Add many quotation in sed instruction - linux

I have to update line with value containg many quotation characters
sed -i 's/.*sonar.links.issue.*/property "sonar.links.issue", "http://jra.url"'
I get error there. What should i do to do it correctly?

Your replacement string contains slashes "http://", so you shouldn't use / as the delimiter for this sed command, use # as shellter proposes.
To complete its answer, I would add the "g" flag, at the end of the sed expression, to ensure the subsitution is made on the whole line, and not only on the first match with ".sonar.links.issue.".
sed -i 's#.*sonar.links.issue.*#property "sonar.links.issue", "http://jra.url"#g' file

sed -i 's#.*sonar.links.issue.*#property "sonar.links.issue", "http://jra.url"#' file


How to use sed to replace a filename in text file

I have a file:
I want to replace any occurrence of log4j-core* with log4j-core-2.17.1.jar
I tried this but I know I'm missing a regex:
sed -i '/^log4j-core/ s/[-]* /log4j-core-2.17.1.jar/'
With your shown samples please try following sed program. Using -E option with sed to enable ERE(extended regular expressions) with it. In main program using substitute option to perform substitution. Using sed's capability to use regex and store matched values into temp buffer(capturing groups). Matching till last occurrence of / and then matching log4j-core till jar at last of value. While substituting it with 1st capturing group value(till last occurrence of /) followed by new value of log4j as per OP's requirement.
sed -E 's/(^.*\/)log4j-core-.*\.jar$/\1log4j-core-2.17.1.jar/' Input_file
Using sed
$ sed -E 's/(log4j-core-)[0-9.]+/\12.17.1./' input_file
It depends on possible other contents in your input file how specific the search pattern must be.
sed 's/log4j-core-.*\.jar/log4j-core-2.17.1.jar/' inputfile
sed 's/log4j-core-[0-9.]*\.jar/log4j-core-2.17.1.jar/' inputfile
or (if log4j-core*.jar is always the last part of the line)
sed 's/log4j-core.*/log4j-core-2.17.1.jar/' inputfile
sed -i s'#2.10.0.jar$#2.17.1.jar#'g file
That seems to work.

How to toggle a comment in a line using sed

I have a txt file with a line I want to comment, I am using sed
comment out
sed -i 's/line1/#line1/' myfile.ini
uncomment out
sed -i 's/#line1/line1/' myfile.ini
this works but the problem is that sometimes I run this twice by mistake, and I end up with a line like
so when I run the uncomment command, the line is now
is there an alternative to toggle the comment? this is inside a bash script so I am happy to add a few lines if necessary.
You can use this sed command:
sed -i 's/^[[:blank:]]*line1/#&/' myfile.ini
Here matching pattern is ^[[:blank:]]*line1 which means match start of line followed by 0 or more whitespace characters before matching line1. And replacement is #& to place # before matched string.
Similarly for uncommenting use:
sed -Ei 's/^#([[:blank:]]*line1)/\1/' myfile.ini
Which matches # at line start followed by 0 or more whitespaces before matching line1. It capture part after # in capture group #1 and uses back-reference \1 in replacement to remove just the # part.
Building Upon #Anubhava's Answer,
You can combine the two into a One-Liner to Toggle comments with:
sed -Ei 's/^[[:blank:]]*line1/#&/;t;s/^#([[:blank:]]*line1)/\1/' myfile.ini
For MacOS/OSX and Other BSD Systems, You can do:
sed -Ei'' 's/^[[:blank:]]*line1/#&/;t;s/^#([[:blank:]]*line1)/\1/' myfile.ini
This is a simple "if-else" statement in sed.
More About Sed Branching & Flow Control Here

Sed how to find and replace a value using a bash variable [duplicate]

I have a configuration file (gpsd.default) containing data with the following format:
# If you must specify a non-NMEA driver, uncomment and modify the next line
I am making a change on the file with sed:
sed -i 's/^GPS_DEVICES="".*/GPS_DEVICES="dev/ttyUSB1"/' /etc/default/gpsd.default
sed -i '4s/^.*/GPS_DEVICES="dev/ttyUSB1"/' /etc/default/gpsd.default
The above sed command returns error:
sed: bad option in substitution expression
Because the new line contains "/" in its expression.
How to update my sed command to make it work?
This is because you are using a regex containing /, which is the same character sed uses as delimiter.
Just change the sed delimiter to another one, for example ~:
sed -i 's~^GPS_DEVICES="".*~GPS_DEVICES="dev/ttyUSB1"~' /etc/default/gpsd.default
By the way, since you are changing files in /etc, you may want to use -i.bak, so that the original file gets backed up. It is a good practice to prevent loss of important information.
You should update your sed command to this.
sed -i 's/^GPS_DEVICES=\"\".*/GPS_DEVICES=\"dev\/ttyUSB1\"/' /etc/default/gpsd.default

I am having trouble with Sed

I am trying to use the sed command to replace this line:
When I use:
sed -i '/s/firstline/secondline/g'
It doesn't work. I think the periods are messing it up. How do I get around this?
sed uses regular expressions, so . matches any character. If you want to only match the . character itself, tell sed to look for \.
so to change the first line into the second line:
sed -e 's/charmm\.c36a4.20140107\.newcali4\.fixhcali\.grange\.b/charmm.20140911.c36a4.3rd.ghost2.model3rd/g' < filetochange >newfile
Here, I added "g" so it does it globally, ie, if there are several instances on the same line, all will be changed. If you remove the "g", it will only change the first occurence on each line.
It reads from filetochange and writes to newfile
If you do :
sed -i -e 's/charmm\.c36a4.20140107\.newcali4\.fixhcali\.grange\.b/charmm.20140911.c36a4.3rd.ghost2.model3rd/g' filetochange
it will directly do the change in "filetochange" ... but please be careful, a badly written sed -i could mess up the file and make it unusable
The s command follows this syntax:
You need to drop the / in front of the sed command.

Sed replace ">" to "/>" bash

I'm newbie and I would like to replace "special" caracters with sed. I have an xml file that it is not well formed and at the end of any data row it finish with ">" I need to scrap it and to do it I need to change ">" with "/>". But when I try:
sed -i s/>//>/g FILE
returns => -bash: //: Is a directory
same with:
sed -i s/>/\/>/g FILE
also with
sed -i s,>,\>,g FILE
Man page doesn't solve this problem.
Does anyone face this issue?
You should escape the slash character if you use it a separator:
sed 's/>/\/>/g'
Or use another character e.g.:
sed 's_>_/>_g'
Note that this will replace all matches in the file, not just the last one
If you want to match only > not preceded by /, you can use this:
sed -r 's_[^/]>_/>_g' file
Would sed -i 's/>$//>/g' FILE work for you?
$ echo "<blah> <blah>" | sed 's/>$/\/>/g'
<blah> <blah/>
