Omnifaces Taglib not found within EL in CustomComponent - jsf

I am currently upgrading a webapp from JBoss 7.1 to Wildfly 10.1, where I stumbled over a rather tricky problem concerning taglib resolution within an expression language within a custom component.
I managed to isolate the problem, which apparently boils down to the fact, that JSFs ExpressionBuilder cannot find the correct name spaces defined in my custom component and therefore complains that it does not know anything about the Omnifaces taglib:
javax.el.ELException: Function 'of:format1' not found
at com.sun.el.lang.ExpressionBuilder.visit(
at com.sun.el.parser.SimpleNode.accept(
at com.sun.el.lang.ExpressionBuilder.prepare(
at com.sun.el.lang.ExpressionBuilder.createValueExpression(
at com.sun.el.ExpressionFactoryImpl.createValueExpression(
at org.jboss.weld.util.el.ForwardingExpressionFactory.createValueExpression(
at org.jboss.weld.el.WeldExpressionFactory.createValueExpression(
at org.jboss.weld.util.el.ForwardingExpressionFactory.createValueExpression(
at org.jboss.weld.el.WeldExpressionFactory.createValueExpression(
at com.sun.faces.facelets.el.ELText.parse(
at com.sun.faces.facelets.el.ELText.parse(
Funny enough, that only happens if I inline the evaluation of a nested EL expression within of:format1.
A minimal example, where the problem can be reproduced, can be found at a Bitbucket repository, but here's the relevant code of my custom component:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns=""
<title>Testing EL</title>
<cc:attribute name="model" type="sandbox.eltest.model.Entity" required="true" />
<div id="#{cc.clientId}">
<c:set var="value" value="#{cc.attrs.model.value}" />
#{of:format1('Hello {0}', value)} <!-- Prints "Hello World" correctly -->
#{of:format1('Hello {0}', cc.attrs.model.value)} <!-- THROWS javax.el.ELException -->
The second version with the inlined cc.attrs.model.value used to work in JBoss 7.1. What am I missing here on Wildfly 10.1?


ICEfaces configured for view /index.xhtml but h:head and h:body components are required

I am trying to integrate the ICEFaces ACE component library in my project. I've the following view:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
<h:outputStylesheet library="org.icefaces.component.skins"
name="rime.css" />
<f:loadBundle basename="resources.application" var="msg" />
<h:outputText value="#{msg.templateTitle}" />
<div id="content">
<ace:dataTable var="user" value="#{userBean.users}"
paginator="true" rows="50" selectionMode="multiple">
<ace:column headerText="users">
Unfortunately apparently there is no JavaScript / CSS loaded, so the components are not displayed properly. Moreover, the server logs this:
ICEfaces configured for view /index.xhtml but h:head and h:body components are required
Is this related?
You need to use JSF <h:head> and <h:body> components instead of plain HTML <head> and <body>. This way JSF and any JSF component library will be able to programmatically auto-include CSS/JS resources in there.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"
<f:loadBundle basename="resources.application" var="msg" />
Note that this way you also don't need that <h:outputStylesheet> anymore.
See also:
One or more resources has the target of 'head' but not 'head' component has been defined within the view
Unrelated to the concrete problem, you'd better declare resources.application as <resource-bundle> in faces-config.xml, so that you don't need to repeat it over all views. Also note that you don't necessarily need <h:outputText> over all place. The <head> and all of above also indicates that you're learning JSF based on a JSF 1.x targeted tutorial instead of a 2.x targeted one. Make sure that you're using the right resources to learn.

Saving and reusing tag definition in PrimeFaces

Let's say I have the following construct polluting the simplicity of my JSF code in many places:
<p:calendar id="decisionDate"
navigator="true" display="inline"
label="Decision Date"
<f:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" />
As can be seen, this has nine (9) attributes and a nested tag. This is an awful amount of tedious detail to consume with your eye.
Is there a way I can reuse PrimeFaces tags in a similar way as CSS: to save a complex tag definition as <px:myCalendar/> with the above parameters minus the ID ones, which should be set for each instance of use nonetheless, where px would be my namespace and then each time I need to invoke it, I would just say <px:myCalendar id="uniqueCalID"/> and ... BOOM ... there goes all the repeated clutter?
POST ANSWER EDIT: Check out this tutorial
You can define composite component. It is defined with xhtml+ jsf namespaces and, but in your case it is unnesessary, backing component, which is java class, instantiated for every composite component usage.
Within composite component interface you can define attributes, which vary its behaviour. And in implementation you then can insert needed primefaces' component with some hardcoded attributes and some passed from your composite component invocation.
Consider this tutorial:
Composite component is resource, so we put it below /resources folder. Let's create subfolder /resources/myCompositeComponents and create xhtml file myCalendar.xhtml there. It will be our composite component. Basically, it is xhtml file with additional namespace xmlns:cc="". Here is the code. You can notice two elements: <cc:interface> and <cc:implementation>. And <cc:attribute> element inside the <cc:interface> is the input of our composite component.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
xmlns:p="" xmlns:h="">
<cc:attribute name="label" default="Decision Date"/>
<p:calendar id="Calendar"
navigator="true" display="inline"
<f:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" />
Then, let's use it. To be able to declare our brand new component we will put additional namespace into the using page: xmlns:my="". The last part of the namespace uri corresponds to the folder under /resources, where composite component lives. Give it any prefix you like. Here is source code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
<title>Simple JSF Facelets page</title>
<my:myCalendar id="LetsUseIt" label="MyLabel"/>
Have a notice of attribute "label" - that very attribute, that is declared in the "interface" element.
This is quite basic usecase, though it will help in your situation. More complex scenarios include passing typed attributes and implementing backing component - java class, instantiated every time the component is used.

