How to change the values in MultiSlider in react-native? - text

I am working on react-native <MultiSlider> component, but one thing i just want to know, how do i change the value when i am sliding.
Default Value:
Sliding Values:
constructor() {
this.state = {
priceRange : [0,10],
<Text style={Styles.filter_label_label}>0 - 35,000</Text>
onValuesChange={this.sliderOnChangeValue} />
So on the above code i am calling sliderOnChangeValue() function onValuesChange i want to change the <Text> component values on range change.
Please kindly go through my above post and let me know if you find any solution.

I recommend you refamiliarize yourself with the basics of React. Your approach is rather fundamentally flawed.
Callback functions cannot render things, they must update your component's state and your render function should output the UI based on state and props.
Follow the React Native Slider example on the docs website. It's nearly exactly what you want.

Try below code:
values={[parseInt(this.state.multiSliderValue[0]), parseInt(this.state.multiSliderValue[1])]}
and notice above code
values={[parseInt(this.state.multiSliderValue[0]), parseInt(this.state.multiSliderValue[1])]}
selectedStyle={{backgroundColor: '#f5a540'}}
markerStyle={{backgroundColor: '#f5a540'}}
Its working with me.


Render a <Text> as <p> with fluent ui react

I would like to be able to render the ms fluent-ui as a paragraph instead of the default span for accessibility reasons but the documentation is very unclear on what exact input is expected and in what format. I would expect something like this:
<Text as={<p />}>
<Text as={(someProps) => <p>{someProps}</p>}>
Can anyone help me out with how this is supposed to be done?
You are on the right path with second example. The problem is you need React Component instead to return directly <p> tag.
// Custom Paragraph Component
const Paragraph = ({ children }) => <p>{children}</p>
<Text as={Paragraph}>Test</Text>
Codepen working example.

How to focus a styled component?

I have a styled component:
const StyledComponent = styled.div`
and I want to focus it when the component that uses it is mounted:
class someComponent extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {;
render() {
return (
<StyledComponent innerRef={(elem) => { = elem; }}>
this technique does not work - is there a solution for this?
You can't focus non-interactive elements without the use of tabIndex ("tabindex" in normal HTML). The "div" element is considered non-interactive (unlike anchor links "a" and button controls "button".)
If you want to be able to focus this element, you'll need to add a tabIndex prop. You can use .attrs if desired to have it be added automatically so you don't need to write the prop every time.
This link
has an example with both React 16 React.createRef() and the callback method.
Have you tried setting the autoFocus attribute, or is that not fit for your use case?
Try passing the autoFocus prop to your StyledComponent like <StyledComponent autoFocus />.

TouchableHighLight onPress inside a map function in react native

I have an array of images that I want to display in a component in react native.
I use map function to iterate over the array and display it. I also have a delete button on top of the image.
The relevant code is :,i){
return (
<View style={{alignItems:'center',justifyContent:'center', height:75, width:75, borderRadius:25}}>
<Image style={{position:'absolute',resizeMode:'cover', top:0,left:0, borderRadius:38,height:75, width:75, opacity:0.5}} source={{uri: img.path }} />
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => this.removeItem(i)}>
<Image style={{}} source={require('./Images/images_asset65.png')} />
The problem is the TouchableHighlight, where I have an event, when the event fires I get an error regarding "this" (undefined is not a function).
I know this is a scope problem but I cant figure it out.
Is the use of an arrow function is correct here?
If you want to use this inside your map function, you have to change to an arrow function so this points to the outer scope., i) => {
return (
<View style={{alignItems:'center',justifyContent:'center', height:75, width:75, borderRadius:25}}>
<Image style={{position:'absolute',resizeMode:'cover', top:0,left:0, borderRadius:38,height:75, width:75, opacity:0.5}} source={{uri: img.path }} />
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => this.removeItem(i)}>
<Image style={{}} source={require('./Images/images_asset65.png')} />
When you use function keyword in your code, then you lose the context and function creates its own. If you use function it is better not to forget binding these functions with bind(this) so that these functions share the same context. So in your relevant code you should change your last line to }.bind(this)). It is better to remember using bind(this) somehow when using the function keyword, even the better option is not using function and stick with the goodies comes with ES6. Last but not least one should always read docs.

