Indexing vector by a 32-bit integer - rust

In Rust, vectors are indexed using usize, so when writing
let my_vec: Vec<String> = vec!["Hello", "world"];
let index: u32 = 0;
println!("{}", my_vec[index]);
you get an error, as index is expected to be of type usize. I'm aware that this can be fixed by explicitly converting index to usize:
my_vec[index as usize]
but this is tedious to write. Ideally I'd simply overload the [] operator by implementing
impl<T> std::ops::Index<u32> for Vec<T> { ... }
but that's impossible as Rust prohibits this (as neither the trait nor struct are local). The only alternative that I can see is to create a wrapper class for Vec, but that would mean having to write lots of function wrappers as well. Is there any more elegant way to address this?

Without a clear use case it is difficult to recommend the best approach.
There are basically two questions here:
do you really need indexing?
do you really need to use u32 for indices?
When using functional programming style, indexing is generally unnecessary as you operate on iterators instead. In this case, the fact that Vec only implements Index for usize really does not matter.
If your algorithm really needs indexing, then why not use usize? There are many ways to convert from u32 to usize, converting at the last moment possible is one possibility, but there are other sites where you could do the conversion, and if you find a chokepoint (or create it) you can get away with only a handful of conversions.
At least, that's the YAGNI point of view.
Personally, as a type freak, I tend to wrap things around a lot. I just like to add semantic information, because let's face it Vec<i32> just doesn't mean anything.
Rust offers a simple way to create wrapper structures: struct MyType(WrappedType);. That's it.
Once you have your own type, adding indexing is easy. There are several ways to add other operations:
if only a few operations make sense, then adding explicitly is best.
if many operations are necessary, and you do not mind exposing the fact that underneath is a Vec<X>, then you can expose it:
by making it public: struct MyType(pub WrappedType);, users can then call .0 to access it.
by implementing AsRef and AsMut, or creating a getter.
by implementing Deref and DerefMut (which is implicit, make sure you really want to).
Of course, breaking encapsulation can be annoying later, as it also prevents the maintenance of invariants, so I would consider it a last ditch solution.

I prefer to store "references" to nodes as u32 rather than usize. So when traversing the graph I keep retrieving adjacent vertex "references", which I then use to look up the actual vertex object in the Vec object
So actually you don't want u32, because you will never do calculations on it, and u32 easily allows you to do math. You want an index-type that can just do indexing but whose values are immutable otherwise.
I suggest you implement something along the line of rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::IndexVec.
This custom IndexVec type is not only generic over the element type, but also over the index type, and thus allows you to use a NodeId newtype wrapper around u32. You'll never accidentally use a non-id u32 to index, and you can use them just as easily as a u32. You don't even have to create any of these indices by calculating them from the vector length, instead the push method returns the index of the location where the element has just been inserted.


Rust "random access" iterator

I would like to write an iterator for objects that implement a trait that allows accessing items by index. Something like this:
trait Collection {
fn get_item(&self, index: usize) -> &Item;
fn get_item_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Item;
I know how to implement next() function for both Iter and IterMut. My question is which other Iterator methods do I need to implement to make the iterators as efficient as possible. What I mean by this is that for example nth() goes directly to the item, not calling next() until it reaches it. I'd like to know the minimum amount of functions I need to implement to make it work as fast as a slice iterator.
I've googled about this but can't find anything concrete on this topic.
On nightly, you can implement advance_by(). This will give you an efficient nth() for free, as well as other code that uses it in the standard library.
On stable, you need to implement nth(). And of course, ExactSizeIterator and size_hint(). For extra bit of performance you can also implement TrustedLen on nightly, allowing e.g. collect::<Vec<_>>() to take advantage of the fact that the amount of items yielded is guaranteed.
Unfortunately, you can never be as efficient as slice iterators, because they implement various std-private traits (e.g. TrustedRandomAccess) and libstd uses those traits with various specializations to make them more efficient in various situations.

Does Rust's borrow checker really mean that I should re-structure my program?

