the code reaches this position, inverse of "isAny" should return the actual validation status.
return !isAny;
async function main(params) {
var result = [];
// Stop on first failure
// We iterate through all API methods. Because there can be more than one matching API for the given param type
for (let index = 0; index < API_METHODS.length; index++) {
const apiMethod = API_METHODS[index];
const url = BASE_URL + '/' + apiMethod.method;
if (isValidParam(apiMethod, params)) {
let response = apiMethod.httpmethod === POST ?
await, params) :
await axios.get(url + params); // Expects the parameter to be a string in this case like '?id=345343'
sent: true,
url: url,
request: params,
return {
sent: true,
details: result
// THe part of the code that needs to be copied to call other functions within the namespace.
/* const API_METHODS = [{
method: "Emails", // Change to your API method "Please put the function name located at the end of the url without "/" example "Email"
* attr: ["bamboo_email", "latitude_email", "latest_r_email", "department_email"],
rule: ANY,
httpmethod: POST,
contains: null
method: "testapi", // If Watson needs to "GET" information to a user or athenticate a user
attr: [],
rule: ALL,
httpmethod: GET,
contains: "?ID="
] */

How to wait a request response and return the value?

When I use a request module in node.js server, I have some problem such as wait and return.
I would like to receive a "responseObject" value at requestController.
To solve this problem, I have search the best way but I still do not find it.
How can solve this problem?
Thank in advance!! :)
var requestToServer = require('request');
function getRequest(requestObject) {
var urlInformation = requestObject['urlInformation'];
var headerInformation = requestObject['headerInformation'];
var jsonObject = new Object( );
// Creating the dynamic body set
for(var i = 0; i < headerInformation.length; i++)
jsonObject[headerInformation[i]['headerName']] = headerInformation[i]['headerValue'];
url : urlInformation,
method : 'GET',
headers : jsonObject
}, function(error, response ,body) {
// todo response controlling
var responseObject = response.headers;
responseObject.body = body;
// Controlling the submitted request
exports.requestController = function(requestObject) {
var method = requestObject['methodInformation'];
var resultObject = null;
// Selecting the method
if(method == "GET")
resultObject = getRequest(requestObject);
else if(method =="POST")
resultObject = postRequest(requestObject);
else if(method == "PUT")
resultObject = putRequest(requestObject);
else if(method == "DELETE")
resultObject = deleteRequest(requestObject);
You can use callbacks in the following way.
function getRequest(requestObject, callback) {
// some code
url : urlInformation,
method : 'GET',
headers : jsonObject
}, function(error, response ,body) {
// todo response controlling
var responseObject = response.headers;
responseObject.body = body;
// Controlling the submitted request
exports.requestController = function(requestObject) {
var method = requestObject['methodInformation'];
// Selecting the method
if(method == "GET")
getRequest(requestObject, function(resultObject){
//some code
Hope, it helps.

