ReactNative: is it possible to avoid storing all dependencies in node_modules subfolder - node.js

I'm quite new to ReactNative so sorry if it's obvious, but..
Each RN project init-ed via CLI has a large number of node modules stored in project_root/node_modules. Not that I would mind, but if you have several projects it seems redundant and takes up time/space to move it to the source versioning system.
Wouldn't it be possible to retrieve all these same modules from the general node_modules on the machine instead ?

You never want to store dependencies nested in node_modules in your source control... it defeats the whole purpose of versioning and dependencies in general. Your package.json file will specify the versions so when you run npm install it knows exactly which dependencies to grab.
As an alternative, Yarn is an up and rising package client that Facebook developed that does a much better job of caching your packages locally so that way if multiple projects reuse the same depencencies, it will still satisfy the need to keep them in node_modules but doesn't need to perform http requests for each one.
Yarn doesn't replace NPM as a package registry, just a better client to download, maintain, and cache those packages.
Yarn also adds a yarn.lock file (similar to Ruby's Gemfile.lock) that allows you to lock in the specific versions used in your app, regardles of the package.json. This file can be stored in version control, which is probably what you were wanting to achieve by saving the node_modules in version control.
Some good reads...
Yarn vs NPM Yarn Tutorial
Why I'm working on Yarn (Yehuda Katz)

I would echo Brad's answer: Don't put node_modules in version control. npm install will install the correct versions from the package.json. Just put package.json in version control, not node_modules.
However, if you still want to save disk space, you can install some of your dependencies in a general node_modules folder by using the link option:
npm config set link true -g
You can read more about link here:
Note that you must not include node_modules in your version control when using this option since npm will put symlinks to the globally installed packages in node_modules. The global install location varies from machine to machine, so if node_modules is in version control, it may link to non-existent locations.


What is the yarn alternative of npm-shrinkwrap?

The npm-shrinkwrap ensures that installed packages also have the same version of dependencies that was used at the moment of publishing to the registry (These versions are stated in the npm-shrinkwrap which is then used on installation).
I am currently using yarn (and lerna for publishing) and working on a monorepo project with workspaces. Now I would like to have each package in the monorepo have same guarantees provided by npm-shrinkwrap.
One shortcoming of the npm-shrinkwrap is that it does not support workspaces. Hence I cannot use npm-shrinkwrap since it is only created at the root and does not influence how individual packages in the monorepo get installed.
Since I am using yarn, I was wondering if there is an alternative to npm-shrinkwrap in yarn?
Or maybe a better question is, using yarn/lerna, how do I lock version dependencies for publication, such that when my packages in the mono-repo are downloaded, they are downloaded with the exact versions of dependencies (and transitive dependencies) that was specified at the point of publication?
I found the following in the yarn docs (classic yarn 1.x)
If you are using an npm-shrinkwrap.json file right now, be aware that you may end up with a different set of dependencies. Yarn does not support npm shrinkwrap files as they don’t have enough information in them to power Yarn’s more deterministic algorithm. If you are using a shrinkwrap file it may be easier to convert everyone working on the project to use Yarn at the same time. Simply remove your existing npm-shrinkwrap.json file and check in the newly created yarn.lock file.
From here:

How to use one node_modules for all projects

Is there an easy way to share one node_modules folders with all angular projects and thus avoiding to download same dependencies every-time when we create a new project ?
if yes , is the method recommended ( what are pros/cons)
Thanks for your time
Package Managers namely npm and yarn have caching mechanism.
The packages are download for the first time only and when you run the install command for the already downloaded package, they won't be downloaded again.
That being said even if you don't have an internet connection you can still install previously cached packages.
Yarn is particularly awesome on handling this and npm is now catching up.
This solves your problem of downloading the packages again. Do lock your package dependencies version. This might help in using the same node_modules for other projects too. But I don't recommend using same node_modules folder for all projects personally as this might mess the entire project. Check out my article about dependency management in JS apps

Is it possible to avoid local node_modules in js projects?

