menu with only the icon for small screens with foundation - zurb-foundation-6

Is there an easy way to do the toggle responsive menu for small screens with only foundation framework without using special plugin like slicknav etc?
I tried the top-bar and dropdown classes, but it is not rather responsive


How to use built in designer widget Icons for subclassed widgets in pyqt5

I've built lots of custom widgets to be used in Qt Designer, lots are just sub-classed standard widgets and I would like to use the standard icon. I can't find any reference to them nor could I actually find them on my system. If you leave out the icon function in the designer custom widget plugin, it will use a generic QT icon but that's it.

Where do i get more widgets for qtcreator?

In qtcreator, when i highlight the qml file, i can select the design tab. How do i add more qt widgets to it?
I've installed qml-module-qtquick-controls from the repos and any qml-module-* named packages that i can, but in the qml types of qtcreator, no extra qml types appear in the pane. I was looking for widgets like buttons, etc but nothing seems to work
What should i install from the repo to get buttons that i can drag and drop into the form editor? I base this on having seen pictures of others having a paneful of widgets. On the other hand when i click on a *.ui file, the design tab reveals a different editor with all kinds of widgets. What is the difference between a *.qml file and a *.ui file?
first question : "getting more controls in QML file"
when you are in Design mode you have three tabs on top:
QML Types, Resources and Imports.
The last one is what you need. Click on the button with "Add Import" and a list with all possible qml imports is shown.
fi. choosing QtQuick.Controls 2.13 will add buttons, check boxes, radio buttons and others...which you will see now on tab "QML Types"
second question:"What is the difference between a *.qml file and a *.ui file?"
qml files are meant to be used in Qt Quick applications and ui. files for Widget based applications. You will find the basic introduction to them in the Qt Creator manual topic "Designing User Interfaces"

How to properly display a focus rectangle in a compact SplitView menu item

I'm building my first Universal Windows Platform (UWP) App and am trying to implement the popular "Hamburger Menu" using the SplitView class.
Inspired by many samples, the items hosted on the SplitView pane are re-styled RadioButton controls, with a vertical highlight-rectangle, an icon and a text. The appearance is similar to that of the Groove app.
I'm now trying to implement navigation and selection using the keyboard, and this now bring a little focus-rect around the items in the SplitView pane. However, since the pane clips its contents when its DisplayMode is either CompactInline or CompactOverlay, the focus rectangle is also clipped, which is not the behavior a user would expect.
Please, can anyone advise on how to property display the focus rectangle in this situation ?
Just an idea, what if you set the width of all radio button's to be same as the CompactPaneLength property of SplitView. The default is 48 DIPs.

Changing application menubar in Eclipse RCP

I want to change the position of the application menu in an Eclipse RCP application. This is what my UI designer wants it to look like:
Note that you have the menubar on the left and a tab-bar on the right, thus saving a line of vertical space. I want the menu to still be the application menu, and work with all the other Eclipse extensions for controlling it. I just want it in a different place. Can this be done in Eclipse/SWT?
Not by default, certainly not in Eclipse 3.x or even Eclipse 4.2 using the Workbench. RCP applications fill in the main menu bar using their subclass of org.eclipse.ui.application.ActionBarAdvisor, filling in org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManagers. All of the default extensions in 3.x are also based on interacting with MenuManagers. The SWT Menu used in the menu bar doesn't allow that kind of overlay, AFAIK.
In Eclipse 4 the menus are described in a model, and then a variety of renderers (defaults provided by org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.WorkbenchRendererFactory) are responsible for creating the SWT widgets. In theory it's possible to replace some or most of those renderers (in effect implementing your own menu system using SWT composites or buttons or canveses) but that sounds like a lot of work.

QToolBar: Is there a way to add QAction to a QToolBar in QtDesigner?

I've a PyQt4 Installed on Python 2.6. I wish to insert actions or widgets into a toolbar in QtDesigner instead of adding them in code, with addAction or addWidget (as simple as adding actions to a menu in design time).
You can add actions by dragging them to your tool bar from the "Action editor" dock window. You cannot add widgets to the tool bar in Qt Designer, I'm afraid you'll have to do this from your code.
You can create your own widget plugins with new or extended functionalities.
Just follow the definition rules from the documentation .
I use a lot of custom widgets inside the Qt Designer.
Once you have figured out, how it works, it becomes a really power full method for your design work flow inside Qt Designer.
