Select not null values in dataframes in Spark - apache-spark

I'm reading a CSV file in Spark 2.0 and counting not null values in a column using the following:
val df ="header", "true").csv(dir)
df.filter("IncidntNum is not null").count()
and it works fine when I test it using spark-shell. When I create a jar file containing the code and submit it to spark-submit, I get an exception at second line above :
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException:
extraneous input '' expecting {'(', 'SELECT', ..
== SQL ==
IncidntNum is not null
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException.withCommand(ParseDriver.scala:197)
Any idea why this would happen when I'm using the code that works in spark-shell?

This question has been sitting around a while, but better late than never.
The most likely reason I can think of is that when running using spark-submit you are running in "cluster" mode. That means the driver process will be located on a different machine than when you run spark-shell. That could cause Spark to read a different file.


How to resolve invalid column name on parquet file read itself in PySpark

I setup a standalone spark and a standalone HDFS.
I installed pyspark and was able to create spark session.
I uploaded one parquet file to HDFS under /data : hdfs://localhost:9000/data
I tried to create a dataframe out of this directory using PySpark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.master('local[*]').appName("test").getOrCreate()
df ="hdfs://localhost:9000/data").withColumnRenamed("Wafer ID", "Wafer_ID")
I am getting invalid column name even with withColumnRenamed.
I tried with the following code but I got same error for this as well
df ="hdfs://localhost:9000/data").select(col("Wafer ID").alias("Wafer_ID"))
I have means to change the column names manually (pandas) or use different file entirely but I want to know if there is a way to solve this problem.
What am I doing wrong?

How can I use the saveAsTable function when I have two Spark streams running in parallel in the same notebook?

I have two Spark streams set up in a notebook to run in parallel like so.
spark.sparkContext.setLocalProperty("spark.scheduler.pool", "pool1")
df1 = spark \
.readStream.format("delta") \
.table("test_db.table1") \
.select('foo', 'bar')
writer_df1 = df1.writeStream.option("checkpoint_location", checkpoint_location_1) \
lambda batch_df, batch_epoch:
process_batch(batch_df, batch_epoch)
) \
spark.sparkContext.setLocalProperty("spark.scheduler.pool", "pool2")
df2 = spark \
.readStream.format("delta") \
.table("test_db.table2") \
.select('foo', 'bar')
writer_df2 = merchant_df.writeStream.option("checkpoint_location", checkpoint_location_2) \
lambda batch_df, batch_epoch:
process_batch(batch_df, batch_epoch)
) \
These dataframes then get processed row by row, with each row being sent to an API. If the API call reports an error, I then convert the row into JSON and append this row to a common failures table in databricks.
columns = ['table_name', 'record', 'time_of_failure', 'error_or_status_code']
vals = [(table_name, json.dumps(row.asDict()),, str(error_or_http_code))]
error_df = spark.createDataFrame(vals, columns)'table_name','record','time_of_failure', 'error_or_status_code').write.format('delta').mode('Append').saveAsTable("failures_db.failures_db)"
When attempting to add the row to this table, the saveAsTable() call here throws the following exception.
py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o3578.saveAsTable.
: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot find the REPL id in Spark local properties. Spark-submit and R doesn't support transactional writes from different clusters. If you are using R, please switch to Scala or Python. If you are using spark-submit , please convert it to Databricks JAR job. Or you can disable multi-cluster writes by setting '' to 'false'. If this is disabled, writes to a single table must originate from a single cluster. Please check for more details.
If I comment out one of the streams and re-run the notebook, any errors from the API calls get inserted into the table with no issues. I feel like there's some configuration I need to add but am not sure of where to go from here.
Not sure if this is the best solution, but I believe the problem comes from each stream writing to the table at the same time. I split this table into separate tables for each stream and it worked after that.

