I have a server where we have some local sites setup. Im looking on activating gzip on my specific website, but unfortunately, i cannot see the HTTPCOMPRESSION part in the system.webServer Configuration Manager (although it is in the web config itself).
Here is a screenshot of what it looks like:
No httpCompression though. I looked at the server level configuration manager and it has the httpCompression part, but not on the Site level.
IIS v8.5
For reference, to show the setting in the IIS Panel, we need to enable it in the appsettings config of IIS.
Locate httpCompression and change the parameter for overrideModeDefault = "Deny" to Allow. This will make IIS apply your settings on site level.
You'll need to enable Dynamic Compression in IIS. This is done from features, web server (IIS), Web Server, Performance, Dynamic Content Compression.
I am trying to view the site properties so I can look at my extension mappings in an asp.net core app. I am trying to better understand asp.net at a more intricate or low level. I am learning about ISAPI and how it is the initial code point for an asp.net request.
Anyway when I right click on my site in IIS I do not see the properties tab. I am sure that this is related to the version of IIS that I am using, so my question is, how can I view the site properties? Or how can I get to the extension mappings?
iis 5 and 6 has a feature to see the site properties. after iis 7 there is no option like site properties. you can check iis site advance setting by following the below steps:
1)open iis manager
2)right-click on your site.
3)select manage website ->advance setting
Request Filtering which is used to restrict the types of HTTP requests that IIS processes. By blocking specific HTTP requests, request filters help prevent potentially harmful requests from reaching the server. The request filter module scans incoming requests and rejects requests that are unwanted based upon the rules that you set up. and ISAPI Filter always runs on an IIS server, filtering every request until they find one they need to process. The ability to examine and modify both incoming and outgoing streams of data makes ISAPI filters powerful and flexible. you could refer to the below link for more detail on how to configure it in iis:
I can't found nothing recent on the web about if deleting Default Web Site in IIS is a good practice, i'm using IIS v10 and as in wwwroot i have each website inside it's own folder in IIS i've just created a website for each of them..
So i'm just not using the Default Web Site and i was wondering if will it cause any problem if i will delete it (for now i've just disabled it but seeing it in the list is a bit triggering), about deleting or keeping the Default Web Site i just found an article from 2001 so i would know something more recent about it.
Yes, you can safely delete the Default Web Site in IIS Manager, even though delete the files under the wwwroot. And it should be a good practice to do that to avoid some unexpected web accesses or attack.
And the Default Web Site in IIS Manager, even though the files under the wwwroot, is used for the first validation of IIS installation.
More, the Default Web Site will take the default port 80 if not disabled/deleted.
So, please go ahead to delete it.
I am trying to do some simple URL rewrites in IIS for Jira. I can make the rewrite work for one site but it is applying the rules to all sites which mess up my configurations. I have recently reconfigured everything and before It was working how I expected it.
This is what I am doing:
Open IIS Manager > Expand Server > Expand Site > Select Specific Site > Click on Feature (URL Rewrite) > Add in rules config > Apply.
At this point this rule is in every site being applied, to include the default site. If I select a new site and click URL Rewrite the rule is there. I can also delete or disable the rule from any site and it apply that everywhere?
Does any one know if there is a setting some where I some switched or a bug? Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Check your site's advanced settings (right click on the site > Manage Website > Advanced Settings) and check the physical path of each site. I think you may find that all your sites are pointing to the same path and using the same Web.config file. That would cause this behavior as changing one site would change the single web.config that all the sites are using.
To fix this problem you'd need a separate path for each site (and by extension a separate web.config file for each would automatically be created.)
You can set rewrite rules on the serve level and on the site level.
The behavior you describe is correct when you have created a rule on the server level, but you clearly state that you selected a single site only.
If changing a rule on a site level indeed changes the rules on the server level, that would indeed be a bug, but I don't fully believe you on this.
Double check that you are editing rules on the site node, not the server node.
