Foursquare api doesn't return correct checkins information - foursquare

I was tested foursquare api to use it in future projects and faced a strange problem.
I will explain it in example.
You check in via Swarm app to the place 1 and call venue here now endpoint<token>
you receive correct data, your user is displayed in items array field
Then you check in to place 2 and call same endpoint. The check in data is correct, your user is in items array.
But when you check in back to place 1, your user are not included in items array
Instead foursquare thoughts that you are still checked in to place 2.
Also when you check in recent endpoint it will return that your recent check in is to place 1
"response":{"recent":[{"id":"583ee16ed8b0ed757138ec10","createdAt":1480515950,"type":"checkin","timeZoneOffset":120,"user":{"id":"355625527","firstName":"Dima","gender":"male","relationship":"self","photo":{"prefix":"https:\/\/\/img\/user\/","suffix":"\/blank_boy.png","default":true}},"venue":{"id":"559bac8f498effd9368131f6","name":"Львiвськi пляцки","contact":{"phone":"0936567878","formattedPhone":"093 656 7878","facebook":"288574604603052","facebookUsername":"lvivskipljacky","facebookName":"Львівські пляцки"},"location":{"address":"вул. Богдана Хмельницького, 10","lat":50.44546701910413,"lng":30.51702892776601,"labeledLatLngs":[{"label":"display","lat":50.44546701910413,"lng":30.51702892776601}],"postalCode":"01001","cc":"UA","city":"Kyiv","state":"Kyiv City","country":"Ukraine","formattedAddress":["вул. Богдана Хмельницького, 10","Kyiv, 01001"]},"categories":[{"id":"4bf58dd8d48988d16a941735","name":"Bakery","pluralName":"Bakeries","shortName":"Bakery","icon":{"prefix":"https:\/\/\/img\/categories_v2\/food\/bakery_","suffix":".png"},"primary":true}],"verified":false,"stats":{"checkinsCount":2782,"usersCount":1890,"tipCount":75},"url":"http:\/\/\/uk\/restaurants\/lvivskipljacky\/","allowMenuUrlEdit":true,"beenHere":{"unconfirmedCount":0,"marked":false,"lastCheckinExpiredAt":0},"specials":{"count":0}},"source":{"name":"Swarm for Android","url":"https:\/\/"},"photos":{"count":0,"items":[]},"posts":{"count":0,"textCount":0},"likes":{"count":0,"groups":[]},"like":false,"comments":{"count":0},"isMayor":false}]}
Did anyone also face this problem too? Or does foursquare api have some limitation for check-ins? I searched though web about it, but cannot find any useful information

A user will show in the venue "Here Now" for 3 hours after they checkin OR until they checkin at another venue. In your example, a user will not appear in Place 1s "here now" if their checkin pattern is Place 1 -> Place 2 -> Place 1. I'm not sure if this is a bug or done intentionally as a quality control.


GetMyeBaySelling API does not return Unsold items even though they exist

Please bear with me because I'm new to eBay APIs but basically I'm trying to:
Get a list of item IDs which are Active
Get a list of item IDs which are Unsold
So the problem is pretty straightforward and I'm currently using the GetMyeBaySelling API call with an XML input that looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetMyeBaySellingRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
Again, very simple. I understand that I will get the list of all Active items, the list of all Unsold/Sold items, etc. because I've set the <DetailLevel> field to ReturnAll in the input XML above
The problem is that for some reason, for one account that I'm testing this call on, it doesn't return the list of unsold items, as in, it doesn't return the container in the XML response, I'm talking about this one:
<UnsoldList> .... </UnsoldList>
This is weird because that one particular eBay account has more than 20 unsold items in it
Now this is where things get really weird, if I tested the API call on other eBay accounts, it works just fine and returns the list of all Unsold items with no problem 😕
Did I do something wrong here or is there some kind of bug in this eBay API call?
It turns out that we have to specify
Where {numberOfDays} is an integer value which represents how far back in the past do the unsold listings we want to extract have to be?
In this case, we can specify 60, which is the maximum number of days accepted by the GetMyeBaySelling API to indicate that we want all unsold listings which ended within the past 60 days.
So what happened was that on this one particular account, all of the unsold listings ended on 5th of December 2020. Whatever the default {numberOfDays} for DurationInDays value set by eBay is, it's clearly not big enough to cover these listings which ended on 5th of December 2020. Hence, by specifying it to 60 days, I got all of the unsold listings just fine :)
So for whoever out there who's facing a similar problem, remember this field, it could very well fix the problem that you have (if it's anything similar to mine).

