LDAP JWT OAuth scheme explanation - security

I'm trying to systematize my knowledge about oauth + jwt + LDAP authorization. I've read multiple excellent articles (i.e. this) but still have a questions about about that:
My understanding:
JWT is a token which allow Single Sign-On (SSO). It's more secure than simple token auth since it encrypts all user specific info (e.g. userName, password, clientAppId, ip address etc.). This info is signed with internal authority server key and can't be changed by attacker.
From here, look at phrase below. As I understand that means that each of HTTP frontend servers doesn't require lookup for session data. But it requires lookup to authority server. What's the benefit? Isn't that the same single point of failure? Why JWT is considered STATEless? JWT still needs to keep user data on authority server, right?
The server side storage issues are gone.
If you need log out user with JWT before expiration period gone - you need to keep black lists. So what the benefit over simple token uath without SSO?
Is JWT a realization of OpenID (authentication only)?
It's impossible to do auto-sign-in for server-2-server with JWT (tokens) without OAuth. Oauth is used when you nwant ot authorize request from some service on behalf of user without user participation. Why it's impossible with tokens and possible with OAuth?
OAuth is also used to configure flexible access policies, like roles, groups etc. But why you can't implement them yourself based on tokens/JWT?
LDAP server is extremely fast for read operation on small not-interconnected pieces of data ,as user credentials. Where is LDAP in jwt-oauth scheme (or in OppenID Connect)? Is LDAP used for authentication (JWT)or authorization (OAuth)?

I'll try to clarify some concepts here:
Oauth and OpenID Connect (OIDC) are just authentication mechanisms by themselves. JWT is just a way to convey authenticated information between two parties. So, you have to do an effort of separation of concerns. When having doubts about how to identify an user, and be sure it's really him/her, check credentials and so... go check OIDC or Oauth standards. Whn in doubt about how to convey user related information between parties securely then, look at the JWT RFC and related (JWS, JWK, JWE and related).
Having said this:
Totally correct. You understood correctly.
It depends on implementation, but some stateful approaches exists, and also some implementations are stateless. The JWT-consuming server (Resource server in Oauth jargon), can possibly have the IdMS's (Authorization server (badly-named) in Oauth jargon) signing keys in cache, or pre-provisioned. This way, it can validate JWT Access Tokens coming from the IdMS without having to do any request. The IdMS could be down without impacting the system. This is precisely the case for some architectures that have the IdMS behind some VPN, and the Resource Servers outside it. Besides that, there could be a more stateful way of checking Access Tokens against the introspection endpoint of the IdMS. With this way, for each validation required on the Resource Server, a request would be made to the IdMS to check the Access Token is still valid and to extract the related claims. This latter mechanism is used also when the Access Tokens are not JWT and thus opaque.
Blacklists could be a way to do it, but it is more usually done through Refresh Token mechanism. You give the Access Token a very short lifetime, like 1 minute, and then rely on the refreshing mechanism to fail in case the session is revoked.
Technically speaking OpenID and OpenID Connect (OIDC) are different beasts. For shortness sake, we could say that OpenID is an old implementation of identity federation that did not see great adoption. OpenID Connect is an evolution of Oauth 2.0 that adds JWT, ID Token and some other niceties. But no, JWT and OIDC are by no means an exclusive implementation. It is true that OIDC implies forcefully the use of JWT, but JWT exists outside OIDC.
If you want to authorize requests between two servers, at the basic level, it can be done with simple tokens (Just maintain them secret, and use TLS). But with JWT what is enabled is that the servers can trust a central IdMS without having to trust entirely on each other. Oauth is used in this case you indicate because Google for example, trust himself and the user, but not your server. So, authentication occurs between Google, acting as the IdMS and the user, and this, generates a JWT (Not always, so you see the case for my previous statement) that your server (trusting an external IdMS) can use to communicate with Google.
As already said, groups/role management is independent of JWT/tokens used. JWT/plain tokens are only the way of conveying authentication information.
LDAP on Oauth/OIDC lies in the Authentication phase. When the user sends it's credentials to the IdMS instead of checking against a local database, the credentials are checked against LDAP. LDAP could also be used by some advanced IdMS's to retrieve policies, groups or other permissions. But when the authorization is done, the rest of the process is the same as always.