So I've read Why can't I store a value and a reference to that value in the same struct? and I understand why my naive approach to this was not working, but I'm still very unclear how to better handle my situation.
I have a program I wanted to structure like follows (details omitted because I can't make this compile anyway):
use std::sync::Mutex;
struct Species{
index : usize,
population : Mutex<usize>
struct Simulation<'a>{
species : Vec<Species>,
grid : Vec<&'a Species>
impl<'a> Simulation<'a>{
pub fn new() -> Self {...} //I don't think there's any way to implement this
pub fn run(&self) {...}
The idea is that I create a vector of Species (which won't change for the lifetime of Simulation, except in specific mutex-guarded fields) and then a grid representing which species live where, which will change freely. This implementation won't work, at least not any way I've been able to figure out. As I understand it, the issue is that pretty much however I make my new method, the moment it returns, all of the references in grid would becomine invalid as Simulation and therefor Simulation.species are moved to another location in the stack. Even if I could prove to the compiler that species and its contents would continue to exist, they actually won't be in the same place. Right?
I've looked into various ways around this, such as making species as an Arc on the heap or using usizes instead of references and implementing my own lookup function into the species vector, but these seem slower, messier or worse. What I'm starting to think is that I need to really re-structure my code to look something like this (details filled in with placeholders because now it actually runs):
use std::sync::Mutex;
struct Species{
index : usize,
population : Mutex<usize>
struct Simulation<'a>{
species : &'a Vec<Species>, //Now just holds a reference rather than data
grid : Vec<&'a Species>
impl<'a> Simulation<'a>{
pub fn new(species : &'a Vec <Species>) -> Self { //has to be given pre-created species
let grid = vec!(species.first().unwrap(); 10);
Self{species, grid}
pub fn run(&self) {
let mut population = self.grid[0].population.lock().unwrap();
println!("Population: {}", population);
*population += 1;
pub fn top_level(){
let species = vec![Species{index: 0, population : Mutex::new(0_)}];
let simulation = Simulation::new(&species);;
As far as I can tell this runs fine, and ticks off all the ideal boxes:
grid uses simple references with minimal boilerplate for me
these references are checked at compile time with minimal overhead for the system
Safety is guaranteed by the compiler (unlike a custom map based approach)
But, this feels very weird to me: the two-step initialization process of creating owned memory and then references can't be abstracted any way that I can see, which feels like I'm exposing an implementation detail to the calling function. top_level has to also be responsible for establishing any other functions or (scoped) threads to run the simulation, call draw/gui functions, etc. If I need multiple levels of references, I believe I will need to add additional initialization steps to that level.
So, my question is just "Am I doing this right?". While I can't exactly prove this is wrong, I feel like I'm losing a lot of near-universal abstraction of the call structure. Is there really no way to return species and simulation as a pair at the end (with some one-off update to make all references point to the "forever home" of the data).
Phrasing my problem a second way: I do not like that I cannot have a function with a signature of ()-> Simulation, when I can can have a pair of function calls that have that same effect. I want to be able to encapsulate the creation of this simulation. I feel like the fact that this approach cannot do so indicates I'm doing something wrong, and that there may be a more idiomatic approach I'm missing.
I've looked into various ways around this, such as making species as an Arc on the heap or using usizes instead of references and implementing my own lookup function into the species vector, but these seem slower, messier or worse.
Don't assume that, test it. I once had a self-referential (using ouroboros) structure much like yours, with a vector of things and a vector of references to them. I tried rewriting it to use indices instead of references, and it was faster.
Rc/Arc is also an option worth trying out — note that there is only an extra cost to the reference counting when an Arc is cloned or dropped. Arc<Species> doesn't cost any more to dereference than &Species, and you can always get an &Species from an Arc<Species>. So the reference counting only matters if and when you're changing which Species is in an element of Grid.
If you're owning a Vec of objects, then want to also keep track of references to particular objects in that Vec, a usize index is almost always the simplest design. It might feel like extra boilerplate to you now, but it's a hell of a lot better than properly dealing with keeping pointers in check in a self-referential struct (as somebody who's made this mistake in C++ more than I should have, trust me). Rust's rules are saving you from some real headaches, just not ones that are obvious to you necessarily.
If you want to get fancy and feel like a raw usize is too arbitrary, then I recommend you look at slotmap. For a simple SlotMap, internally it's not much more than an array of values, iteration is fast and storage is efficient. But it gives you generational indices (slotmap calls these "keys") to the values: each value is embellished with a "generation" and each index also internally keeps hold of a its generation, therefore you can safely remove and replace items in the Vec without your references suddenly pointing at a different object, it's really cool.

What is the most idomatic way to write iterators that map an uncertain number of input items to other objects in Rust?

I'm trying to implement a Lexer. Since lexers emit tokens, I suppose that we can perceive a Lexer as a special iterator that maps certain chunks of chars to Tokens. I therefore expect Lexer to store an Iterator<Item=char> and manipulate that iterator instead of a &str to enable maximum flexibility.
struct Lexer<T: Iterator<Item=char>> {
source: T
Yet I find it hard to manipulate the iterator, since almost all iterator adaptors take ownership, and with generics I cannot change the type of T at runtime, unless I switch to Box.
self.source.take_while(|x| x.is_whitespace())
A possible workaround is to require that the iterator implement Clone, use a clone every time I want to transform it, remember how many characters I have seen, and call next that many times. I believe that it is too clumsy.
I wonder if there is an idomatic way to write iterators that map an uncertain number of input items (in this case, chars) into another object (in this case, Tokens)?
The most elegant way I can come up with so far is to use while let etc. which are not so fluent-style-like. I inspected the implementation of GroupBy in itertools and found that they use the while let approach too.

