Reference to unwrapped property fails: use of partially moved value: `self` - rust

I try to send an unwrapped string reference to a static method implemented for a struct. Here is a simplified code:
fn main() {
let a = A {p: Some("p".to_string())};
struct A {
p: Option<String>
impl A {
fn a(self) -> Self {
fn b(b: &str) {
print!("b: {}", b)
It fails:
error[E0382]: use of partially moved value: `self`
--> src/
13 | Self::b(&self.p.unwrap());
| ------ value moved here
14 | self
| ^^^^ value used here after move
= note: move occurs because `self.p` has type `std::option::Option<std::string::String>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
I think implementing the Copy trait is not a solution. How can I unwrap p and pass it as a &str to b in that context?
I changed my code as suggested in Can't borrow File from &mut self (error msg: cannot move out of borrowed content):
fn main() {
let a = A {p: Some("p".to_string())};
struct A {
p: Option<String>
impl A {
fn a(self) -> Self {
let c = self.p.as_ref().unwrap();
fn b(b: &str) {
print!("b: {}", b)
Which results in a different error:
error[E0505]: cannot move out of `self` because it is borrowed
--> src/
13 | let c = self.p.as_ref().unwrap();
| ------ borrow of `self.p` occurs here
14 | Self::b(&c);
15 | self
| ^^^^ move out of `self` occurs here

As discussed in Can't borrow File from &mut self (error msg: cannot move out of borrowed content), you can't call unwrap on a borrowed value because unwrap takes ownership of the value.
Changing to as_ref borrows from the value self. You are not allowed to move a value (which includes returning that value) while any references to it are outstanding. That means you need to constrain the life of the borrow to end before the value needs to be moved:
fn a(self) -> Self {
let c = self.p.as_ref().unwrap();
It may be an artifact of your example, but the code is pretty strange. I'd have written it as
impl A {
fn a(self) -> Self {
fn b(&self) {
print!("b: {}", self.p.as_ref().unwrap())
impl A {
fn a(&self) {
print!("a: {}", self.p.as_ref().unwrap())


Rust multiple borrowing struct

I am new to Rust and trying to implement a simple TCP-Server that sends me a live image. Therefore I am using this crate for the RawBmp-type. Now I am struggling a bit to understand some of Rusts functionality. Or let's say I am still trying to figure out how to accomplish this in the 'Rust way'.
pub struct TCPBasePackage {
haspayload: bool,
pkgbytes: Vec<u8>,
impl TCPBasePackage {
pub const CMD: i32 = 0;
pub fn new() -> TCPBasePackage {
TCPBasePackage { haspayload: false, pkgbytes: Vec::new()}
impl TCPPackage for TCPBasePackage {
fn serialize(&mut self) -> &[u8] {
self.pkgbytes.append(&mut self.get_command().to_be_bytes().to_vec());
self.pkgbytes.append(&mut [u8::from(self.haspayload)].to_vec());
fn read_from_stream(&mut self, mut stream: &TcpStream) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut vec: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mut buf_pkg: [u8; 5] = [0; 5];
stream.read_exact(&mut buf_pkg).unwrap();
vec.append(&mut buf_pkg.to_vec());
self.pkgbytes = vec.to_vec();
return self.pkgbytes.clone();
fn deserialize(&mut self, buff: &[u8]) -> i32 {
self.haspayload = buff[4] != 0;
return 5;
fn get_command(&self) -> i32 {
pub struct MsgLiveImage<'a> {
tcppackage: TCPBasePackage,
imgbytes: Vec::<u8>,
img: RawBmp<'a>,
impl<'a> MsgLiveImage<'a> {
pub const CMD: i32 = 2;
pub fn new() -> MsgLiveImage<'static> {
MsgLiveImage {
tcppackage: TCPBasePackage { haspayload: false, pkgbytes: Vec::new() },
imgbytes: Vec::new(),
img: RawBmp::from_slice(&[]).unwrap()
pub fn set_image_data(&'a mut self, data: Vec::<u8>) {
self.imgbytes = data;
self.img = RawBmp::from_slice(&self.imgbytes.as_slice()).unwrap();
In some function of my application I want to do this:
fn write_response_to_stream(
mut request: &Box<dyn mytcp::TCPPackage>,
mut stream: &TcpStream,
raspicam: &Arc<Mutex<camserv::CamServ>>,
) -> Result<Box<dyn mytcp::TCPPackage>, &'static str> {
match request.get_command() {
mytcp::MsgLiveImage::CMD => {
let mut pkg = mytcp::MsgLiveImage::new();
let tmpcam = raspicam.lock().unwrap(); // lock the camera server
let tmpbuff = tmpcam.imgbuff.lock().unwrap(); // lock the buffer of last image
pkg.set_image_data((*tmpbuff).clone()); // make copy of my image and transfer ownership of that copy to the package struct
let sbuff = pkg.serialize();
Ok(Box::new(pkg)) // return the response package
_ => Err("Unknown request package"),
But the problem is, that the compiler is complaining about multiple borrowing the pkg-variable. As well as moving the pkg out of scope (which i learned should be possible by wrapping it in a Box.
Can someone explain me why the first mutable borrow still lasts even after the method returns? How can i achieve to call multiple methods on my struct without getting these borrowing conflicts?
Errors from rustc:
error[E0499]: cannot borrow `pkg` as mutable more than once at a time
--> src/raspiserv/
87 | pkg.set_image_data((*tmpbuff).clone());
| -------------------------------------- first mutable borrow occurs here
90 | let sbuff = pkg.serialize();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
95 | Ok(Box::new(pkg))
| ----------------- returning this value requires that `pkg` is borrowed for `'static`
error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing local variable `pkg`
--> src/raspiserv/
87 | pkg.set_image_data((*tmpbuff).clone());
| -------------------------------------- `pkg` is borrowed here
95 | Ok(Box::new(pkg))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ returns a value referencing data owned by the current function
error[E0505]: cannot move out of `pkg` because it is borrowed
--> src/raspiserv/
87 | pkg.set_image_data((*tmpbuff).clone());
| -------------------------------------- borrow of `pkg` occurs here
95 | Ok(Box::new(pkg))
| ------------^^^--
| | |
| | move out of `pkg` occurs here
| returning this value requires that `pkg` is borrowed for `'static`
The problem is with your set_image_data
pub fn set_image_data(&'a mut self, data: Vec::<u8>) {
self.imgbytes = data;
self.img = RawBmp::from_slice(&self.imgbytes.as_slice()).unwrap();
you borrow self for the lifetime of 'a which is as long as the RawBmp inside of it is valid.
Thus the borrow lasts as long as the struct.
What you have is a self referential struct see this question on them for suggestions how to reslove this.
You can probably just drop the img from MsgLiveImage and replace it with a method:
impl MsgLiveImage {
pub fn as_img<'a>(&'a self) -> Result<RawBmp<'a>, ParseError> {
Might even be able to omit the lifetimes from that.

