cassandra blobs, tombstones and space reclamation - cassandra

I'm trying to understand how quickly space is reclaimed in Cassandra after deletes. I've found a number of articles that describe tombstoning and the problems this can create when you are doing range queries and Cassandra has to scan through lots of tombstoned rows to find the much more scarce live ones. And I get that you can't set gc_grace_seconds too low or you will have zombie records that can pop up if a node goes offline and comes back after the tombstones disappeared off the remaining machines. That all makes sense.
However, if the tombstone is placed on the key then it should be possible for the space from rest of the row data to be reclaimed.
So my question is, for this table:
create table somedata (
category text,
id timeuuid,
data blob,
primary key ((category), id)
If I insert and then remove a number of records in this table and take care not to run into the tombstone+range issues described above and at length elsewhere, when will the space for those blobs be reclaimed?
In my case, the blobs may be larger than the recommended size (1mb I believe) but they should not be larger than ~15mb, which I think is still workable. But it makes a big space difference if all of those blobs stick around for 10 days (default gc_grace_seconds value) vs if only the keys stick around for 10 days.
When I looked I couldn't find this particular aspect described anywhere.

The space will be reclaimed after the gc_grace_seconds clause is done, and you will have keys and blobs sticking around. Also you'll need to consider that this may increase if you also have updates (which will be different versions of the same record identified by the timestamp of when it was created) and the replication factor used (amount of copies of the same record distributed across the nodes).
You will always have trade-offs between fault resilience and disk usage, the customization of your settings (gc_grace_seconds, ttl, replication factor, consistency level) will depend on your use case and the SLA's that you need to fulfill.


TTL tombstones in Cassandra using LCS are created in the same level data TTLed data?

I'm using LCS and a relatively large TTL of 2 years for all inserted rows and I'm concerned about the moment at which C* would drop the corresponding tombstones (neither explicit deletes nor updates are being performed).
From Missing Manual for Leveled Compaction Strategy, Tombstone Compactions in Cassandra and Deletes Without Tombstones or TTLs I understand that
All levels except L0 contain non-overlapping SSTables, but a partition key may be present in one SSTable in each level (aka distributed in all levels).
For a compaction to be able to drop a tombstone it must be sure that is compacting all SStables that contains de data to prevent zombie data (this is done checking bloom filters). It also considers gc_grace_seconds
So, for my particular use case (2 years TTL and write heavy load) I can conclude that TTLed data will be in highest levels so I'm wondering when those SSTables with TTLed data will be compacted with the SSTables that contains the corresponding SSTables.
The main question will be: Where are tombstones (from ttls) being created? Are being created at Level 0 so it will take a long time until it will end up in the highest levels (hence disk space will take long time to be freed)?
In a comment from About deletes and tombstones Alain says that
Yet using TTLs helps, it reduces the chances of having data being fragmented between SSTables that will not be compacted together any time soon. Using any compaction strategy, if the delete comes relatively late in the row history, as it use to happen, the 'upsert'/'insert' of the tombstone will go to a new SSTable. It might take time for this tombstone to get to the right compaction "bucket" (with the rest of the row) and for Cassandra to be able to finally free space.
My understanding is that with TTLs the tombstones is created in-place, thus it is often and for many reasons easier and safer to get rid of a TTLs than from a delete.
Another clue to explore would be to use the TTL as a default value if that's a good fit. TTLs set at the table level with 'default_time_to_live' should not generate any tombstone at all in C*3.0+. Not tested on my hand, but I read about this.
I'm not sure what it means with "in-place" since SSTables are immutable.
(I also have some doubts about what it says of using default_time_to_live that I've asked in How default_time_to_live would delete rows without tombstones in Cassandra?).
My guess is that is referring to tombstones being created in the same level (but different SStables) that the TTLed data during a compaction triggered by one of the following reasons:
"Going from highest level, any level having score higher than 1.001 can be picked by a compaction thread" The Missing Manual for Leveled Compaction Strategy
"If we go 25 rounds without compacting in the highest level, we start bringing in sstables from that level into lower level compactions" The Missing Manual for Leveled Compaction Strategy
"When there are no other compactions to do, we trigger a single-sstable compaction if there is more than X% droppable tombstones in the sstable." CASSANDRA-7019
Since tombstones are created during compaction, I think it may be using SSTable metadata to estimate droppable tombstones.
So, compactions (2) and (3) should be creating/dropping tombstones in highest levels hence using LCS with a large TTL should not be an issue per se.
With creating/dropping I mean that the same kind of compactions will be creating tombstones for expired data and/or dropping tombstones if the gc period has already passed.
A link to source code that clarifies this situation will be great, thanks.
Alain Rodriguez's answer from mailing list
Another clue to explore would be to use the TTL as a default value if
that's a good fit. TTLs set at the table level with 'default_time_to_live'
should not generate any tombstone at all in C*3.0+. Not tested on my hand,
but I read about this.
As explained on a parallel thread, this is wrong, mea culpa. I believe the rest of my comment still stands (hopefully :)).
I'm not sure what it means with "in-place" since SSTables are immutable.
My guess is that is referring to tombstones being created in the same
Yes, I believe during the next compaction following the expiration date,
the entry is 'transformed' into a tombstone, and lives in the SSTable that
is the result of the compaction, on the level/bucket this SSTable is put
into. That's why I said 'in-place' which is indeed a bit weird for
immutable data.
As a side idea for your problem, on 'modern' versions of Cassandra (I don't
remember the version, that's what 'modern' means ;-)), you can run
'nodetool garbagecollect' regularly (not necessarily frequently) during the
off-peak period. That might use the cluster resources when you don't need
them to claim some disk space. Also making sure that a 2 years old record
is not being updated regularly by design would definitely help. In the
extreme case of writing a data once (never updated) and with a TTL for
example, I see no reason for a 2 years old data not to be evicted
correctly. As long as the disk can grow, it should be fine.
I would not be too much scared about it, as there is 'always' a way to
remove tombstones. Yet it's good to think about the design beforehand
indeed, generally, it's good if you can rotate the partitions over time,
not to reuse old partitions for example.