Why are len() and is_empty() not defined in a trait?

Most patterns in Rust are captured by traits (Iterator, From, Borrow, etc.).
How come a pattern as pervasive as len/is_empty has no associated trait in the standard library? Would that cause problems which I do not foresee? Was it deemed useless? Or is it only that nobody thought of it (which seems unlikely)?
Was it deemed useless?
I would guess that's the reason.
What could you do with the knowledge that something is empty or has length 15? Pretty much nothing, unless you also have a way to access the elements of the collection for example. The trait that unifies collections is Iterator. In particular an iterator can tell you how many elements its underlying collection has, but it also does a lot more.
Also note that should you need an Empty trait, you can create one and implement it for all standard collections, unlike interfaces in most languages. This is the power of traits. This also means that the standard library doesn't need to provide small utility traits for every single use case, they can be provided by libraries!
Just adding a late but perhaps useful answer here. Depending on what exactly you need, using the slice type might be a good option, rather than specifying a trait. Slices have len(), is_empty(), and other useful methods (full docs here). Consider the following:
use core::fmt::Display;
fn printme<T: Display>(x: &[T]) {
println!("length: {}, empty: ", x.len());
for c in x {
print!("{}, ", c);
fn main() {
let s = "This is some string";
// Vector
let vv: Vec<char> = s.chars().collect();
// Array
let x = [1, 2, 3, 4];
// Empty
let y:Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
printme can accept either a vector or an array. Most other things that it accepts will need some massaging.
I think maybe the reason for there being no Length trait is that most functions will either a) work through an iterator without needing to know its length (with Iterator), or b) require len because they do some sort of random element access, in which case a slice would be the best bet. In the first case, knowing length may be helpful to pre-allocate memory of some size, but size_hint takes care of this when used for anything like Vec::with_capacity, or ExactSizeIterator for anything that needs specific allocations. Most other cases would probably need to be collected to a vector at some point within the function, which has its len.
Playground link to my example here:

Is transmuting PhantomData markers safe?

This is taken out of context so it might seem a bit weird, but I have the following data structure:
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub struct Map<T, M=()> {
data: Vec<T>,
_marker: PhantomData<fn(M) -> M>,
Map is an associative map where keys are "marked" to prevent using keys from one map on another unrelated map. Users can opt into this by passing some unique type they've made as M, for example:
struct PlayerMapMarker;
let mut player_map: Map<String, PlayerMapMarker> = Map::new();
This is all fine, but some iterators (e.g. the ones giving only values) I want to write for this map do not contain the marker in their type. Would the following transmute be safe to discard the marker?
fn discard_marker<T, M>(map: &Map<T, M>) -> &Map<T, ()> {
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(map) }
So that I could write and use:
fn values(&self) -> Values<T> {
Values { inner: discard_marker(self).iter() }
struct Values<'a, T> {
inner: Iter<'a, T, ()>,
TL;DR: Add #[repr(C)] and you should be good.
There are two separate concerns here: Whether the transmute is valid in the sense of returning valid data at the return type, and whether the entire thing violates any higher-level invariants that might be attached to the involved types. (In the terminology of my blog post, you have to make sure that both validity and safety invariants are maintained.)
For the validity invariant, you are in uncharted territory. The compiler could decide to lay out Map<T, M> very differently from Map<T, ()>, i.e. the data field could be at a different offset and there could be spurious padding. It does not seem likely, but so far we are guaranteeing very little here. Discussion about what we can and want to guarantee there is happening right now. We purposefully want to avoid making too many guarantees about repr(Rust) to avoid painting ourselves into a corner.
What you could do is to add repr(C) to your struct, then I am fairly sure you can count on ZSTs not changing anything (but I asked for clarification just to be sure). For repr(C) we provide more guarantees about how the struct is laid out, which in fact is its entire purpose. If you want to play tricks with struct layout, you should probably add that attribute.
For the higher-level safety invariant, you must be careful not to create a broken Map and let that "leak" beyond the borders of your API (into the surrounding safe code), i.e. you shouldn't return an instance of Map that violates any invariants you might have put on it. Moreover, PhantomData has some effects on variance and the drop checker that you should be aware of. With the types that are being transmuted being so trivial (your marker types don't require dropping, i.e. them and their transitive fields all do not implement Drop) I do not think you have to expect any problem from this side.
To be clear, repr(Rust) (the default) might also be fine once we decide this is something we want to guarantee -- and ignoring size-0-align-1 types (like PhantomData) entirely seems like a pretty sensible guarantee to me. Personally though I'd still advise for using repr(C) unless that has a cost you are not willing to pay (e.g. because you lose the compilers automatic size-reduction-by-reordering and cannot replicate it manually).
