Logo Tab ?? needed for embedded signing application - docusignapi

I have a standard credit check authorization for borrowers will need to sign for the 100+ banks that will use our solution. I push Bank Name, Borrower name, SSN, etc into the document using the different tabs.
What I would also like to do is put in the bank's logo on the upper left corner of the document.
Is that possible?

You could use the Branding capability to change the entire look and feel of the app, including the bank's logo, colors, etc.
You could also use a different template document for each bank. The document would include the bank's logo.


Change the "Free Form Signing" Menu options in DocuSign

If you do not add any tabs to an envelope then it becomes what's known as a Free-Form signing experience. During free-form signing the recipients decide where to place tabs on the documents as well as the location of those tabs, instead of the sender controlling those aspects.
In this case a menu list occurs on the screen listing multiple options (FirstName, LastName, Date, Signature, etc).
Now the question-
I am looking for one of the following behaviors-
1) Is there any way we can disable/ hide all options (FirstName, LastName, etc) in the above list except for the Signature field. In short I want to see just 'Signature field' in the menu. Is this possible?
2) Considering 'Free form signing' is the default behavior, is there any way to customize this default behavior?
I am actually signing the document using 'Anchor string' and if the anchor string is not present in the document I need to add a default 'Signature tab' at some default position. Is this possible?
Don't think of Free Form Signing as the default. Think of it as the fallback that your senders should not use.
Your senders should always add fields to their documents. To help ease the burden, you can use templates, your API program can place the fields on the document, etc.
At a high level, your senders want to get their documents signed by the signers. Making the signers figure out the Free Form Signing experience is a big mistake. Your senders are putting an unnecessary burden on your signers. The only thing that can accomplish is to delay or stop your signers from signing. And that's not in your senders' best interest.
1) There is no way to disable those various tabs during free form signing (FFS), or only display the 'signature tab'
2) If you enable 'document visibility', then FFS is not allowed and the envelope will not be allowed to be created in this case, if you want to consider this approach as a way to prevent FFS.

Requesting Advice: Categorize Account Entity

I have recently inherited a very messy Dynamics CRM system from my predecessor. I want to clean up the way our company navigates around Accounts. At the moment, there are 3 views and one form with about 2000 (exaggeration) lines of javascript code!
We categorize accounts into three types; TypeA, TypeB, TypeC. This is controlled by an Option Drop Down. Once selected, the screen hides/shows depending on it. This has meant we have a very wide AccountExtensionBase table. I am accepting I will have to live with this as I am have been led to believe that building a 1..1 extension is not as easy as it seems?
What I would like to do is change the 'Workplace -> Customer' menu on the right hand side of CRM. I'd like to add three clickable options so it would read
Upon clicking, for example, 'TypeA' it would take the user to the 'TypeA' accounts which are filtered by a pre-defined view. Then, any request for the Account Form from this view would redirect the user to a specific 'TypeA' form, which I have yet to create.
I have read this article here Crm 2011 - How to set a default form depending on attribute value (without using Javascript)? which is a good example of how to re-direct the forms. However, I am unsure how to handle this from a 'New' request, as the drop down is not yet populated.
Is there a way of building this concept cleanly in CRM? I am finding it hard to get any decent Google results as I am unsure of what terminology I should be using.
Any help or links to suitable guides would be hugely appreciated.
I think these are the droids you are looking for:
Granted it is for CRM 4, however it may work in 2011.
You might also look at:

CRM 2011: Lookup in HTML Web Resource

Can a lookup be used in an HTML web resource?
I have replaced the command of the "Convert to Case" button on the email entity.
It now opens up an html web resource on click.
I need to show lookup fields to Customer and Subject.
Is there an alternative to a lookup for this situation?
Adding lookups to your own page is definitely a pain since they don't 'provide' you with a control to add it to your HTML resources. I am also not aware of any toolkits that are readily available.
A possible solution for displaying subjects (assuming you don't have too many) would be to use a HTML select element and populate it with the possible values.
As far as the customer goes, it will most likely take some creativity or elbow grease to replace since most likely you have too many accounts/contacts to display in a HTML select. One thought is you are most likely converting an e-mail with a contact or account already in the e-mail (from or regarding fields). You can try and pull all the accounts and contacts from the e-mail fields and allow the user to select one of those via radio, select, etc.
If something like that doesn't work then most likely you will need to create your own lookup, or something similar like a text box with an inline grid that gets filtered like a lookup so you don't have to recreate the entire dialog experience.
Hope that helps.

How to display notes in opportunity form of mscrm 2011?

I need to display account notes across all opportunities. typically a MSCRM creates a blank Notes section for each new Opportunity you create inside a account, but I need to display a running Account dialog of conversations to review in one continues notepad (means display all notes).
Can anyone tell me how I can display all notes in the opportunity form?
Is this possible without coding (or in fact, with coding!)
Thanks in advance,
Well you can do this a few different ways.
1) The easiest way is to add an IFRAME and then point to the applicable Account notes container. You'd have to set the "id" attribute based on the account. Here's what your IFRAME url will look like:
2) If you are only wanting to display the notes and not allow for a user to edit them (read-only), then you'll need to use fetch to query the annotations where the related id equals the account.
Just to be clear the on requirement here.
I believe you are saying: Each Account has multiple Opportunities, each Opportunity has many Notes. On the Account you want to show all the Notes for all the Opportunities.
I don't think you can achieve this with out of the box functionaility, I would suggest creating an SSRS report and iFrame'ing it in.

SharePoint publishing site email encoding/decoding

I'm building a SharePoint (MOSS) publishing site for employee information on my company website. I have an employee content type and am using the Contact E-Mail Address site column to store an employee's email address.
Want I'd like is the ability to encode email addresses at runtime to prevent the real email address from being harvested by spammers. This would be decoded when a user clicks the email hyperlink e.g. the following HTML would be sent to the browser:
Email Jonny
I already have the javascript methods for encoding/decoding a text value from the meaningless string above, but am not too sure as to how to approach this with SharePoint in mind. I'm thinking a custom control and/or custom J-Query?
Any help would be much appreciated!
In the case that you are unable to put the users into AD, a custom field control will give you the ability to include the custom rendering (jquery) you require as well as the ability to enter the data as "normal" text.
The custom field, once defined "just works" wherever you need to display the field.
Given you are thinking of using JQuery, the issue then becomes one of making sure the jquery library is correctly linked whenever you need to us a field of this type.
If you make those employees members of the site, SharePoint takes care of this issue.
You can send emails to them, but the email address will only be used at send time, when you add a button to email someone, it will not show the email address, its handled at the backend.
SPUtility.SendEmail(SPContext.Current.Web, false, false,
[SPUser.Email][1], "E-mail title",
"E-mail body");
(source: msdn.com)
Two more options/approaches you can try:
(1) implement a custom TextField control, inheriting from Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.TextField and override RenderFieldForDisplay
Then in code - encode the field for display.
Add this control to safecontrols and use this in place of the normal TextField in the pagelayout.
(2) use the existing TextField control, but inject a button [Encode] using jQuery next to the TextField in editmode.
Use the JavaScript encode method to encode what the user has typed into an encoded value, replacing the existing TextField value. Which they can then save to into SharePoint.
I'd rate the approaches based on your deployment scenario - Nat's one is the cleanest but probably more involved for deploying, and the jQuery-only one seems very hackish but easy on deployment. The override TextField approach would probably sit somewhere in the middle.