Error inside where clause while comparing items in Spark SQL

I have cloudera vm running spark version 1.6.0
I created a dataframe from a CSV file and now filtering columns based on some where clause
df ='com.databricks.spark.csv').options(header='true').load('file:///home/cloudera/sample.csv')
result = sqlContext.sql("SELECT id,`safety rating` as safety_rating, route FROM closedtrips WHERE `trip frozen` == 'YES'")
However it gives me runtime error on the sql line.
py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o21.sql.
: java.lang.RuntimeException: [1.96] failure: identifier expected
SELECT consigner,`safety rating` as safety_rating, route FROM closedtrips WHERE `trip frozen` == 'YES'
Where am I going wrong here?
The above command fails in vm command line, however works fine when ran on databricks environment
Also why are column names case sensitive in vm, it fails to recognise 'trip frozen' because the actual column is 'Trip Frozen'.
All of this works fine in databricks and breaks in vm
In your VM, are you creating sqlContext as a SQLContext or as a HiveContext?
In Databricks, the automatically-created sqlContext will always point to a HiveContext.
In Spark 2.0 this distinction between HiveContext and regular SQLContext should not matter because both have been subsumed by SparkSession, but in Spark 1.6 the two types of contexts differ slightly in how they parse SQL language input.

NoClassDefFoundError when using avro in spark-shell

I keep getting
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/avro/mapred/AvroWrapper
when calling show() on a DataFrame object. I'm attempting to do this through the shell (spark-shell --master yarn). I can see that the shell recognizes the schema when creating the DataFrame object, but if I execute any actions on the data it will always throw the NoClassDefFoundError when trying to instantiate the AvroWrapper. I've tried adding avro-mapred-1.8.0.jar in my $HDFS_USER/lib directory on the cluster and even included it using the --jar option when launching the shell. Neither of these options worked. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Below is example code:
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql._
scala> import com.databricks.spark.avro._
scala> val sqc = new SQLContext(sc)
scala> val df ="my_avro_file") // recognizes the schema and creates the DataFrame object
scala> // this is where I get NoClassDefFoundError
The DataFrame object itself is created at the val df =... line, but data is not read yet. Spark only starts reading and processing the data, when you ask for some kind of output (like a df.count(), or
So the original issue is that the avro-mapred package is missing.
Try launching your Spark Shell like this:
spark-shell --packages org.apache.avro:avro-mapred:1.7.7,com.databricks:spark-avro_2.10:2.0.1
The Spark Avro package marks the Avro Mapred package as provided, but it is not available on your system (or classpath) for one or other reason.
If anyone else runs into this problem, I finally solved it. I removed the CDH spark package and downloaded it from After that everything worked fine. Not sure what the issues was with the CDH version, but I'm not going to waste anymore time trying to figure it out.

How many times does the script used in spark pipes gets executed.?

I tried the below spark scala code and got the output as mentioned below.
I have tried to pass the inputs to script, but it didn't receive and when i used collect the print statement i used in the script appeared twice.
My simple and very basic perl script first:
print("arguments $ARGV[0] \n"); // Just print the arguments.
My Spark code:
object PipesExample {
def main(args:Array[String]){
val conf = new SparkConf();
val sc = new SparkContext(conf);
val distScript = "/home/srinivas/"
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Array("srini"))
val piped = rdd.pipe(Seq(SparkFiles.get("")))
println(" output " + piped.collect().mkString(" "));
Output looked like this..
output arguments arguments
1) What mistake i have done to make it fail receiving the arguments.?
2) Why it executed twice.?
If it looks too basic, please apologize me. I was trying to understand to the best and want to clear my doubts.
From my experience, it is executed twice because spark divides your RDD into two partitions and each partition is passed to your external script.
The reason your application couldn't pick file is, the file is in some node's location. But the application master is created in one of the nodes in cluster. So prolly if the file isn't in that node, it can't pick the file.
You should always save the file in HDFS or S3 to access the external files. Or else pass the HDFS file location through spark command options.
