Extraction Project Properties from Revit - revit-api

Is it posible to somehow extract, export or copy Project Properties from Revit file using Revit Python Shell? And if yes, how difficult it is?

By Project Properties do you mean Project Information Parameters? This is a quick way to fetch a Project Information parameter in RPS:
parameterName = 'Project Name'
value = '- parameter not found -' # default setting
for parameter in document.ProjectInformation.Parameters:
if parameter.Definition.Name == parameterName:
if parameter.AsString():
value = parameter.AsString()
elif parameter.AsDouble():
value = parameter.AsDouble()
elif parameter.AsInteger():
value = parameter.AsInteger()
value = '- invalid value -'
print value
Edit: To fetch parameter values

I can't speak to the Revit Python Shell, but in terms of the Revit API it's pretty straightforward.
From your Document object, there's a "ProjectInformation" property.
So in C# it looks like:
Parameter p =
Parameter o =
Side note: I've recently run into a spate of models that had no ProjectInformation property (null) on their Document. That's not good. I believe it can be fixed by running an Audit on the model - but from a code perspective you should be prepared for it (not like above! :) ).


Filter on folder and item type in ArcGIS Online

enter image description hereI want to change the extent of all webmaps in a given folder in ArcGIS Online. However, the standard query command (gis.content.search) does not have a property that allows searching only in a folder.
On the other hand, once I have a list of all items in a given folder, I am unable to only filter all webmaps out. This is the script I used (see also the image):
folderowner = 'my_username'
updatefolder = 'testfolder'
user = gis.user.get(username=my_username)
rightFolder = user.items(folder = updatefolder)
for item in rightFolder:
for item in rightFolder:
if (item_type = "Web Map"):
print (item.title)
screenshot of script
I can print the Item types. But once I try to list only Web Maps, I get a Syntax error. I have tried many different notations.
I can pass the types in a print command, but I can't use the types as a way to filter. Where I am basically looking for is thus a way to get only web maps in a given folder.

