How to destructure tuple struct with reference - rust

I'm trying to use the hyper library to make some requests. The Headers::get() method returns Option<&H>, where H is a tuple struct with one field. I can use if let Some() to destructure the Option. But how do we destructure the &H? Sure I could always access the field with .0, but I'm curious if Rust has a syntax to do this.
struct s(String);
fn f(input: &s) -> &s {
fn main() {
let my_struct1 = s("a".to_owned());
let s(foo) = my_struct1;
let my_struct2 = s("b".to_owned());
let &s(bar) = f(&my_struct2); // this does not work
let baz = &my_struct2.0; // this works

When you try to compile this, the Rust compiler will tell you how to fix the error with a nice message:
error[E0507]: cannot move out of borrowed content
--> <anon>:11:9
11 | let &s(bar) = f(&my_struct2); // this does not work
| ^^^---^
| | |
| | hint: to prevent move, use `ref bar` or `ref mut bar`
| cannot move out of borrowed content
This is needed to tell the compiler that you only want a reference to the field in the struct; the default matching will perform a move and the original struct value will no longer be valid.
Let's fix the example:
struct s(String);
fn f(input: &s) -> &s {
fn main() {
let my_struct1 = s("a".to_owned());
let s(foo) = my_struct1;
let my_struct2 = s("b".to_owned());
let &s(ref bar) = f(&my_struct2);
Another way is to dereference first and drop the &. I think this is preferred in Rust:
struct s(String);
fn f(input: &s) -> &s {
fn main() {
let my_struct1 = s("a".to_owned());
let s(foo) = my_struct1;
let my_struct2 = s("b".to_owned());
let s(ref bar) = *f(&my_struct2);


How to iteratively call a function with ref argument and update state?

This is a minimal example. I have a function foo that takes a reference of a vector and returns a brand new vector. Then, there's another function bar that iteratively calls foo and update its state. But I cannot get it to compile.
fn foo(input: &Vec<i32>) -> Vec<i32> {
let len = input.len();
return input[0..len-1].to_vec();
fn bar() {
let input = vec![1,2,3,4,5];
let mut out = &input;
for _ in 0..2 {
out = foo(out);
Gives this error:
78 | out = foo(out);
| ^^^^^^^^
| |
| expected `&Vec<i32>`, found struct `Vec`
| help: consider borrowing here: `&foo(out)`
So that makes sense since out has a mismatched type of &Vec<i32>. Now, if I add an ampersand in front of the foo(out) call, then I got a different error:
78 | out = &foo(out);
| ^^^^---^- temporary value is freed at the end of this statement
| | |
| | borrow later used here
| creates a temporary which is freed while still in use
What is the right way to fix this?
The clean way, if possible, is to consistently hold onto the actual value instead of a reference:
fn bar() {
let input = vec![1,2,3,4,5];
let mut out = input;
for _ in 0..2 {
out = foo(&out);
or, equivalently,
fn bar() {
let input = vec![1,2,3,4,5];
let out = (0..2).fold(input, |prev, _| foo(&prev));
But if you need to continue using input afterwards, then you’ll have to find some other way to make the return value of foo live longer than the loop, e.g.
fn bar() {
let input = vec![1,2,3,4,5];
let mut out_storage;
let mut out = &input;
for _ in 0..2 {
out_storage = foo(out);
out = &out_storage;

How do I return local data with a recursive function in Rust?

I'm struggling to write a recursive algorithm in Rust. With the following code:
use std::collections::HashMap;
enum Error {
fn expand_symbols<'a, T: AsRef<str>>(
symbols: &'a [T],
ops: &HashMap<String, String>,
user_ops: &'a HashMap<String, String>,
) -> std::result::Result<Vec<&'a str>, Error> {
if symbols.iter().all(|x| ops.get(x.as_ref()).is_some()) {
let symbols = symbols.iter().map(|x| x.as_ref()).collect();
return Ok(symbols);
let mut expanded: Vec<&str> = vec![];
for s in symbols {
let s = s.as_ref();
if ops.contains_key(s) || s.parse::<i32>().is_ok() {
} else {
let mut resolved = user_ops
expanded.append(&mut resolved);
expand_symbols(&expanded, ops, user_ops)
I get:
error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing local variable `expanded`
--> src/
32 | expand_symbols(&expanded, ops, user_ops)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^---------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| | |
| | `expanded` is borrowed here
| returns a value referencing data owned by the current function
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0515`.
However, if I change the last statement to:
it works, but it's not longer recursive.
I understand the idea that I'm trying to return a value borrowed from a local frame, but I think this is safe based on the second example. How can I tell the compiler that?
Note: I'm using AsRef because I want to be able to pass both a Vec<String> and Vec<&str> to expand_symbols(). Maybe I need to forget about that?
With Ok(expanded) the variable expanded is moved out of the function, meaning no reference to it existing after the function returned. So, the second sample, if you meant by Ok(expanded), is not same as the original one.
To address the issue I think you can pass a mutable reference to symbols as the first parameter of the function, and do in-place edit on it instead of creating a new local vector, explanded.
fn expand_symbols<'a>(
symbols: &'a mut Vec<&'a str>,
ops: &HashMap<String, String>,
user_ops: &'a HashMap<String, String>,
) -> std::result::Result<&'a Vec<&'a str>, Error> {
if symbols.is_empty() || symbols.iter().all(|x| ops.get(*x).is_some()) {
return Ok(symbols);
let mut unresolved: Vec<&str> = vec![];
let mut i = 0;
while i < symbols.len() {
let s = symbols[i];
if ops.contains_key(s) || s.parse::<i32>().is_ok() {
i += 1;
} else {
for s in unresolved.iter() {
let mut resolved = user_ops
symbols.append(&mut resolved);
expand_symbols(symbols, ops, user_ops)

