EncodingGroovyMethods and decodeBase64 - groovy

I have ran into an issue on Windows where encoded file is read and decoded using EncodingGroovyMethods#decodeBase64:
This gives me:
bad character in base64 value
File itself has CRLF endings and groovy decodeBase64 implementation snippet has a comment so:
} else if (sixBit == 66) {
// RFC 2045 says that I'm allowed to take the presence of
// these characters as evidence of data corruption
// So I will
throw new RuntimeException("bad character in base64 value"); // TODO: change this exception type
I looked up RFC 2045 and CLRF pair is suppose to be legal. I have tried same with org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64#decodeBase64 and it works. Is this a bug in groovy or was this intentional ?
I am using groovy 2.4.7.

This is not a bug, but a different way of how corrupt data is handled. Looking at the source code of Base64 in Apache commons, you can see the documentation:
* Ignores all non-base64 characters. This is how chunked (e.g. 76 character) data is handled, since CR and LF are
* silently ignored, but has implications for other bytes, too. This method subscribes to the garbage-in,
* garbage-out philosophy: it will not check the provided data for validity.
So, while the Apache Base64 decoder silently ignores the corrupt data, the Groovy one will complain about it. The RFC documentation is a bit fuzzy about it:
In base64 data, characters other than those in Table 1, line breaks, and other
white space probably indicate a transmission error, about which a
warning message or even a message rejection might be appropriate
under some circumstances.
While warning messages are hardly useful (who checks for warnings anyway?), the Groovy authors decided to go into the path of 'message rejection'.
TLDR; they are both fine, just a different way of handling corrupt data. If you can, try to fix or reject the incorrect data.


How to detect encoding errors in a Node.js Buffer

I'm reading a file in Node.js, into a Buffer object, and I'm decoding the UTF-8 content of the Buffer using Buffer.toString('utf8'). If there are encoding errors, I want to report a failure.
The toString() method handles decoding errors by substituting an xFFFD character, which I can detect by searching the result. But xFFFD is a legal character in the input file, and I don't want to report an error if the xFFFD was present and correctly encoded in the input.
Is there any way I can distinguish a Buffer that contains a legitimately-encoded xFFFD character from one that contains an encoding error?
The solution proposed by #eol in a comment on the question appears to meet the requirements.

Decoding base64 while using GitHub API to Download a File

I am using the GitHub API to download a file from GitHub. I have been able to successfully authenticate as well as get a response from github, and see a base64 encoded string representing the file contents.
Unfortunately, I get an unusual error (string length is not a multiple of 4) when decoding the base64 string.
The HTTP request is illustrated below:
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path
The (partial) response is illustrated below:
The issue I am encountering is that the length of the string is 15263 bytes, and I get an error in decoding the string (string length is not a multiple of 4). I am using node.js and the 'base64-js' npm module to decode the string. Code to execute the decoding is illustrated below:
var base64 = require('base64-js');
var contents = base64.toByteArray(fileContent);
The decoding causes an exception:
Error: Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4
at placeHoldersCount (.../node_modules/base64-js/index.js:23:11)
at Object.toByteArray (...node_modules/base64-js/index.js:42:18)
I would think that the GitHub API is sending me the correct data, so I figure that is not the issue.
Am I performing the decoding improperly or is there another problem I am overlooking?
Any help is appreciated.
I experimented a bit and found a solution by using a different base64 decoding library as follows:
var base64 = require('js-base64').Base64;
var contents = base64.decode(res.content);
I am not sure if it is mandatory to have an encoded string length divisible by 4 (clearly my 15263 character length string is not divisible by 4) but the alternate library decoded the string properly.
A second solution which I also found to work is specific to how to use the GitHub API. By adding the following to the GitHub API call header, I was also able to get the decoded file contents:
'accept': 'application/vnd.github.VERSION.raw'
After much experimenting, I think I nailed down the difference between the working and broken base64 decoding.
It appears GitHub Base-64 encodes with:
UTF-8 charset
Base 64 MIME encoder (RFC2045)
As opposed to a "basic" (RFC4648) Base64 encoder. Several languages seem to default to the basic encoder (including Java, which I was using). When I switched to a MIME encoder, I got the full contents of the file un-garbled. This would explain why switching libraries in some cases fixed the issue.
I will note the contents field contained newline characters - decoders are supposed to ignore them, but not all do, so if you still get errors, you may need to try removing them.
The media-type header will do the job better, however in my case I am trying to use the API via a GitHub App - at time of writing, GitHub requires a specific media type be used when doing that, and it returns the JSON response.
For some reason the Github APIs base64 encoded content doesn't decode properly at all the online base64 decoders I've tried from the front page of google.
Python works however:
import base64

Tornado decoding post arugment fails with UnicodeDecodeError

Some has been using my Tornado application and making POST requests which contain this character: ยก
Tornado was unable to decode the value and ended up with this error: HTTP 400: Bad Request (Invalid unicode in PARAMNAME: b'DATAHERE')
So I made some investigation and learned that In request body, I was receiving %A1 for the corresponding character, which python's decode method had no difficulty to decode for utf-8 encoding.
But, after URL-decoding this value, Tornado ended up with \xa1 for the character and tried to decode this using utf-8 and failed, because this was actually ISO-8859-1 encoding.
So, what should be the appropriate way to fix this? Because user is sending valid output I don't want to loose this data.
The best answer is to make sure the client always sends utf8 instead of iso8859-1 (this used to require weird tricks like the rails snowman; I'm not sure about the current state of the art). If you cannot do that, override RequestHandler.decode_argument (http://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/web.html#tornado.web.RequestHandler.decode_argument), which can see the raw bytes and decide how to decode them (or pass them through unchanged if you don't want to decode at this point).

