How to use uniq after printf - linux

I have lot of file which I need to concatenate together with same prefix. I have an idea, but I do not know how to solve this problem:
I want to print just uniq prefix - NAME1 and NAME2. Length of string in prefix and suffix is vary, but always before prefix is _C001
my solution is:
fo i in *.tsv
do prexix=$(printf "%s\n" "${i%_C001*}")
cat $prefix_C001_xxx.tsv $prefix_C001_yyy.tsv > ${i%_C001*}.merged.tsv
But this solution is not very good. I have each prefix twice.
Thank you for any help.
One solution thanks to anubhava:
fo i in $(printf "%s\n" *.tsv | awk -F '_C001' '!seen[$1]++{print $1}')
cat $prefix_C001_xxx.tsv $prefix_C001_yyy.tsv > ${i%_C001*}.merged.tsv

You don't need printf at all here; it's just an unnecessary wrapper around the parameter substitution you are already using.
for i in *.tsv
do prefix=${i%_C001*}
[[ -f $prefix.merged.tsv ]] && continue # Avoid doing the same prefix twice
cat "${prefix}"_* > "$prefix.merged.tsv"

As your filenames don't contain any newline you can pipe your list to a awk command to print unique prefixes using field separator as _C001:
printf "%s\n" *.tsv | awk -F '_C001' '!seen[$1]++{print $1}'
You can also use _ as FS in awk:
printf "%s\n" *.tsv | awk -F _ '!seen[$1]++{print $1}'


How to search the full string in file which is passed as argument in shell script?

i am passing a argument and that argument i have to match in file and extract the information. Could you please how I can get it?
I have below details in file-
If I am passing 'hv' as argument so it should to pick 'iMedical_HV_Refined_Load' and give the result - '988836'
If I am passing 'dhs' so it should pick - 'iMedical_DHS_Refined_Load' and give the result = '988834'
I tried below logic but its not giving the result correctly. What Changes I need to do-
echo $1 | tr a-z A-Z
echo $g
echo $1
val=$(awk -F= -v s="$g" '$g ~ s{print $2}' /medaff/Scripts/Aggrify/sltconfig.cfg)
echo "TASK ID is $val"
Assuming your matching criteria is the first string after delimiter _ and the output needed is the numbers after the = char, then you can try this sed
$ sed -n "/_$1/I{s/[^=]*=\(.*\)/\1/p}" input_file
$ read -r input
$ sed -n "/_$input/I{s/[^=]*=\(.*\)/\1/p}" input_file
$ read -r input
$ sed -n "/_$input/I{s/[^=]*=\(.*\)/\1/p}" input_file
If I'm reading it right, 2 quick versions -
$: cat 1
awk -F= -v s="_${1^^}_" '$1~s{print $2}' file
$: cat 2
sed -En "/_${1^^}_/{s/^.*=//;p;}" file
Both basically the same logic.
In pure bash -
$: cat 3
while IFS='=' read key val; do [[ "$key" =~ "_${1^^}_" ]] && echo "$val"; done < file
That's a lot less efficient, though.
If you know for sure there will be only one hit, all these could be improved a bit by short-circuit exits, but on such a small sample it won't matter at all. If you have a larger dataset to read, then I strongly suggest you formalize your specs better than "in this set I should get...".

How To Prepend Variable Pattern By Piping Grep Output To Sed?

I have the following data in two files:
domains.txt contains:
urls.txt contains:
Using the following command (I'm using this structure because usually there is more in the files and this is just a minimal example):
cat domains.txt | while read LINE; do grep -m 1 "$LINE" urls.txt
This will give me the matching line.
However, I would like the desired output to be:,
I would like to add a pipe that would prepend the "LINE" variable before the matched output. I was thinking something with sed should be easy? Your input is highly appreciated.
Although this is easy with awk, if someone has an answer with piping the output, I would like to use that to go with the script.
while IFS= read -r line; do echo -n "$line,"; grep -m 1 "$line" urls.txt; done < domains.txt
This is very easy to do using awk:
while read LINE; do awk -v pattern="$LINE" '$0 ~ pattern { print pattern "," $0 }' urls.txt; done < domains.txt
Or using sed:
while read LINE; do sed -ne "s?$LINE.*?$LINE,&?p" urls.txt; done < domains.txt
To answer your follow-up question, to limit the result to the first match using awk:
while read LINE; do awk -v pattern="$LINE" '$0 ~ pattern { print pattern "," $0; exit }' urls.txt; done < domains.txt

concatenate the result of echo and a command output

I have the following code:
names=$(ls *$1*.txt)
head -q -n 1 $names | cut -d "_" -f 2
where the first line finds and stores all names matching the command line input into a variable called names, and the second grabs the first line in each file (element of the variable names) and outputs the second part of the line based on the "_" delim.
This is all good, however I would like to prepend the filename (stored as lines in the variable names) to the output of cut. I have tried:
names=$(ls *$1*.txt)
head -q -n 1 $names | echo -n "$names" cut -d "_" -f 2
however this only prints out the filenames
I have tried
names=$(ls *$1*.txt
head -q -n 1 $names | echo -n "$names"; cut -d "_" -f 2
and again I only print out the filenames.
The desired output is:
filename1.txt <second character>
where there is a single whitespace between the filename and the result of cut.
Thank you.
Best approach, using awk
You can do this all in one invocation of awk:
awk -F_ 'NR==1{print FILENAME, $2; exit}' *"$1"*.txt
On the first line of the first file, this prints the filename and the value of the second column, then exits.
Pure bash solution
I would always recommend against parsing ls - instead I would use a loop:
You can avoid the use of awk to read the first line of the file by using bash built-in functionality:
for i in *"$1"*.txt; do
IFS=_ read -ra arr <"$i"
echo "$i ${arr[1]}"
Here we read the first line of the file into an array, splitting it into pieces on the _.
Maybe something like that will satisfy your need BUT THIS IS BAD CODING (see comments):
names=$(ls *$1*.txt)
for f in $names
pattern=`head -q -n 1 $f | cut -d "_" -f 2`
echo "$f $pattern"
If I didn't misunderstand your goal, this also works.
I've always done it this way, I just found out that this is a deprecated way to do it.
names=$(ls *"$1"*.txt)
for e in $names;
do echo $e `echo "$e" | cut -c2-2`;

