UWP with Prism - handling more than one instance of UserControl on a Page - user-controls

We're using Prism with UWP, and have a UserControl which we want to display several times in a Grid (each instance relating to a connected user).
If the UserControl were a Page, I know of course that the code can/should go in associated ViewModel. What's the equivalent for the UserControl? I obviously want to keep my code DRY, and call the same code for each UserControl instance.
My research is pointing me towards a Dependency Property, but I haven't found a clear example of how I should implement it.
Note that the UserControl needs to display data and also implement Buttons with associated Commands on the ViewModel.

Create a separate view model
You could create a view model specifically for the user control. The DataContext of the user control would be set to an instance of this view model. You can expose commands and data related to each user in the view model and bind to them in the user control, just like you would if it were a page.
This scenario works best if the user control can function independently of the page it is in. If you need the user control VM to communicate to the page VM, then you'll need to facilitate this somehow between the VMs (maybe the user control VM can take a reference to the page VM as a dependency upon construction).
Expose command properties in the user control
Another way is to create dependency properties for each command you want to expose in the user control, which can then be bound to in the page's XAML.
<Button Content="Delete" Command="{x:Bind DeleteCommand}"/>
public sealed partial class MyUserControl : UserControl
public ICommand DeleteCommand
get { return (ICommand)GetValue(DeleteCommandProperty); }
set { SetValue(DeleteCommandProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty DeleteCommandProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("DeleteCommand", typeof(ICommand), typeof(MyUserControl), new PropertyMetadata(null));
Now you can bind to DeleteCommand on the user control.
Typically I use some combination of both of these methods when I use user controls.


Is there a way to prevent creation of a data class item in C# WindowsForms UserControl

If I create a UserControl, to create and edit an instance of a data class e.g. Person in C# WindowsForms (call it PersonControl), the framework automatically adds an instance of Person in PersonControl.Designer with some default values for the properties and fills the item controls with those values. This behavior has a number of side effects which I would like to avoid.
Question: is there a defined way to prevent creation of a data class instance in UserControl.Designer?
I think you missing the DesignerSerializationVisibility attribute. If you have a custom control every public property that you add will automatically be serialized. You can use this attribute to disable the serialization for a property. I also recommend to add the Browsable attribute which will hide the property from the designer. If you want more control over serialization, like you want to serialize only when another property is set to true you can create a special named method which will then called by the designer Defining Default Values with the ShouldSerialize and Reset Methods. There was a MSDN Magazine where a lots of winform learning resource was relased there are some gems about winform internal working. If you interested in you can quickly look trhrough it. My favorite is. Create And Host Custom Designers With The .NET Framework 2.0
Sorry but i didn't mention another attribute DefaultValue You can use the attribute the following way.
public partial class PersonEditControl : UserControl
[DefaultValue(null)] // This attribute tells the designer if the property value matches what we specified in the attribute(null) it should not store the property value.
public PersonData? Person { get; set; }
public PersonEditControl()

