variable does not properly update - scope

Xilinx SDK 2016.1 freeRTOS823_xlinx OS platform
My code seemed to work fine until I introduced some freeRTOS elements. The general functionality of my code as follows:
In the Interrupt subroutine, I assign a value to a variable focusPosition that is read from the IP register of the Zynq Soc:
// separate file
u32 focusPosition=0;
static void ISR(void *CallbackRef)
focusPosition = XRb_focus_Get_position_o(CallbackRef);
Then I printf the value to the console in the main function:
// separate file
extern u32 focusPosition;
The code prints the correct value, however, when I try to implement some additional lines in the code, like xTaskCreate() xEventGroupCreate(), something messes up all the memory and the printed value stays constant, which is not correct.
How can simple addition of the code that has nothing to do with the variable have any influence on that variable? As far as I understand, the xTaskCreate() and xEventGroupCreate() are created on the heap. I tired pocking around to see if Xil_DCacheDisable() would help, but no. Any ideas? Is my focusPosition variable properly defined/declared?

You should declare focusPosition as volatile otherwise the compiler does not expect it to be modified outside of the while loop so may optimize the code. Adding extra code may of caused this to happen. Any variable modified in an interrupt but used elsewhere should be declared volatile.


How to set pthread name at the time of creation?

I am using pthread in my program. For creation using pthread_create(). Right after creation I am using pthread_setname_np() to set the created thread's name.
I am observing that the name I set takes a small time to reflect, initially the thread inherits the program name.
Any suggestions how I can set the thread name at the time I create the thread using pthread_create()? I researched a bit in the available pthread_attr() but did not find a function that helps.
A quick way to reproduce what I am observing, is as follows:
void * thread_loop_func(void *arg) {
// some code goes here
pthread_getname_np(pthread_self(), thread_name, sizeof(thread_name));
// Output to console the thread_name here
// some more code
int main() {
// some code
pthread_t test_thread;
pthread_create(&test_thread, &attr, thread_loop_func, &arg);
pthread_setname_np(test_thread, "THREAD-FOO");
// some more code, rest of pthread_join etc follows.
return 0;
I am looking for the first console output to reflect THREAD-FOO.
how I can set the thread name at the time I create the thread using pthread_create()?
That is not possible. Instead you can use a barrier or mutex to synchronize the child thread until it's ready to be run. Or you can set the thread name from inside the thread (if any other threads are not using it's name).
Do not to use pthread_setname_np. This is a nonstandard GNU extension. The _np suffix literally means "non-portable". Write portable code and instead use your own place where you store your thread names.
Instead of pthread_setname_np(3) you can use prctl(2) with PR_SET_NAME. The only limitation with this function is that you can only set the name of the calling process/thread. But since your example is doing exactly that, there should be no problem with this solution AND it's a portable standard API.

node.js most performant way to skip a part of code

In compiling languages like C we have a preprocessor that can be used to skip parts of program without compiling them, effectively just excluding them from the source code:
/* this code not always runs */
So that if SHOULD_RUN_THIS is not defined, then the code will never be run.
In node.js we don't have a direct equivalent of this, so the first thing I can imagine is
if (config.SHOULD_RUN_THIS) {
/* this code not always runs */
However in node there is no way to guarantee that config.SHOULD_RUN_THIS will never change, so if (...) check will be performed each time in vain.
What would be the most performant way to rewrite it? I can think of
a) create a separate function to allow v8-optimizations:
function f(args) {
if (config.SHOULD_RUN_THIS) {
/* this code not always runs */
// ...
b) create a variable to store the function and set it to an empty function when not needed:
var f;
if (config.SHOULD_RUN_THIS) {
f = (args) => {
/* this code not always runs */
else {
f = function () {} // does nothing
// ...
c) do not create a separate function, just leave it in place:
if (config.SHOULD_RUN_THIS) {
/* this code not always runs */
What is the most performant way? Maybe some other way...
i personally would adopt ...
if (config.SHOULD_RUN_THIS) {
the module code is only required where needed, otherwise it is not even loaded in memory let alone executed.
the only downside is that it is not readily clear which modules are being required since your require statements are not all positioned at the top of the file.
es6 modularity adopts this dynamic module request approach.
PS use of config like this is great since, you can for example, use an environment variable to determine your code path. Great when spinning up, for example, a bunch of docker containers that you want to behave differently depending on the env vars passed to the docker run statements.
apologies for this insight if you are not a docker fan :) apologies i am waffling now!
if you're looking for a preprocessor for your Javascript, why not use a preprocessor for your Javascript? It's node-compatible and appears to do what you need. You could also look into writing a plugin for Babel or some other JS mangling tool (or v8 itself!)
If you're looking for a way to do this inside the language itself, I'd avoid any optimizations which target a single engine like v8 unless you're sure that's the only place your code will ever run. Otherwise, as has been mentioned, try breaking out conditional code into a separate module so it's only loaded if necessary for it to run.

How to import platform-specific struct?