Uploading a file using shrepoint hosted app with REST API

i am getting error like the the site cannot be accessed in share point hosted app.
it is occured when i moving the from one page to another page in the same app. please help me in advance
it is Default.aspx code
'use strict';
var appWebUrl, hostWebUrl;
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
// Check for FileReader API (HTML5) support.
if (!window.FileReader) {
alert('This browser does not support the FileReader API.');
// Get the add-in web and host web URLs.
appWebUrl = decodeURIComponent(getQueryStringParameter("SPAppWebUrl"));
hostWebUrl = decodeURIComponent(getQueryStringParameter("SPHostUrl"));
function getQueryStringParameter(paramToRetrieve) {
var params = document.URL.split("?")[1].split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i = i + 1) {
var singleParam = params[i].split("=");
if (singleParam[0] == paramToRetrieve) return singleParam[1];
function F1()
<input type='button' value='clickheretoUploadfile' onclick='F1()'/>
when the user is clicked on clickhere button is redirecting to uploadform.aspx
it is uploadform.aspx code
'use strict';
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
// Check for FileReader API (HTML5) support.
if (!window.FileReader) {
alert('This browser does not support the FileReader API.');
// Upload the file.
// You can upload files up to 2 GB with the REST API.
function uploadFile() {
// Define the folder path for this example.
var serverRelativeUrlToFolder = '/shared documents';
// Get test values from the file input and text input page controls.
var fileInput = jQuery('#getFile');
var newName = jQuery('#displayName').val();
// Get the server URL.
var serverUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl;
// Initiate method calls using jQuery promises.
// Get the local file as an array buffer.
var getFile = getFileBuffer();
getFile.done(function (arrayBuffer) {
// Add the file to the SharePoint folder.
var addFile = addFileToFolder(arrayBuffer);
addFile.done(function (file, status, xhr) {
// Get the list item that corresponds to the uploaded file.
var getItem = getListItem(file.d.ListItemAllFields.__deferred.uri);
getItem.done(function (listItem, status, xhr) {
// Change the display name and title of the list item.
var changeItem = updateListItem(listItem.d.__metadata);
changeItem.done(function (data, status, xhr) {
alert('file uploaded and updated');
// Get the local file as an array buffer.
function getFileBuffer() {
var deferred = jQuery.Deferred();
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function (e) {
reader.onerror = function (e) {
return deferred.promise();
// Add the file to the file collection in the Shared Documents folder.
function addFileToFolder(arrayBuffer) {
// Get the file name from the file input control on the page.
var parts = fileInput[0].value.split('\\');
var fileName = parts[parts.length - 1];
// Construct the endpoint.
var fileCollectionEndpoint = String.format(
"{0}/_api/web/getfolderbyserverrelativeurl('{1}')/files" +
"/add(overwrite=true, url='{2}')",
serverUrl, serverRelativeUrlToFolder, fileName);
// Send the request and return the response.
// This call returns the SharePoint file.
return jQuery.ajax({
url: fileCollectionEndpoint,
type: "POST",
data: arrayBuffer,
processData: false,
headers: {
"accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
"X-RequestDigest": jQuery("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val(),
"content-length": arrayBuffer.byteLength
// Get the list item that corresponds to the file by calling the file's ListItemAllFields property.
function getListItem(fileListItemUri) {
// Send the request and return the response.
return jQuery.ajax({
url: fileListItemUri,
type: "GET",
headers: { "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose" }
// Change the display name and title of the list item.
function updateListItem(itemMetadata) {
// Define the list item changes. Use the FileLeafRef property to change the display name.
// For simplicity, also use the name as the title.
// The example gets the list item type from the item's metadata, but you can also get it from the
// ListItemEntityTypeFullName property of the list.
var body = String.format("{{'__metadata':{{'type':'{0}'}},'FileLeafRef':'{1}','Title':'{2}'}}",
itemMetadata.type, newName, newName);
// Send the request and return the promise.
// This call does not return response content from the server.
return jQuery.ajax({
url: itemMetadata.uri,
type: "POST",
data: body,
headers: {
"X-RequestDigest": jQuery("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val(),
"content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
"content-length": body.length,
"IF-MATCH": itemMetadata.etag,
"X-HTTP-Method": "MERGE"
// Display error messages.
function onError(error) {
<input id="getFile" type="file"/><br />
<input id="displayName" type="text" value="Enter a unique name" /><br />
<input id="addFileButton" type="button" value="Upload" onclick="uploadFile()">
the problem is when i perform the uploading functionality in the default.aspx page it is working good.but i redirecting from that page to upload page and perform the uploading functionality it is the error
The first question is where is your "sphosturl" parameter in the Default.aspx code? I guess it is the "appWebUrl".
From your code ,it seems you want to make your SharePoint-hosted add-in to upload files to the add-in web, so you must confirm whether you have documents library folder in your app and set correct location to "serverRelativeUrlToFolder" parameter . Otherwise it will threw Access Denied error. Tested code below is for your reference (I have add the documents library in my app):
'use strict';
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
// Check for FileReader API (HTML5) support.
if (!window.FileReader) {
alert('This browser does not support the FileReader API.');
// Upload the file.
// You can upload files up to 2 GB with the REST API.
function uploadFile() {
// Define the folder path for this example.
var serverRelativeUrlToFolder = 'Lists/DL';
// Get test values from the file input and text input page controls.
var fileInput = jQuery('#getFile');
var newName = jQuery('#displayName').val();
// Get the server URL.
var serverUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl;
// Initiate method calls using jQuery promises.
// Get the local file as an array buffer.
var getFile = getFileBuffer();
getFile.done(function (arrayBuffer) {
// Add the file to the SharePoint folder.
var addFile = addFileToFolder(arrayBuffer);
addFile.done(function (file, status, xhr) {
// Get the list item that corresponds to the uploaded file.
var getItem = getListItem(file.d.ListItemAllFields.__deferred.uri);
getItem.done(function (listItem, status, xhr) {
// Change the display name and title of the list item.
var changeItem = updateListItem(listItem.d.__metadata);
changeItem.done(function (data, status, xhr) {
alert('file uploaded and updated');
// Get the local file as an array buffer.
function getFileBuffer() {
var deferred = jQuery.Deferred();
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function (e) {
reader.onerror = function (e) {
return deferred.promise();
// Add the file to the file collection in the Shared Documents folder.
function addFileToFolder(arrayBuffer) {
// Get the file name from the file input control on the page.
var parts = fileInput[0].value.split('\\');
var fileName = parts[parts.length - 1];
// Construct the endpoint.
var fileCollectionEndpoint = String.format(
"{0}/_api/web/getfolderbyserverrelativeurl('{1}')/files" +
"/add(overwrite=true, url='{2}')",
serverUrl, serverRelativeUrlToFolder, fileName);
// Send the request and return the response.
// This call returns the SharePoint file.
return jQuery.ajax({
url: fileCollectionEndpoint,
type: "POST",
data: arrayBuffer,
processData: false,
headers: {
"accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
"X-RequestDigest": jQuery("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val(),
"content-length": arrayBuffer.byteLength
// Get the list item that corresponds to the file by calling the file's ListItemAllFields property.
function getListItem(fileListItemUri) {
// Send the request and return the response.
return jQuery.ajax({
url: fileListItemUri,
type: "GET",
headers: { "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose" }
// Change the display name and title of the list item.
function updateListItem(itemMetadata) {
// Define the list item changes. Use the FileLeafRef property to change the display name.
// For simplicity, also use the name as the title.
// The example gets the list item type from the item's metadata, but you can also get it from the
// ListItemEntityTypeFullName property of the list.
var body = String.format("{{'__metadata':{{'type':'{0}'}},'FileLeafRef':'{1}','Title':'{2}'}}",
itemMetadata.type, newName, newName);
// Send the request and return the promise.
// This call does not return response content from the server.
return jQuery.ajax({
url: itemMetadata.uri,
type: "POST",
data: body,
headers: {
"X-RequestDigest": jQuery("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val(),
"content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
"content-length": body.length,
"IF-MATCH": itemMetadata.etag,
"X-HTTP-Method": "MERGE"
// Display error messages.
function onError(error) {