Multiple Keywords with same name found but there is only unique keyword

*When i run my robot tests it says Multiple keywords with name 'Set
Variable Value for' found. Give the full name of the keyword you want to use:
step_definitions.Set Variable Value for
variable_handler.Set Variable Value for
It does this for all the keywords mentioned in variable_handler.py
Is there something that i am missing? Do we need to give the name
of python file that has that keyword?*
found not much online. have added the library in the settings.
```#keyword(name='Set Variable Value for')
def Set_Variable_Value_for(tag, value):
my_token_file = 'Resources/written_variables.yml'
data = None
with open(my_token_file, 'r') as testData:
data = yaml.load(testData)
data[tag] = value
with open(my_token_file, 'w') as writeTestData:
print(ruamel.yaml.dump(data, writeTestData,
'''#keyword(name='Set Start Time for Test')
def Test_Start_Time():
tz = timezone('UTC')
Time_Now = datetime.now(tz)
naive_date = Time_Now.replace(tzinfo=None)
Set_Variable_Value_for('START_TIME', naive_date)```
'''Create a New Member
[Documentation] Add a New Member
[Tags] CreateMember MemberAndProjectCreationFlow SanityTest
Login to Platform Analytics
Verify Member List Page Elements
Click on Add Member
Add Member Breadcrumb is displayed
Add New Member Details
Verify New Member Creation
Search for the Member ${NEW_MEMBER_NAME_GLOBAL}
Search the Results and Go To ${NEW_MEMBER_NAME_GLOBAL}
${Member_Row_Locator} ${Member_Column}
Log To Console Member Creation Successful.```
It should work without specifying the python file that contains
the key word. I have imported all the things required like variable_handler and step definitions
The root of the matter is that you have two or more keywords with the same name imported into the test. When you try to run the keyword Set Variable Value for, robot doesn't know which of the keywords to run. It has no way of knowing if the two names represent two different functions or the same function in two different libraries.
You have three possible solutions:
As the error suggests, you can specify the full path to the keyword, such as step_definitions.Set Variable Value
You tell robot to give precedence to one library over the other using the built-in keyword Set Library Search Order.
You can modify your libraries so that you don't have duplicate keyword names
For more information see Handling keywords with same names in the robot framework user guide.

How to create source type image in python code?

I am trying to create the source type image from python script in obs. Want to know proper steps to create source in script. I already checked, no proper doc for python scripting available.
TypeError: obs_source_create() takes exactly 4 arguments (2 given)
I want to create source type image from scrip & add that source to my current scene
This may be a simple FFI implementation, so try:
obs.obs_source_create('banner-image', 'xyz', None, None)
Source: First hit on Google when searching for "obs_source_create":
obs_source_t *obs_source_create(const char *id, const char *name, obs_data_t *settings, obs_data_t *hotkey_data)
Creates a source of the specified type with the specified settings.
The “source” context is used for anything related to presenting or modifying video/audio. Use obs_source_release to release it.
id – The source type string identifier
name – The desired name of the source. If this is not unique, it will be made to be unique
settings – The settings for the source, or NULL if none
hotkey_data – Saved hotkey data for the source, or NULL if none
A reference to the newly created source, or NULL if failed

Dynamically passing a row number to Session.findbyid method

I am trying to write a script which posts invoices in SAP through Excel (fairly new to this), and am running into the following error:
"The control could not be found by id".
The error is coming up at the below line:
session.FindById("wnd[0]/usr/subITEMS:SAPLFSKB:0100/tblSAPLFSKBTABLE/ctxtACGL_ITEM-HKONT[1,w_counter]").Text = w_glacc
Here, I am trying to pass the GL account number in the first row. There can be multiple rows, so I was hoping that instead of passing ctxtACGL_ITEM-HKONT[1,0]").Text, ctxtACGL_ITEM-HKONT[1,1]").Text etc. I wanted to initialize a counter and pass that value into this method.
Is there any way this can be achieved?
Found a solution:
Instead of passing just w_counter I had to pass "&w_counter&".
Previously, code was:
session.FindById("wnd[0]/usr/subITEMS:SAPLFSKB:0100/tblSAPLFSKBTABLE/ctxtACGL_ITEM-HKONT[1,w_counter]").Text = w_glacc
Now, it is:
session.FindById("wnd[0]/usr/subITEMS:SAPLFSKB:0100/tblSAPLFSKBTABLE/ctxtACGL_ITEM-HKONT[1,"& w_counter &"]").Text = w_glacc

Getting values of properties in SoapUI's groovy

I'm pretty new to testing and SoapUI and I've just faced a problem:
I have 2 soap requests from which I transfer data (using PropertyTransfer) to Properties - I can do that and it works fine for me.
But now I would like to take those values in my groovy script (which is next step of my testcase). How to do that? So far, I have found following:
But it doesn't work for me. I guess it's not that Properties. Any tips?
In the Groovy script panel you can right-click and select Get Data, to help you out. You will end up with something like this:
context.expand( '${Properties step#SomeProp}' )
Same thing can also be written as:
testRunner.testCase.testSteps['Properties step'].getPropertyValue("SomeProp")
Few cents:
if we are loading properties file through external file via -Dsoapui.properties=\tmp.properties
Contents of tmp.properties
ideal way to load the property 'serialNumber' in groovy file would be,
def serialnumber = context.expand('${#serialNumber}')
But if you have a property at any level [test suites, test cases or project] inside your SOAPUI project, say you have it at project level, then it would be
def serialnumber1 = context.expand('${#Project#serialNumber}')
The first expression works with:
context.expand( '${Properties_step#SomeProp}' )
To read property from Project level properties
testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getPropertyValue( "PropertyName")
To read property from Test Case level properties
Two answers are possible for this type of scenarios ,
Setting and Getting the Property values,
Message Exchange
Test Runner
Message Exchange :
def testCase=messageExchange.modelItem.testCase.getPropertyValue("Propertyname")
Test Runner:
Note : context also helps to retrieve the same .