Remove lines containing space in unix

Below is my comma separated input.txt file, i want to read the columns and write the lines in to the output.txt when any 1 column has a space.
Content of input.txt:
2,worl d,hell o
3,h e l l o, world
5,Hello,W orld
Content of output.txt:
is't possible to achieve using awk? Please help!
A simple way to filter out lines with spaces is using inverted matching with grep:
grep -v ' ' input.txt
If you must use awk:
awk '!/ /' input.txt
Or perl:
perl -ne '/ / || print' input.txt
Or pure bash:
while read line; do [[ $line == *' '* ]] || echo $line; done < input.txt
# or
while read line; do [[ $line =~ ' ' ]] || echo $line; done < input.txt
To check if let's say field 2 contains space, you could use awk like this:
awk -F, '$2 !~ / /' input.txt
To check if let's say field 2 OR field 3 contains space:
awk -F, '!($2 ~ / / || $3 ~ / /)' input.txt
For your follow-up question in comments
To do the same using sed, I only know these awkward solutions:
# remove lines if 2nd field contains space
sed -e '/^[^,]*,[^,]* /d' input.txt
# remove lines if 2nd or 3rd field contains space
sed -e '/^[^,]*,[^,]* /d' -e '/^[^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]* /d' input.txt
For your 2nd follow-up question in comments
To disregard leading spaces in the 2nd or 3rd fields:
awk -F', *' '!($2 ~ / / || $3 ~ / /)' input.txt
# or perhaps what you really want is this:
awk -F', *' -v OFS=, '!($2 ~ / / || $3 ~ / /) { print $1, $2, $3 }' input.txt
This can also be done easily with sed
sed '/ /d' input.txt
try this one-liner
awk 'NF==1' file
as #jwpat7 pointed out, it won't give correct output if the line has only leading space, then this line, with regex should do, but it has been already posted in janos's answer.
awk '!/ /' file
awk -F' *' 'NF==1'
Pure bash for the fun of it...
while read line
if [[ ! $line =~ " " ]]
echo $line
done < input.txt
ColumnBef=$(( ${columnWithSpace} - 1 ))
sed '/\([^,]*,\)\{${ColumnBef\}[^ ,]* [^,]*,/ d'
if you know the column directly (by example the 3):
sed '/\([^,]*,\)\{2}[^ ,]* [^,]*,/ d'
If you can trust the input to always have no more than three fields, simply finding a space somewhere after a comma is sufficient.
grep ',.* ' input.txt
If there can be (or usually are) more fields, you can pull that off with grep -E and a suitable ERE, but you are fast approaching the point at which the equivalent Awk solution will be more readable and maintainable.

bash, extract string from text file with space delimiter

I have a text files with a line like this in them:
MC exp. sig-250-0 events & $0.98 \pm 0.15$ & $3.57 \pm 0.23$ \\
sig-250-0 is something that can change from file to file (but I always know what it is for each file). There are lines before and above this, but the string "MC exp. sig-250-0 events" is unique in the file.
For a particular file, is there a good way to extract the second number 3.57 in the above example using bash?
use awk for this:
awk '/MC exp. sig-250-0/ {print $10}' your.txt
Note that this will print: $3.57 - with the leading $, if you don't like this, pipe the output to tr:
awk '/MC exp. sig-250-0/ {print $10}' your.txt | tr -d '$'
In comments you wrote that you need to call it in a script like this:
while read p ; do
echo $p,awk '/MC exp. sig-$p/ {print $10}' filename | tr -d '$'
done < grid.txt
Note that you need a sub shell $() for the awk pipe. Like this:
echo "$p",$(awk '/MC exp. sig-$p/ {print $10}' filename | tr -d '$')
If you want to pass a shell variable to the awk pattern use the following syntax:
awk -v p="MC exp. sig-$p" '/p/ {print $10}' a.txt | tr -d '$'
More lines would've been nice but I guess you would like to have a simple use awk.
awk '{print $N}' $file
If you don't tell awk what kind of field-separator it has to use it will use just a space ' '. Now you just have to count how many fields you have got to get your field you want to get. In your case it would be 10.
awk '{print $10}' file.txt
Don't want the $?
Pipe your awk result to cut:
awk '{print $10}' foo | cut -d $ -f2
-d will use the $ als field-separator and -f will select the second field.
If you know you always have the same number of fields, then
while read -ra f; do
if [[ "${f[0]} ${f[1]} ${f[2]} ${f[3]}" == "MC exp. $key events" ]]; then
echo ${f[9]}
done < "$file"
