How to successfully exit an Azure Web Job? - azure

I have an Azure Web Job, and currently the function iself will always complete with a success. However the job itself fails with this error:
[11/26/2016 07:12:11 > 462baa: ERR ] Command 'cmd /c ""MyJob.Webjob ...' was aborted due to no output nor CPU activity for 121 seconds. You can increase the SCM_COMMAND_IDLE_TIMEOUT app setting (or WEBJOBS_IDLE_TIMEOUT if this is a WebJob) if needed.
cmd /c ""MyJob.Webjob.StuffJob.exe""
[11/26/2016 07:12:11 > 462baa: SYS INFO] Status changed to Failed
What can I do once my function is complete to let the job know it's done instead of sitting idle and timing out?
Here is my Functions' class method. Everything runs fine, but it doesn't properly stop and I don't know how to tell the job when I'm done.
public void ProcessLoanOriginationDocuments(TextWriter log)
log.WriteLine("Starting Job");
log.WriteLine("Ending Job");
catch (Exception ex)

What can I do once my function is complete to let the job know it's done instead of sitting idle and timing out?
From my experience, we need to set the WEBJOBS_IDLE_TIMEOUT value enough large to let the WebJob be executed completely.
From your description, the azure WebJob stopped may be caused by a website in idle. Please have a try to troubleshoot as following ways:
Set the website “Always On”
"Always On" is not supported if WebApp is in a free Service Plan tier. If the WebApp is in a free tier, please scale up the App Service Plan. Please refer to the document for more info about how to scale up the App Service Plan.
Add the WEBJOBS_IDLE_TIMEOUT in the Azure Portal. More Info about WebApp setting please refer to document.
If it is not resolved with above ways, please have a try keep writing out to console to keep the WebJob running.


Azure Function Failing on portal with Exception: System.TimeoutException

I am new to Azure development and developed a function app
I published my function app to Azure portal. It is working fine on my development machine but on portal it's throwing following exception (some times)
The operation 'ScanLogs' with id '2eggec6de-54f5-4t34-5423-afffce5c6a43' did not complete in '00:02:00'.
I couldn't find solution to this error. Can somebody help me to understand what this error is about and why we get this?
following is timeout specified in host.json in prod.
Depending on the version of function you are running check here for the exact syntax in host.json -
The default timeout for a function on the consumption plan is 2 minutes, if you need it to run longer then change/add the functiontimeout value, i.e.
"functionTimeout": "00:05:00",
in host.json.
NB: On a Consumption plan this can't be more than 10 minutes so if you need it to run longer either find a way to break up your function into smaller chunks and maybe use a Durable function fan=out fan-in pattern or change it to run on a dedicated App Service Plan where it can run for as long as you like but obviously you'll have to pay to have the server running 24/7

Triggered Azure Web Job goes into Aborted State

I have 2 Azure web jobs. One is triggered and other one is Continuous. Whenever there is some change in server configuration or app configuration of the web job, Triggered web job goes into aborted state. It goes because because of the change, application need to be restarted and somehow it is not able to restart properly. Need help on this
Here is the source code of setting the status:
if (triggeredJobStatus.Status == JobStatus.Running)
if (isLatest)
// If it is the latest run, make sure it's actually running
string triggeredJobDataPath = Path.Combine(JobsDataPath, jobName);
LockFile triggeredJobRunLockFile = TriggeredJobRunner.BuildTriggeredJobRunnerLockFile(triggeredJobDataPath, TraceFactory);
if (!triggeredJobRunLockFile.IsHeld)
triggeredJobStatus.Status = JobStatus.Aborted;
// If it's not latest run it cannot be running
triggeredJobStatus.Status = JobStatus.Aborted;
Additionally have you checked the logs for the WebJob and all of its triggered methods? Please read through the logs and check if anything abnormal is going on.
Job status is shown as aborted if its status file shows it as running, but it is not actually running.
Additional Reference:
Hope it helps.