Instagram: Get photos from a tag after a specified photo

I'm working on an instagram scraper for something and I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to get all photos for a tag that have an id or timestamp later than the last one I have.
The instagram API docs are useless in that they don't have any real info on pagination (which I presume I'll have to abuse).
Does anyone have any ideas?
I've been slogging through the Instagram API for the last couple of days so here's my 2 cents worth:
As far as I can see it if you call the api with /tags/tag-name/media/recent it only return a list if items. If the amount exceeds about 25 you have to make another request with the pagination value returned in the previous request.
In order to gain some control I am initially iterating through all images and storing the results (just the URL not the actual image) to a database. Now I can manipulate however I want. When I feel like updating (I'm doing it manually now but could be a cron job or use the real-time api) I re-read all the images, compare to what I have in my DB and add possible new images. My app then reads out the url and info from my DB (which btw is a heck of a lot faster than going through the instagram api, which will only return about 25 images per request - regardless of any 'count' parameter value you put in the request url) and displays it.
I am developing this for a client who is afraid of people posting nsfw or whatever pics using their dedicated hashtag (for a contest) - with the above set up I can offer them an interface where they can check and mark images that are then displayed in the app.
One thing to watch out for is when a user deletes his picture; you will have to find a way to check for this. Currently (since I'm lazy) I load all images and use jquery to check for an error loading the image. If there is one I delete the image from the DB (via ajax).
I'm not sure the pagination is going to help you: as far as I can see the pagination response has no relation to the id's of the actual image objects on each page - so theoretically a pagination id that jumps to a certain page (i.e. date) might not work tomorrow if enough images have been deleted in the mean time.
to get all images instead of latest 20, just append &count=-1 to your api call - it's that simple.
In either case, there is a timestamp on each json object - or if you prefer, you can use max_tag_id
check out my post here: there any way to show more than 20 photos of the instagram API?
* Update April 2014: count=-1 is no longer available.

How do I query Google Checkout using an order number?

I have a merchant account on Google checkout. I can view all the orders buyers put when I log on to From there, I can search for a specific order number and view details about it.
I want to do the same programmatically, but after looking through the checkout API I can not find anything related to this issue. Basically my input will be an order number and the output I want will be details regarding that ordre, or at least a boolean indicating whether that order exists or not.
One option is to use the Order Report API to download a list of Google Checkout orders into a CSV file, then search localy. You are limited to the last 31 days.

No photos (count == 0) in most recent checkin that returned after requesting complete user object

When I request the complete user it has most recent checkin object with photos.count == 0 but that is not true. Is it known bug?
Writing in this as my question is related.
This is my foursquare user id 62901880
Question related to foursquare checkin workflow:
I tried checkin multiple times to a location with Shout and Photo. I don't see picture showing up every time. Is this internal workflow to not associate photo with checkin conditionally.
a. does not show photo on UI
b. shows picture.
Question related to /v2/checkins/recent api endpoint:
a. I get a photo count of zero with some checkins containing photo checkin while fetching response from above endpoint did not had any photos earlier using cron job. Is it possible ?
Question related to /v2 endpoints in general:
There are 2 types of objects Compact and Complete documented with all endpoints. Is there an option that could be passed to fetch Compact or Complete objects.
Please let me know if you need more info

Foursquare get venue details

We are planning to use foursquare api to get venue in a particular city. I want data of all the food outlets in a particular city. I have managed to get the categories list but not sure how to get venues from that particular category in a particular city or area.
Please share some tutorials or document which i can check out.
One way of doing what you want will be using the Venues Platform for browsing according to a category ID.
Look at venue search API reference.
Example of using it:
I know that 4bf58dd8d48988d11f941735 is nightlife (just picked the first one I saw)
So I will call the API (the ll is someplace in New York):,-73.9972&categoryId=4bf58dd8d48988d11f941735&limit=50&intent=browse&radius=1500&your ids/oauth
Or use the explorer to see results right away.
Important, read the search API and the parameters used here to alter behavior to your needs.
Another very important thing, the API parameters are case sensitive!! (so if they want categoryId, categoryid will not work :) )
