Bluez server for bidirectional communication - bluetooth

I want to create on my Linux desktop a small server listening to requests using Bluetooth. Clients (such as mobile phones or tablets) will connect to this server and exchange data back and forth.
It should be straightforward, but I'm unable to find an up-to-date tutorial for Bluez's new DBUS-based API, and Bluez documentation is basically just a huge data dump.
Any suggestions on how I should proceed? (The language used does not really matter, since there are DBUS bindings for all major languages.)

These are some useful links to get started, it's not much but it's a start.
Textual (and up-to-date) description of the DBus interfaces exposed by bluez5 :
You can find example for gatt client/server in the prevous cgit at the following path : /tree/src/shared/
An overview of Bluez and it's dbus interfaces (conference given at the 2016 Open IoT Summit) :
If you need example for your dbus bindings, I suggest looking at their test files
As you said yourself, there are dbus bindings in many languages however the language does matter. For example, some old low-level C API are not advised (see for yourself the advices in the dbus tutorial on
I suggest the following steps to start (especially for LE) :
Read the adapter-api.txt (first link) description and try to build a proxy to interact the org.bluez.Adapter1 interface (when trying to build the proxy: name would be 'org.bluez' and object path '/org/bluez/hci0' as describded in adapter-api.txt). Call StartDiscovery and StopDiscovery
Once scanning is done, print your proxy introspection to find the devices discovered (you should see MAC addresses preceded by "dev_")
Build proxies to interact with the device (read the device-api.txt file description to find out what you need)
For LE, if you want to access the Services of a Device. Introspect your device proxy and you will find it'serices. Repeat the process to reach Characteristics and Descriptors.


Bluetooth Low-Energy on Linux API

I have a device with a few custom GATT services, and I would like to write a Linux program to interact with it. After some searching I found out that Linux is using BlueZ to handle the Bluetooth LE protocol. I'm using Ubuntu 15.10 with BlueZ 5.35, but I cannot figure out how use this BlueZ from a user-space program. I cannot find an API documentation anywhere, no tutorials, examples, nothing. Is it even possible to use this BlueZ stack to do anything other than just connecting to Bluetooth devices with default services? And if so, where is the documentation? (Preferably C/C++ API but at this point anything goes)
Have a look at attrib/gatttool.c in the bluez sources [1]. Gatttool is a command line utility for connecting to BTLE devices using the C "API". The GATT interface is not exposed in libbluetooth though.
A newer alternative to gatttool and thus another example to learn
from is the btgatt-client, which you can find in
tools/btgatt-client.c (to enable compilation configure bluez with
Besides the C interface bluez integrated a DBUS interface.
bluetoothctl is an example tool using the DBUS interface. The code of
bluetoothctl can be found in client/ [2].
Another example program using the C interface of bluez is the Anki
Drive SDK [3]. It packaged the bluez GATT C interface in its own
library libbzle [4]. When using the C interface you have to connect a
socket when establishing a BTLE connection. The gatttool does this
via the GATT interface, which in turn uses glib iirc. But you can
also do this using syscalls (socket, connect, ...) as explained e.g.
here [5]. This document also explains:
Unfortunately, as of now there is no official API reference to refer to, so more curious readers are advised to download and examine the BlueZ source code.
Gilbert Brault also extracted the GATT interface from bluez [6] and links to a rudimentary doxygen documentation of the GATT interface [7] with the following disclaimer:
This is a work in progress with the intent of documenting all important functions and data structures
Also Szymon Janc gave a nice overview in his talk "Bluetooth on Modern Linux" at the Embedded Linux Conference 2016 [8]. Starting at 42:00 he talks about the unexposed C interface. But in general he seems to recommend the DBUS API (see "Tips" slide at 45:30). Some DBUS documentation can be found in doc/gatt-api.txt [9] and Python examples using the DBUS interface can be found in test/.
Hope this helps.
I feel your pain. I needed to add user input from a custom BLE peripheral, a simple remote pushbutton, to an embedded program running under Linux (Stretch) on a Raspberry Pi. I was stunned by the needless complexity and Spartan (not a compliment) documentation of the BlueZ API. All the BlueZ “examples” are written from the perspective that Bluetooth is the center of the universe and the user wants to support every Bluetooth device ever invented. In my case I knew exactly the device, service, and GATT characteristics I needed to interact with, and I wanted a minimum overhead task that would do its thing in a low priority thread.
It turns out a BLE central client is pretty straightforward using BlueZ, but it was an arduous road starting with the source for the BlueZ utility bluetoothctl in release 5.49. I accomplished my needs using only three unmodified source files from the BlueZ distribution and excerpts from an additional three source files. Since the BlueZ source is inextricably dependent on D-Bus and the Gnome GLib main loop, I grudgingly included them.
Following OlivierM's generous lead, and in hopes that my embarrassingly massive investment in time saves someone else a month of their life, I have posted my example Bluetooth BLE client on GitHub:
It would arguably be simpler and quicker to write a shell script on Linux to do what you need to do. The BlueZ commands are relatively simple and straightforward, and there are many tutorials and questions on how to use it.
Using Bluetooth low energy in linux command line
Bluetooth Low Energy: listening for notifications/indications in linux
How can I connect to the FitBit Zip over Bluetooth 4.0 LE on Linux with bluez?
Once you are more familiar with using the commands manually you can then write a minimal shell script so that this is automated for you.
I had a similar issue which is to interact with a BLE device with a GATT C/C++ API. I have realized there was no such API existing.
The way I fixed my issue was to write my own GATT library. I have pushed the code on Github:
I use this library in my own BLE project and it fulfils my needs. I created few examples that use the library to encourage people to use it and have better feedback.
I recently found out that Qt has Bluetooth Low Energy support as host since Qt 5.7. Qt Bluetooth LE. It is available under LGPLv3 or commercial license, and exposes a C++ API.