Azure WebJob has status "Never finished" in WebJobs Dashboard

I have long running web job in AppService (around 1h).
AppService has "Always on" turned on.
It is initialized with:
var host = new JobHost(config);
Actual methods SyncUsers wrapped with attributes:
[Timeout("00:59:00", ThrowOnTimeout = true)]
Schedule is set with settings file settings.job:
"is_singleton": true,
"schedule": "0 0 */4 * * *"
Main issue is that in WebJobs Dashboard I see status "Never finished" in 90% of cases (or failed with exception - OK situation). Running time for such jobs is different: from 5 min to 30 mins. Logs just stopped at some moment without any exception or detailed message.
Another thing is that I can see that multiple jobs are running in the same time. So looks like singleton and schedule don't work (since job should run every 4h).
Also some jobs that have this status, displayed without running time, like this: "1 hour ago ( running time)" and I am not able to see logs or download them.
Anybody had such experience?
Thank you
Looks like you're trying to run an executable that never ends as a triggered WebJob, which has no chance of working. You need to either:
Use a continuous WebJob and rely on the WebJobs SDK for your timer
Use a plain console app deployed as a Scheduled WebJob. No need to use the SDK here. Just do what you need to do from your Main() and let it end.
I'd suggest #2 unless you have a specific need to use the WebJobs SDK.

Why does my Time trigger webjob keep running?

I have a Webjob that I want to be time triggered:
public class ArchiveFunctions
private readonly IOrderArchiver _orderArchiver;
public ArchiveFunctions(IOrderArchiver orderArchiver)
_orderArchiver = orderArchiver;
public async Task Archive([TimerTrigger("0 */5 * * * *")] TimerInfo timer, TextWriter log)
log.WriteLine("Hello world");
My program.cs:
public static void Main()
var config = new JobHostConfiguration
JobActivator = new AutofacJobActivator(RegisterComponents())
var host = new JobHost(config);
// The following code ensures that the WebJob will be running continuously
my publish-setting.json:
"$schema": "",
"webJobName": "OrdersArchiving",
"runMode": "OnDemand"
Here is what it looks like on azure portal:
My problem is that the job runs, I have the hello world, but the job keeps in run state and it get to a time out error message:
[02/05/2018 15:34:05 > f0ea5f: ERR ] Command 'cmd /c ""Ores.Contr ...' was aborted due to no output nor CPU activity for 121 seconds. You can increase the SCM_COMMAND_IDLE_TIMEOUT app setting (or WEBJOBS_IDLE_TIMEOUT if this is a WebJob) if needed.
What can I do to fix this?
I have a wild guess RunAndBlock could be a problem.. but I do not see a solution..
I have tested Rob Reagan answer, it does help with the error, thank you!
On my same service, I have one other time triggerd job (was done in core, while mine is not).
You can see the Webjob.Missions is 'triggered', and status update on last time it ran. You can see as well the schedule on it.
I would like to have the same for mine 'OrdersArchiving'.
How can I achieve that?
Change your run mode to continuous and not triggered. The TimerTrigger will handle executing the method you've placed it on.
Also, make sure that you're not using a Free tier for hosting your WebJob. After twenty minutes of inactivity, the app will be paused and will await a new HTTP request to wake it up.
Also, make sure you've enabled Always On on your Web App settings to prevent the same thing from happening to a higher service tier web app.
Tom asked how to invoke methods on a schedule for a Triggered WebJob. There are two options to do so:
Set the job up as triggered and use a settings.json file to set up the schedule. You can read about it here.
Invoke a method via HTTP using an Azure Scheduler. The Azure Scheduler is a separate Azure service that you can provision. It has a free tier which may be sufficient for your use. Please see David Ebbo's post on this here.

Windows Azure Mobiles Services scheduler execution timeout

I am using a Mobile Services in Windows Azure. I use the new Scheduler available for a Mobile Service. The Scheduler I called SendOut.
I am running a pretty simple script that will insert a message to a queue. The entire script:
function SendOut() {
var azure = require('azure');
var queueService = azure.createQueueService("mailsoutscheduler", "[The key to the storage]");
queueService.createQueueIfNotExists("mailsout", function(error){ });
queueService.createMessage("mailsout", "SendOut", function(error){});
It works fine when I try to run the script once. It it scheduled to run every 5 minutes. And it usually goes fine. However sometimes I receive this error:
An unhandled exception occurred. Error: One of your scripts caused the
service to become unresponsive and the service was restarted. This is
commonly caused by a script executing an infinite loop or a long,
blocking operation. The service was restarted after the script
continuously executed for longer than 1000 milliseconds.
at EventEmitter. (C:\DWASFiles\Sites\VogSendOut\VirtualDirectory0\site\wwwroot\runtime\server.js:84:17)
at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:88:20)
I cannot figure out why I get this error - or how to solve it.
Could it be because it's running in the FREE Mobile Service Tier?
I don't think it's due to the FREE mobile subscription.
try to add a
catch{} block
and use console.log() to log if an error occured. It could help you to resolve you problem.