Check table size in cassandra historically

I've a Cassandra table (Cassandra version is 2.0) with terabytes of data, here is what the schema looks like
"my_table" (
key ascii,
timestamp bigint,
value blob,
PRIMARY KEY ((key), timestamp)
I'd like to delete some data, but before want to estimate how much disk space it will reclaim.
Unfortunately stats from JMX metrics are only available for last two weeks, so thats not very useful.
Is there any way to check how much space is used by certain set of data (for example where timestamp < 1000)?
I was wondering also if there is a way to check query result set size, so that I can do something like select * from my_table where timestamp < 1000 and see how many bytes the result occupies.
There is no mechanism to see the size on disk from the data, it can be pretty far removed from the coordinator of the request and theres levels that impact it like compression and multiple sstables which would make it difficult.
Also be aware that issuing a delete will not immediately reduce disk space. C* does not delete data, the sstables are immutable and cannot be changed. Instead it writes a tombstone entry that after gc_grace_seconds will disappear. When sstables are being merged, the tombstone + data would combine to be just the tombstone. After it is past the gc_grace_seconds the tombstone will no longer be copied during compaction.
The gc_grace is to prevent losing deletes in a distributed system, since until theres a repair (should be scheduled ~weekly) theres no absolute guarantee that the delete has been seen by all replicas. If a replica has not seen the delete and you remove the tombstone, the data can come back.
No, not really.
Using sstablemetadata you can find tombstone drop times, minimum timestamp and maximum timestamp in the mc-####-big-data.db files.
Additionally if you're low on HDD space consider nodetool cleanup, nodetool clearsnapshot and then finally nodetool repair.

