Bash script is printing the wrong value - linux

I've created a script that seperates the IP that it finds, based on NIC card name input.
echo what is your NIC?
read NIC
IP=`ifconfig $NIC 2>/dev/null|awk '/inet addr:/ {print $2}'|sed 's/addr://'`
if [ "${NEWSTRING}" = "${ALPHARETTA}" ] ; then
echo I'm in Alpharetta
echo I'm in Eufaula
If eth0 were to be it would only take (12.101)
I'm comparing 12.101 and 12.101 for my tests... and i'm getting this echo back....
what is your NIC?
Im in Alpharetta
echo Im in Eufaula
I'm obviously doing something silly, and not seeing it.. could somebody point me in the correct direction?

The bash parser is seeing the apostrophe characters you are trying to echo in the word "I'm" and it thinks you are trying to print one long string that spans from line 10 to line 12 of your script. You can even see how the syntax highlighting on this site is also indicating a problem. You should wrap the message you are echoing in quotes. For example:
echo "I'm in Alpharetta"


How to search for multiple domain names availability using bash?

I'm trying to search for multiple domain names availability with this script but it doesn't work, where's the mistake? thanks
WEB=('madmane1' 'madmane2' 'madmane3' 'madmane4' 'madmane5' 'madmane6' 'madmane7' 'madmane8' 'madmane9')
for (( i=0;i<$ELEMENTS;i++)); do
whois ${WEB[${i}]}$'.com' | egrep -q \
'^No match|^NOT FOUND|^Not fo|AVAILABLE|^No Data Fou|has not been regi|No entri'
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "${WEB[${i}]}$'.com' : available"
here's the error:
line 9: ^No match|^NOT FOUND|^Not fo|AVAILABLE|^No Data Fou|has not been regi|No entri: command not found
Assigning stuff to an array and then wrecking it by assigning it to a string without quoting seems like the main mistake here, though it's not the reason you are getting a syntax error.
You also want to avoid testing ”$?” to see if a command succeeded or not, an anti-pattern
See also Correct Bash and shell script variable capitalization
The reason for the error message seems to be a space after the backslash, so you are escaping the space instead of the newline, and thus the shell (in some sense correctly) parses the next line as a new command.
web=('madmane1' 'madmane2' 'madmane3' 'madmane4' 'madmane5' 'madmane6' 'madmane7' 'madmane8' 'madmane9')
for domain in "${web[#]}"; do
if whois "$" |
grep -Eq '^No match|^NOT FOUND|^Not fo|AVAILABLE|^No Data Fou|has not been regi|No entri'
echo "$ available"
Going forward, probably try before asking for human assistance.
I think I fixed the problem with
here it is now:
WEB=('madmane1' 'madmane2' 'madmane3' 'madmane4' 'madmane5' 'madmane6' 'madmane7' 'madmane8' 'madmane9')
for (( i=0;i<$ELEMENTS;i++)); do
whois "${WEB[${i}]}"$'.com' | grep -E \
'^No match|^NOT FOUND|^Not fo|AVAILABLE|^No Data Fou|has not been regi|No entri'
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "${WEB[${i}]}$'.com' : available"

Characters in string getting replaced when echoed

I am writing a simple script to collect 2 IP addresses. I am using the open stack client to gather the allocation pool of a provider network. I used awk to gather the 2 IP addresses (start and end) and put them into 2 variables. When I echo the 2 variables alone they print out how I expect. However, if I try to echo something after the variable, it seems to replace the first few characters of the IP address.
It hard to explain, but if you refer to the output it should make more sense. If you look at my script below, I just put the string "hello" after the variable in each echo statement for demonstrative purposes.
#just gets the allocation pool IP addresses from openstack
ALLOCATION_POOLS=$(openstack subnet show $NETWORK --insecure|grep -w "allocation_pools"|awk -F " " '{print $4}')
POOL_START=$(awk -F "-" '{print $1}' <<< "$ALLOCATION_POOLS")
echo $POOL_START"hello"
POOL_END=$(awk -F "-" '{print $2}' <<< "$ALLOCATION_POOLS")
echo $POOL_END"hello"
Here is the output:
If I did not put "hello" in the echo statement, the output looks more like this:
Another thing I did was tested the length of the strings, and the length was larger then the number of characters in the ip address. I believe that there is some strange character after the IP addresses that is causing this. If that is the case, how can I remove it?

Receiving "curl: (3) Illegal characters found in URL" in a Linux Script

I'm currently working on a script that reads in several hundred IP addresses listed line-by-line in a file. The script is supposed to take the IP addresses and then output the IP address and its longitude and latitude to a new file. However, whenever I try to run the script I received multiple "curl: (3) Illegal characters found in URL". I've been troubleshooting it for a couple of days, and so far I've come up with nothing. Can anyone put me in the right direction to figuring out the problem?
Thanks in advance for any help.
This is the script I'm using.
cat ipCheck.txt | while read line
curl ""$line"access_key=9c04ea7631a32590cac23eb27ec6c104&foraat=1&fields=ip,latitude,longitude"
done >> locations.txt
I'm currently using a test text file with 10 IP addresses. It is as follows
Nothing jumps out as being wrong. Have you tried commenting out your curl line and running the loop with something like:
cat ipCheck.txt | while read line
#curl ""$line"access_key=9c04ea7631a32590cac23eb27ec6c104&foraat=1&fields=ip,latitude,longitude"
echo "\"$line\""
done >> locations.txt
This should help to locate an extra space or something strange with the formatting.
If it isn't the formatting in your file, you could try:
cat ipCheck.txt | while read line
curl "${line}access_key=9c04ea7631a32590cac23eb27ec6c104&foraat=1&fields=ip,latitude,longitude"
done >> locations.txt
This should give the same result, but you could have something strange going on with your environment.
According to a previous comment a solution is to remove any additional character like the carriage return \r and checking using printf:
while IFS= read -r line; do
# fix `\r` at end
line=$(echo ${line} | tr -d '\r')
printf 'Downloading %q\n' "$line"
./ $FOLDER $line
done < "$DS"

