How to install node.js and its dependency in openVZ server - node.js

I am new to openVZ and I want to install node.js and all its dependencies on openVZ server.
Suggestion is much appreciated, thank you.

To install nodejs on either OpenVZ server or OpenVZ container you would want to use whichever package manager that is provided with your distribution. The two most popular OpenVZ server distributions are CentOS (yum/rpm) and Debian (aptitude/apt-get/dpkg). If you are using an OpenVZ container, there are many more possibilities but chances are it is a distribution that supports either yum or apt.
For CentOS 7 (YUM/RPM) you first need to install the extra packages repository:
yum install epel-release
Then you should be able to install nodejs:
yum install nodejs
For Debian Jessie (and also Ubuntu 16.04) it appears to be in the stable repositories so you can just install it:
aptitude update
aptitude install nodejs
EDIT: I just noticed a minimal Ubuntu did not have aptitude installed. Instructions for apt-get:
apt-get update
apt-get install nodejs
If that does not answer your question, please supply more information such as which distribution you are using and what version of nodejs you need to install so others will be able to assist you better.


How to install JavaPackage on ubuntu

I came across a debian application by the name JavaPackage which can create a debian installation file (.deb) form a java binary (.tar.gz) which you can then install using dpkg -i application_name.deb. With Ubuntu being a debian-based linux distribution, it is possible that it can be installed on ubuntu as well.
How do I go about installing it on Ubuntu/Kubuntu 16.04.2 LTS?
java-package is available in the official ubuntu repositories. All you need to do is update the repository with the latest version then install it as shown below:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install java-package

Linux: How to install certain old version of a software via apt-get

I am trying to install the same versions of Apache, MySQL and PHP in my Linux PC (Raspberry Debian) as installed in my remote public server.
For instance, I'd like to install the last legacy release of the 2.2 branch, Apache/2.2.31.
apt-cache showpkg apache2
Package: apache2
2.4.10-10+deb8u4 (/var/lib/apt/lists/mirrordirector.raspbian.org_raspbian_dists_jessie_main_binary-armhf_Packages)
But there isn't any information about the 2.2.31 version, neither in "Reverse Provides" section. I can do it by compiling from the sources, but it takes a lot of time. And I tried to find a reliable PPA or a reliable sources for deb packages, without any success.
How can I do it?
If APT tracks the specific version you are looking for, (like Kyle said) then it's pretty easy.
sudo apt-get install <pkg_name>=<pkg_version>
sudo apt-get -t=<target_version> <pkg_name>
To see which packages are tracked, run
apt-cache showpkg <package_name>
Unfortunately though, if a particular version is not managed by the APT, then you are out of luck using APT. It might be managed by some of the other package managers out there.
Ref. How can I downgrade a package via apt-get?
If you have the version number, or the target release, apt-get supports choosing a particular version or target release. More details can be found on manual page of apt-get. It can also be accessed from a terminal by typing man apt-get.
sudo apt-get install <package-name>=<package-version-number>
sudo apt-get -t=<target release> install <package-name>

Is it possible to install an older Boost library on Ubuntu

I'm trying to install libboost1.46-all-dev on Ubuntu 13.04 because it's necessary for our project.
Unfortunately I was not able to find it in my repos while doing
sudo apt-cache search libboost1.49-all-dev
Default is actually libboost1.46-all-dev. Does anyone has an idea where I can find the older package and install it using apt-get ?

Upgrading phpmyadmin (and other packages) on Debian Squeeze

I just setup a new VM with Debian Squeeze (latest stable release, 6.0.4). I am going for a webserver, so I installed the usual... apache, php5, mysql, phpmyadmin, etc.
Everything went well, everything is working.
My question is about upgrading packages. I noticed the phpmyadmin version is 3.3.7... the latest is Doing apt-get update/upgrade does not upgrade the package.
How does one go about upgrading packages on a Debian Squeeze server if apt-get update/upgrade does not work?
You can download the latest version from the official page and follow the instrucctions inside the compress file for the installation.
Alternatively if you want to use the debian repositories, you can add
deb testing main contrib non-free
in the file /etc/apt/source.list
Also add
Package: *
Pin: release n=testing
Pin-Priority: 500
in /etc/apt/preferences
doing this you will have all the packages for the testing version, but they're not going to be installed unless you specify it, so run
apt-get update
apt-get install <package name>=<version>
for example
apt-get install phpmyadmin=
you can check the different versions with
apt-cache showpkg phpmyadmin

how to get/download yum development tools for ubuntu?

I need to build yum package in ubuntu for Stress 1.0.2 application in ubuntu . I am i beginner and provide me Links to download and learn building an yum installer package.
Beware that RPM/yum packages rarely work properly on Ubuntu/Debian systems.
If you want to try it anyway, you can use the alien tool to convert the RPM into a DEB, then you can use dpkg or gdebi-gtk to install it. The homepage of alien is and you can install it with apt-get install alien.
Edit: why do you want to use the RPM package given that you can install stress and stressapptest from the Ubuntu repositories?