Simple Universal Plug and Play ( uPNP ) to find Raspberry Pi on Network

I have a RaspberryPi connected to my home network via WiFi with a dynamic ip address. I then have my iPhone connected to the same network also via WiFi. The Pi has a lightweight c++ HTTP server running on it that can execute commands. I now want to write an Objective-C app that can find the Pi on the network, regardless of it's ip address, and send it commands. So, Universal Plug and Play seems like the logical solution - but everything I find on Google is dealing with Media players and streaming audio/video content.
I just want the Pi to somehow simply broadcast on my network - "Hey, I'm RasberryPi and my IP Address is!".
Can somebody please suggest a package or solution to this problem? Thanks!
For the RPi side I would suggest GUPnP as long as you can fulfill the dependency requirements. It's a very modular framework so you don't need to load or use any of the multimedia related things if you don't need them. It's based on glib and libsoup and allows you to fairly easily define and implement your own UPnP services. Take a look at the BinaryLight example: It implements a BinaryLight Device that contains a SwitchPower service with several methods and two state variables (properties). You should be able to hit the ground running if you start with that. There's documentation on how to write a server.
The components you are going to need/want:
libgssdp, handles discovery, used by gupnp
libgupnp, the actual upnp implementation, used by your app
the dependencies (glib, gio, gmodule, libsoup, libxml)
Also possibly for testing (this on a desktop linux machine since it requires gtk):
gupnp-tools, contains gupnp-universal-cp
EDIT: If you really don't want to implement any UPnP functionality, it's possible you could just use GSSDP for the IP discovery. This could be very simple: see test-publish example.

webpage (django) <-> midi event (alsa) in Linux

I would like to create a web application that sends and receives ALSA MIDI messages on Linux. Only one web client is intended.
What kind of architecture / programs do I need for that?
I am familiar with django but can't find the missing link to ALSA (or any system with a gateway to ALSA on my Ubuntu machine). Also, I have the small program ttymidi (, that sends messages from a serial port to ALSA.
You might be able to use Python's miscellaneous operating system interfaces, but web applications aren't often designed in this way. You may also have to worry about latency and buffering in your program.
The simplest way of doing what you want without any third-party library is to use pyALSA, which is the official python wrapper around the C ALSA library.
I recommend you dealing with the Sequencer API instead of the RawMIDI stuff, which is lower-level. Check out some of the test apps and the C API documentation, it will definetely help you to write your code.

how to get an SDP record for bluetooth service?

