where are the build logs created when gcloud app deploy fails - node.js

Quick: where can I find the deployment logs for a node deploy which fails?
Setup: windows 10 box developing a node.js website. the website runs locally, and has deployed successfully with the same package stack (body-parser, express, firebase, firebase-tools, path, pug)
Google Cloud SDK 134.0.0
app-engine-python 1.9.40
bq 2.0.24
bq-win 2.0.24
core 2016.11.07
core-win 2016.11.07
gsutil 4.22
gsutil-win 4.20
windows-ssh-tools 2016.05.13
The last few lines of the deploy output shows a core dump and timeout ends the deploy and how the latest gcloud update gacked up the logging output.
[91mnpm[0m[91m WARN using --force I sure hope you know what you are doing.
> group-coms#0.0.1 install /app
> npm install --force
[91mAborted (core dumped)
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Error Response: [4] DEADLINE_EXCEEDED
Oh yes, when it failed earlier today, I moved the folder to the root of the drive testing the 'too long a path' theory and it deployed successfully a couple of times. I haven't added or renamed any files since then, I have tried reloading all the node_modules to no avail.
# [START app_yaml]
runtime: nodejs
vm: true
# [END app_yaml]
I changed the yamal file to comply with upgrading#appyaml_changes and the deploy completed successfuly... I would still like to know more about how I can monitor the build process..


How to solve AWS Amplify error: CustomerError Framework Web not supported

I have an AWS Amplify application (next.js, node v16.18.1) with two builds (dev & prod branch). One week ago the prod build failed with the following error message without any code being modified:
!!! CustomerError Framework Web not supported
The dev build still works. To check I've created a branch from dev called test and ran a build. This build failed with the same error as above.
There a no warnings or such in the AWS Amplify build log.
I've deleted the AWS Amplify app, created a new one resulting in the same error. I've deleted individual builds in the AWS Amplify app all resulting in the same error for the prod or test branch (which is a clone of the dev branch) while dev is building successfully in all scenarios.
It appears the branch is mistakenly being detected as web which is what is used for applications that use frameworks like React or Angular. Try running this command to update your branch's framework to Next.js - SSR:
aws amplify update-branch --app-id <value> --branch-name <value> --framework 'Next.js - SSR'

/npm/bin/npm-cli.js: not found on Azure app service - node app

I am trying to deploy the nodejs app to Azure but I am getting the below error.
/home/site/wwwroot/node_modules/.bin/npm: 1:
/home/site/wwwroot/node_modules/.bin/npm: ../npm/bin/npm-cli.js: not
2021-07-08T10:22:38.244796509Z npm info lifecycle express-typescript-starter#0.1.0~start: Failed to exec start script
This is the output I am seeing application logs on Azure.
App Service is the free plan with Node 14 as a runtime environment running on Linux. I have verified all the files, everything looking good.
Even I checked node modules as well. The folder is there but the error-specific file i.e inside node_module npm/bin/npm-cli.js. It is not there.
But it's not on my local as well and there it's working fine.
I am deploying through Github action.

Azure AppService Kudu Deployment Fails on Push

I want to deploy a Web App (Node) to Azure App Services (Linux) over Kudu.
I followed the instructions and first tried it with Node 14 as the stack. The build processes crashed during make cause of some version problems I guess.
Now I have downgraded the stack to Node 12. When I try to push again I get this error:
remote: hooks/post-receive: 4: hooks/post-receive: /opt/Kudu/KuduConsole/kudu.dll: not found
Before the push worked fine and npm was triggered.
Any suggestions?
When i try to start the Bash in Kudu i get this error
Kudu Error 1
When add /newui to the URL where you can reach Kudu you can start up a bash inside Kudu. From there you can delete rm everything inside the /home folder. After that a new push worked and also the deployment

gcloud app deploy failed with error - gcloud crashed FileNotFoundError - python3 app

I am trying to deploy a sample python app which I got from another tutorial. However, the deployment fails as below:
gcloud app deploy Beginning deployment of service [default]... ERROR:
gcloud crashed (FileNotFoundError): [Errno 2] No such file or
My app.yaml file is as below:
runtime: python3
env: standard
python_version: 3
I have all dependencies copied in env/bin but the build process is looking for env only..
I think the problem would be solved if the deployment process looks at env/bin, but don't know how to force it to look at given path
The runtime_config setting is for App Engine flex only and isn't needed for App Engine Standard. You can safely remove it.
As per the error, you should ensure that all your dependencies are self-contained and shipped with your app or listed in your requirements.txt file.
Be careful, some gcloud commands use .gitignore file to prevent sending useless file to Cloud for building your app.
You can override this behavior by creating a .gcloudignore file. Same syntax as git ignore but take into account only by gcloud commands and not by git. By the way you can differentiate the file to send to the cloud and file to send to git

node.js app fails to deploy in appengine: gcloud app deploy to appengine fails, issues with cached base image and node cache

I am trying to deploy a simple node.js app onto appengine. Every time I deploy the same using gcloud deploy, I get these warning and errors in the logs. I am using the config module in node.js also to load some general environment variables I need. Any pointers apprecaited if others have come across similar runtime issues? here is log when I execute the command:
gcloud app deploy app.yaml
No cached base image found for entry
Step #1 - "builder": INFO Cache miss on local cache for us.gcr.io/.../app-engine-build-cache/node-cache:f0sdafsadasdfsadfasfasdfasdf
Step #1 - "builder": ERROR Error during upload of: us.gcr.io/.../app-engine-build-cache/node-cache:f0sdafsadasdfsadfasfasdfasdf
Finally my deploy fails
File upload done.
Updating service [myservice name]...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Error Response: [9] Cloud build <number> status: FAILURE. Check the build log for errors: https://console.cloud.google.com/gcr/builds/<my build number>
I am using
$gcloud version
Google Cloud SDK 214.0.0
bq 2.0.34
core 2018.08.24
gsutil 4.33
$ npm --version
thanks for any pointers where things might be going wrong.
