JSF Required Message being displayed twice - jsf

Here is the senorio and codes. JSF Required Message being displayed twice. how can i solve?
<h:outputText value="#{msg['text.surdurulebilir']} :"/>
<p:rating value="#{appraisalBean.newAppraisal.ratingSustainability}" stars="10"
readonly="#{sessionBean.loggedUser.fullName == 'Admin' or sessionBean.loggedUser.fullName == 'Moderator'}"
required="true" requiredMessage="Sürdürülebilirlik Değerlendirilme Alanı Boş Bırakılamaz." id="star5"/>

please check your p:messages tag and both showDetails and showSummary attribute are set to true. That's why two messages are displaying one for summery and another for detail. One more doubt I have you may be adding messages from java file as well


Primefaces - at least one field required with one message for all fields

Is it possible to perform primefaces validation to validate that one field in the form has to be filled in? When none are filled in, all fields have to be marked red (happens automatically) and only one message may be displayed in the messages tag. Right now a message is displayed for each required field and I don't want that.
I've tried:
<p:messages id="messages" redisplay="false"/>
but this doesn't filter them.
An example of one of the many inputFields:
<p:inputText id="from" value="#{containerBean.selectedContainer.from}"
required="#{empty param['containerForm:description']
and empty param['containerForm:to']
and empty param['containerForm:year']
and empty param['containerForm:yearTo']
and empty param['containerForm:sequence']}"
disabled="#{documentBean.addNewOrUpdateDocumentSelected or !containerBean.canEditSelectedContainer()}"/>
I know it's possible with omnifaces, but I may not use it :)..
PF 5.3
I also know that I could perform the validation in my BackingBean, but that's not a good practice..

JSF form dynamic layout causes java.lang.IllegalStateException: component with duplicate id "j_id142" found

I am trying to build a dynamic layout for a form in JSF. It should generate a dynamic number of select fields, based on the values that come from "classifyingOptions", which is of type: Map(Object, List(Object)).
I first tried to use ui:repeat to iterate through the map, but I couldn't since the EL for the u:select and f:selectItems are evaluated when the view is built and is invalid since it relies on a variable only made available by the ui:repeat during rendering.(source for the explanation here
So i switched to using c:forEach.
<c:forEach items="#{action.classifyingOptions}" var="current" varStatus="i">
<h:panelGrid columns="2">
<u:select label="#{current.key.value}" id="select_#{i.index}" value="#{action.selectedOption}"
readonly="#{i.index != 0 ? !action.isSelected.get(i.index -1) : false }"
valueChangeListener="#{action.classifyingOptionChanged}" immediate="true">
<f:selectItems value="#{current.value}" var="option" itemValue="#{option.key}" itemLabel="#{option.value}" />
<a4j:ajax event="change" render="#form" execute="#this" />
<h:panelGroup />
I can read the map and show the select fields. The requirements is that when the first of the fields is selected, the next field needs to be enabled using an ajax call.
The problem is that an error is thrown on the sever once I select an option for the first field:
16.05.16 16:46:25:267 EEST] 0000006f FaceletViewDe E Error Rendering View[/pages/details.xhtml] java.lang.IllegalStateException: component with duplicate id "j_id142" found
In the browser, i get this message as part of the response that threw the error: This page contains the following errors: error on line 23 at column 230: Extra content at the end of the document
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
So I used both ui:repeat and c:forEach, but none of them was able to work properly. Can you check where my mistake is? Or do you know any different approach?
Thank you!
Issue Solved. I used f:ajax instead of a4j:ajax

