I need to convert the columns into rows .Please help me in the below requirement in spark scala code.input file is | delimiter and one of the column having comma delimiter value.based on the comma delimiter i need to convert them into rows
my input records:
expected output :
First read the dataframe as csv with | as a separator:
This provides a dataframe with the base columns you need except the third which would be a string. Lets say you renamed this column to be called _c2 (the default name for the third column). Now you can split the string to get an array
We also remove the previous column as we don't need it anymore.
Lastly we use explode to turn the array to rows and drop the unused column
from pyspark.sql.functions import split
from pyspark.sql.functions import explode
df1 = spark.read.csv("pathToFile", sep="|")
df2 = df1.withColumn("splitted", split(df1["_c2"],",")).drop("_c2")
df3 = df2.withColumn("exploded", explode(df2["splitted"])).drop("splitted")
or in scala (free form)
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.split
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.explode
val df1 = spark.read.csv("pathToFile", sep="|")
val df2 = df1.withColumn("splitted", split(df1("_c2"),",")).drop("_c2")
val df3 = df2.withColumn("exploded", explode(df2("splitted"))).drop("splitted")
I have an array in the format [27.214 27.566] - there can be several numbers. Additionally I have a Datetime variable.
datetime=now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
agilent.write("MEAS:TEMP? (#101:102)")
values = np.fromstring(agilent.read(), dtype=float, sep=',')
The output from the array is [27.214 27.566]
Now I would like to write this into a dataframe with the following structure:
Datetime, FirstValueArray, SecondValueArray, ....
How to do this? In the dataframe every one minute a new array is added.
I will assume you want to append a row to an existing dataframe df with appropriate columns : value1, value2, ..., lastvalue, datetime
We can easily convert the array to a series :
s = pd.Series(array)
What you want to do next is append the datetime value to the series :
s.append(datetime, ignore_index=True) cf Series.append
Now you have a series whose length matches df.columns. You want to convert that series to a dataframe to be able to use pd.concat :
df_to_append = s.to_frame().T
We need to get the transpose of the original dataframe, because Series.to_frame() returns a dataframe with the series as a single column, and we want a single index but multiple columns.
Before you concatenate, however, you need to make sure both those dataframes columns names match, or it will create additional columns :
df_to_append.columns = df.columns
Now we can concatenate our two dataframes :
pd.concat([df, df_to_append], ignore_index=True) cf pandas.Concat
For further details, see the documentation
I am trying to read the first row from a file and then filter that from the dataframe.
I am using take(1) to read the first row. I then want to filter this from the dataframe (it could appear multiple times within the dataset).
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql.session import SparkSession
sc = SparkContext(appName = "solution01")
spark = SparkSession(sc)
df1 = spark.read.csv("/Users/abc/test.csv")
header = df1.take(1)
final_df = df1.filter(lambda x: x != header)
However I get the following error TypeError: condition should be string or Column.
I was trying to follow the answer from Nicky here How to skip more then one lines of header in RDD in Spark
The data looks like (but will have multiple columns that i need to do the same for):
I want the result as:
take on dataframe results list(Row) we need to get the value use [0][0] and
In filter clause use column_name and filter the rows which are not equal to header
header = df1.take(1)[0][0]
#filter out rows that are not equal to header
final_df = df1.filter(col("<col_name>") != header)
I have a dataframe df as below.
I want the final dataframe to be like this as follows. i.e, for each unique Name only last 2 rows must be present in the final output.
i tried the following snippet but its not working.
df = df[df['Name']].tail(2)
Use GroupBy.tail:
df1 = df.groupby('Name').tail(2)
Just one more way to solve this using GroupBy.nth:
df1 = df.groupby('Name').nth([-1,-2]) ## this will pick the last 2 rows
I am trying to find a substring across all columns of my spark dataframe using PySpark. I currently know how to search for a substring through one column using filter and contains:
How do I extend this statement, or utilize another, to search through multiple columns for substring matches?
You can generalize the statement the filter in one go:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, count, when
# Converts all unmatched filters to NULL and drops them.
df = df.select([when(col(c).contains('substring'), col(c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns]).na.drop()
You can simply loop over the columns and apply the same filter:
for col in df.columns:
df = df.filter(df[col].contains("substring"))
You can search through all columns and fill next dataframe and union results, like this:
columns = ["language", "else"]
data = [
("Java", "Python"),
("Python", "100000"),
("Scala", "3000"),
df = spark.createDataFrame(data).toDF(*columns)
schema = df.schema
df2 = spark.createDataFrame(data=[], schema=schema)
for col in df.columns:
df2 = df2.unionByName(df.filter(df[col].like("%Python%")))
|language| else|
| Python|100000|
| Java|Python|
Result will contain first 2 rows, because they have value 'Python' in some of the columns.
I have a dataframe df1 with 150 columns and many rows. I also have a dataframe df2 with the same schema but very few rows containing edits that should be applied to df1 (there's a key column id to identify which row to update). df2 has only columns with updates populated. The other of the columns are null. What I want to do is to update the rows in df1 with correspoding rows from dataframe df2 in the following way:
if a column in df2 is null, it should not cause any changes in df1
if a column in df2 contains a tilde "~", it should result in nullifying that column in df1
otherwise the value in column in df1 should get replaced with the value from df2
How can I best do it? Can it be done in a generic way without listing all the columns but rather iterating over them? Can it be done using dataframe API or do I need to switch to RDDs?
(Of course by updating dataframe df1 I mean creating a new, updated dataframe.)
Let's say the schema is: id:Int, name:String, age: Int.
df1 is:
df2 is:
The updated dataframe should look like this:
you can also use case or coalesce using full outer join to merge the two dataframes. see a link below for an explanation.
Spark incremental loading overwrite old record
I figured out how to do it with an intermediate conversion to RDD. First, create a map idsToEdits where keys are row ids and values are maps of column numbers to values (only the non-null ones).
val idsToEdits=df2.rdd.map{row=>
.map{case (k,v)=> (row.fieldIndex(k),if(v=="~") null else v)} )
Broadast that map and define an editRow function updating a row.
val idsToEditsBr=sc.broadcast(idsToEdits)
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
val editRow:Row=>Row={ row =>
.map{edits => Row.fromSeq(edits.foldLeft(row.toSeq){case (rowSeq,
Finally, use that function on RDD derived from df1 and convert back to a dataframe.
val updatedDF=spark.createDataFrame(df1.rdd.map(editRow),df1.schema)
It sounds like your question is how to perform this without explcitly naming all the columns so I will assume you have some "doLogic" udf function or dataframe functions to perform your logic after joining.
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StringType
val cols = df1.schema.filterNot(x => x.name == "id").map({ x =>
if (x.dataType == StringType) {
doLogicUdf(col(x), col(x + "2")))
} else {
when(col(x + "2").isNotNull, col(x + "2")).otherwise(col(x))
}) :+ col("id")
val df2 = df2.select(df2.columns.map( x=> col(x).alias(x+"2")) : _*))
df1.join(df2, col("id") ===col("id2") , "inner").select(cols : _*)