How to override LayoutImpl in Liferay 7? - liferay

I want to override methods of LayoutImpl in Liferay 7. I tried with service wrapper but there is no option for this class in the Service Name category.
How can I achieve that? Do I need ModelListener for this?

Hint: A service wrapper is used to wrap services. Services in Liferay are usually named ...Service, like LayoutLocalService.
Conclusion: The class LayoutImpl is no service - thats why you can't wrap it with a service wrapper.
You could wrap LayoutLocalService in a service wrapper, wrap the return values in your LayoutWrapper and unwrap the parameters. But that is troublesome and will prevent Liferay upgrades.
If you want to override LayoutImpl for fixing bugs - you should use an Ext Plugin for that.
A ModelListener can only change the content during updates of an article, not the implementation - I don't think that this will help here.


How to use custom template in JHipster blueprint?

I am trying to override the a template in my custom blueprint to add some extra functionality. Unfortunately JHipster uses its default one if generate an entity. I don’t want to overwrite the whole writing. Is there a possibility to override only certain ones and use JHipster default templates for the rest?
Helo friend,
in this period I see an application jhipster with a partial custom .ejs defining a default for others components.
The problem is that the overriding is very huge, and cabled only for a specific version 6.9.1 of jhipster.
If this is a good idea to custom a particolar application with a particolar version and with a specific cabling code ok, but is not good if you want a generic custom generator jhipster context, where you can "inject" only custom files, giving overriding of all scope original generator.
I try to search some answers searching on web, and your question is anyway a good clue to define a better solution that I see now.
The problem that I see is that jhipster environment dont have a "handling" approach about .ejs templates, when is very strong and straighweird when you use .jdl file .
An easly customization of templates of any jhipster application created with command "jhipster", ad example.
And searching I see this link
an issue of original jhipster generator where someone consider a good idea to use "subgenerator" using yeoman to modulerize this templates and with all benefits.
This is a another clue to understand somethings.
good luck and thanks

How to override UserLocalServiceImpl in liferay 7 without service wrapper?

I created service wrapper for UserLocalServiceImpl and declared a new method inside the service wrapper. But when I explicitly call that method using UserLocalServiceUtil the compiler could not resolve this method. So, kindly help me and tell how to override UserLocalServiceImpl so that I can define new methods inside it. Thanx in advance..
This doesn't work. You'd change the interface of Liferay's published API and basically be incompatible with any other plugin that assumes Liferay's API.
While you technically have access to all of Liferay's source code and can build a modified version of Liferay, introducing this change, it would mean that no marketplace plugin (that uses UserLocalService) would be compatible with your customized version. Any OSGi component can hook into Liferay and get into the callstack for the published API, no OSGi plugin can extend a published interface so that the original interface then has more methods than Liferay's published API.
The best thing you can do if you rely on a separate function call: Create your custom service that makes calls to UserLocalService.
Further more, in Liferay 7 you shouldn't use UserLocalServiceUtil any more, rather get the service dependency properly injected through a #Reference annotation. The *LocalServiceUtil classes are there purely for backwards compatibility and to be used only from *.WAR style plugins.
You can do
and then cast the result to your custom wrapper type. Then you should be able to call the new method.

What is the role of the startup.cs file?

I was trying to explore some ASP.NET-5 applications where I found the startup.cs file. Where we set out routing and all (of course not only for routing). I also see some demo where has shown the use of dependency injection here. So, I'm looking for answers to the below questions:
Why this startup.cs is? What it does?
What are the uses of this file?
What is the advantages of this?
And is there any good documentation to know the use of startup.cs in details. And why the application does not work if we change the class name 'Startup' to something else?
I do have very elementary idea about OWIN and pipeline. Please help me to find these answers.
Just repeating here what it's said in Getting started with vNext
By default, the vNext hosting environment expects to find a startup class named Startup.
This class must contain a Configure method that takes an IBuilder parameter, and you configure the HTTP pipeline inside this Configure method. The empty project creates the class with nothing in the Configure method.
I would recommend you to take a look on vNext Moving Parts by Louis Dejardin since it explains a bit more about OWIN pipeline and vNext.
Sorry for not being of much help!

Register over-ridable ServiceStack service

We're using ServiceStack within a package that users install onto their Umbraco website. The tricky thing is the users need to be able to add additional methods specific to their implementation.
I'm aware of the ability to pass in multiple assemblies but the issue is we can't leverage global.asax and I believe PreApplicationStartMethod needs to be compiled (so can't be changed).
Can anyone think of a way we can have an overrideable AppHost (or override the default)?
The AppHost needs to be Init, i.e. new AppHost().Init() within the scope of Application_Init event.
As for registering services, apart from scanning the assemblies in the base constructor, you can override what services get registered by overriding AppHost.CreateServiceManager() and returning a ServiceManager configured with only the services you wish to support.
Beyond that you can dynamically register services by using RegisterService either in your AppHost.Configure() or in a IPlugin, e.g:

ServiceStack Validation - method missing

I am trying to implement validation and in reading:
I see this method being used. It doesn't seem to be on the Funq container, what am I missing?
//This method scans the assembly for validators
If you think a method is missing in ServiceStack it's most likely an extension method. RegisterValidators() is an extension method in the ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.Validation namespace.
You should consider using ReSharper as there as it eliminates a whole class of issues with C# development including locating methods, auto including namespaces, auto referencing of dlls, etc.
Otherwise if for some reason you want to continue without ReSharper you can use the T short-cut looking in the ServiceStack GitHub Repo which helps find files, otherwise use Ctrl+Shift+F to do a solution-wide text search in a local fork of ServiceStack.