OAuth clarification

I've followed a training in Go as an introduction to microservices architecture a while ago. Getting back to this project I realise that I need more context as we've been quickly digging into the details of the implementations at the time...
I've drawn a simplified sequence diagram of 2 simple use cases:
The user logs in
The user is already logged in and make a purchase
(you can comment / modify the diagram at your convenience)
Here are the questions I have:
Here we're dealing with user authentication but what about client authentication? In the case of a web front end client, can I imagine storing an api_key and an api_secret in the env variables for the server that will be hosting this client? Because there use cases where the user is not logged but some services still needs to be available, but at the same time I only want my known clients (the web front and the mobile app) to be able to access those services (putting aside API Gateway solutions, and maybe other API Shields which would probably add another security layer against DOS etc.)
If the client logs in using Google/Facebook, the front app will receive an id_token that needs to be passed to the backend which would then verify the token ( https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth ). In this particular case my OAuth API would not be used. Could please you confirm that it's the way it should be handled?
Many thanks.
EDIT 02/05/2022
Intro / Context
First thing first, Authorization is not Authentication.
Authentication is the process of verifying who a user is,
while authorization is the process of verifying what they have access to.
And like #Max said, OAuth is designed to manage Authorization and Open ID Connect (OIDC) is an extension of OAuth to manage Authentication on top of it.
The diagram I've exposed in my question is known in the OAuth world as the password grant, and, from the official documentation :
Because the client application has to collect the user's password and
send it to the authorization server, it is not recommended that this
grant be used at all anymore.
Authorization of my App (to get access to my APIs)
From the API perspective, we just want to ensure that the incoming requests are coming from the server that is hosting the App. So, in my case, it's simple machine-2-machine communication from backend server to backend server and there's no action required from the user. So, I must implement the Client Credentials Flow
...which would lead me to this flow:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qE9JpWRSRPa8z5iNxm7ocGkeT0E149Sv/view?usp=sharing (Feel free to comment / rectify )
Authentication of a user
Because OAuth knows nothing about authentication, I need an OIDC flow. The easiest one is based on the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE from OAuth below (only about authorization) ...
... but the difference is that we're passing an additional scope named openid in the authentication request (step 3), when the app performs the 2nd request to the token endpoint (step 7), the auth server returns an ID Token (which is a JWT containing user info in the payload -> authentication) in addition to the access_token (which do not contain user info but just "random string"). There's other OIDC flows with their pros & cons depending on the situation but it's another topic on its own (https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html)
User already identified by Google/Facebook
In case the client logs in using Google, the front app will receive an id_token. This token could be sent to the app server which would then make a request to the API Gateway, which then call the Auth api which would be in charge of verifying the token by calling the 3rd party auth server ( https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth ).
In case of Facebook, we get back an access token, so I don't know how to deal with it ...
Using Firebase, there's an onAuthStateChanged callback, so from the App perspective it will prevent request without the user being logged in, but from the API perspective, it doesn't guaranty that a request is coming from a logged in user...
Warning: the answer below is not complete, it only serves to give a rough idea
OAuth2 is a protocol for authorization.
Grant Types
Over the OAuth2 protocol, you can use one of the "grant types" or "flow", one of these flows is illustrated in the picture you post and named password grant.
Each of these flows is realized for different scenarios, you rightly point the attention to how securely store the password on a web app.
For example for a front-end authentication (javascript / wasm) you can use a PKCE Flow where the secret_id is not used.
On OAuth2 there are two primary enpoints
Authorize endpoint - where you obtain the authorization code
Token endpoint - where you exchange the authorization code for the token(s)
There are two types of tokens on OAuth2
Access Token
Refresh Token
The definition of token on OAuth2 is "an opaque string", you don't need to read it.
The access token is used against the API, this token has an expiration date, when it is expired the system use the refresh token to get another access_token whitout user interaction, when the refresh_token expire the user must re-authenticate again.
You can read the content of the access_token (which is a JWT token) from the JWT.io
The Access token has, on its body, the scopes (i.e. Read email, read name, etc).
Scope is a mechanism in OAuth 2.0 to limit an application's access to a user's account.
On top of the OAuth2 are build other protocols OIDC aka IdToken aka Open Id Connect is one of them, in other terms OIDC protocol use the OAuth2 for establish an Authentication.
With the OIDC there is another token the id_token, this token came with the user's info and is NOT used has Authorizization in front the API.
There are also OIDC flows you can use to get the id_token and/or the access_token.
I suggest you read about OAuth2 from the references below and try different flows using the playground
Which oauth2 flow should I use
PKCE in more depth
My advice is to start with the data, which is the deeper area of OAuth.
This will enable you to keep your code simple. It will also handle Google / Facebook and many other forms of authentication for you, with zero impact on your code. The Curity Community Edition is a free and developer friendly option, though there are others. eg Keycloak, Ory Hydra.
OAuth primarily gives you modern ways to protect data. Use scopes and claims to protect data across multiple microservices in a zero trust manner while securely maintaining user context. You will also need to manage joining identity and business data.
Mobile apps use the AppAuth pattern. The current best practice for browser based apps is a Backend for Frontend approach. Both of these are tricky.
All of the above Curity resources are based on OAuth related standards. If followed your apps will stay simple, with portable code, that can also work with other providers.
OAuth is very architectural though, and the best designs take time to learn, but you can learn the intricacies gradually. Our IAM Primer is a good starting point.