I've got a struct in a file that begins with this line:
// +build windows
Therefore it will only be built on Windows. However, the part of the application that initializes everything needs to check if it is running on Windows and if so, create an instance of the struct. I have no idea how to do this without breaking things on other platforms.
For example, if the file contains a function newWindowsSpecificThing() and I compile on Linux, the function won't exist because it is defined in a file that isn't being compiled. (And, of course, this will produce an error.)
How do I work around this dilemma?
I think your solution would be to have some method on your struct which is used on all platforms. Look at how the dir_*.go files work for the os package. The func (file *File) readdirnames(n int) (names []string, err error) is available on all platforms by providing it in dir_plan9.go, dir_unix.go and dir_windows.go.
For your problem, I'd take the same approach but with some generic method that does internal work. In your application logic you'd call that function and in your file_unix.go file you'd define that function to do nothing (empty body).
Somewhere you clearly have a function that calls newWindowsSpecificThing(). That should be in a Windows-specific file. If it were, then it wouldn't matter that it isn't available. The fact that you have something "check if it is running on Windows" suggests a if runtime.GOOS == "windows" statement somewhere. Rather than have that, move the entire if into a function that is defined in a Windows-specific file. You'll also need to define that function in a !windows file, which is fine.
As an example from my code, I have a function:
func Setup() *config {
var cfg *config
// setup portable parts of cfg
return PlatformSpecificSetup(cfg)
I then have a file marked // +build windows that defines PlatformSpecificSetup() one way, and another marked // +build !windows that defines it another. I never have to check runtime.GOOS and I never have to deal with undefined data types. The config struct itself is defined in those files, so it can have different fields for each platform (as long as they agree enough for Setup()). If I were being more careful, I could create a struct like:
type config struct {
// independent stuff
plat *platformConfig
And then just define platformConfig in each platform file, but in practice I've found that more trouble than it's worth.

Self-mutate Swift struct in background thread

Assume we have a struct capable of self-mutation that has to happen as part of a background operation:
struct Thing {
var something = 0
mutating func operation(block: () -> Void) {
// Start some background operation
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
// Mutate self upon background task completion
self.something += 1
Now, when I use such a struct in context:
var myThing = Thing()
myThing.operation {
The println gives me 0, as if myThing was never mutated. Printing self.something from within the dispatch_async obviously yields 1.
How do I work around this issue, preferably without having to pass the updated struct's self in the operation competition block and overriding the original variable in the main context?
// Ew
var myThing = Thing()
myThing.operation {
(mutatedThing) in
myThing = mutatedThing
I'm adding a second answer because my first answer addressed a different point.
I have just encountered this difficulty myself in circumstances almost identical to yours.
After working and working and working to try to find out what was going on, and fix it, I realized that the problem was, basically, using a value type where a reference type should be used.
The closure seems to create a duplicate of the struct and operate on that, leaving the original untouched--which is more in line with the behavior of a value type.
On the other hand, the desired behavior is for the actions performed in the closure to be retained by the environment outside the closure--in other words two different contexts (inside the closure and out of it) need to refer to the same objects--which is more in line with the behavior of a reference type.
Long story short, I changed the struct to a class. The problem vanished, no other code needed.
I have seen this exact problem many times, but without more detail I can't say if it was happening for the same reason that you are having it.
It drove me crazy until I realized that the dispatched operation was taking place at an illogical time, i.e. usually before the current time. In the dispatch block's frame of reference, it correctly updated the variable, which is why it prints out correctly from inside the block. But in the "real world", for some reason, the dispatch is considered to have never happened, and the value change is discarded. Or perhaps it's because the mutation implicitly creates a new struct and because it was "time travelling" the reference to it never updated. Can't say.
In my case, the problem went away once I correctly scheduled the dispatch. I hope that helps!

Starting a method in another thread C++

I'm having trouble finding out how to run a method in a seperate thread in C++ (using Visual C++ 2008), I've tried a number of ways to do this but none of them so far have been successful.
I'm very new to C++ but a fairly experienced programmer in Java, but have been given a task to fix some bugs in an old C++ application. The program uses an object called 'Mpeg' to control packetising and depackitising an Mpeg file. After setting up an Mpeg object properly, mpeg.Depacketise needs to be called, which then runs the method DepacketiseInputFile().
I've tried to make DepacketiseInputFile() run in a seperate thread by both using _beginthread and the System::Threading::Thread object using
Thread^ th = gcnew Thread(gcnew ThreadStart(DepacketiseInputFile));
however this returns the errors
using &Mpeg::Depacketise gives the error
when using _beginthread the code I tried was
However with this I constantly had trouble getting the arguments correct, with errors like
cropping up.
Is there any simple way to do this that anyone can reccomend? I've spent a few days playing around with this but seem to be getting nowhere :(
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What kind of type is Mpeg? What kind of method is DepacketiseInputFile?
If it's a regular unmanaged, C++ class, then use _beginthread, but you have to make DepacketiseInputFile a static. It cannot take a member function.
Also, don't call DepacketiseInputFile with DepacketiseInputFile(), pass it in with
You should use the void* you get to pass it to pass in a pointer to the Mpeg object (and then cast it back).
If you want to use ThreadStart, then Mpeg needs to be a managed class.
EDIT: If you want to make DepacketiseInputFile, but it needs to access the object, then you use the void* argument to pass in a pointer.
So in the .h:
void DepacketiseInputFileMember();
static void DepacketiseInputFile(void *thisObj);
Your code goes in DepacketiseInputFileMember(), and write DepacketiseInputFile like this:
void Mpeg::DepacketiseInputFile(void *thisObj)
Mpeg* mpeg = reinterpret_cast<Mpeg*>(thisObj);
When you call _beginthread, use this
_beginnthread(&Mpeg::DepacketiseInputFile, (unsigned)0, anMpegObjectPointer);
where anMpegObjectPointer is a pointer to an object of type Mpeg. You have to make sure the lifetime of the object is longer than it would be needed in the thread.
Forgive my syntax, I am writing this in a textarea, not Visual Studio
_beginthread(DepacketiseInputFile(), (unsigned)0, (void *)NULL);
_beginthread(DepacketiseInputFile, (unsigned)0, (void *)NULL);
You wanna pass the address of the function to run (DepacketiseInputFile) and not its return value of that function (which is what you get from DepacketiseInputFile()).
I'm assuming DepacketiseInputFile is declared as void DepacketiseInputFile(void*), and is not a non-static member function of some class. Otherwise, the types won't match even when you do remove the brackets.
