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Closed 6 years ago.
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So what I'm wanting to do is pretty lame. Anyway, what I'm wanting to do is basically make a bot that will do some specified tasks for me.
I have an emulator on my laptop that when open, operates like an Android phone, and I'm using Snapchat on it. What I have been trying to do is make it send my 'streaks' on Snapchat a picture everyday at specified times. I have tried using a Macro Recorder to do this, but the loading time varies.
My questions are:
1) What programming language should I use for this?
2) What would be the best application to use? (Like Notepad, or some other application)
Any help is appreciated :)
Have you heard of autohotkey (AHK)? It's a macro app, but also a very powerful programming language. Entire apps have been written in it.
You can also use it to control other programs.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'd like to write some library/app to interact with Galaxy Buds.
I assume that this would require me to somehow sniff packages it sends to my mobile telephone and get which corresponds to what command(volume/pause/play) and so on. And then write some wrapper for it? I'd like to make this app/library reusable between different Linux distros, and not-that-hard-portable to Mac OS.
Knowing all that I still in the place where I'm not sure where to start from.
I'd appreciate suggestions to any part of this process e.g (Programming language selection, software for BT sniffing ...)
I do have some experience with C#/Java/C++, but I'm willing to learn if these aren't most suitable for solving the issue.
I don't know that much about the libraries needed for such a solution, but as far as sniffing is concerned, I know that Wireshark (WireShark_Bluetooth_Sniffing) is a good starting place.Once you isolate the touch commands, I assume you can map them to media commands, as described here: D-Bus_Media_Commands
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am writing a console application in visual c++, and I want to display the system information like one displayed when we right click on Computer icon on desktop. I want to display the information like name of processor, its speed, RAM (how much used and how much free), hard drive (whether it is fixed or removable), name of computer, Windows OS version and edition name, etc. Help appreciated.
There is different function for that. If you are on Windows and are looking for the windows version : this function should be ok :
And for the hardware information you can find some of them thanks to this function :
Hope this helps
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to learn how to create a program that will automate web browser functions like filling out forms as well as clicking buttons. The program must be able to run multiple tasks at one time.
For example: fill out a form on 2 pages at the same time. I did some research and found that I would have to most likely use a C language and ASP.NET. Speed is definitely a factor as well. The program must be able to automate the functions extremely quickly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You could do this with Selenium. Selenium supports several browsers & many languages.
Your other option would be to send cURL requests to the address the forms are sending the data to.
It depends on the forms as to which method above is simpler.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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When you execute your Alloy-code in Analyzer you get some message like "No counterexample was found". And I want extract this message. I want, for example, get .txt file with this message. Can somebody help me?
The cleanest and easiest way to do this would be to write a small java program that makes calls to the Alloy API to analyze given models and write the result in a text file (example here).
Now if you want to choose the hard and dirty way, that is: to extract such information from the guenuine Alloy analyzer GUI (not from a program of your own that calls the Alloy API),I guess a solution could be to use image recognition scripting tools like sikuli.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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VBA solutions can vary widely in size.
I would like to add user help documentation to all solutions but the level of effort to create and deploy the help needs to match the size of the solution.
You should check the VBA version of MZ-Tools. It is an add-in for VBA that can automatically generate documentation from your code (function name, parameters, comments, subject, etc.). You can also use it to automatically generate line numbers, onError labels, etc. More on the automatic documenting feature can be found here.
It is free, easy, and very efficient. Once you notice how much you save time by using it, please do like me: donate.
You may wish to consider HTML Help. It allows you to produce help files that are similar to standard Microsoft help. It is not particularly difficult to use, for the most part.