I'm new to both winsock and bluetooth programming. I need to develop a bluetooth service to run on a pc.
Looking at the MSDN library they say to use WSASetService( function to publish a service.
The problem is that the WSAQUERYSET( structure, that has to be passed to WSASetService, needs a binary SDP record and i don't know how to get it.
In the Windows embedded section of the MSDN library they describe a procedure to obtain an SDP record using Bthnscreate.
I installed Windows CE 6 to use this tool but i can't find it in the install directory nor in the entire system.
How can i get an SDP record?
Pay me to create it for you? No I'm kidding -- unless you need expert help. I'm maintainer of the 32feet.NET Bluetooth library for .NET. We include full SDP record parsing, creating, and diagnostic dumping. You should be able to create your record with our ServiceRecordBuilder class and then have it converted to binary form with method ServiceRecordCreator.CreateServiceRecord. See some documentation in the "Bluetooth SDP — Service Discovery Protocol" section in 32feet.NET -- User Guide

Accessing Bluetooth virtual COM port on Windows without manual pairing

I need to connect to a Bluetooth device through virtual COM port created in Windows. It's easy when the port has been already created during manual pairing procedure. But I would like my application to relieve an user from the manual pairing of a device. I would like to present all devices in the range, allow user to chose one, and then create virtual COM port connected with the selected device. I'm not trying to avoid the pairing procedure itself, but rather I would like to invoke it by my application.
I started getting familiar with Microsoft Bluetooth API. And then some doubts arose. I've been wondering what happen if some user would use different (than Microsoft's) Bluetooth stack? Is the Microsoft's API the real Bluetooth API, which have to be implemented by any other Bluetooth stack provider? Or rather each provider has its own API, and the Microsoft's is only one of many other?
Thanks everyone for valuable input. I'd like to summarize what I've found so far. The Microsoft Bluetooth API is not operating system API. Application written against it will not cooperate correctly with any other Bluetooth stack. It seems that applications which are intended to cooperate with multiple stacks need to provide some stack abstraction layer, and stack specific code for all of them.The other solution is to allow user for manual pairing of the Bluetooth device, which eventually create some virtual device in the operating system (e.g., COM port). Then the application can use standard interface of such a device.
I can't speak for the Microsoft Bluetooth API, but there are multiple Bluetooth stacks available for the PC platform (even more for mobile devices).
The underlying API is defined by the Bluetooth Core Spec and so all stacks should be able to interact, in fact it is mandatory that they interop or they cannot use the Bluetooth name and logo.
As to pairing, your going to have a hard time getting devices to pair if they have default security, which requires a pin code.
Things might be simpler in the (near) future, as the Bluetooth standard has introduced a new security model, secure simple pairing, which has a 'just works' mode that requires no Pin code. This is still stronger then the current security, except against Man in the middle attacks. However, it could be a while before you see the chips with this feature in PCs.
If you can change to using .NET :-/ I can recommend our library 32feet.NET.
For explicit pairing there's BluetoothSecurity.PairDevice. We can also create the virtual port for you, for example:
BluetoothClient cli = new BluetoothClient();
BluetoothDeviceInfo[] list = cli.DiscoverDevices();
BluetoothDeviceInfo selected = GetUserToSelectOne(list);
BluetoothSecurity.PairDevice(selected, pin);
// Ask Win32 to create a virtual serial port
However I really don't like virtual serial ports so I always suggest that people use a normal sockets connection using our BluetoothClient class, it will automatically handle a pairing request if required.
On Win32 we support the stacks from Microsoft, Widcomm/Broadcom, and BlueSoleil. On Widcomm there's no support for SetServiceState there yet, and their API has no support for responding to pairing requests. BlueSoleil should support both.
A brief user's guide is at 32feet.NET — User’s Guide, and all the class documentation is available at the main site, the Widcomm documentation is only in our code repository at the moment.