telegram bot - keep questions and answers

My telegram bot is a dialog and it needs to keep the questions and the answers (like TriviaBot). What is the best (most efficient) method to do this? A database with the user id as key?
There is a lot of telegram bots, but where are examples with the source code to get ideas?
Your question is not really related to the telegram bot API. You are essentially asking: I have an application that has to keep an history of user interactions, how to do this (efficient)?
To answer that: you could use a database and insert an entry for each conversation using an unique identifier. Since telegram has a chat_id for each conversation, you could use that. Depending on what you are exactly trying to store, you should choose how to store it. (an entry for each answer, or for each conversation or ...)
If you program in python, you can use the python wrapper called python-telegram-bot to make things easier
Examples are here:
You can use force_reply and frequently ask whatever you want and store answers in any kind of database.
Please refer to its doc : refrence
and a simple answer on : force reply description
Well, I didn't found any example of force_reply, and had to ask an ai about it, honestly I dont know if it works, I just hope that it helps, here we go...
function survey(data) {
var Q1 = {
'text': 'how are you?'
var method = 'sendMessage';
var options = {
'method': 'post',
'contentType': 'application/json',
'payload': JSON.stringify(Q1)
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch('' + telegramToken + '/' + method, options);
var text = data.message.text;
// Start loop
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
// First iteration
if (text == "") {
// Get response from user
currentstep = '3';
var dataForceReply = {
method: "post",
payload: {
method: "sendMessage",
chat_id: String(,
text: "how are you?",
reply_markup: JSON.stringify({
"force_reply": true
UrlFetchApp.fetch(telegramAPIURL + "/", dataForceReply);
} else if (i == 1) {
// Second iteration
if (text != "") {
// Get response from user
// Store response in variable
var response1 = text;
var dataForceReply2 = {
method: "post",
payload: {
method: "sendMessage",
chat_id: String(,
text: "What do you think about this?",
reply_markup: JSON.stringify({
"force_reply": true
UrlFetchApp.fetch(telegramAPIURL + "/", dataForceReply2);
} else if (i == 2) {
// Third iteration
if (text != "") {
// Get response from user
// Store response in variable
var response2 = text;
var dataForceReply3 = {
method: "post",
payload: {
method: "sendMessage",
chat_id: String(,
text: "Do you have any suggestions?",
reply_markup: JSON.stringify({
"force_reply": true
UrlFetchApp.fetch(telegramAPIURL + "/", dataForceReply3);
} else {
// Get response from user
// Store response in variable
var response3 = text;
// Store all responses in variables
var response1 = response1;
var response2 = response2;
var response3 = response3;