Bash write into file that is named by a variable

I am working on creating a simple script to make it easy to set up a virtual host on Apache server. Currently I don't seem to be able to write the config file because it's in a variable. How do I get around it. Here is my code that does not work.
echo "creating conf file"
echo "<VirtualHost *:80>" >> $siteConf
echo "ServerName *.$domain" >> $siteConf
echo "DocumentRoot $publicHtmlLoc" >> $siteConf
echo "DirectoryIndex index.php" >> $siteConf
echo "ServerAlias $" >> $siteConf
echo "</VirtualHost>" >> $siteConf
I am running the script with the bash command.
Edit: The Error i get is this
$siteConf: ambiguous redirect
Domain comes from here:
echo "Write websiter url, no sub dir allowed"
read -p "Name: " domain
As suggested in comments its the path that is wrong, i tried to echo out the variable and i can see it has removed the '.' chars from some reason and left a space instead, why would the script do that ?
Was using IFS earlier in the script, to split the the domain name
The code looks as if it should work. You might do better with
echo "<VirtualHost …>"
echo "</VirtualHost>"
} > $siteConf
(or >> $siteConf if you really want to add to the existing file). That does a single redirection for all the output, and truncates the file. It is also a good idea as a general rule to enclose uses of variables in double quotes:
} > "$siteConf"
Basic debugging for shell scripts:
What do you get from bash -x
You get 'ambiguous redirect' when the variable named doesn't exist or is empty, or if it expands to two or more words. That suggests that the first line of your script isn't an accurate representation of what you've got, but it is hard to guess how you've got it wrong. Misspelled name, or an unwanted space are probably the most likely, but it could be something else.
Alright looks like I needed to wrap it like in quotes like in the answer Getting an 'ambiguous redirect' error that antak suggested.
That's a good question to cross-reference. At one point, this question was closed as a duplicate of it, but the issue here turned out to be about IFS being set, which is not an alternative source of trouble identified in that other question.
Have you gone messing with IFS at any point in the script?
Yes — been doing IFS for splitting the URL into parts.
Note that:
set_with_spaces="name1 name2"
echo Hi >> $set_with_spaces
bash: $set_with_spaces: ambiguous redirect too.
Two names were generated from one variable.
$ IFS=.
$ domain=abc.def.ghi.jkl
$ echo $domain
abc def ghi jkl
$ echo "$domain"
$ IFS=$' \t\n'
$ echo $domain
If you have been messing with IFS, then its current value is probably altering how the names are being interpreted. Reinstate it to its default value (blank, tab, newline):
IFS=$' \t\n'

Bash: Variable substitution in quoted string looks like something from the Twilight Zone

I've got a bash script that's reading essentially the output of telnet (actually socat to a unix domain socket).
while read -r LINE; do
if [ "$USER_DATA_FLAG" == "true" ]; then #Evaluates to false for the moment
printf "%s\n" "Variable> $LINE" >>$DEBUG_LOG
printf "%s\n" "Line xxxxz $LINE yxxxxx" >>$DEBUG_LOG
This yields the following incomprehensible output:
Variable> >INFO:OpenVPN Management Interface Version 1 -- type 'help' for more info
yxxxxxxxxz >INFO:OpenVPN Management Interface Version 1 -- type 'help' for more info
yxxxxxxxxz OpenVPN CLIENT LIST
The first printf statement works fine and shows exactly what I expect based on my experience at the terminal. But the second printf statement goes nuts, reverses the order of some the characters and prints $LINE entirely in the wrong place!
$LINE has a \r in it, which is sending the cursor back to column 1. Use parameter substitution or tr to remove it.
$ foo=$'1\r23'
$ echo "$foo"
$ echo "${foo/$'\r'/}"
This will ramble on a bit. The first thing I noticed was this:
printf "%s\n" "Variable> $LINE" >>$DEBUG_LOG
And I immediately think, "this is C code." In shell programming, printf is somewhat an odd tool which is sometimes useful, unlike the printf in C, which is the first thing you reach for when your printing something out. Try this instead:
echo "Variable> $LINE" >>$DEBUG_LOG
The other problem is potentially with telnet. If you parse telnet output in a shell, you're going to get some characters you don't want -- carriage returns, for example. The default value of IFS for bash is <space><tab><newline>, which will NOT catch carriage returns and the carriage returns WILL mess with the location of characters in your terminal.
Ideally, you would get a proper telnet client and use it non-interactively. However, in a pinch, you can do this:
while tr -d '\r' | read -r LINE; do
This will strip out carriage returns -- but there could still be other telnet junk in there, including WILL/WONT/DO/DONT commands, and NUL bytes.