Is storing an access token for a third party resource on user's browser secure?

I am learning about different Oauth2 flows but it does not provide any guidelines on securely persisting different kinds of access tokens in different scenarios and I could not find relevant information on the topic by Google-fu.
I am wondering if is it safe to save access tokens in a secure frontend context like httpOnly cookie and optionally directly calling the api from the browser without proxying it through the application server?
It appears more secure to me because access tokens unlike passwords cannot be hashed, the means to recover all access tokens (if encrypted) must exist on the server otherwise it would not be able to call the service on behalf of the user. So, were the application server compromised so would the access tokens of all users.
Am I missing some context here or is it correct?
If you think about sharing your own access token with some users user agent (browser), then this solution is never secure. The user agent (browser) is something working totally on behalf of the user. The user, if he wants to, may have access to any kind of resource the user agent operates with. Sharing a token with the user agent is like sharing the token with the user himself.
Whichever method you choose, you need to ensure your backend verifies the token (e.g jwt).
You probably wouldn't need to verify a secure cookie because a secure cookie cannot be accessed/modified by the browser.

OpenID Connect ID Token: What's the purpose of audience [aud] field validation

I'm trying to implement OpenID Connect Implicit Flow. The frontend Single Page App passes the ID Token down to the backend server (using Authorization header) where I need to validate it.
The documentation requires me to check that I trust the audience of the token (aud & azp fields). I'm struggling to understand the significance of this validation step and what are the security implications of not doing so. Why should I distrust the token if I'm not the intended recipient?
My reasoning is that if I trust the issuer it doesn't matter who was the token issued for. I would expect the claims to be the same for any clientId (is this wrong?). Ideally when I pass the ID Token around my microservices all they should know is what issuers to trust (and use discovery protocol for figuring out the keys).
What is the attack vector if I skip this validation step?
The issuer could be issuing tokens to different applications and those applications could have different permissions. Not checking the audience would allow an attacker to use a token issued for application A at application B and may lead to permission elevation.
To your suggestion: the claims may indeed differ per Client.
Here's another reason: If you check that aud claim only contains your client, it prevents other apps' stolen tokens from being used on your app. If a user's token gets stolen from another app, nobody will be able to impersonate the user on your app because the aud claim will not be correct.
I'm answering this for posterity.
You should check the issuer and if your client_id is the only one in the audience if you are receiving tokens from an external OpenId Provider. One that could have more than your client.
Claims are not global to the OpenID Provider, they can be per-client. A user can have "Admin" role on app-A, gets a token there, then tries to send app-B (your application) the same token hoping that your are not checking to which client it was issued for (its audience).

Using JWT with Active Directory authentication in NodeJS backend

I am building an intranet web application consisting of an Angular frontend and a Node.JS backend. The application needs to use the corporate Active Directory for authentication and authorization.
I'm considering how to best implement this in a secure way. I am planning to use the Active Directory node module for actually communicating with the AD to authenticate when the user logs in, and to check security group membership for certain restricted actions, etc.
However, I am not quite sure what is the best way to authorize my backend endpoints. The AD module does not offer any token/ticket, even though I suppose Kerberos is used for the actual authentication process. In other authenticated apps I've developed I've generated a jsonwebtoken when the user logs in, and then passed and verified that token in each backend route, is that a good idea also when authenticating against AD?
EDIT: Second part of question spawned to separate thread: Best practices for server-side handling of JWT tokens
Also, I have a more general concern, regarding what the best practice is for actually verifying tokens. Suppose that the "secret" used for JWT generation is compromised (in my scenario many people may have access to the source code of the system, but not to the system itself). Am I right in believing that a malicious user could then, with only this information, generate a token on behalf of any given user, and without ever authenticating with AD use that token in my API requests? A token is typically generated using jwt.sign(payload, secretOrPrivateKey, options).
Alternatively, suppose a malicious user could get hold of an actual token (before it has expired). To me it seems like instead of having to know a user's username and password, the security is now reduced to having to know the username and the JWT secret. Is this a valid concern and what should I do to prevent this?
My best hope so far is using a server side session to store information about the current user after logging in, so that even if a token is maliciously generated and used when accessing backend endpoints, it would fail unless the user has actually gone through the login route, authenticated with AD and stored some information in the session as a result of this.
I also considered actually authenticating with AD in each API endpoint, but that would require the AD username/password to be sent in every request, which in turn would require that sensitive information would have to be stored in the client's sessionstorage or localstorage, which is most likely a bad idea.
So, questions:
1) Is it reasonable to combine AD authorization with JWT as bearer token or what is the preferred way to build a secure backend + frontend utilizing AD for authentication?
2) If JWT is a good idea, what is the best practice for securing endpoints using JWT? Is using a server side session reasonable?
Interestingly enough I have found tons of examples on how to best implement token based authentication (in general, or with NodeJS specifically), but many of them seem flawed in one way or another.
1) Is it reasonable to combine AD authorization with JWT as bearer
token or what is the preferred way to build a secure backend +
frontend utilizing AD for authentication?
It is reasonable, but if you are already using Kerberos and AD to initially authenticate the user, you might consider using s4u2proxy constrained delegation which allows the service to present the user's service ticket to the KDC and acquire (subject to authorisation checks) a ticket for a backend service (and repeat for as many services are necessary).
If you have a lot of backend services that need to be contacted, a single JWT bearing all the authorization claims needed for all the services to enforce authorization policy may be a better option.
2) If JWT is a good idea, what is the best practice for securing
endpoints using JWT? Is using a server side session reasonable?
General key security practices apply:
Never store keys in the clear in non-volatile storage, anywhere.
Ideally do not store encrypted keys in attached storage on the server where, if the server is compromised, they would be subject to offline attack. Make them available to the host only at server startup.
Ensure key material resides in secure memory so that it cannot be swapped to disk (and/or use encrypted swap).
Use public key algorithms so that no secret key need exist on multiple hosts.
Consider using a hardware security module (HSM).

