I am trying to install polymer in my mac machine using npm. I have done all the required config settings to work npm behind proxy. Still i am not able to install the polymer. Please check the error shown in the screen shot. Can anyone help me to find the solution of this?
I have installed Node.js and while running in cmd I have got versions of both nodejs and npm.
Coming to the point: in Vscode, I have imported a project in the terminal, I have runned npm install and I was getting error like no such file or directory , open C:\Users\konuj\Downloads\FrontEnd-master\package.json
This is related to npm not able to find in this file.
Can anyone tell me how to overcome this issue.I need to work on a project tomorrow is the submission plzzz help me anyone
I am trying to install nodejs and npm in my computer with Windows 8.1 - 64 bit. I downloaded the msi from the official nodejs web site and installed it. When I tried to check the version of node by typing node -v, it worked perfectly. But when I tried to check whether npm is installed properly by typing npm -v, the following error appears.
How to fix this.Can someone help me in this. I referred the answers of similar questions here. And this also.But it did not worked too.
This is could because of incorrect installation. Have you tried reinstallation of Node and NPM? If not, uninstall from Program and Features and follow this walkthrough.
Also, need to set npm as global variable $PATH.
I'm having problem's when trying to run my gulp command in the terminal. I've been trying to track down the issue and from what I can tell the issue is that I'm running an outdated version of node.
node -v tells me that I am on v0.10.46, but the Node install downloaded from the website says it's currently on v4.4.7.
The first issue I had was with es6 promises, but I managed to install the es6-polyfill which solved the issue.
Now gulp is throwing an error related to /node_modules/gulp-imagemin/index.js. Specifically the use of const variables. (const path = require('path')).
Based on this thread: https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-imagemin/issues/181#issuecomment-219303510 - this issue seems to be an outdated version of node, but no matter what I do it won't upgrade!
I've explored all possible avenues for upgrading Node - using npm, nvm, n, brew and even a local re-install, but everytime it seems to be installing an outdated version.
I've explored the possibility that I'm installing a 32bit version on a 64bit system, but that doesn't seem to be the issue either.
I have absolutely no idea how to progress fixing this issue. I'm trying to build a wordpress website, and no matter what theme I use this error comes back to haunt me!
Just to add.. in this image (http://imgur.com/a/OzR5Y) you can see the output of me trying to upgrade using N, and then following the David Walsh upgrading method.
I had the same problem and I tried everything from uninstalling it by this instructions without any result. But maybe you have in your computer a management like nvm installed, just try this:
which node
And then if the respond of that is something like:
That's the problem, so you can solve this by uninstalling nvm and then install Node.js normally or just keep using nvm
I have recently installed latest version of nodejs (6.3.1) with npm version 3.10.3. I am not able to install any node package using npm install command. Initially I thought it might be related with my office network firewall settings, but I am getting similar issue on my home network. Please see attached image for error details.
Appreciate if someone can help me to find a resolution.
npm config had bad network settings. So although I had disabled the main proxy / firewall etc. all npm commands were always going through that bad proxy. Managed to remove those bad entries finally, phew! :)
I am new to nodejs and i am trying to use that with visual studio code editor. I am unable to install any packages. Getting this below error. I think its something to deal with proxy.
I have tried couple of solutions provided (e.g. changes the npm config etc) over the web but nothing seems to working
if you are behind a proxy it wont work you out.use this code
npm config set proxy http://myproxyblabla:myport