Multiple .zip files extracting on the app directory c# - zip

I have an auto update program for game launcher and I want to know how I can auto unzip all zip files on the same folder with launcher. (Multiple zip files are downloaded). I am a newbie when it comes to coding.
I need to change the following code for extracting all .zip files in the current folder where the app is.
using (var zip = Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.Read(""))
zip.ExtractAll(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently);

Try using Reflection:
using (var zip = Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.Read(""))
string exeFullPath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
string exePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(exeFullPath);
, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently);

#vendettamit is give me the correct answer. If someone need im going to post his code.
foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles("<directory path>", "*.zip"))
using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(file))
foreach (ZipEntry zipFiles in zip)
zipFiles.Extract(currentpath, true);


How to transfer data from xlsx file in Google Drive to Google Sheet in same drive?

Is there a way to write a script/automate copying over data from an xlsx file to a google sheet file in the same google drive?
I have the xlsx file to auto-sync in my google drive. I want to then connect this data to data studio report for visualization, but that is not compatible with an xlsx file. I need to transfer this data to a google sheet in order to connect, so I was wondering how I could automate the process of moving data from this xlsx file to a gsheet.
There is a project hosted on GitHub that has what you are looking for:
It creates the new GS file on GDrive from the existing xlsx file on your GDrive.
In your scenario you may want to read data from the newly created GS and put them into a "static" GS (connected to Data Studio). Then you may want to delete (send to trash) newly created GS file.
This code convert XLSX to G Spread Sheet in specific folder. Update if file name (GSS) already exist.
Sure this helps XLSX2GSS.
function XLSX2GSS() {
var sourceFolderId = ""; // Folder ID including source files.
var destinationFolderId = ""; // Folder ID that the converted files are put.
var getFileIds = function (folder, fileList, q) {
var files = folder.searchFiles(q);
while (files.hasNext()) {
var f =;
fileList.push({id: f.getId(), fileName: f.getName().split(".")[0].trim()});
var folders = folder.getFolders();
while (folders.hasNext()) getFileIds(, fileList, q);
return fileList;
var sourceFiles = getFileIds(DriveApp.getFolderById(sourceFolderId), [], "mimeType='" + MimeType.MICROSOFT_EXCEL + "' or mimeType='" + MimeType.MICROSOFT_EXCEL_LEGACY + "'");
var destinationFiles = getFileIds(DriveApp.getFolderById(destinationFolderId), [], "mimeType='" + MimeType.GOOGLE_SHEETS + "'");
var createFiles = sourceFiles.filter(function(e) {return destinationFiles.every(function(f) {return f.fileName !== e.fileName});});
var updateFiles = sourceFiles.reduce(function(ar, e) {
var dst = destinationFiles.filter(function(f) {return f.fileName === e.fileName});
if (dst.length > 0) { = dst[0].id;
return ar;
}, []);
if (createFiles.length > 0) createFiles.forEach(function(e) {Drive.Files.insert({mimeType: MimeType.GOOGLE_SHEETS, parents: [{id: destinationFolderId}], title: e.fileName}, DriveApp.getFileById(});
if (updateFiles.length > 0) updateFiles.forEach(function(e) {Drive.Files.update({},, DriveApp.getFileById(});

check the type of files is present or not using nodejs

I want to find the type of files which is present or not, I am using nodejs, fs. Here is my code
var location = '**/*.js';
which always returns the error.
Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '**/*.js'
How to I find the files is present or not. Thanks in Advance.
node doesn't have support for globbing (**/*.js) built-in. You'll need to either recursively walk the directories and iterate over the array of file names to find the file types you want, or use something like node-glob.
Using recusrive-readdir-sync
var recursiveReadSync = require('recursive-readdir-sync'),
files = recursiveReadSync('./');
files.forEach(function (fileName) {
if (\.js$/g) !== -1) {
console.log("Found a *.js file");
Using node-glob:
var glob = require("glob")
glob("**/*.js", function (er, files) {
files.forEach(function (fileName) {
if (\.js$/g) !== -1) {
console.log("Found a *.js file");
node.js dose not support "glob" wildcards by default. You can use external package like this one

File server to SharePoint Online: folder to document library structure diff tool?

