Number of arguments passed to thread in windows - multithreading

In C++/C#/Java we can start the thread with function that accepts some arguments. In WinAPI we start the thread with function that accepts only void*.
How many arguments are passed really to real windows threads? Maybe many arguments are turned into void* that points on some struct?

At the core of most threading APIs is a function pointer to execute and a void* parameter that lets you provide some data to the executing function. The void* typically points to some object instance that the thread function then casts into the known object type to use. This, however, is ripe for programmer error.
The higher level APIs that you mention (std::thread in C++, Thread in Java, etc) are doing this under the hood and providing you convenient, type-safe APIs to ensure you can't mess it up.


Alternate to setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, thread_id, priority)

Given - Thread id of a thread.
Requirement - Set Linux priority of the thread id.
Constraint - Cant use setpriority()
I have tried to use below
pthread_setschedprio(pthread_t thread, int prio);
pthread_setschedparam(pthread_t thread, int policy,
const struct sched_param *param);
Both the above APIs use pthread_t as an argument. I am not able to construct (typecast) pthread_t from thread id. I understand converting this is not possible due to different types.
Is there a way to still accomplish this ?
Some aspects of the pthread_setschedprio interface are available for plain thread IDs with the sched_setparam function (declared in <thread.h>). The sched_setparam manual page says that the process is affected (which is the POSIX-mandated behavior), but on Linux, it's actually the thread of that ID.
Keep in mind that calling sched_setparam directly may break the behavior expected from PI mutexes and other synchronization primitives because the direct call does not perform the additional bookkeeping performed by the pthread_* functions.

Why pass parameters through thread function?

When I create a new thread in a program... in it's thread handle function, why do I pass variables that I want that thread to use through the thread function prototype as parameters (as a void pointer)? Since threads share the same memory segments (except for stack) as the main program, shouldn't I be able to just use the variables directly instead of passing parameters from main program to new thread?
Well, yes, you could use the variables directly. Maybe. Assuming that they aren't changed by some other thread before your thread starts running.
Also, a big part of passing parameters to functions (including thread functions) is to limit the amount of information the called function has to know about the outside world. If you pass the thread function everything it needs in order to do its work, then you can change the rest of the program with relative impunity and the thread will still continue to work. If, however, you force the thread to know that there is a global list of strings called MyStringList, then you can't change that global list without also affecting the thread.
Information hiding. Encapsulation. Separation of concerns. Etc.
You cannot pass parameters to a thread function in any kind of normal register/stack manner because thread functions are not called by the creating thread - they are given execution directly by the underlying OS and the API's that do this copy a fixed number of parameters, (usually only one void pointer), to the new and different stack of the new thread.
As Jim says, failure to understand this mechanism often results in disaster. There are numnerous questions on SO where the vars that devs. hope would be used by a new thread are RAII'd away before the new thread even starts.

Multithreading (pthreads)

I'm working on a project where I need to make a program run on multiple threads. However, I'm running into a bit of an issue.
In my program, I have an accessory function called 'func_call'.
If I use this in my code:
func_call((void*) &my_pixels);
The program runs fine.
However, if I try to create a thread, and then run the function on that, the program runs into a segmentation fault.
pthread_t thread;
pthread_create (&thread, NULL, (void*)&func_call, (void*) &my_pixels);
I've included pthread.h in my program. Any ideas what might be wrong?
You are not handling data in a thread safe manner:
the thread copies data from the thread argument, which is a pointer to the main thread's my_pixels variable; the main thread may exit, making my_pixles invalid.
the thread uses scene, main thread calls free_scene() on it, which I imagine makes it invalid
the thread calls printf(), the main thread closes stdout (kind of unusual itself)
the thread updates the picture array, the main thread accesses picture to output data from it
It looks like you should just wait for the thread to finish its work after creating it - call pthread_join() to do that.
For a single thread, that would seem to be pointless (you've just turned a multi-threaded program into a single threaded program). But on the basis of code that's commented out, it looks like you're planning to start up several threads that work on chunks of the data. So, when you get to the point of trying that again, make sure you join all the threads you start. As long as the threads don't modify the same data, it'll work. Note that you'll need to use separate my_pixels instances for each thread (make an array of them, just like you did with pthreads), or some threads will likely get parameters that are intended for a different thread.
Without knowing what func_call does, it is difficult to give you an answer. Nevertheless, here are few possibilities
Does func_call use some sort of a global state - check if that is initialized properly from within the thread. The order of execution of threads is not always the same for every execution
Not knowing your operating system (AIX /Linux/Solaris etc) it is difficult to answer this, but please check your compilation options
Please provide the signal trapped and atleast a few lines of the stack-trace - for all the threads. One thing you can check for yourself is to print the threads' stack-track (using threads/thread or pthread and thread current <x> based on the debugger) and and if there is a common data that is being accessed. It is most likely that the segfault occurred when two threads were trying to read off the other's (uncommitted) change
Hope that helps.
After checking your code, I think the problem is the global picture array. You seem to be modifying that in the thread function without any guards. You loop using px and py and all the threads will have the same px and py and will try to write into the picture array at the same time. Please try to modify your code to prevent multiple threads from stepping on each other's data modifications.
Is func_call a function, or a function pointer? If it's a function pointer, there is your problem: you took the address of a function pointer and then cast it.
People are guessing because you've provided only a fraction of the program, which mentions names like func_call with no declaration in scope.
Your compiler must be giving you diagnostics about this program, because you're passing a (void *) expression to a function pointer parameter.
Define your thread function in a way that is compatible with pthread_create, and then just call it without any casts.