I am exploring nodejs and js frameworks. I noticed that when I create a project, for example with vue
vue init webpack my-project
I get a HUGE directory named node_modules containing a lot of things not related to my project. Newbie in this field my only wish is to gitignore this folder or better, put it somewhere else.
Is it common to have local modules to a project? Is there a way to install all these dependencies globally or in a dedicated environment (e.g Python virtualenv)?
The directory does contain libraries that are required by your project - and their dependencies. From my experience, the dependencies of the libraries I'm using are about 3/4 of the folder size.
You can install a library globally using the -g switch of npm, I'm not sure if vue has similar option. But this is not recommended - the point of installing libraries with your project is that the project will remember which libraries belong to it, those are saved in package.json.
You could copy the node_modules directory to the root of your hard-drive and merge it with other node_modules directories, but you're risking that you'll mix different library versions that way, so this is not recommended.
Unless you're running low on free space, just leave it be. Remember to add the node_modules to .gitignore if you're using git.
In short, node_modules is a place where all your project dependencies are stored. And allows you to use these dependencies in the code if you want to and allows for the modules itself to have it own dependencies if any.
And it is very common or rather always the case when a local node_modules folder is created.
You can install dependencies globally by doing npm install -g module_name command via your CLI. But these may cause the issue if the global paths are not configured properly.Also, it is not advisable to keep all the required dependencies by an application in global context.
If you do not want some dependencies to be part of your production environment you can install them as dev dependencies via npm install--save-dev module_name command. These(normal & dev dependencies) will be installed when a developer clones your project and run npm install locally to run the project and run tests. But to ignore these from being installed on production you can execute npm install --production command, this will make sure that only dependencies required for your code to run will be installed in the node_modules folder.

Can I use one node_module folder for all angular2/4 projects

I am learning Angular and each time it takes like 5 minutes to create a new project because of 100MB folder "node_modules" which CLI creates. And the files in this folder are always the same (unless you add some dependencies which I never do). Is there a way to use one node_modules folder for every project?
Have a look in to
Yarn Workspaces is a feature that allows users to install dependencies
from multiple package.json files in subfolders of a single root
package.json file, all in one go.
Making Workspaces native to Yarn enables faster, lighter installation
by preventing package duplication across Workspaces. Yarn can also
create symlinks between Workspaces that depend on each other, and will
ensure the consistency and correctness of all directories.
npm install -g yarn
You can install all dependencies globally or create a symlink from one place to every project.
BUT it is bad practice, correct way is to use separate node_modules for each project, even if you are using same packages. Once you will need use different versions of same package in different projects and common node_modules will cause a lot headache.
Try to use npm cache and npm install --prefer-offline if you just want to install package faster and don't care about version very match. I didn't use it but believe it should work.
Only packages installed by node (npm install) can be in the node_modules folder. This is because, if someone wants to install your project, instead of downloading the whole project with the node_modules included. They type npm install.
Based on the packag.json the node_modules will now be downloaded to the node_modules folder.
So you can put angular in the node_modules folder if it is an npm package. No you cannot put your own files in this folder.
So you can just copy your package.json to every project and run npm install. Then all the node_modules will be the same.

doing npm install for each project takes too much space in drive

is there any way to route npm install to a specific part of hard drive and when i do npm install it make node_module folder in that part of drive, and when i run any project it look for dependencies in that part of drive,
just like single pool for every project.
then if i have two projects with similar dependencies then i only need to npm install in one project so dependencies become available in pool, and no need to do npm install in another project just npm start
Thank you,
Inzamam Malik
You can achieve something close to what you are describing with the link option.
If true, then local installs will link if there is a suitable globally installed package.
Note that this means that local installs can cause things to be installed into the global space at the same time. The link is only done if one of the two conditions are met:
The package is not already installed globally, or
the globally installed version is identical to the version that is being installed locally.
So you will still have some files in each project's node_modules, but you shouldn't have as large a folder.
To turn this behavior on, run:
npm config set link -g
Edit: There is no way you can avoid running npm install and having a node_modules folder. Node.js always looks in node_modules for dependencies (this behavior pre-dates npm itself). The link option will make npm create symlinks in node_modules, pointing to a common pool. That will reduce disc usage, but you cannot do away with node_modules.
You can use PNPM Package manager, It uses a global pool for dependencies.
