Orchard CMS move site to tenancy - orchardcms

I have finished creating two Orchard CMS websites. After looking into production hosting on Azure, I have decided I would like to host them in one of two ways:
As tenants of a single master site
Using a table prefix to share the SQL Server database
I know during initial set up you can specify a table prefix to allow multiple sites in one database. Is it possible to do this after initial set up? Will I have to set up a new site and then export/import all my data into the new site with the prefixed tables?
Is it possible to migrate a site to be a tenant? Or is this similar to above; create a new site and import all the data into the tenant?

As per Bertrand's comment, I created a new site with two tenants. I used the same SQL Server database with table prefixes. I exported all the data from my two sites and imported them into the tenants.
One thing I had to do was to delete the cache.dat file in App_Data and restart the website.


Extracting Sharepoint site information from Sharepoint database

How is the sharepoint data stored in the database? We had a sharepoint site which is not there anymore however the databases are still present. The names of the databases are:-
Is it possible that I extract data from these database? Lets suppose I want data from an specific page of the site, which table should I look at for that?
Sharepoint_AdminContent: Central Administration content database. It stores all configuration data for the Central Administration site collection.
Sharepoint_Config: configuration database. The configuration database contains data about the following:
SharePoint databases
Internet Information Services (IIS) web sites
Web applications
Trusted solutions
Web Part packages
Site templates
Web applications
Distributed Cache configuration objects
WSS_Content: Content Database. Content databases store all content for a site collection. This includes site documents or files in document libraries, list data, Web Part properties, audit logs, and sandboxed solutions, in addition to user names and rights.
WSS_Search: Search service database. This database is used for the search services. It contains the information that is required for searching content.
The data from an specific page of the site should be stored in the content database WSS_Content.
Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/technical-reference/database-types-and-descriptions

Azure mobile apps not seeing any tables in easy table

I'm creating a mobile app backend with Azure App Service. I created a database connection to an existing sqlserver db. However, when I clicked on the Easy Tables blade there were no results of the current table. How can I use the existing tables with this mobile app? Thanks
OK i figured this one out .. make sure the app connection string is correct, then go ahead and add the table to the easy tables list (like a new table), it will pick up all the existing columns in the table automatically!
Be careful: It also messes with the table structure adding deleted and roversion etc columns in azure style. It doesnt seem to delete anything though

Unable to create Easy Tables in Azure

I have created a Mobile App and Database in Microsoft Azure. Now I am trying to create Easy Tables from Mobile App but I am getting error message "You need database to use East Tables. Click here to create one.
Even though I have existing database Easy Tables doesn't list it.
Below is the screenshot.
I have mapped Data Connection with mobile app, below is the screenshot
It would be great if anyone can help, I am new to azure.
Your connection string must be created with name: MS_TableConnectionString
Just because you have a database doesn't mean it is linked. Click on Data Connections, then Add, then add your existing SQL database.
Note that Easy Tables won't recognize the existing tables unless you add them through Easy Tables. There are notes around the format of Id (it needs to be
a string) and other fields.
When you created your Database Server did you check "Allow azure services to access server"? That could be why you cannot see the Database listed.

Dynamic Data Source at run time based on Active Directory account

I have a set of SSRS reports that I want to provide access to multiple customers. Each customer has their own database. There is a shared data source that all the reports access. Each customer's database has identical schema/objects, only the data is different. Each customer has an Active Directory login.
Is there a way for the Shared Data Source to dynamically change which database it connects to based on the user accessing the report? Is there a way using SSRS integrated with Sharepoint?
The only other solution I've seen is passing in the Server/Database as parameters, which would require an application and use of the web service.
Sharepoint Mode might offer some (AD) authentication and datasource stuff I don't know about, but you could combine the parameter solution you mention with the [%UserId] global, and build a connection dynamically based on it.
Here's an alternative solution with a single source report, deployed once per client:
create one report folder per database
use a shared data source, one per database (located in that folder)
on first deploy, configure the data source connection for each database
set OverwriteDatasources to false
set up a deployment process (using multiple configurations, or perhaps a script) that deploys the source report to all customer folders
update your site so each user gets to see a report from the corresponding customer folder

Backing up and restoring a sharepoint content database across two machines, hosed my sharepoint app

I have sharepoint sites provisioned on two machines A and B. I would like to take the content database from machine A and restore it into the site on machine B.
I used SQL backup to backup machine A's database, and restored it to machine B, overwriting the existing content database. However, my sharepoint site became unreachable - I would get a generic site not found error. Did I also have to back up and restore SharePoint_Config database too?
What is the best practices for this kind of scenario?
You need to tell sharepoint where your new database is. just go to the content database management page on central administration. there you will see your previous database mapped to the web application. remove it and and the new database. it will map the web app to it and your sites will come back. be careful when entering the server and database name, as you could create a new db instead of connecting to the existing one if you mistype the name