pthread concepts in linux

I have some questions about pthreads in linux:
Is it the case that pthread_t is it a datatype similar to int and char indicating we are defining a thread?
If so, how much size does it take? 2 bytes or 4 bytes?
Does the compiler allocate memory to pthread_t thread1 immediately after that statement or does it wait until it a pthread_create() call?
How does one set the thread attributes, and what is their typical use?
Can one only pass more than one argument in the pthread_create() call? If so, how?
I have lots of things on my mind like this. Please also feel free to suggest any good sites or documents to read.
Answering the questions one by one, though not necessarily in the same order:
Is pthread_t a data type similar to int or char, indicating we are defining a thread ? Does the compiler allocate memory to pthread_t thread1 immediately after that sentence or does it wait until it finds the pthread_create() call
pthread_t is a type similar to int and it's created when you define it, not when you call pthread_create. In the snippet:
pthread_t tid;
int x = pthread_create (&tid, blah, blah, blah);
it's the first line that creates the variable, although it doesn't hold anything useful until the return from pthread_create.
How much size does a pthread_t take, 2 bytes or 4 bytes?
You shouldn't care how much space it takes, any more than you should care how much space is taken by a FILE structure. You should just use the structure as intended. If you really want to know, then sizeof is your friend.
Any good information about how to set the thread attributes?
If you want to use anything other than default attributes, you have to create an attributes variable first and then pass that to the pthread_create call.
Can we only pass one argument in the pthread_create function to the function? Can't we send 2 or 3 arguments in the pthread_create() function to the called thread?
While you're only allowed to pass one extra parameter to the thread , there's nothing stopping you from making this one parameter a pointer to a structure holding a hundred different things.
If you're looking for information on how to use pthreads, there's plenty of stuff at the end of a Google search but I still prefer the dead-tree version myself:
how much size does it take
pthread_t uses sizeof pthread_t bytes.
and we can only pass one argument in the pthread_create to the function not more than one? cant we send 2 or 3 arguments in the pthread_create() function to the called thread?
All you need is one argument. All you get is one argument. It's a void * so you can pass a pointer to whatever you want. Such as a structure containing multiple values.
i have lots of things on my mind like this suggest any good sites or documents to read
Have a look at the pthread man pages, online or in your shell of choice (man pthread, man pthread_create, etc.). I started out reading some basic lecture slides (here's the sequel).
pthread_t could be any number of bytes. It could be a char, an int, a pointer, or a struct... But you neither need to know nor to care. If you need the size for allocation purposes, you use sizeof(pthread_t). The only type of variable you can assign it to is another pthread_t.
The compiler may or may not allocate the resources associated with the thread when you define a pthread_t. Again, you do not need to know nor to care, because you are required to call pthread_join (or pthread_detach) on any thread you create. As long as you follow the rules, the system will make sure it does not leak memory (or any other resource).
Attributes are admittedly a bit clumsy. They are held in an pthread_attr_t object, which again could be represented as an integer, pointer, or entire struct. You have to initialize it with pthread_attr_init and destroy it with pthread_attr_destroy. Between those two, you use various pthread_attr_... calls to set or clear attributes, and then you can pass it as part of one or more pthread_create calls to set the attributes of the new threads.
Different implementations can and will handle all of these things differently.
LLNL has a decent set of introductory information.
Look into pthread.h file to get more information. On my system, pthread_t is defined as an unsigned long int. But I guess this is platform dependent, since it is defined into bits/pthreadtype.h.

How does a portable Thread Specific Storage Mechanism's Naming Scheme Generate Thread Relative Unique Identifiers?

A portable thread specific storage reference/identity mechanism, of which boost/thread/tss.hpp is an instance, needs a way to generate a unique keys for itself. This key is unique in the scope of a thread, and is subsequently used to retrieve the object it references. This mechanism is used in code written in a thread neutral manner.
Since boost is a portable example of this concept, how specifically does such a mechanism work ?
Boost thread is portable to the pthread threading library (for unix) and the windows win32 low-level-API's. The library allows a reference to be created which is unique in each thread of execution. The global C API errno is presented as an example of this concept in Boost's documentation.
Ignore If you Want -- it's just a trace through the source code finding the function of interest
The crux of the matter begins in [boost]/boost/thread/tss.hpp with the get function of thread_specific_ptr and the reset function -- i.e., the aquisition and the destruction, respectively, of the object referenced. Note: the data object is not placed in the reference of thread_specific_ptr's ctor, or destroyed by the dtor. The get and reset function call set_tss_data and get_tss_data. Focusing just on the setting aspect of the functionality, the important function call, get_current_thread_data, indirects via the cpp file [boost]/libs/thread/src/[libname]/thread.cpp via a chain of function calls. In get_current_thread_data there is a function call create_current_thread_tls_key and this is the function that will create a unique identifier for the thread_specific_ptr object.
create_current_thread_tls_key calls TlsAlloc() on win32 (link) and pthread_key_create for pthread (link). These calls assure that upon initialization of the ptr, the ptr receives a unique identifier usable in an API-specific manner to retrieve the object's data. The specific threading API uses the thread-id (context specific and resolved by the library itself) and the object identifier to return the object specific to the context of a certain thread.