Want to spread current cluster data over more and smallere sstables

Our cassandra 2.1.15 application' KS (using STCS) are leveling in less than 100 sstables/node of which some data sstables are now getting into the +1TB size. This means heavy/longer compactions plus longer time before tombstones and their evicted data gets in the same compaction view (application do both create/read/delete of data), thus longer before real disk space gets reclaimed, this sucks :(
Our Application Vendor later revealed to us, that they normally recommend hashing the data over 10-20 CFs in the application KS rather than our currently created 3 CFs, guessing as an way to keep ratio of sstables vs sizes in a 'workable' range. Only the application can't have this changed now we have begun hashing data out in our 3 CFs.
Currently we got 14x linux node cluster, nodes of same HW and size (running w/equal amount of vnodes), originally constructed with two data_file_directories in two xfs FS on each their logical volumes - LVs backed each by a PV (6+1 raid5). Then as some nodes began to compact data skewed in these data dirs/LVs when growning sstable sizes, we merged both data dirs onto one LV and expanded this LV with the thus released PV. So we now got 7x nodes with two data dirs in one LV backed by two PVs and 7x nodes with two data dirs in two LVs on each their PV.
1) Now as sstable sizes keeps growning due to more data and using STCS (as recommend by App Vendor) we're thinking we might be able spread data over more and smallere sstables by simply adding more data dirs in our LVs as compensation for having less CFs rather than adding more HW nodes :) Wouldn't this work to spread data over more and smallere sstables or is the a catch in using multiple data dir compared with fewer?
1) Follow-up: must have had a brain fa.. that day, off course it won't :) The Compaction Strategy doesn't bother with over how many data dirs a CF' sstables are scattered only bothers with the sstables them selves according to the strategy. So only way to spread over more and smallere sstables is to hash data over more CFs. Too bad Vendor did the time-space trade off not to record in which CF a partition key is hashed a long with the key it self, then hashing might have been reseeded to a larger number of CFs. Now only way is to built a new cluster w/more CFs and migrate data there.
2) We could then possibly use either sstablesplit on the largest sstables or removing/rejoining with more than two data dirs node by node to get rit of the currently real big sstables. Would either approach work to get sstable sizes scaled down and which way is most recommendable?
2) Follow-up: well if one node is decommissioned is token range will be scatter to other nodes, specially when using multiple vnodes/node and thus one big sstables would be scatter over more nodes and left to the mercy of the compaction strategy at other nodes. But generally if 1 out of 14 nodes, each with 256 vnodes, would be scattered to the 13 other nodes for sure, right?
Thus only increasing other nodes' amount of data by roughly 1/13 of decommissioned node' content. But rejoining such a node again would properly only send roughly same amount of data back eventually getting compacted into similar sized sstables, meaning we've done a lot IO+streaming for nothing... Unless tombstones were among the original data but just to far apart to be lucky enough to enter same compaction views (small sstable vs large sstable), such an exercise may possible get data shuffled around giving better/other chance to get some tombstone+their data evicted through the scatter+rejoining faster than waiting to strategy to get TS+data in same compaction view, dunno... any thoughs on the value of possible doing this?
Huh that was a huge thought dump.
I'll try to get straight to the point. Using ANY type of raid (except stripe) is a deathtrap. If your nodes don't have sufficient space then you either add disks as JBODs to your nodes or scale out. Second thing is your application creating, deleting, updating and reading data and you are using STCS? And with all that you have 1TB+ per node? I don't even want to get into questioning the performance of that setup.
My suggestion would be to rethink the setup having data size, access patterns, read/write/delete/update ratios and data retention plans in mind. 14 nodes with 1TB+ of data each is not catastrophic (even thou the docu states that going past 600-800GB is bad, its not) but you need to change the approach. LCS works wonders for scenarios like yours and with proper planning you can have that cluster running a long time before having to scale out (or TTL your data) with decent performance.

whats would be the compaction strategy for performing better in Range queries on clustered column