Create an interactive SVG component using React

Let's say I have an SVG element with paths for all US states.
<g id="nh">
<title>New Hampshire</title>
<path d="m 880.79902,142.42476 0.869,-1.0765 1.09022,..." id="NH" class="state nh" />
The SVG data is saved in a separate file with a .svg extension. Say I want to create a React component of that map, with complete control over it so that I can modify the styling of individual states based on some external input.
Using Webpack, as far as I can tell, I have two options for loading the SVG markup: Insert it as raw markup using the raw-loader and create a component using dangerouslySetInnerHTML:
var InlineSvg = React.createClass({
render() {
var svg = require('./' + + '.svg');
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: svg}}></div>;
or manually convert the markup to valid JSX:
var NewComponent = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<g id="nh">
<title>New Hampshire</title>
<path d="m 880.79902,142.42476 0.869,-1.0765 1.09022,..." id="NH" className="state nh" />
Finally, let's say that in addition to the SVG map, there's a simple HTML list of all the states. Whenever a user hovers over a list item, the corresponding SVG path should shift fill color.
Now, what I can't seem to figure out is how to update the React SVG component to reflect the hovered state. Sure, I can reach out into the DOM, select the SVG state by classname and change its color, but that doesn't seem to be the "react" way to do it. A pointing finger would be much appreciated.
PS. I'm using Redux to handle all communication between components.
You need to do two things:
1) Set an event listener on each list item to inform your app of the highlighted item.
onMouseOver={() => this.handleHover('NH')}
onMouseOut={() => this.handleUnhover()}
New Hampshire
2) Capture the data, and propagate it your SVG component.
This is the more complicated part, and it comes down to how you've structured your app.
If your entire app is a single React component, then handleHover would simply update the component state
If your app is divided into multiple components, then handleHover would trigger a callback passed in as a prop
Let's assume the latter. The component methods might look like this:
handleHover(territory) {
handleUnhover() {
Assuming you have a parent component, which contains both the SVG map and the list, it might look something like this:
class MapWrapper extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
highlighted: null;
setHighlight(territory) {
highlighted: territory
render() {
const highlighted = { this.state };
return (
<MapDiagram highlighted={highlighted} />
<TerritoryList onHighlight={(terr) => this.setHighlight(terr)} />
The key here is the highlighted state variable. Every time a new hover event occurs, highlighted changes in value. This change triggers a re-render, and the new value is passed onto MapDiagram which can then determine which part of the SVG to highlight.

Alloy require could not find module

Problem: Trying out a simple demo for a custom tabgroup in Titanium Alloy. However, the compiler keeps failing with the message Could not find module: common. What I thought would be a straightforward test is anything but.
Titanium SDK: 3.1.3.GA
OS: iOS 7.x
var common = require('common');
function tabGroupClicked(e) {
Alloy.Globals.parent = $;
Alloy.Globals.tabGroup = $.tabGroup;
Alloy.Globals.selectedTab = $.tab1;
exports.tabGroupClicked = function(e){
if (Alloy.Globals.selectedTab !== e.source){
// reset the selected tab
Alloy.Globals.previousTab = Alloy.Globals.selectedTab;
Alloy.Globals.selectedTab = e.source;
// change the selected flag
Alloy.Globals.previousTab.selected = false;
Alloy.Globals.selectedTab.selected = true;
// change the background image
Alloy.Globals.previousTab.backgroundImage = Alloy.Globals.previousTab.disabledImage;
Alloy.Globals.selectedTab.backgroundImage = Alloy.Globals.selectedTab.selectedImage;
// swapping the zindexes of the childTabs
<Window id="index" class="container">
<View id="tabGroupWindow" zIndex="0" class="container">
<Require src="tabThreeView" id="tabThreeView"/>
<Require src="tabTwoView" id="tabTwoView"/>
<Require src="tabOneView" id="tabOneView" />
<!-- Custom tab group -->
<View id="tabGroup">
<View id="tab1" onClick="tabGroupClicked"></View>
<View id="tab2" onClick="tabGroupClicked"></View>
<View id="tab3" onClick="tabGroupClicked"></View>
Can anyone see anything that I'm obviously overlooking? I've cleaned the project, restarted Studio, scoured forums for any reference to this issue. Not finding a reference usually means I forgot some basic detail.
Your help is appreciated.
To use the require function, you have to create a service.
So the common.js module as you nammed it, has to be under this folder : app/lib. If it's not in the lib folder, it will not be recognized, and it will not be required.
You can find more help in this page.