Reference should outlive closure parameter

So I've got the following structs
struct Item;
struct Resource<'a> {
_marker: std::marker::PhantomData<&'a ()>,
impl<'a> Resource<'a> {
// Note: item has to be borrowed for 'a
fn do_nothing(&mut self, item: &'a Item) {
let _ = item;
struct Context<'a> {
resource: Resource<'a>,
impl<'a> Context<'a> {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { resource: Resource::default() }
fn do_something(&mut self, item: &'a Item) {
And the following function that uses those sturcts.
fn do_stuff<F>(callback: F)
F: FnOnce(Context),
let ctx = Context::new();
When I try using this in the following manner
fn main() {
let item = Item;
do_stuff(|mut ctx| {
It gives the following compiler error:
error[E0597]: `item` does not live long enough
--> src/
39 | do_stuff(|mut ctx| {
| --------- value captured here
40 | ctx.do_something(&item);
| ------------------^^^^-
| | |
| | borrowed value does not live long enough
| argument requires that `item` is borrowed for `'static`
41 | });
42 | }
| - `item` dropped here while still borrowed
However, with my limited understanding of rust lifetimes, I'm not sure how to fix it. Item should outlive ctx as ctx only lives as long as do_stuff(?). Is there a way to tell the compiler that item lives longer then ctx?
One thing I highly recommend when dealing with lifetimes is to attempt to desugar lifetime elision as much as possible. The issue here actually happens in your definition of do_stuff:
fn do_stuff<F>(callback: F)
F: FnOnce(Context),
let ctx = Context::new();
which desugars to:
fn do_stuff<F>(callback: F)
F: FnOnce(Context<'static>),
let ctx = Context::new();
That 'static is what is causing the error. If you make the function generic over lifetime 'a the error goes away:
fn do_stuff<'a, F>(callback: F)
F: FnOnce(Context<'a>),
let ctx = Context::new();

