How to use custom theme in iccube reporting v6? - theming

In iccube reporting V5x, I was able to load a custom theme by adding the following instruction in ic3report-config.js
ic3RegisterTheme('Pkcs', 'theme/', 'PkcsTheme.js' , 'PkcsTheme.css' );
then inside pkcstheme.js, I used
var ic3;
(function(a) {
name: "PKCS",
cssCls: "pkcs-theme",
boxHeaderCls: "pkcs-header",
reportContainerDefaultStyle: "pkcs",
amChartsDefaultStyle: "Pkcs Main",
But, in V6, a.Themes.registerTheme does not exist...
What is the proper way to do this now ?

IcCube v6.1 introduced new custom theme management:
Now it is possible to load/change theme in a run-time with a Public Reporting Context API:
Demonstration report
Javascript snippet executed with "Change colors" button:
function(context, item) {
window.demotheme = _.cloneDeep(window.ic3ThemeElegant);
} = "ic3-demotheme"; = "Demo";
demotheme.vars.palette = ["#374649", "#fd625e", "#f2c80f", "#01b8aa", "#79c75b", "#8ad4eb"];
demotheme.vars.backgroundColor = "#eaeaea";
demotheme.vars.borderColor = "#eaeaea";
// adding variable to a theme
demotheme.vars.boxBackgroundColor = "white";
IcCube Theme manager will register any theme that is placed in global JavaScript scope that starts with ic3Theme (e.g window.ic3ThemeElegant) and it will be available in "Report Settings" as an option.
For example you can use such code in a ic3report-local.js:
$script(options.rootLocal + 'ic3ThemeWhiteBox.js', function(){
options.callback && options.callback();
Content of ic3ThemeWhiteBox.js is:
window.ic3ThemeWhiteBox = {
"id": "ic3-white-box",
"name": "White Box",
//... theme definition ...


Hide Product Catalog standard dashlet for all users in Sugarcrm

How can i hide a standard dashlet named "Product Catalog" from the list which gets displayed in the drawer named "Add a Sugar Dashlet". "Add a Sugar Dashlet" drawer gets displayed when user tries to add a dashlet in any dashbaord in Sugarcrm. Hiding should be done in an upgrade safe way.
Note: I am using Sugarcrm Ver 8.0.0 PRO
One way to accomplish this is by creating a custom override of the DashletselectView where you filter out the Dashlet in question.
The code below does so by overriding an internal function of the view, post-processing its results.
extendsFrom: "DashletselectView",
_getDashlets: function() {
var dashlets = this._super("_getDashlets", arguments);
return _.filter(dashlets, function (d) { return d.type !== "product-catalog-dashlet"; });
Then run Quick Repair & Rebuild so that Sugar detects the presence of the custom file and loads it.

Dynamically added menu (PXAction + MenuAutoOpen + AddMenuAction) gets hidden in some screens, but not others