Site rules are usually stored in the web.config file of the site, server rules are stored in a node <rewrite><globalRules> in C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config
check these locations and see how they change after you made changes in the GUI.
The problem
We're running IIS on Windows 8.1 with Update. We're at the Orchard CMS first time setup screen, and IIS is giving 401s for all static content. We have read the following to no avail:
IIS 7.5 no images css js showing
IIS 7.5 no images css js showing
The official Orchard deployment documentation
Based on those, this is what I have tried that doesn't work.
Turn on the IIS feature to Serve Static Content.
Give IIS_IUSRS permission to Read, write & execute.
Give the site's application pool permission to Read, write & execute.
What does work though is the nuclear option: to give Everyone the Read permission (unless we want to proceed with the Orchard setup; then we need to give Everyone even more permissions.) That leads me to believe that I must give permission to some principle with less scope than Everyone but more scope than both IIS_IUSRS and the application pool combined.
Who/what is that principle?
Pictures to show the problem
We receive a 401 on ..\Themes\SafeMode\Styles\site.css
The task manager confirms that the site is running as the orchard user.
The security properties of the ..\Themes\SafeMode\Styles\ directory gives Read permission to orchard.
Why does it only work when we give Read permission to Everyone?
I had a similar problem. Under authentication, I right clicked "Anonymous Authentication" and clicked "Edit". That shows a dialog giving you the ability to set the identity of the anonymous user. I set it to "Application pool identity" and that fixed the problem for me.
This may not be the most secure configuration though, but I'm on a dev server so I don't care.
Try turn on the Static Content and Directory Browsing features under Internet Information Services->World Wide Web Services->Common HTTP Features node.
In my case I had to set Read permission for IUSR user for the web site folder.
So, what I had to do to fix this problem was the following:
(and please understand, that this is not ASP or PHP script related, the server wouldn't even show basic simple .html files, yet would serve out PHP results all day long!)
Two fold…
Had to set the application pool for each site, under advanced settings, to use LocalSystem for it’s process
Under site, advanced settings, security, add the IUSR account to have read & list contents access, for the site… :-)
See any problems with doing that?
'cuz it's working....
Updating windows feature for WWW services/Common Http Features/static content by selecting Static Content checkbox fixed my IIS not service static content issue.
Open IIS -> go to advanced settings of selected website and open Physical Path Credentials -> Select specific user and enter your local user credentials. Open below screenshot for further visualising the things:
IIS Settings
i'm running sharepoint 2010 foundation, on win7. since installing SP2010, none of my other localhost websites load in the browser. i'm either prompted for a login, or it just returns blank pages. i've tried putting my other websites within the SP-80 directory in iis7, which allowed the pages to load, but required a login. i tried various combinations of windows authentication on different iis7 directories, but nothing worked. i'm left with the impression that iis7 requires a single port 80 directory, rather than distinct, named directors, with separate permissions. the issue could be complicated by having my other sites mapped to a virtual directory, requiring my admin creds, to allow iis access to the files.
my question is, is it possible to host public, unprotected, port 80, web sites, along with SP2010? i'm not very experienced with IIS, so please forgive me if i'm overlooking the obvious.
sure it is possible. While creating WebApplications in SharePoint you're able to specify the port, the WebApplication will run on.
You should have a look at your Site Settings within IIS. SharePoint is by default not running on anonymous authentication mode.
Please analyze if you do have site collections created under Web Application using Powershell or from Central Admin
If you have Web Application created but no Site Collections, then you will get same issue
If you want other sites on IIS on the same port on the same machine, you'll need to declare IIS host headers. When you create a new Site in IIS, there is a bindings section (IIS 7.5 - in IIS6, I believe it's just called Host Headers) - set your bindings to be myotherwebsite.com or myotherwebsite.local. Make sure the names you use in your bindings match DNS names that are pointing to that machine, either through public DNS (if it's a public site) or through your local hosts file (\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) if it's only for your local use.
Going the host headers route, you bypass the sharepoint execution stream completely - set your site up just as you would any other.