ServiceStack does not escape control characters in JSON

ServiceStack's JsonSerializer does not seem to encode control characters correctly.
For example, this C# expression....
JsonSerializer.SerializeToString(new { Text = "\u0010" })
... evaluates to this...
... where the "?" is the literal control character.
Instead, according to http://www.json.org it should evaluate to this:
Is this a known bug or am I missing something?
The bad JSON output by my services is causing errors during deserialization by my service consumers.
You need to tell the serializer to escape unicode characters.
JsConfig.EscapeUnicode = true;
JsonSerializer.SerializeToString(new{Text = "\u0010"});
The above evaluates to this:
Thanks Mike, that works. But I think this approach escapes ALL non-ASCII Unicode characters in addition to control characters.
I'm expecting to have a lot of foreign language characters in my data (Arabic, for example) so this will cause significant size bloat versus just including those unescaped unicode characters in the JSON (which is still standard-compliant).
I imagine the purpose of EscapeUnicode = true is to produce JSON that can be stored or transmitted with simple ASCII encoding, which is certainly useful. And it apparently also encodes ASCII control characters as a side-effect which does solve my problem.
But in my opinion, JsonSerializer should escape control characters regardless of the EscapeUnicode setting since the standard requires it. I consider this a bug.
Since this is primarily a problem for me within my Service Stack services I also found this solution:
SetConfig(new EndpointHostConfig
UseBclJsonSerializers = true
This tells Service Stack to use .NET's built-in DataContractJsonSerializer instead of Service Stack's JsonSerializer. I have verified that DataContractJsonSerializer does escape control.characters correctly.
So it appears that I need to choose between JsonSerializer with EscapeUnicode = true (faster but with bloated output) and DataContractJsonSerializer (slower but with compact Unicode output).

How to store binary data in a Lua string

I needed to create a custom file format with embedded meta information. Instead of whipping up my own format I decide to just use Lua.
texture is a function that takes a table as its sole argument. It then looks up the various parameters by name in the table and forwards the call on to a C++ routine. Nothing out of the ordinary I hope.
Occasionally the files fail to parse with the following error:
my_file.lua:8: unexpected symbol near ']'
What's going on here?
Is there a better way to store binary data in Lua?
It turns out that storing binary data is a Lua string is non-trivial. But it is possible when taking care with 3 sequences.
Long-format-string-literals cannot have an embedded closing-long-bracket (]], ]=], etc).
This one is pretty obvious.
Long-format-string-literals cannot end with something like ]== which would match the chosen closing-long-bracket.
This one is more subtle. Luckily the script will fail to compile if done wrong.
The data cannot embed \n or \r.
Lua's built in line-end processing messes these up. This problem is much more subtle. The script will compile fine but it will yield the wrong data. 0x13 => 0x10, 0x1013 => 0x10, etc.
To get around these limitations I split the binary data up on \r, \n, then pick a long-bracket that works, finally emit Lua that concats the various parts back together. I used a script that does this for me.
input: XXXX\nXX]]XX\r\nXX]]XX]=
--other fields omitted
pixels= '' ..
[[XXXX]] ..
'\n' ..
[=[XX]]XX]=] ..
'\r\n' ..
Lua is able to encode most characters in long bracket format including nulls. However, Lua opens the script file in text mode and this causes some problems. On my Windows system the following characters have problems:
Char code(s) Problem
-------------- -------------------------------
13 (CR) Is translated to 10 (LF)
13 10 (CR LF) Is translated to 10 (LF)
26 (EOF) Causes "unfinished long string near '<eof>'"
If you are not using windows than these may not cause problems, but there may be different text-mode based problems.
I was only able to produce the error you received by encoding multiple close brackets:
]]] --> a.lua:2: unexpected symbol near ']'
But, this was easily fixed with the following:
The binary data needs to be encoded into printable characters. The simplest method for decoding purposes would be to use C-like escape sequences for all bytes. For example, hex bytes 13 41 42 1E would be encoded as '\19\65\66\30'. Of course, then the encoded data is three to four times larger than the source binary.
Alternatively, you could use something like Base64, but that would have to be decoded at runtime instead of relying on the Lua interpreter. Personally, I'd probably go the Base64 route. There are Lua examples of Base64 encoding and decoding.
Another alternative would be have two files. Use a well defined image format file (e.g. TGA) that is pointed to by a separate Lua script with the additional metadata. If you don't want two files to move around then they could be combined in an archive.