Do you know if there is any kind of tool (it would be cool if it is for free) that compares the file structure of a folder in a File Server to a SharePoint Online Document Library and tells you the difference?
The point is we are getting hands on a partially migrated File Server to SharePoint Online and the migration status of some folders is unknown to us. We already have a 3rd party migration tool to finish the migration but we need to know what is still pending to be uploaded. Any idea?
Thanks in advance.
We use sharegate for our migration. In your situation I might just run migrations on small sections with it set to "skip existing". That doesn't directly answer your question though.
In your case I would map both the File server and the SharePoint online instance as drives on a computer (using WebDAV) and hack together an app in your favorite language to compare the two directory structures.
Here is a java program that does that:
public class Launcher {
static PrintWriter fileOut;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
File fileStore = new File("N:\\"); //filestore dir top level
File sp = new File("M:\\");//sp directory top level (mapped)
File out = new File("C:\\Temp\\results.txt");
fileOut = new PrintWriter(out);
recurse(fileStore, sp);
private static void recurse(File dir1, File dir2)
File [] dirFiles;
if(dir2 == null)
dirFiles = new File[0];
File match;
for(File f1 : dir1.listFiles())
for(File f2:dirFiles)
if(f1.isDirectory() && f1.canRead())
catch(Exception e){}
else if (match == null)
It writes to the given text file each file that is not in the 2nd directory structure.
You could run this code in an IDE like eclipse.

intel XDK directory browsing

I'm trying to get a way to reach and parse all JSON file from a directory, witch inside an Intel Xdk project. All files in my case stored in '/cards' folder of the project.
I have tried to reach theme with fs.readdirSync('/cards') method, but that wasn't pointed to the location what I expected, and I haven't got luck with 'intel.xdk.webRoot' path.
With the simulator I've managed to get files, with a trick:
fs.readdirSync(intel.xdk.webRoot.replace('localhost:53862/http-services/emulator-webserver/ripple/userapp/', '')+'cards');
(intel.xdk.webRoot contains absolute path to my '/cards' folder)
and its work like a charm, but it isn't working in any real device what I'd like to build it.
I have tried it with iOS7 and Android 4.2 phones.
Please help me to use in a great way the fs.readdirSync() method, or give me some alternate solution.
Thanks and regards,
You can't use nodejs api's on mobile apps. It is a bug that the XDK emulator lets you do it. The bug is fixed in the next release of XDK.
You could write a node program that scans the directory and then writes out a js file with the contents of the directory. You would run the node script on your laptop before packaging the app in the build tab. The output would look like this:
dir = {files: ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt']}
Then use a script tag to load it:
And your js can read the dir variable. This assumes that the contents does not change while the app is running.
The location of your application's root directory will vary depending on the target platform and can also vary with the emulator and the debug containers (e.g., App Preview versus App Analyzer). Here's what I've done to locate files within the project:
// getWebPath() returns the location of index.html
// getWebRoot() returns URI pointing to index.html
function getWebPath() {
"use strict" ;
var path = window.location.pathname ;
path = path.substring( 0, path.lastIndexOf('/') ) ;
return 'file://' + path ;
function getWebRoot() {
"use strict" ;
var path = window.location.href ;
path = path.substring( 0, path.lastIndexOf('/') ) ;
return path ;
I have not been able to test this exhaustively, but it appears to be working so far. Here's an example where I'm using a Cordova media object and want it to play a file stored locally in the project. Note that I have to "special case" the iOS container:
var x = window.device && window.device.platform ;
console.log("platform = ", x) ;
if(x.match(/(ios)|(iphone)|(ipod)|(ipad)/ig)) {
var media = new Media("audio/bark.wav", mediaSuccess, mediaError, mediaStatus) ;
else {
var media = new Media(getWebRoot() + "/audio/bark.wav", mediaSuccess, mediaError, mediaStatus) ;
console.log("media.src = ", media.src) ; ;
Not quite sure if this is what you are looking for...
You will need to use the Cordova build in the Intel XDK, here is information on building with Cordova:
And a DirectoryReader example:
function success(entries) {
var i;
for (i=0; i<entries.length; i++) {
function fail(error) {
alert("Failed to list directory contents: " + error.code);
// Get a directory reader
var directoryReader = dirEntry.createReader();
// Get a list of all the entries in the directory

AAssetManager_openDir crashing app on start

I'm trying to iterate through all the files contained in the assets folder. To get the working directory I use: AAssetManager_openDir. However simply having this in my code causes a crash on startup - android_main doens't even get a look in. Has anybody had similar problems and/or know how to resolve this?
const char* filename = (const char*)NULL;
const char* dirName = "";
AAssetDir* dir = AAssetManager_openDir(assetManager, dirName);
while((filename = AAssetDir_getNextFileName(dir)) != NULL)
//action per file
Well I didn't have any luck getting it to work so I tried a different approach.
I compiled a static library of Minizip and, combined with Zlib, opened the APK file (the path of which found via JNIEnv) and found the filenames nestled within, skipping over entries not contained in the assets folder.
Roundabout way to do it but since AAssetManager_openDir isn't working this seemed like the only option.
Still it would be nice if somebody does find the "correct" solution.
const char* dirName = "";
Is probably what is causing the crash.
Instead try:
const char* filename = AAssetDir_getNextFileName(dir);