UCWA Lync authentication - 500 web ticket is invalid

I'm trying to create a simple client for Lync using Nodejs.
Base on I've made someting like this.
It works until last step #9 when I should register my app with UCWA. Server responds with code 500 and silly explanation
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed
And headers
x-ms-diagnostics': '28032;source="mysource";reason="The web ticket is invalid."'
var http = require('request-promise');
var lync = {};
lync.setup = function(email, password){
var self = this;
var hostname = email.split('#');
this.username = email;
//discover urls
return http.get('http://lyncdiscover.'+hostname[1])
.then(function(d) {
var parsed = JSON.parse(d);
self.urls = {
self: parsed._links.self.href,
user: parsed._links.user.href,
xframe: parsed._links.xframe.href
return http.get(self.urls.user);
if(err.statusCode == 401){
var toParse = err.response.headers['www-authenticate'];
var Oauth = toParse.match(/https:\/\/[\d\w\./_-]*/i)[0];
var loginPost = {
grant_type: 'password',
username: email,
password: password
return, {form:loginPost});
return false
var parsed = JSON.parse(data);
//setup authorization
http = http.defaults({
headers: {Authorization: parsed.token_type + ' ' + parsed.access_token}
//console.log('Authorization:'+ parsed.token_type + ' ' + parsed.access_token);
return http.get(self.urls.user);
var parsed = JSON.parse(data);
self.urls.applications = parsed._links.applications.href;
var registerApp = {
culture : "en-us",
endpointId : "2d9dc28d-4673-4035-825c-feb64be28e4e",
userAgent : "Test"
var r = "{'userAgent': 'NodeJs', 'endpointId' : '2d9dc28d-4673-4035-825c-feb64be28e4e', 'culture': 'en-US'}";
return, {body: registerApp, json:true});
return false;
//run app
lync.setup('', 'password').then(function(ret){
One key point here. It's not my server. I just have an account over there and I can login with official Lync client or Pidgin plugin.
Are there some extra steps to "allow" my app to work with UCWA?
I can easily authorize using Oauth. I'm receiving authorization token so I'm logged in.
I'm receiving json similar to
"applications":{"href":"i need this"},
} }
Now. I need to "register my application" doing POST.
In this last step I get 500 code response.
I hope It's not related with that #Matthew Proctor said..
becouse I cannot simple administrate the server
Thank you #ShelbyZ
You were right, it was split-domain scenario. Now authorization works, and I can register my app. Also example for future generations
var http = require('request-promise');
var lync = {};
lync._authorize = function(){
var self = this;
var orgDomain = self.urls.user.match(/https:\/\/([\w\d\.]+)/i)[0];
if(err.statusCode == 401){
var toParse = err.response.headers['www-authenticate'];
var Oauth = toParse.match(/https:\/\/[\d\w\./_-]+/i)[0];
var loginPost = {
grant_type: 'password',
username: self.username,
password: self.password
return, {form:loginPost});
if(data) {
var parsed = JSON.parse(data);
//setup authorization
http = http.defaults({
headers: {Authorization: parsed.token_type + ' ' + parsed.access_token}
return http.get(self.urls.user);
//check for split-domain scenario
var parsed = JSON.parse(data);
var domain = parsed._links.self.href.match(/https:\/\/([\w\d\.]+)/i)[0];
console.log('[1] '+orgDomain);
console.log('[2] '+domain);
if(domain!== orgDomain){
//split domain scenario
self.urls.user = self.urls.user.replace(orgDomain, domain);
http = http.defaults({
headers: {Authorization: null}
} else { //create app
var parsed = JSON.parse(data);
self.urls.applications = parsed._links.applications.href;
var registerApp = {
culture : "en-us",
endpointId : "2d9dc28d-4673-4035-825c-feb64be28e4e",
userAgent : "NodeJs client"
return, {body: registerApp, json:true});
lync.setup = function(email, password){
var self = this;
var hostname = email.split('#');
this.username = email;
this.password = password;
//discover urls
return http.get('http://lyncdiscover.'+hostname[1])
.then(function(d) {
var parsed = JSON.parse(d);
self.urls = {
self: parsed._links.self.href,
user: parsed._links.user.href,
xframe: parsed._links.xframe.href
return self._authorize();
//run app
lync.setup('', 'password');
I was getting the same error before I added my test domain to the list of Allowed Domains.
This can be updated via PowerShell, full details below:
Enabling UCWA and Configuring Allowed Domains
I've had clients see similar errors when running my code from http://localhost/, their fix was to test their code on a FQDN (ie
