Adding text into a created file - linux

I'll try and explain my issue as easy as possible.
I have made a script which unzips a file and then takes the data from the resulting files and sorts them into appropriate folders. I am now struggling with one specific part.
My script needs to output a file that contains a label for each directory and the files need to be sorted in reversible order. So far I have this:
#firstly changes to correct directory and then creates a file that contains a list of all the files in that directory sorted by size order
cd processFiles/$type1
ls -S > orderSize1.txt
cd ../$type2
ls -S > orderSize2.txt
cd ../$type3
ls -S > orderSize3.txt
cd ../misc
ls -S > orderSize4.txt
#lists file types by reverse alphabetical order
cd ../$type1
ls -r > tempfile1.txt
cd ../$type2
ls -r > tempfile2.txt
cd ../$type3
ls -r > tempfile3.txt
cd ../misc
ls -r > tempfile4.txt
So in the file I need to have it listed reverse alphabetically (which is done in my script already) but how do I put in comments saying 'these are the jpg files' or 'these are all the gif files.'?
I also need to write a separate clean up script for this, but I think that is quite easy - not too sure on it though.
Thanks for your help!

This assumes you're using bash. Other shells may do things a little differently.
As karakfa noted in a comment, you can use the echo command along with redirection to print a message to a file. For example:
echo "These are the jpeg files." > jpegfiles.txt
Then, when you run your ls command, you would use append redirection to add the results to the file:
ls -r >> jpegfiles.txt


How to search multiple DOCX files for a string within a Word field?

Is there any Windows app that will search for a string of text within fields in a Word (DOCX) document? Apps like Agent Ransack and its big brother FileLocator Pro can find strings in the Word docs but seem incapable of searching within fields.
For example, I would like to be able to find all occurrences of the string "getProposalTranslations" within a collection of Word documents that have fields with syntax like this:
{ AUTOTEXTLIST \t "<wr:out select='$.shared_quote_info' datasource='getProposalTranslations'/>" }
Note that string doesn't appear within the text of the document itself but rather only within a field. Essentially the DOCX file is just a zip file, I believe, so if there's a tool that can grep within archives, that might work. Note also that I need to be able to search across hundreds or perhaps thousands of files in many directories, so unzipping the files one by one isn't feasible. I haven't found anything on my own and thought I'd ask here. Thanks in advance.
This script should accomplish what you are trying to do. Let me know if that isn't the case. I don't usually write entire scripts because it can hurt the learning process, so I have commented each command so that you might learn from it.
# Create ~/tmp/WORDXML folder if it doesn't exist already
mkdir -p ~/tmp/WORDXML
# Change directory to ~/tmp/WORDXML
cd ~/tmp/WORDXML
# Iterate through each file passed to this script
for FILE in $#; do
# unzip it into ~/tmp/WORDXML
# 2>&1 > /dev/null discards all output to the terminal
unzip $FILE 2>&1 > /dev/null
# find all of the xml files
find -type f -name '*.xml' | \
# open them in xmllint to make them pretty. Discard errors.
xargs xmllint --recover --format 2> /dev/null | \
# search for and report if found
grep 'getProposalTranslations' && echo " [^ found in file '$FILE']"
# remove the temporary contents
rm -rf ~/tmp/WORDXML/*
}; done
# remove the temporary folder
rm -rf ~/tmp/WORDXML
Save the script wherever you like. Name it whatever you like. I'll name it docxfind. Make it executable by running chmod +x docxfind. Then you can run the script like this (assuming your terminal is running in the same directory): ./docxfind filenames...

output to a file in script directory

This probably quite basic but I have spent whole day finding an answer without much success.
I have an executable script that resides in ~/Desktop/shell/
I want a single line command to run this script from my terminal that outputs to a new directory in same directory where the script is located no matter what my present working directory is.
I was using:
mkdir -p tmp &&
./Desktop/shell/|grep '18x18'|cut -d":" -f1 > tmp/myList.txt
But it creates new directory in present working directory and not on the target location.
Any help would be appreciated.
You could solve it in one line if you pre-define a variable:
export LOC=$HOME/Desktop/shell
Then you can say
mkdir -p $LOC/tmp && $LOC/ | grep '18x18' | cut -d":" -f1 > $LOC/tmp/myList.txt
But if you're doing this repeatedly it might be better long-term to wrap so that it creates the directory, and redirects the output, for you. The grep and cut parameters, as well as the output file name, would be passed as command-line arguments and options to the wrapper.
How about this:
SCRIPTDIR="./Desktop/shell/" ; mkdir "$SCRIPTDIR/tmp" ; "$SCRIPTDIR/" | grep '18x18' | cut -d ":" -f 1 > "$SCRIPTDIR/tmp/myList.txt"
In your case you have to give the path to the script anyway. If you put the script in the path where it is automatically searched, e.g. $HOME/bin, and you can just type without the directory prefix, you can use SCRIPTDIR=$( dirname $( which ) ).
Mixing directories with binaries and data files is usually a bad idea. For temporary files /tmp is the place to go. Consider that your script might become famous and get installed by the administrator in /usr/bin and run by several people at the same time. For this reason, try to think mktemp.
Instead of doing this manually from the command line and who knows where you will move your script and put it. add the following codes
[1] Find your script directory location using dirname
script_directory=`dirname $0`
The above code will find your script directory and save it in a variable.
[2] Create your "tmp" folder in your script directory
mkdir "$script_directory/tmp 2> /dev/null"
The above code will make a directory called "tmp" in your script directory. If the directory exist, mkdir will not overwrite any existing directory using this command line and gave an error. I hide all errors by "2> /dev/null"
[3] Open your script and modify it using "cut" and then redirect the output to a new file
cat "$0"|grep '18x18'|cut -d":" -f1 > "$script_directory"/tmp/myList.txt