rust E0597: borrowed value does not live lnog enough

I am trying to rewrite an algorithm from javascript to rust. In the following code, I get borrowed value does not live long enough error at line number 17.
scraper = "0.11.0"
use std::fs;
fn get_html(fname: &str) -> String {
fs::read_to_string(fname).expect("Something went wrong reading the file")
pub mod diff_html {
use scraper::{element_ref::ElementRef, Html};
pub struct DiffNode<'a> {
node_ref: ElementRef<'a>,
impl<'a> DiffNode<'a> {
fn from_html(html: &str) -> Self {
let doc = Self::get_doc(&html);
let root_element = doc.root_element().to_owned();
let diffn = Self {
node_ref: root_element,
fn get_doc(html: &str) -> Html {
pub fn diff<'a>(html1: &str, _html2: &str) -> DiffNode<'a> {
let diff1 = DiffNode::from_html(&html1);
fn main() {
//read strins
let filename1: &str = "test/test1.html";
let filename2: &str = "test/test2.html";
let html1: &str = &get_html(filename1);
let html2: &str = &get_html(filename2);
let diff1 = diff_html::diff(html1, html2);
//write html
//fs::write("test_outs/testx.html", html1).expect("unable to write file");
//written output file.
warning: unused variable: `diff1`
--> src\
43 | let diff1 = diff_html::diff(html1, html2);
| ^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_diff1`
= note: `#[warn(unused_variables)]` on by default
error[E0597]: `doc` does not live long enough
--> src\
14 | impl<'a> DiffNode<'a> {
| -- lifetime `'a` defined here
17 | let root_element = doc.root_element().to_owned();
| ^^^--------------------------
| |
| borrowed value does not live long enough
| assignment requires that `doc` is borrowed for `'a`
22 | }
| - `doc` dropped here while still borrowed
I want a detailed explanation/solution if possible.
root_element which is actually an ElementRef has reference to objects inside doc, not the actual owned object. The object doc here is created in from_html function and therefore owned by the function. Because doc is not returned, it is dropped / deleted from memory at the end of from_html function block.
ElementRef needs doc, the thing it is referencing to, to be alive when it is returned from the memory.
pub mod diff_html {
use scraper::{element_ref::ElementRef, Html};
pub struct DiffNode<'a> {
node_ref: ElementRef<'a>,
impl<'a> DiffNode<'a> {
fn from_html(html: &'a scraper::html::Html) -> Self {
Self {
node_ref: html.root_element(),
pub fn diff<'a>(html1_string: &str, _html2_string: &str) {
let html1 = Html::parse_document(&html1_string);
let diff1 = DiffNode::from_html(&html1);
// do things here
// at the end of the function, diff1 and html1 is dropped together
// this way the compiler doesn't yell at you
More or less you need to do something like this with diff function to let the HTML and ElementRef's lifetime to be the same.
This behavior is actually Rust's feature to guard values in memory so that it doesn't leak or reference not referencing the wrong memory address.
Also if you want to feel like operating detachable objects and play with reference (like java, javascript, golang) I suggest reading this

