I can't sign up in orchestrate.io
please help me or introduce me sites like that.
https://dashboard.orchestrate.io/users/register they block register formular
I am wondering if there is any way to be able to fetch the CDSID from a JWT?
I can get this information, as of now:
So this question is kind of related to this, might be able to add the CDSID to the JWT in the app manifest in some way? Otherwise I could just split on # but that doesn't feel to safe :P
Looking a bit more in the related question, the "upn" value actually is the user principle name. So I guess the solution could look like this:
var cdsId = user.Identity.Name.Split('#')[0]
I am looking for a way to
add comments to specific cells/ranges in a bound table using the
JavaScript API for Office.
So far I have not had any luck in finding a working solution for this. Is there any possible way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance
This is not currently available through the JavaScript APIs. Feel free to suggest it here though: https://officespdev.uservoice.com
Perhaps i am being stupid by asking this just now, but...
I notice that if I edit the input fields with chrome tools programmer they are changed in the page...what about the security?
Anyone know something about this?
Always validate user input server side.
I'm needing to implement some form of captcha support for comments on my blog. I would really prefer a mostly passive approach, as in, no ReCaptcha. I'm thinking about doing a combination of honeypot and this. I don't exactly plan for my site to be specifically targeted by any spammers, but I want to definitely stop all the drive-by spam attacks.
So on to my question: With spam bots advancing in technology all the time, should I use something more complicated for hiding the hidden field than display: none? If so, then what would you suggest?
Unless spam is a serious problem on your blog, I'd just go for doing display: none.
You could also try the classic "What is 2 + 2" / "What color is the sky?" style questions.
for human verification:
I use a php function to generate a random number string, and echo it into a text box. Then require the user to enter it into a blank box. I use jQuery .validate to make sure the two are equal to each other.
for bot detection:
I use a hidden input and then with my jQuery .validate script I make a custom rule that if the hidden input's value isn't blank it returns an error I also have this in my server side php validation. works pretty well.
i'm very aware that this is probably not a stackoverflow question, but i figure someone here might know the answer...
a few months back i was sent an image detailing a neat method for spam prevention using a little known feature of gmail..
basically you can use a specific syntax in your email address when you give it out to include some kind of identifier within the email address so you can later distinguish which version of your email address was distributed/crawled to create spam and then, if you want, create filters based on this identifier.
something along the lines of username|identifier#gmail.com which will still beforewarded to username#gmail.com except | is not the correct token and i can't find the doco where i found this information or remember what the correct special character is.
so if anyone knows about the feature i'm describing, i'd love to find out how to get it to work!
thanks, and sorry for the non-programming question.
Use a + sign instead of the |