Rust borrow checker and early returns

Rust-lang Playground link
struct Foo {
val: i32
impl Foo {
pub fn maybe_get(&mut self) -> Option<&mut i32> {
Some(&mut self.val)
pub fn definitely_get(&mut self) -> &mut i32 {
{ // Add closure to ensure things have a chance to get dropped
if let Some(val) = self.maybe_get() {
// Explicit return to avoid potential scope sharing with an else block or a match arms.
return val;
// One would think any mutable references would not longer be at play at this point
&mut self.val
I have some code that's similar but more complicated than what is provided above that I've been fighting with for quite a while. The borrow checker is unhappy with the implementation of definitely_get and has the following error
error[E0499]: cannot borrow `self.val` as mutable more than once at a time
--> src/
10 | pub fn definitely_get(&mut self) -> &mut i32 {
| - let's call the lifetime of this reference `'1`
11 | {
12 | if let Some(val) = self.maybe_get() {
| ---------------- first mutable borrow occurs here
13 | return val;
| --- returning this value requires that `*self` is borrowed for `'1`
19 | &mut self.val
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
It seems unreasonable for there to be no way to implement fallback logic with a mutable reference in Rust so I can't imagine there isn't a way.
I've managed to fix this with an unfortunately expensive alternative implementation due to how maybe_get is implemented in my non-trivial example.
impl Foo {
pub fn has_maybe_val(&self) -> bool {
// Non-trivial lookup...
pub fn maybe_get(&mut self) -> Option<&mut i32> {
// Same non-trivial lookup...
Some(&mut self.val)
pub fn definitely_get(&mut self) -> &mut i32 {
if self.has_maybe_val() {
self.maybe_get().unwrap() // Ouch!
} else {
&mut self.val

Nested async function call causes lifetime issue

I feel like I am totally lost; what does "'1" mean in the error message?
error[E0597]: `o` does not live long enough
--> src/
31 | async fn foo6(&mut self, mut o: &'a mut Outer) {
| --------- lifetime `'1` appears in the type of `self`
32 | self.foo5(&mut o).await
| ----------^^^^^^-
| | |
| | borrowed value does not live long enough
| argument requires that `o` is borrowed for `'1`
33 | }
| - `o` dropped here while still borrowed
What can I do to make o live long enough? I think I'm using futures 03.
use futures::future::BoxFuture;
use futures::FutureExt;
use futures::stream::FuturesOrdered;
struct Inner {}
impl Inner {
async fn foo3(&mut self) -> Result<u32, ()> {
// --- 1
struct Outer {
i: Inner,
impl Outer {
fn foo4(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<u32, ()>> {
/// --- 2
struct Outer2<'a> {
futures_list: FuturesOrdered<BoxFuture<'a, Result<u32, ()>>>,
impl <'a> Outer2<'a> {
async fn foo6(&mut self, mut o: &'a mut Outer) {
self.foo5(&mut o).await
async fn foo5(&mut self, o: &'a mut Outer) {
async fn main() {
let mut o = Outer { i: Inner {} };
let mut o2 = Outer2 { futures_list: FuturesOrdered::new() };
o2.foo5(&mut o).await;
The '1 represents the anonymous lifetime of the self parameter for function foo5.
Note that in foo6, o is already a mutable reference to Outer, so writing &mut o actually gives you a mutable reference to a mutable reference to Outer with one too many indirections. You can fix your code by removing the extra reference:
async fn foo6(&mut self, mut o: &'a mut Outer) {

Closure referring to a method of self: borrow error [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Mutably borrow one struct field while borrowing another in a closure
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Here is the interesting part:
struct S1 {}
impl S1 {
pub fn new() -> Self {
S1 {}
pub fn foo<F>(&self, mut delegate: F) -> ()
F: FnMut() -> (),
struct S2 {
s1: S1,
done: bool,
impl S2 {
pub fn new() -> Self {
S2 {
s1: S1::new(),
done: false,
fn actually_do_something(&mut self) -> () {
self.done = true
pub fn do_something(&mut self) -> () {|| {
The actual error generated is:
error[E0500]: closure requires unique access to `self` but `self.s1` is already borrowed
--> src/
34 ||| {
| ------- ^^ closure construction occurs here
| |
| borrow occurs here
35 | self.actually_do_something();
| ---- borrow occurs due to use of `self` in closure
36 | })
| - borrow ends here
I understand why I get this error (having multiple overlapping mutable borrows of self), yet I can't find a proper way to solve it. Taking multiple deep references to my object here doesn't seem to be possible as I'm calling a self method directly.
A way of doing this is to destructure your struct. Here is a sample with your code:
pub fn do_something(&mut self) -> () {
let &mut S2 { ref mut s1, ref mut done } = self;|| {
*done = true;