Iterate through a whole file one character at a time

I'm new to Rust and I'm struggle with the concept of lifetimes. I want to make a struct that iterates through a file a character at a time, but I'm running into issues where I need lifetimes. I've tried to add them where I thought they should be but the compiler isn't happy. Here's my code:
struct Advancer<'a> {
line_iter: Lines<BufReader<File>>,
char_iter: Chars<'a>,
current: Option<char>,
peek: Option<char>,
impl<'a> Advancer<'a> {
pub fn new(file: BufReader<File>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mut line_iter = file.lines();
if let Some(Ok(line)) = {
let char_iter = line.chars();
let mut advancer = Advancer {
current: None,
peek: None,
// Prime the pump. Populate peek so the next call to advance returns the first char
let _ =;
} else {
Err(anyhow!("Failed reading an empty file."))
pub fn next(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
self.current = self.peek;
if let Some(char) = {
self.peek = Some(char);
} else {
if let Some(Ok(line)) = {
self.char_iter = line.chars();
self.peek = Some('\n');
} else {
self.peek = None;
pub fn current(&self) -> Option<char> {
pub fn peek(&self) -> Option<char> {
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let file = File::open("input_file.txt")?;
let file_buf = BufReader::new(file);
let mut advancer = Advancer::new(file_buf)?;
while let Some(char) = {
print!("{}", char);
And here's what the compiler is telling me:
error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing local variable `line`
--> src/
25 | let char_iter = line.chars();
| ---- `line` is borrowed here
37 | Ok(advancer)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ returns a value referencing data owned by the current function
error[E0597]: `line` does not live long enough
--> src/
21 | impl<'a> Advancer<'a> {
| -- lifetime `'a` defined here
49 | self.char_iter = line.chars();
| -----------------^^^^--------
| | |
| | borrowed value does not live long enough
| assignment requires that `line` is borrowed for `'a`
50 | self.peek = Some('\n');
51 | } else {
| - `line` dropped here while still borrowed
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
Some errors have detailed explanations: E0515, E0597.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0515`.
error: could not compile `advancer`.
Some notes:
The Chars iterator borrows from the String it was created from. So you can't drop the String while the iterator is alive. But that's what happens in your new() method, the line variable owning the String disappears while the iterator referencing it is stored in the struct.
You could also try storing the current line in the struct, then it would live long enough, but that's not an option – a struct cannot hold a reference to itself.
Can you make a char iterator on a String that doesn't store a reference into the String? Yes, probably, for instance by storing the current position in the string as an integer – it shouldn't be the index of the char, because chars can be more than one byte long, so you'd need to deal with the underlying bytes yourself (using e.g. is_char_boundary() to take the next bunch of bytes starting from your current index that form a char).
Is there an easier way? Yes, if performance is not of highest importance, one solution is to make use of Vec's IntoIterator instance (which uses unsafe magic to create an object that hands out parts of itself) :
let char_iter = file_buf.lines().flat_map(|line_res| {
let line = line_res.unwrap_or(String::new());
Note that just returning line.chars() would have the same problem as the first point.
You might think that String should have a similar IntoIterator instance, and I wouldn't disagree.

What's the difference between var and _var in Rust?

Given this:
fn main() {
let variable = [0; 15];
The Rust compiler produces this warning:
= note: #[warn(unused_variables)] on by default
= note: to avoid this warning, consider using `_variable` instead
What's the difference between variable and _variable?
The difference is an underscore at the front, which causes the Rust compiler to allow it to be unused. It is kind of a named version of the bare underscore _ which can be used to ignore a value.
However, _name acts differently than _. The plain underscore drops the value immediately while _name acts like any other variable and drops the value at the end of the scope.
An example of how it does not act exactly the same as a plain underscore:
struct Count(i32);
impl Drop for Count {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("dropping count {}", self.0);
fn main() {
let _a = Count(3);
let _ = Count(2);
let _c = Count(1);
let _a = Count(3);
let _b = Count(2);
let _c = Count(1);
prints the following (playground):
dropping count 2
dropping count 1
dropping count 3
dropping count 1
dropping count 2
dropping count 3
The key difference between _variable and variable is that first one tells compiler not to give any warnings if we do not use it in our code. Example:
// src/
fn main() {
let _x = 1;
let y = 2;
Compiling gives:
warning: unused variable: `y`
--> src/
3 | let y = 2;
| ^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_y`
= note: `#[warn(unused_variables)]` on by default
The more interesting case is when we are comparing _ with _variable.
Ignoring an Unused Variable by Starting Its Name with _:
The syntax _x still binds the value to the variable, whereas _ doesn’t bind at all.
Consider example:
// src/
fn main() {
let s = Some(String::from("Hello!"));
if let Some(_s) = s {
println!("found a string");
println!("{:?}", s);
When we try to compile we get error:
error[E0382]: borrow of moved value: `s`
--> src/
4 | if let Some(_s) = s {
| -- value moved here
8 | println!("{:?}", s);
| ^ value borrowed here after partial move
= note: move occurs because value has type `std::string::String`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
help: borrow this field in the pattern to avoid moving `s.0`
4 | if let Some(ref _s) = s {
| ^^^
Aha! The syntax _x still binds the value to the variable, which means that we are moving the ownership of s to _s, thus, we can no longer access variable s anymore; which happens when we try to print value of s.
The correct way of doing the above is:
// src/
fn main() {
let s = Some(String::from("Hello!"));
if let Some(_) = s {
println!("found a string");
println!("{:?}", s);
Above code works just fine. s does not get moved into _, so we can still access it later.
Sometimes I use _ with iterators:
fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
let _ = v
.map(|x| {
println!("{}", x);
Compiling gives result:
When doing more complex operations on iterable types above example acts as utility for me.