Use NewClassWizard in kentico admin

I want to create a custom page that allows me to track manually every data modification made by kentico in the database
I understood that I can implement it by code by using the NewClassWizard. But when done how I can use it in Kentico admin ?
I try to load it from Page Type module but can find a way to specify my custom class
Is it the right way to use that? The documentation is not really clear on that
thanks for your help
I'd suggest creating a global event handler to track changes. While Kentico will already do a lot of this tracking for you, you can specifically add whatever specific events you want as a global event. This will handle any changes made on the customer-facing public website, inside the Kentico UI, and in any Kentico API calls.
In your custom global event handler, you can check for different types of events based on the object and the CRUD activity. For instance something like this:
using CMS;
using CMS.CustomTables;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.DocumentEngine;
// Registers the custom module into the system
[assembly: RegisterModule(typeof(CustomInitializationModule))]
public class CustomInitializationModule : Module
// Module class constructor, the system registers the module under the name "CustomInit"
public CustomInitializationModule()
: base("CustomInit")
// Contains initialization code that is executed when the application starts
protected override void OnInit()
// Assigns custom handlers to events
DocumentEvents.Insert.After += Document_Insert_After;
private void Document_Insert_After(object sender, DocumentEventArgs e)
if (e.Node.ClassName.ToLower() == "your.classname")
// create an event to log to a custom module table or a custom table so it's not logged directly in the Kentico Event log
CustomTableItem item = new CustomTableItem("customtable.name");
item.SetValue("ItemEventType", "Create document");
item.SetValue("ItemEventCode", "Your event code");
item.SetValue("ItemEventUserID", e.Node.DocumentModifiedByUserID);
item.SetValue("ItemEventUrl", e.Node.NodeAliasPath);
item.SetValue("ItemEventName", e.Node.DocumentName);
This is a simple example of when a document is created. You don't have to check the page type's classname if you don't want to. You can also include a global event handler for any "object" like a cms_class object, just use that definition in your code <name>Info.TYPEINFO.Events.<eventtype>. This is not limited to any object, you can track transformation updates, page type field modifications, etc. You just need to know the object name/type and write code around it.

MVVMCross changing selected tab bar item from within nested view controller

We're using MVVMCross within our application and I've come up against something that I'm not sure I've solved in the best way possible.
One of our ViewModels contains 3 other view models - a dashboard and 2 lists. In iOS this is presented using a MvxTabBarViewController which works great. Android and WP present this view in a similar manner. An example of the object model is below:
public class ProjectViewModel : MvxViewModel
public DashboardViewModel Dashboard {get;set;}
public FirstListViewModel FirstList {get;set;}
public SecondListViewModel SecondList {get;set;}
We're now in the situation where if a certain action happens within the DashboardViewModel we would like to instruct the navigation to change the tab in iOS and the same thing to happen on the other platforms.
The only way I've been able to get the tab to change on iOS is to use this.SelectedIndex = 1; from within the iOS ProjectView.
At the moment also the only way I've managed to trigger this change is to fire an event from the DashboardViewModel and then the ProjectViewModel subscribes to this and fires another event which is subscribed to by the ProjectView to instruct it to change the tab in whatever device specific way it needs to. I can't help but think there is a better way to do this.
I've tried taking a look at a custom ViewPresenter for iOS and calling ShowViewModel FirstListViewModel from within the DashboardViewModel but the presenter doesn't appear to be getting used so we just transition normally. My idea was I could get in the middle, cancel the navigation request and then flip the active tab on the ProjectView.
Any suggestions would be appreciated on how we could do this in a better cross platform way using MVVMCross to handle the change if at all possible.
You should be able to do this in any of several ways:
using a custom presenter with overridden Show as you suggest
using a custom presenter with overridden ChangePresentation - and using a custom hint
using a custom binding or a binding to a property within the ProjectView to drive the transition
using a custom IMvxInteraction property
using a custom event from VM to View
using a messenger to send a message from the ViewModels to the Views.
Ultimately lots of these could work and which of these I might choose would depend on which one worked and which one the team are happy with - shipping the working app is always the ultimate goal.
Given where I am with MvvmCross experience, I'd probably opt today for trying the approach of trying a custom IMvxInteraction property. But this might not be for everyone... it certainly might be overkill for this sample...
However, to do this, I would try:
add a public enum Display { Dash, First, Second } to the Core project
add a ProjectViewModel property:
private MvxInteraction<Display> _display = new MvxInteraction< Display >();
public IMvxInteraction<Display> DisplayChange { get { return _display; } }
whenever this ViewModel wants to fire the change it can fire it using e.g. _display.Raise(Display.First)
the ProjectView could then bind Display to its own property which might be implemented like:
private IDisposable _subscription;
private IMvxInteraction<Display> _displayInteraction;
public IMvxInteraction<Display> ChangeDisplay
get { return _displayInteraction; }
if (_subscription != null)
_subscription = null;
_displayInteraction = value;
if (_displayInteraction != null)
_subscription = _displayInteraction.WeakSubscribe(DoDisplayChange);
private void DoDisplayChange(Display which)
// change the tab display here
the binding would be added in ViewDidLoad like:
set.Bind(this).For(v => v.ChangeDisplay).To(vm => vm.DisplayChange);

