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Closed 4 years ago.
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i3wm - how to show tabs bar only if meta key is pressed?
The same as status bar if mode hide is in bar config.
The "tabs bar" is just the way i3 shows titles of multiple windows when they are organized in a tabbed container. It is a part of the window decoration and not really a bar in the same sense as the status bar.
While it is possible to remove the title bar from windows in split containers, i3 will always show the titles in stacked or tabbed layouts.
The only way to reduce impact on screen estate of the title bar in tabbed layouts is to reduce the font size. But this requires to edit and reload the configuration. So it is probably not something one should bind to a regularly pressed key.
There is also the possibility to make the current window truly fullscreen. By default the command fullscreen toggle is bound to Mod+f. The drawback here is that you need to leave the fullscreen mode by pressing Mod+f again in order to be able to reach other windows.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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For the past few days in my kali linux machine, the home screen is appearing entirely blank. All the files that were save there is not showing and the floating dock is not appearing like before when i move my cursor to the left. I searched stackexchange and saw that I have to modify some settings in tweak. But I cannot change a thing is tweak. Here is how it appears.
and this is how the extension region of Tweak appears.
Please help, what to do. As I am having a lot of problems due to the dock missing from the side, and all the desktop icons removed. (though i can access them via files).
In the tweaks program, turn the following extensions on: Dash to dock, Desktop icons.
Dash to dock is the left sidebar.
Desktop icons extension shows the files on the desktop.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm currently using an extra monitor so I'm running two tmux sessions in two separate terminals (one for each screen). The problem is every time I want to move between screens I have to manually move my cursor and click the other screen before my cursor will move over, this is super annoying. I'm on MacOS 10.12, using v2.7 of Terminal and v2.2 of tmux.
I've currently tried:
cmd + shift + arrow keys, but that only works when the tabs are actually stuck together on the same screen
Using tmux switch -t [] or tmux attach -t [] doesn't manually move the cursor over, it just changes the current screens session, syncing the one session onto both screens.
Just using one session, but there's this annoying quirk where the external monitors dimensions fit to my macbooks smaller screen size. From here it states that tmux "limits the dimensions of a window to the smallest of each dimension across all the sessions to which the window is attached. If it did not do this there would be no sensible way to display the whole window area for all the attached clients." So there's no way to fix that I think.
Is there some easy command to move between the two terminal windows?
Command-backquote (⌘-`) cycles through the open windows in Terminal.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have reading the shortcut keys for lotus notes, but could not find anything to move an email to a selected folder? Is there a shortcut key? if not, is there a way to creat such a shorcut
Unfortunately there is no direct shortcut for move to folder. I always use the possibility to access the Action- Bar Buttons Pressing ALT + the number of the action- button that shows when holding the ALT- Key + the underlined character that shows, when the submenu opens.
Unfortunately the order and number of the buttons in the action bar differ from version to version. And you can only access the first 9 Actions with this method.
In Version 9 and the english template the right combination is: ALT + 5 then M (Move to folder)
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a dual monitor setup, and I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
I have changed the positioning of the monitors several times, and now for some reason some of the windows open up off-screen (outside of both screens), Update Manager, for instance.
How can I position the windows on one of my screens?
You can get the window back on your screen by using
ALT + spacebar
This would show you the maximize/minimize/ ... options. Click maximize and it would occupy your screen.
You can also hit "move" and then either your mouse or arrow keys to move the window to your current window.
Be sure to have the off-screen window selected (use Alt-Tab or Super-W for example). Then hold Alt+F7 and move the window with the cursor keys until it appears in the viewport.
When this happens to me the hidden window is usually below the screen (I occasionally use two screens with one on top of the other, a setup that agrees well with a laptop on a desk). If you use Super-W to select the window, you can guess where it is by looking at the animations. Holding Alt+F7+Up brings the window into view for me.
I made a little script to fix a similiar bug I have in ubuntu 15.04 with two screens:
The script makes use of the wmctrl command line tool to find the offscreen windows and then uses wmctrl to place each one back into a visible area.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to know how I can align text in Illustrator CS5
I've created a logo and I want the text above the logo to have the same with as the logo, but I don't want the text to become deformed.
So what I want is::
How can I accomplish this?
Thanks in advance!
When you create a text field, you can set its adjustment to "justify (all characters)" (you have to expand the paragraph panel for that, it's the most right adjustment). Then the text you enter is automatically distributed.
Otherwise, you can also emulate that behaviour in one of these two ways:
You can either change the distance between the character manually by increasing the tracking in the character panel (I don't know its correct english name); it's the control with the "A V" and the arrow below.
Or you can split the text field into one for each character and distribute that equally using the align panel.