OAuth authentication client side security issues

I understand the security issues around attempting to use OAuth for authentication from a provider's point of view. However I've been asked to provide users the facility to log on to a new web application using OAuth and obtain their basic identity info from the likes of Google and Twitter, from which a new user account within the client application will be created. Additionally users will be able to regster/login directly via user/passwords for anyone not wishing to use third party accounts.
We do not require any access to the user's details/info or providers APIs, just their basic identity when they first logon, and of course allow them to login via the provider in the future. Not exactly the use case OAuth is intended for, OpenId would have been preferred, but OAuth has been specified and without valid concerns would need to be adhered to.
My question is how safe is it to assume that the user has correctly authenticated themselves with the relevant provider. If I trust say Google to perform adequate authentication and I obtain an access token and their identity, presumably I can consider that a legitimate user? There are obviously issues if some one has access to the resource owners machine and saved passwords in the browser but that issue is present for those users who elect to register directly.
Presumably it possible to fake an access token, e.g. man in the middle pretending to be google? A MITM could fake an access token and supply identity details that matched a registered user's google id? I don't see anything for a client to know that the information definitely came from the provider. Obviously this problem is not unique to OAuth.
Are there another ways someone could illegitimately access an account that used OAuth to authenticate themselves.
OAuth allows that an application to access a specific user resource (that has been provided permission by the user) and it cannot go outside that scope. I have not seen the documentation that refers to creating a new user using OAuth based application.
That being said:
We do not require any access to the user's details/info or providers
APIs, just their basic identity when they first logon
This violates OAuth authorization process. The Service Provider does the authentication and provides the relevant tokens (based on the success of the authentication). This is to ensure that there are no 3rd party authentication done during the OAuth authentication process.
My question is how safe is it to assume that the user has correctly
authenticated themselves with the relevant provider.
This all depends on the service provider itself. To conform to OAuth protocol, one of the requirement is that user authentication must be done in a secured transport layer with a digital certificate (for HTTP, it must be done in HTTPS). OAuth consumer don't have any reference to the authentication process. Also the authentication process basically asks the user if the consumer can access the resource of the specific user (and not anyone else, since he doesn't have authorization to it).
Is it possible to fake an access token, e.g. man in the middle
pretending to be google?
Spoofing a Service Provider IS possible but it'll be tedious. For one, you will have to create a whole OAuth handshake process, create the exact API as the service provider, also setup an environment that is secured (as OAuth recommends). The only thing the spoofing service provider can obtain is the client credentials. If it has its user credentials, there is no need to use the application as there is no way of providing a user credentials using an application to do malicious damage.
Secondly, access tokens do expire so even if you spoof and retrieve an access token, the original application owner can ask for the service provider to block the application and the access token can be useless.
A man in the middle attack won't be possible. You will have to replicate the service provider in a sense that the end user won't be able to distinguish between the original and the spoofing service provider in order to capture all relevant credentials (from both the application and end user).
Sadly saying, the scenario from your last sentence is the truth.
But you should realise that the security is a huge and complex issue, especially in client side. It's not happen just in a single point but many points through the whole internet access life cycle. The scenario you given is not what OAuth try to solve.