I am trying to dynamically add a menu and related actions through a graph extension. The code I have written works in some screens but not in others. I can see the menu appear during post-back but it gets hidden right away:
I have spent a few hours investigating the problem and here's what I found so far:
If I don't add my action to a menu, it works in every cases. The issue is only when using AddMenuAction. I see that there's some logic inside PXAction to show/hide the menu based on visibility of the items inside the menu, but I couldn't figure the problem out.
If the menu itself is directly declared in the graph extension (using public PXAction... and attributes), it works as expected. It is not an option in my case because I am trying to create a generic mechanism that will allow me to add actions to any graph type.
The two following graph extensions highlight this problem - the first one is for Sales Orders entry, and the other for Business Account maintenance. They are identical, except for the graph type parameter:
//This extension works fine, button displays as expected
public class TestButtonsSO : PXGraphExtension<SOOrderEntry>
public override void Initialize()
Type primaryViewItemType = Base.Views[Base.PrimaryView].Cache.GetItemType();
var myMenu = PXNamedAction.AddAction(Base, primaryViewItemType, "MyMenu", "My Menu",
a => a.Get(),
new PXEventSubscriberAttribute[] { new PXButtonAttribute() { MenuAutoOpen = true } });
var action = PXNamedAction.AddAction(Base, primaryViewItemType, "MyMenu$Test", "Test",
a => throw new PXException("Clicked!"),
new PXEventSubscriberAttribute[] { new PXButtonAttribute() { } });
//The menu will appear during post-back but gets hidden right away
public class TestButtonsBAccount: PXGraphExtension<BusinessAccountMaint>
public override void Initialize()
Type primaryViewItemType = Base.Views[Base.PrimaryView].Cache.GetItemType();
var myMenu = PXNamedAction.AddAction(Base, primaryViewItemType, "MyMenu", "My Menu",
a => a.Get(),
new PXEventSubscriberAttribute[] { new PXButtonAttribute() { MenuAutoOpen = true } });
var action = PXNamedAction.AddAction(Base, primaryViewItemType, "MyMenu$Test", "Test",
a => throw new PXException("Clicked!"),
new PXEventSubscriberAttribute[] { new PXButtonAttribute() { } });
Upon the investigation, this issue seems to be caused by PXGridWithPreview corrupting ToolBarItemCollection in the DataSource. Your approach above will perfectly work on all Acumatica screens, which do not contain a PXGridWithPreview control. For screens already utilizing PXGridWithPreview, we'll have to wait until a fix is realised by Acumatica Engineering Team (will keep this item on my radar and post an update once the fix is available)

Add a MediaPicker to the General Site Settings

The current project I'm on is utilizing tenant sites. With each site, we want the ability to change the logo through out the tenant site by modifying the its settings (on the admin page, settings > general).
I've added two text fields to the site settings by following this well documented tutorial. However, I'd like the user to be able to pick the logos using the media picker instead of typing in the path.
Currently I have a LogoBarSettings part with its record, driver and handler. I'm not sure how to add the media picker to the my LogoBarSettings and even if I did, must I also create another handler, driver, and record for it? I can't imagine I would but I'm pretty stuck at this point.
Can someone provide some direction on this?
Here is my LogoBarSettings
public class LogoBarSettings : ContentPart<LogoBarSettingsPartRecord>
public string ImageUrl
get { return Record.ImageUrl; }
set { Record.ImageUrl = value; }
public string ImageAltText
get { return Record.ImageAltText; }
set { Record.ImageAltText = value; }
The MediaPicker is invoked through Javascript, so you shouldn't need to change any of your model classes. When the MediaPicker is loaded for a page, it sets up a jQuery event handler for all form elements on the page. Triggering the event orchard-admin-pickimage-open will open the MediaPicker. Supply a callback function to capture the picked media.
Here is a quick example that you can run in Firebug or Chrome Developer Tools from a page which has the MediaPicker loaded, such as a Page editor:
$('form').trigger("orchard-admin-pickimage-open", {
callback: function(data) {
This should print something similar to this:
Object {img: Object}
img: Object
align: ""
alt: ""
class: ""
height: "64"
html: "<img src="/Media/Default/images/test.jpg" alt="" width="64" height="64"/>"
src: "/Media/Default/images/test.jpg"
style: ""
width: "64"
__proto__: Object
__proto__: Object
The BodyPart editor integrates Orchard's MediaPicker with TinyMce, so you can start looking at that module for a more complete example, specifically Modules\TinyMce\Scripts\plugins\mediapicker\editor_plugin_src.js.