I have Cassandra table
CREATE TABLE schema1 (
key bigint,
lowerbound bigint,
upperbound bigint,
data blob,
PRIMARY KEY (key, lowerbound,upperbound)
I want to perform a range query by using CQL
Select lowerbound, upperbound from schema1 where key=(some key) and lowerbound<=123 order by lowerbound desc limit 1 allow filtering;
Any Suggsetion please Regarding the compaction strategy
Note MY read:write ration is 1:1
Size-tiered compaction is the default, and should be appropriate for most use-cases. In 2012 DataStax posted an article titled When To Use Leveled Compaction, in which it specified three (main) conditions for which leveled compaction was a good idea:
High Sensitivity to Read Latency (your queries need to meet a latency SLA in the 99th percentile).
High Read/Write Ratio
Rows Are Frequently Updated
It also identifies three scenarios when leveled compaction is not a good idea:
Your Disks Can’t Handle the Compaction I/O
Write-heavy Workloads
Rows Are Write-Once
Note how none of the six scenarios I mentioned above are specific to range queries.
My question would be "what problem are you trying to fix?" You mentioned "performing better," but I have found that query performance issues tend to be more tied to data model design. Switching the compaction strategy isn't going to help much if you're running with an inefficient primary key strategy. By virtue of the fact that your query requires ALLOW FILTERING, I would say that changing compaction strategy isn't going to help much.
The DataStax docs contain a section on Slicing over partition rows, which appears to be somewhat similar to your query. Give it a look and see if it helps.
Leveled compaction will mean fewer SSTables are involved for your queries on a key, but requires extra IO. Also, during compaction it uses 10% more disk than data, while for size tiered compaction, you need double. Which is better depends on your setup, queries, etc. Are you experiencing performance problems? If not, and if I could deal with the extra IO, I might choose leveled as it means I don't have to keeps 50+% of headroom in terms of disk space for compaction. But again, there's no "one right way".
Perhaps read this:
When Rows Are Frequently Updated
From datasatx article
Whether you’re dealing with skinny rows where columns are overwritten frequently (like a “last access” timestamp in a Users column family) or wide rows where new columns are constantly added, when you update a row with size-tired compaction, it will be spread across multiple SSTables. Leveled compaction, on the other hand, keeps the number of SSTables that the row is spread across very low, even with frequent row updates.

physical disk space management of cassandra

Recently I have been looking into Cassandra from our new project's perspective and learned a lot from this community and its wiki too. But I have not found anything about about how updates are managed in Cassandra in terms of physical disk space management though it seems to be very much similar to record delete management using compaction.
Suppose there are 100 records with 5 column values each so when all changes would be flushed disk all records will be written adjacently and when delete operation is done then its marked in Memory table first and physically record is deleted after some time as set in configuration or when its full. And the compaction process claims the space.
Now question is that at one side being schema less there is no fixed number of columns at the the beginning but on the other side when compaction process takes place then.. does it put records adjacently on disk like traditional RDBMS to speed up the read process as for RDBMS its easy because they have to allocate fixed amount of space as per declaration of columns datatype.
But how Cassandra exactly makes the records placement on disk in compaction process (both for update/delete) to speed up the reads?
One more question related to compaction is that when there is no delete queries but there is an update query which updates an existent record with some variable length data or insert altogether a new column then how compaction makes its space available on disk between already existent data rows?
Rows and columns are stored in sorted order in an SSTable. This allows a compaction of multiple SSTables to output a new, (sorted) SSTable, with only sequential disk IO. This new SSTable will be outputted into a new file and freespace on the disks. This process doesn't depend on the number of rows of columns, just on them being stored in a sorted order. So yes, in all SSTables (even those resulting form compactions) rows and columns will be arranged in a sorted order on disk.
Whats more, as you hint at in your question, updates are no different from inserts - they do not overwrite the value on disk, but instead get buffered in a Memtable, then get flushed into a new SSTable. When the new SSTable eventually gets compacted with the SSTable containing the original value, the newer value will annihilate the old one - ie the old value will not be outputted from the compaction. Timestamps are used to decide which values is newest.
Deletes are handled in the same fashion, effectively inserted an "anti-value", or tombstone. The limitation of this process is that is can require significant space overhead. Deletes are effectively 'lazy, so the space doesn't get freed until some time later. Also, while the output of the compaction can be the same size as the input, the old SSTables cannot be deleted until the new one is completed, so this can reduce disk utilisation to 50%.
In the system described above, new values for an existing key can be a different size to the existing key without padding to some pre-determined length, as the new value does not get written over the old value on update, but to a new SSTable.
