Start hybrid development with Heroku - node.js

I finished a website with Rails, Heroku & Salesforce and now i must create the same but as mobile application.
In the website project, Heroku was usefull to access Salesforce data with Heroku Connect and Heroku Postgress. I want to know if it's possible to use them for a mobile app.
I guess no, i did not fount lot of documentation about it and it's focus on iOs. I want to create hybrid app on Ionic
Is it possible do to it ?
Or a second idea is to create a REST API in Node as they suggest here to send Json to a connected mobile app dev with Ionic cordova. Another way to create an app connected to the Salesforce Data
I tried Salesforce MobileSDK but I always encouter issues.
What do you think is the best solution ?
if you have some ideas do not hesitate. I'm still "in the sandbox"

Yes, you can expose your Rails app as REST endpoints that your custom / Ionic mobile app can talk to. However, if you just want a mobile UI for the Salesforce parts then you can use Salesforce1 or the MobileSDK for custom mobile apps that just use Salesforce.


Apply SSL into IONIC Apps or Angular Web

I am new to this.
I have a app that build with IONIC, the backends(authentication, storage, DB) are running at firebase, and the IONIC will call some 3rd party API or my own API that build with node.js and hosted at heroku.
I would like to implement SSL to achieve point to point encryption, so that the real client data won't being hijack by fraud public wifi.
I have no clue where to start and how to do it, please advise and recommend.
Thank you.
All access to Firebase's backend services goes through secure connections (HTTPS/SSL). There is no way to access them through a non-secured connection.
To access for example the Firebase Database from your Ionic application, have a look at the documentation on getting started for web developers.

Web API and web application in one project vs separate projects

I am completely new to the concept of servers, web APIs and web applications. I have a project where I need to design a Web API that allows clients to modify a database (hidden from the clients through the API).
And there is also a web application which has some functionalities. The web application also has to interact with the database.
So my question is, should I develop the Web API (Server) and the web application in the same project or two different projects?
I chose to implement the system using Mean stack for learning purposes. Mean stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular and NodeJS. As the Mean stack contains technologies to develop both the API and the Web app, am I supposed to develop all the code within one project and deploy it in my server or separate the Web API and the web application into two projects?
If it depends on the scenario, then to which kind of scenarios should I choose each and what are their pros and cons?
If shortly, Web API, it's backend, it's service, which you use in web application, and, web application, it's frontend, it's web site, which you see in your browser.
You can create one repo at github but server-side and client-side projects are separated.
You can choose the structure of your server-side and client-side projects depending on the purpose of your project. If you are going to create web application and then to develop mobile application (with ionic, for example) you should create web API separately. If you are going to create only the web application and to deploy your web application and web API to the same service (like heroku) you can make the same structure as in the heroku example ( , also check the repo of this example ).

Best way to get notifications to Angular Client from an Azure hosted Web API

Best way to get notifications to Angular Client from an Azure hosted Web API
I'm creating an app where users can interact on articles. The back-end is core 2 web api. Front end is nodejs Angular universal app. I've decided to host on azure.
I need to get user notifications from server to the client. So if an user wrote a document and another user liked it, the notification will be sent to the user that wrote it, if the user is running the site.
I know I can achieve this using SignalR or, but I was looking for something that azure provides.
Is there anything in azure that I can use, such as Event Hub, Event Grid or NServiceBus where there's already a javascript client that works on the browser, listening on Events?
hi best way notification is azure web job with azure web hook
using web job you can get notification to any devices
for more details please see
enter link description here

Running Mongodb CRUD API on azure (for Ionic)

I'm trying to run a MongoDB (using NodeJS and Express) on the Azure Server as a server side part of my ionic app.
Once placed on Azure I'd like to access it with my Ionic App using CRUD operations.
What steps do I go through after acquiring a Azure Portal account? Do I take Mobile Services or a simple Web Api?
Is there something specific that I need to add to the NodeJS server?
Generally, the app using Node and MongoDB as the backend for mobile client hosted on Azure App Service, such as WebApps, Mobile Apps (recommended).
Based on my understanding, I think there are some documents that may be helpful for you, please see them below.
For Web Apps, you can refer to the tutorial Get started with Node.js web apps in Azure App Service.
For Mobile Apps, I think your ionic app was based on cordova, there is a tutorial for getting started with cordova Create an Apache Cordova app. And Two related blogs shown a sample of Node + MongoDB on Azure for mobile, please see below.
Exposing MongoDB collections on the node.js backend
Querying MongoDB collections via the Azure Mobile Service node.js backend
To deploy the app to Azure App Service, you can try to publish it via FTP, git, or IDE like VS, please see
Hope it helps. Any concern, please feel free to let me know.

Is it possible to run a NodeJS app using phonegap?

I have a web app that is hosted on a web server that was created using NodeJS ( What I want to do is make this web app into a mobile application gaining access to the contact list to enter phone numbers. I have looked at technologies such as phonegap/cordova for this task but am still unsure from the documentation. Any experience or input on this would be appreciated.
Cordova provides a browser environment, so you can't run Node.js in it. But you can of course run your web frontend inside Cordova and use it to get access to device APIs like the contact list and communicate with your server.