Trying to Use LoadMoreElement in Monotouch.Dialog

I am using Monotouch to write an Ipad app. The app uses tables to browse down through a directory tree and then select a file. I have used Monotouch.Dialog to browse the directories and I set up the directory tables as the app starts.However there are too many files to set up in a table as the app starts and so I want to set up the 'file table' as the file is selected from the lowest level directory table. I am trying to use LoadMoreElement to do this but I cannot make it work or find any examples online. I have coded the 'Elements API Walkthrough' in the Xamarin tutorial at:-
I then add a new section to the code:-
_addButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => {
var task = new Task{Name = "task " + n, DueDate = DateTime.Now};
var taskElement = new RootElement (task.Name){
new Section () {
new EntryElement (task.Name,
"Enter task description", task.Description)
new Section () {
new DateElement ("Due Date", task.DueDate)
new Section()
new LoadMoreElement("Passive","Active",
delegate {MyAction();})
_rootElement [0].Add (taskElement);
Where MyAction is:-
public void MyAction()
Console.WriteLine ("we have been actioned");
The problem is that MyAction is triggered and Console.Writeline writes the message but the table stays in the active state and never returns to passive. the documentation says:-
Once your code in the NSAction is finished, the UIActivity indicator stops animating and the normal caption is displayed again.
What am I missing?
You need to set the "Animating" property in the element to false.
Like this:
LoadMoreElement loadMore = null;
loadMore = new LoadMoreElement (
"Passive", "Active",
delegate {loadMore.Animating = false;});
Where did you see any documentation that says that the animation stops when the delegate stops running? If that is documented anywhere, that is wrong.

How to set new Orchard module to be Home Page via code

I'm very new with orchard.
To learn orchard module development, I followed the documentation and tried to create a commerce module.
The module consists of product part and product type which has product part.
During enable module, it will create admin and home menu for this module, "Commerce" and "Shop" respectively.
My questions are
How do I make this module to be home page during enable module. In other word, I want Index method of
the module's HomeController handle home url?
How do I get Shop menu in front end to be after home menu or register this module to home menu?
I am attaching source code, please download it from the following link
download source code
To take over the home page the standard Orchard way is to implement IHomePageProvider.
You can, when creating a page as part of migrations.cs in a module, tell the Autoroute part to set your created page's alias as the homepage:
//create a page page
var homepage = _contentManager.Create("Page");
homepage.As<TitlePart>().Title = "My Home";
var homePageArp = homepage.As<AutoroutePart>();
homePageArp.DisplayAlias = String.Empty;
This assumes you're going from a clean instance of Orchard without any prior homepages; if you have an existing homepage, you'll have to regenerate those pages' Aliases as part of your module too. This is how it's done as part of the AutoroutePartHandler in the Orchard.Autoroute project (inside the Publish Alias method):
// regenerate the alias for the previous home page
var currentHomePages = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Query<AutoroutePart, AutoroutePartRecord>().Where(x => x.DisplayAlias == "").List();
foreach (var current in currentHomePages) {
if (current != null) {
current.CustomPattern = String.Empty; // force the regeneration
current.DisplayAlias = _autorouteService.Value.GenerateAlias(current);
If you dig through the driver and handler for the autoroute project, you'll learn a lot about the internals; when you tick that "set as homepage" box in the Admin UI, it sets the Path to "/" and then that gets picked up, triggers the old homepage re-wire, clears the "/" path to String.Empty and then publishes that blank alias, giving you a new homepage.
(this is valid as of Orchard 1.6)
If your module is to be used by others, then it is better to make a widget which can be added to any layer (the homepage layer for example). That way each user can decide where your module comes into play.
If you are using this module for yourself only, then you can just override the default routes (standard mvc functionallity).
Look at my ExtendedRegistration module (Routes.cs) to see how it's done.
Here I am overriding the standard Account/Register URL. There should be nothing preventing you from overriding the default HomeController.
public class Routes : IRouteProvider
public void GetRoutes(ICollection<RouteDescriptor> routes)
foreach (var routeDescriptor in GetRoutes())
public IEnumerable<RouteDescriptor> GetRoutes()
return new[] {
new RouteDescriptor {
Priority = 19,
Route = new Route(
new RouteValueDictionary {
{"area", "itWORKS.ExtendedRegistration"},
{"controller", "Account"},
{"action", "Register"}
new RouteValueDictionary(),
new RouteValueDictionary {
{"area", "itWORKS.ExtendedRegistration"}
new MvcRouteHandler())