Overriding editor template in theme affects admin view

I created a form using the CustomForms module and need to control the markup of the input fields I've included on the form (to add bootstrap specific classes). I added a view to my theme at the location /Views/EditorTemplates/Fields/Input.Edit.cshtml and that allowed me to update the markup for the input fields.
My problem is that the view in my theme is also being picked up in the admin views. I didn't expect this behavior but it's happening. I tried scoping the view override to the url (Input.Edit-url-contact.cshtml) and content type (Input.Edit-ContactRequest.cshtml) using the alternate naming conventions but they do not appear to work in this case.
Is there a way to scope the Input.Edit.cshtml view in my theme so it only applies to the front-end of the site? Or is there a better way to achieve what I'm trying to do?
I ended up working around this issue by implementing a shape table provider (based on Bertrand's suggestion) to specify different template names in my theme so they weren't picked up in the admin. Here's what it looks like:
public class EditorFieldShapeProvider : IShapeTableProvider
public void Discover(ShapeTableBuilder builder)
.OnDisplaying(displaying =>
var shape = displaying.Shape;
if (shape.ContentField is InputField) {
shape.TemplateName = "CustomInputField";
Just drop that class somewhere in your theme and create your view at /ThemeName/Views/EditorTemplates/CustomInputField.cshtml

Xpage Component using UIDialog, UIDialog does not render its children

I am trying to develope a component for my company wich should have an integrated dialog. Creating the component was easy until i hit the point with the Dialog. I want to use the com.ibm.xsp.extlib.component.dialog.UIDialog for my component because it has some nice features wich i want to use so creating my own dialog with a ClientSideDojo is not an option.
Normaly when adding a component to another i use component.getChildren().add(MyNewComp),but when i try this Code:
public class myComponentWithADialog extends UIComponentBase implements FacesComponent {
//...other Code...
public void buildContents(FacesContext context, FacesComponentBuilder builder)
throws FacesException {
UIDialog dialog = new UIDialog();
UIPanelEx panel = new UIPanelEx();
panel.setStyle("border:2px solid red;");
panel.setStyleClass("lotusList lotusTags lotusRelatedTags");
My Panel does not display inside the dialog when calling XSP.openDialog('dialogClientId') in my browser the dialog is shown but empty.
I already tried several other methods like dialog.getPopupContent.getChildren().add() but then i get the error: javax.faces.component.UIPanel incompatible with com.ibm.xsp.extlib.component.dialog.UIDialog$PopupContent.
Also i tried to find a solution on google but i only found a entry at openNTF from someone with the same problem but also without any solution.
Note: I also tried to 'inject' some content to a standard <xe:dialog> and to a <px:panel> inside the <xe:dialog> via a button with SSJS like keithstric does in his blog. Code:
var dialog:com.ibm.xsp.extlib.component.dialog.UIDialog =
if(dialog.getChildren().size() > 0) {
var TextField:com.ibm.xsp.component.xp.XspOutputText = new com.ibm.xsp.component.xp.XspOutputText();
TextField.setValue("<p>This is the new Content</p>");
This code works fine for a standard <xp:panel> outside a dialog but not on the dialog itself or a panel inside it.
The dialogue is not pre - rendered when the page is loaded, but when you actually call for it in XSP.openDialog(...)
So you need to get your code run in that event (mobile now, can't check if it is exposed).
Plan B: do use a Dojo dialogue that is backed by a rest control, so you can transport whatever data you need back and forth.
A word of caution: popup dialogs are a UI concept transplanted from desktop apps. They are alien to Web apps and mostly not working in mobile. Consider and Inline form instead (or a wizard)
