Check is item sold in Amazon Product Advertising using API - amazon-product-advertising-api

In my website i have items from amazon, every items has referral link. How can i determine is item sold by refferal link using api ?


Get total sold of product variant from Shopify's API

I am trying to retrieve total of sold products variants (Like how we see them in the dashboard reports) from Shopify's dashboard via API.
I checked orders API documentation but it seems like it doesn't have any filter or endpoint that would returns that data.
I am not sure if it is possible via Shopify GraphQl or ShopifyQL.
In the documentation of ShopifyQL it says
(The Analytics API is deprecated. Please use our other APIs to get Sales, Payments, Taxes, and Customer data.)
Anybody knows how to access to that data in anyway?

Find my own product ratings via Amazon API

I need to find my product details such as ratings without scraping.
Is that possible or any existing API to get these information from?
If not is it possible to scrape it by my self any good source for free node js amazon scraper?
There does exist an API called Amazon's product advertising API.
The problem with it is that you need an Amazon associate account which is an affiliate marketing program that expects you to drive sales to products.
Product Advertising API sign up is available only to associates who have referred qualified sales and have been accepted into the program.
You could use the Keepa API. Keepa is a browser widget that scrapes Amazon through its users. The downside here is the data may not be real time. The more active an item is, the more often it is scraped. You can pull price, offers, reviews, rating, and more. The plugin is free, but the API is not.

How to post items for sale via an API on Instagram

Instagram provides a way for people to sell stuff via posts and stories on their platform 0
I notice that, for example, Shopify offers 1 a way to post products for sale from their platform to Instagram for sale.
However, Instagram does not appear to document an API for this 2
What mechanisms/APIs/hacks can one use to publish items in an automated way for sale on Instagram?

Getting Stripe Checkout Product SKU from Stripe charge API

I have a very basic website that runs a stripe checkout with 2 product. This all works fine and I am able to sell products and they appear in the dashboard. Now I want to automate the whole shipping process and get the shipping address for each new purchase along with what was purchased. I can get the address through the stripe API but I can't find any GET commands that can tell me which product sku was ordered along with the Charge. This seems like something that should be pretty easy to find out? It shows up in the web GUI dashboard but not in the web requests. I've read through the documents here but I'm not finding much help.
I have a working web request in python that can return all of my charges that were created but it has no product info.
Alright I found out how to do it. It's a little convoluted and should be streamlined by stripe but here is how you can do it.
First requests a list of events like this (I'm using python)
import stripe
foo = stripe. PaymentIntent.list(type='checkout.session.completed',limit=10)
Once you get the events you can find the payment intent buried inside of the json object.
payment_intent = foo['data']['object']['payment_intent']
Once you have a payment intent you can retrieve the payment_intent object from stripe like this
charges = stripe.PaymentIntent.retrieve(payment_intent)['charges']['data'][0]
which will yield a charges object that has all the billing data in it.
Now to the get the product that was ordered from that payment intent. This can be found in the event object at
item = events['data'][<insert or loop over this list element>]['data']['object']['display_items'][0]['sku']['attributes']['name']
And doing this you can get the shipping and item that was sold.

Stripe API - Get all Skus for a Product

Using the Stripe API to build a simple e-comm site. I initially was requesting all SKUs but realized what I really wanted was to display all Products.
For example, instead of listing all the variations (SKUs) of Product A, Product B, and Product C, I want to list the main Product A, Product B, and Product C. When the user view the details of Product A, then they see all related SKUs (sizes, colors, etc).
The Stripe API has an endpoint for retrieving all products, and an endpoint for retrieving a single product, but I don't see a property on the product object with the associated SKUs for that product?
How do you retrieve all SKUs for a specific Product using the Stripe API?
You can do it with the SKUs API. One of the endpoints there will list the SKUs. You can filter these SKUs based on the product. i.e.
curl \
-u sk_test_9GavlLpfiKewqeCBXvRvmVgd: \
-d product=PRODUCT_ID
Where PRODUCT_ID is a good typed product, not a service.
