Visual Studio Express 2012 can't add connection to Visual Studio Team Services - visual-studio-2012

I was going to add a connection to Visual Studio Team Services, I entered the URL and clicked OK button and then this happened:
I waited for 1-2 mins, nothing or no event happened, it is still a white blank page. So I closed it and then this error appeared,
How to fix this? Or is it possible to put credentials on the link/URL?

Use a modern browser. It looks like you're using an unsupported version of Internet Explorer -- VS Team Services supports IE11, nothing earlier.

This mostly happens if you don't enter correct user name and password or your user doesn't have access to TFS server.
1- Try login to TFS outside VS to see whether you have access, which eliminates the access issue if you have.
And you have to be in TFS security group based on here.
If none of these helps, try to run VS with admin privilege.

The Visual Studio uses IE and can't be changed to chrome, you can check this user voice, so you need to upgrade your IE to IE 11.


Q: Creation of Azure Resource Group Project in Visual Studio 2015

I am trying to create a new Azure Resource Group Project for Creating a Logic Apps Solution in Visual Studio 2015 however I am facing the below error mentioned in the Screenshot.
It seems a issue caused by visual studio instead of azure. You may have a corrupt install and depending on the order that dlls are loaded determines whether you see the error or not.
This is a workaround in the similar issue that you could refer to.
The workaround - which does not always work right away - is to Sign out of Visual Studio (This takes 2 attempts to sign out and remove the credentials). Then reboot the PC. Once logged into WIndows, launch Visual Studio - DO NOT SIGN IN. Open the solution, right click on the Deployment project; which may or may not trigger the same dialog error. If the deployment dialog is display, then i can add account and deploy. Otherwise, i must turn off the PC and try again, and again, and again, until it starts working.
I recommend you can try the workaround if necessary.Then you could report the problem and ask the Microsoft visual studio support for help.

How do I work around this bug in Visual Studio 2012 Update 5? Project Properties, Signing

Here's the form in VS 2012 Update 5 for signing code. You get to it by right clicking a project, going to Properties and selecting the Signing tab. The form is only half displayed.
Suspecting this might be related to the fact I'm running this on a high DPI screen, I changed the resolution down. No difference. Also tried running VS in Windows 8 compatibility mode. No difference.
I could maybe edit the .csproj file directly but the schema link is broken. Thanks, Microsoft.
Anyone know a workaround? Have logged a bug in Connect.

How do I prevent Visual Studio 2015 from launching a browser after publishing an application?

I am working on a site with a publishing profile that pushes the site to a remote host. After publishing I get a new browser window that navigates to the newly published site. This is ok in most circumstances but I am in a situation where I can't allow that last step to occur, I simply want to tell visual studio not to show me the website after publishing. I've checked all the publishing settings that I can find but haven't found any option to control this. Anyone have any ideas?
Does this information from Visual Studio 2013 still hold true for 2015?
I can't check it myself, but essentially it says that in the 'connection' tab of the deploy dialog, the Destination URL setting isn't required. When Visual Studio finishes deploying the application, it automatically opens your default browser to this URL. If you don't want the browser to open automatically after deployment, leave this box blank.
Do you want to try that?
Update for Visual Studio 2019:
In the "Publish" page, look for "Configuration". On the right side, click the Pencil Icon.
In the next dialog, open the "Connection" tab, and empty the field "Destination URL".

How to get latest or commit with TFS server from Windows Explorer?

My need
Currently I have to open Visual Studio to make a get latest or a commit pending changes.
I want to do that the same way with TortoiseSVN right in Windows Explorer.
What I have tried
I made google research and comes down to using the tool called TFS 2012 Power Tools
Someone also mentioned about this issue here
Though after installed, I got nothing working as espected. Wondering did I do wrong then...
I'm using Windows 8.1 and Visual Studio 2012 Web Express.
How should I do to install it properly and get it work after all then?
Assuming that when you installed the power tools you enabled shell integration and then logged out/back in to active them, then you need to do a few things:
Do an initial 'get' from TFS using Visual Studio Team Explorer and make a note of your workspace folder.
In Windows Explorer, right click that workspace folder. You should see the context menu items appear.
Most people having trouble with the context menu appearing have forgotten that to log out and log back in, as Windows Explorer needs to be restarted to pick up the new shell extension.

TF30063: You are not authorized to access after change from TFS2010 to TFS2012

I am working with VS2012 and TFS2012. Before I have worked with VS2010 and TFS2010 and my
credential was stored in the Credential Manager. Everything works fine and the shift to
TFS2012 and VS2012 was successful. The VS2012 used the old settings in the Credential Manager.
The Admin has now changed my access to TFS with new username and pswd. After deleting my old
credentials and login via VS2012 I get the Error
"TF30063: You are not authorized to access..."
Does anyone have an idea why this might be? Mabe are the permission on TFS2012 not correct?
The Admin said, that the permission are not changed and that they have the same settings as in
Thanks in advance for every hint.
Best regards.
Most people probably get this error with visual studio. Example in vs 2013, team explorer tab - click on
Select Team Projects -> Select a Team Foundation Server
You should get prompted to login. If you had cancelled a login prompt, this is your chance to enter the credentials again.
For Visual Studio 2012
Team Explorer -> Connect to Team Projects (plug icon) -> Team Foundation Service -> Connect
For Visual Studio 2015
Team Explorer --> Connect to Team Projects (plug icon) --> Manage Connections --> Connect to Team Foundation Server
thanks to Assaf Stone for the hint, to set my comment to a answer, so that everybody can find the solution.
So if anybody run into this issue, I hope this will help you:
"After a while searching on internet I found the solution under following link
TFS 2012 – Issue: TF30063: You are not authorized to access and can’t trace permissions
A global deny on TFS was defined for my account and the deny takes precedence over any other permission."
Best regards.
My fix was "clear the package cache", it can be found here:
1 - Open VS
2 - Go to Tools-> Options
3 - Open "NuGet Package Manager" and select General
4 - Click in the button: "clear the package cache"
Simply delete whole cache in Internet Explorer did it for me.
I just received the "You are not authorized error" when trying to login via Visual Studio 2012. As #hfrmobile stated, going into Internet Explorer and clearing the entire cache worked perfectly.
You can also try restarting TFSTray, not Team Foundation Server Best Practices Analyzer.
You will have to cycle through all the TFSTray options that you may have available. In my case, I had to cycle TFSTray1 and TFSTray.
Windows (button) > type TFS > cycle throught the options, like the image below:
You could have issues with files that are locked. You must use your explorer to changed from locked to write.
These steps worked for me.
Close Visual Studio 2017
Open Visual Studio 2017 again