Copy text from multiple files, same names to different path in bash (linux)

I need help copying content from various files to others (same name and format, different path).
For example, $HOME/initial/baby.desktop has text which I need to write into $HOME/scripts/baby.desktop. This is very simple for a single file, but I have 2500 files in $HOME/initial/ and the same number in $HOME/scripts/ with corresponding names (same names and format). I want append (copy) the content of file in path A to path B (which have the same name and format), to the end of file in path B without erase the content of file in path B.
Example content of $HOME/initial/*.desktop to final $HOME/scripts/*.desktop. I tried the following, but it don't work:
cd $HOME/initial/
for i in $( ls *.desktop ); do egrep "Icon" $i >> $HOME/scripts/$i; done
Firstly, I would backup $HOME/initial and $HOME/scripts, because there is lots of scope for people misunderstanding your question. Like this:
cd $HOME
tar -cvf initial.tar initial
tar -cvf scripts.tar scripts
That will put all the files in $HOME/initial into a single tarfile called initial.tar and all the files in $HOME/scripts into a single tarfile called scripts.tar.
Now for your question... in general, if you want to put the contents of FileB onto the end of FileA, the command is
cat FileB >> FileA
Note the DOUBLE ">>" which means "append" rather than single ">" which means overwrite.
So, I think you want to do this:
cd $HOME/initial/baby.desktop
cat SomeFile >> $HOME/scripts/baby.desktop/SomeFile
where SomeFile is the name of any file you choose to test with. I would test that has worked and then, if you are happy with that, go ahead and run the same command inside a loop:
cd $HOME/initial/baby.desktop
for SOURCE in *
echo Appending "$SOURCE" to "$DESTINATION"
When the output looks correct, remove the "#" at the start of the penultimate line and run it again.
I solved it, if some people want learn how to resolve is very simple:
using Sed
I need only the match (or pattern) line "Icon=/usr/share/some_picture.png into $HOME/initial/example.desktop to other with same name and format $HOME/scripts/example.desktop, but I had a lot of .desktop files (2500 files)
cd $HOME/initial
STRING_LINE=`grep -l -R "Icon=" *.desktop`
for i in $STRING_LINE; do sed -ne '/Icon=/ p' $i >> $HOME/scripts/$i ; done
If you need only copy all to other file with same name and format
using cat
cd $HOME/initial
STRING_LINE=`grep -l -R "Icon=" *.desktop`
for i in $STRING_LINE; do cat $i >> $HOME/scripts/$i ; done

Create symbolic link with dependency to other files

I know my topic is a little confusing, but here is what I want to do.
I have a file which I would like to create a link to in my home directory ~/bin, but when I execute the file that is symbolically linked, the file requires another file in its directory. Therefore, it fails to run because it cannot find the other file. What can I do?
Well, you have two simple solutions.
edit the shell script to point to the absolute path of the file, not just the the basename.
so something like this should do what your after. sed -i 's||./path/to/|g' ~/bin/ it searches your symlinked file, in this case, and replaces the call to to ./path/to/ note you often see sed use /'s. but it can use just about anything as a delimiter, if you wish to use /'s here you will need to escape them. /. you may want to consider escaping the . (period) as well, but in this case its not necessary. If you are new to sed realize that the -i flag means it will edit the file in place. Lastly, realize its a simple search and replace operation and you may chose to do it by hand.
The second way is to create a ln -s to the file as you did with the other file so there exists a symbolic link between both files.
ln -s /far/off/ ~/bin/
ln -s /far/off/ ~/bin/
more on symlinking
I would rather create a script file in ~/bin/` that calls your executable from the appropriate directory.
Here is an example using /sbin/ifconfig:
$ cat > ~/bin/file
cd `dirname $file`
`basename $file`
$ chmod +x ~/bin/file
$ file
Here you should see the output of ifconfig but the point is: its get executed from the /sbin directory. So if ifconfig had dependencies it would work properly. Just replace /sbin/ifconfig with your absolute path.
Alternatively, you can modify your script as
pushd ~/bin
##### your script here
Combination of readlink and dirname will get the actual directory of the script:
my_dir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
source "$my_dir/other_file"

How to check for an exploding zip file in bash?

I have a bash shell script that unzips a zip file, and manipulates the resulting files. Because of the process, I expect all the content I am interested to be within a single folder like so:
I've noticed users on Windows typically don't create a sub folder but instead submit an exploding zip file that looks like:
How can I detect these exploding zips, so that I may handle them accordingly? Is it possible without unzipping the file first?
If you want to check, unzip -l will print the contents of the zip file without extracting them. You'll have to massage the output a bit, though, since it's printing all sorts of additional crud.
Unzip to a directory first, and then remove the extra layer if the zip is not a bomb.
tempdir=`mktemp -d`
unzip -d $tempdir
if [ $(ls $tempdir | wc -l) = 1 ]; then
mv $tempdir/* .
rmdir $tempdir
mv $tempdir file
I wouldn't try to detect it. I'd just force unzip to do what I want. With InfoZip:
$ unzip -j -d unzip-output-dir
-j makes it ignore any directory structure within the file, and -d tells it to put files in a particular directory, creating it if necessary.
If there are two files with the same name but in different subdirectories, the above command will make unzip ask if you want to overwrite the first with the second. You can add -o to force it to overwrite without asking, or -f to only overwrite if the second file is newer.