param reference to bean not being passed into composite component

i'm having a bit of trouble with a composite component in JSF 2.1 vanilla (on glassfish 3.1). the simplified version of my problem is here:
[composite component]
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""
<!-- INTERFACE -->
<cc:attribute name="value" required="true"/>
<cc:attribute name="title" required="false" default=""/>
<cc:editableValueHolder name="inputTarget" targets="labeledInputField"/>
<p:inputText id="labeledInputField"
[implemented in]
<!-- thisPerson is passed in via ui:param to the facelet containing this code.
it works in other (non-composite) components on the page -->
<f:validator for="inputTarget" binding="#{thisPerson.usernameValidator}"/>
<f:converter for="inputTarget" converterId="#{whiteSpaceTrimConverter}"/>
the problem is, the "thisPerson.usernameValidator" is evaluating to NULL, which then causes the com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jsf.ValidatorTagHandlerDelegateImpl to then skip to the code that attempts to load the validator by "validatorID" which is not set because we're trying to send in the validator by "binding". is there a way to get the composite to evaluate the ui:param value, or a workaround that does not require reworking the validator (it's a huge anti-pattern and i don't have time to reverse the damage right now). assume the validator HAS to come in via binding.
i know the composite works because in a different facelet, i have the validator binding against a concrete bean reference, rather than a "soft" reference, and it works like a champ.
Without knowing your exact JSF implementation, I am going to assume Mojarra, you may be running into the following known bug.
Regardless if this is your exact problem or not, you can try to disable partial state saving and see if this resolves your issue. If it does then that means that you are facing this issue, which apparently was (fixed?) in later versions of Mojarra.
Another possibility would be to simply use renderFacet instead of insertChildren and insert your validators in the form of a facet.

ERROR: tag handler class for "rich:modalPanel" (org.richfaces.taglib.ModalPanelTag) was not found on the Java Build Path

I am trying richface 4. It seems tags class are not setting on JAVA build path. I am getting this error for all rich component: "ERROR: tag handler class for * (org.richfaces.taglib.*) was not found on the Java Build Path"
For a4j component also, for all component i am getting same error "The tag handler class for "a4j:" (org.ajax4jsf.taglib.html.jsp.) was not found on the Java Build Path"
For richface4, i performed following actoin:
1) Added following jars:
web.xml is default generated and NO new element is added. As it is not required to change in RF4 (which is required in RF3.3).
JSP file is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:a4j="" xmlns:rich="" version="2.0">
< language="java"
contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" />
<![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> ]]>
<![CDATA[ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> ]]>
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
value="Opss! I forgot password"
<rich:modalPanel id="forgetPasswordPanel" autosized="true" width="380">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Reset Password"/>
i further investigated this issue and found that taglib(tld file) doesn't contain tag-class for many rich and a4j component and richFace4.1 jar does not have corrosponding java class for them (which is in richFaces 3.3 jars).
Am i missing some jars ? What else should i do to work with richface4 ?
You seem to be trying to upgrade a RichFaces 3.3 web application to RichFaces 4.1. You need to do many more changes than only replacing the JAR files. You can find the exact migration steps in their own documentation: RichFaces 3.3.x to 4.x migration guide.
For example, JSP is been deprecated and replaced by Facelets, you'd need to rewrite your JSPs to be XHTMLs. The <rich:modalPanel> is been replaced by <rich:popupPanel>, you need to find and replace all those tags accordingly. The reRender attribute is been replaced by update attribute. Etcetera. Also that jsf-facelets-1.1.14.jar which is of Facelets 1.x should be removed from the /WEB-INF/lib. JSF 2.x libraries already ships with the right Facelets 2.x implementation bundled.
See also:
Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0

How to create a composite of existing components in JSF?

I'd like to know if it's possible to compose my own component (or call it Widget, Object).
I mean, instead of (for example) using h:panelGroup and a h:outputLabel inside it, make my own h:panelMarkzzz, as a composition of panelGroup and outputLabel.
Is it possible on JSF?
Yes, it's possible to create a composition of existing components like that.
Kickoff example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""
<cc:attribute name="label" type="java.lang.String" required="true" />
<h:outputLabel value="#{cc.attrs.label}" />
<cc:insertChildren />
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""
<foo:group label="Label value">
<h:outputText value="This will appear after label inside the panelgroup" />
The /foo folder name is free to your taste and you can reference it in XML namespace as The XHTML filename is the tag name.
That said, composite components have performance implications and they should only be used when the functional requirement is not achievable using a simple include or tagfile. In your specific case, you'd better use a tagfile instead. A composite component is only worthy when you actually need it for the <cc:interface componentType="...">.
See also:
When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components?
Our composite component wiki page
JSF tag documentation
Java EE 7 tutorial - Composite components
Java EE 7 tutorial - Advanced composite components
Perhaps you mean Composite Components?