JSF 1.2/Seam 2.2 - validator is skipped when input it empty

I am trying to call validateLength in JSF (xhtml file of seam)
<f:validateLength minimum="2" maximum="512"/>
It works for values such as text length 513 and 1 (i.e. it shows a warning, but not for 0)
The input text filed for which it is being used is set to required=false (so that it can use a4j support for empty fields, I have to show a preview based on the input)
The problem that I see is that there a validator method in a helper class but it gets ignored when the length of input is 0 (ie I put nothing , it works for non-empty values).
I also have a NullableStringConverter here but what I have noticed that as soon as that converter sets the value of null of empty string, the validator gets skipped. Here is the complete snippet of in the inputText
<h:inputText id="linkNameInput"
<f:validateLength minimum="2" maximum="512"/>
<f:converter converterId="NullableStringConverter" />
I would just like the ability to validate an empty string in a validator.
I would just like the ability to validate an empty string in a validator.
That's not possible in JSF 1.x. That's only possible since JSF 2.0 (in favour of JSR303 Bean Validation support).
I'm not sure why you'd like to validate the empty string in the custom validator. There you normally use the required="true" attribute for this. If the sole goal is to change the required message, then just use requiredMessage attribute.
<h:inputText ... required="true" requiredMessage="Please enter name" />
As mentioned already, validating an empty input String in a JSF 1.2 component is not supported. However, you can check for this null/empty model value in your backing bean on form submit and add a FacesMessage that is mapped to that specific input field. This would allow integration with server-side component-specific error message display (<h:message for="componentId" />).

Conditional style in JSF when validation has failed in general

i have h:messages to display error messages, and there's a component that i want its style to change in case of validation error occurs (if any component has a validation error or any validation message is rendered then change the style of this specific component).
i know about the way to change the style if the component has validation errors:
JSF : Better way to check for existence of <h:message for="id"/>
but i want a more general way, to change style if any component in the form is not valid, or in other words any validation message is rendered.
please advise how to accomplish that.
You can use FacesContext#isValidationFailed() to check if validation has failed in general.
<h:outputText ... styleClass="#{facesContext.validationFailed ? 'fail' : 'success'}" />
Alternatively, you can use FacesContext#getMessageList() to check if there are any faces messages. This does not necessarily indicate a general validation failure, there can namely also be global/success messages which are been added in action method.
<h:outputText ... styleClass="#{not empty facesContext.messageList ? 'hasmessage' : 'nomessage'}" />

<h:message> unable to find component in <ui:repeat>

I am building a table using a <ui:repeat> tag, and its length is dynamic. Each row has a <h:inputText> field. When the form is submitted, it sets the values from the form into a hashmap. That all works great, except for the validation. I need to tell the <h:message> which input it belongs to using the "for" attribute. I've tried to create a unique ID per row, based on the name of the item being used to create the row. But the <h:message> tag remains empty when I submit an invalid input, and I get the following output on the servers log (JBoss 7.1):
Unable to find component with ID nTAS in view.
Here is the XHTML:
<ui:repeat var="item" ...>
<h:inputText value="#{bean.chosenItems[item.name]}" id="n#{item.name}" >
<f:validateLongRange minimum="0" maximum="10" />
<h:message for="n#{item.name}" />
In order to at least get some kind of error message in the browser, I also added this near the top of my page, and it works:
<h:messages styleClass="error" />
It displays this message:
j_idt13:j_idt17:1:n: Validation Error: Value is not of the correct type.
And that kind of shows part of the problem, since the ID is that strange code at the start of the message, and it starts with "n", but doesn't contain the item's name. If I look at the source in the browser, the ID is actually: id="j_idt13:j_idt17:1:nTAS"
If I look at other components, outside of the table, they also have cryptic IDs, apparently generated by JSF.
And what is really weird is that when I input "asdf" a second time, and re-submit the form, it then calls the action method on the bean, instead of again failing during validation phase!! How can that be?!
Thanks for any hints,
You cannot create IDs dynamically with el expressions. And the "cryptic" IDs are indeed generated by jsf if you don't assign an ID to a component.
But you don't need to care for the uniqueness of your ids in ui:repeat. JSF does it for you (the "1" in the generated id string is the counter for your repeated component). Just give your input field a "fixed" id and reference it in your h:message:
<h:inputText value="#{bean.chosenItems[item.name]}" id="myID" >
<f:validateLongRange minimum="0" maximum="10" />
<h:message for="myID" />
