Using MenuBar and Ribbon Simultaneously in MFC - visual-c++

I want to achieve something like this
Is it possible in MFC? If yes, what is the ideal way?

Yes, it is. I was demanded to do it and now have an application displaying a menu and a ribbon. In my case my main window class is derived from CFrameWndEx and it has a CMFCMenuBar member and a CMFCRibbonBar.
But I agree with #Michael Walz it is a strange interface.
The rest of the work, is your job to investigate...
BTW, the ribbon on your picture does not seem to be really a ribbon as it has no tabs on its top. Is really a ribbon you want, or are you speaking about a toolbar?


Menu Button that does not dismiss options onclick in JavaFX 2

I am quite new in JavaFX and I have a question about the design. I am creating my main menu in FXML using Scene Builder. I have various menu buttons and each of these have a sub-menu. These sub-menu options will open new windows. Is it possible to declare these submenu choices so they do not dissapear after I click on them? If so, can I declare it in my fxml or I have to do it programatically?
Also, is it possible to detach it from the menu button? I would like to have my menu choices around 1 cm away from the menu button itself.
Thank you
Suggested Alternate Solution
If you want more flexibility in positioning a popup menu after a button click as well as fine control over when the menu shows and hides, try using a Button + a ContextMenu rather than a MenuButton.
The relevant methods are:, side, dx, dy)
There is sample code for triggering a context menu on a button press button in the ContextMenu javadoc.
You might also need to monitor the context menu's showingProperty and in a listener show the menu again if the JavaFX system has decided to try and hide it after some user action and you still want the menu visible.
Answers to additional unrelated comments
OK It sounds logical, yet since Im not really good in JavaFX yet, your Idea is quite challenging.
It's not that hard to implement, but from your subsequent comments it sounds like it's probably not the user interface you want for your users anyway (which makes sense to me because the interface you describe in your question seems a little strange).
I thought If it would be easier to have a static xml that have various menu choices, lets say aligned to the right and then whenever I click one of the choices, a new FXML would be loaded in the middle of the screen holding buttons for a submenu?
That seems logical. Sounds like a JavaFX version of a traditional web page layout with a navigation menu on the side controlling a content pane in the center.
A Java only version of that is: How to have menus in java desktop application. You could adapt that to a FXML based version without too much difficulty.
You might also be interested in Managing Multiple Screens in JavaFX.
Also, any tutorial for beginners would be greatly appreciated. These Oracle ones dont make too much sense for me
If you are beginning JavaFX, I recommend using just the Java API portions of JavaFX until you become familiar with them, and then use FXML only after you are comfortable with the Java API.
Personally, I think the Oracle JavaFX Tutorials are excellent. The difficulty for beginners is that the tutorials are also part reference material, which complicates portions of them (especially the deployment related pieces).
If you prefer a different tutorial style see:
Makery JavaFX tutorial (good for beginners)
zenjava tutorials (more advanced)

how to add a custom mfc control to the dialog window?

I've derived a class from CStatic in MFC. But I don't know how to add it to my dialog window.
This mfc application that I'm working on is a dialog based application.
In Gtk+ or Qt we could use layouts and add our widgets to them, but in mfc it doesn't seem to be such a mechanism. I'm wondering how is it possible for an custom made control to be added to another GUI element!!!
Please give me a simple example if you can.
thank you
I think the technique you are looking for is subclassing (MSDN).
There is a good sample on that page too.

Appropriateness of use regarding ribbons and menu's in sharepoint 2010

So with the new Ribbon on top of the SharePoint 2010 page we have an office like feel to working with SharePoint pages. Customization of this ribbon is great, adding your own functionality augmenting what Microsoft provides out of the box. My question is this though, when is it appropriate to use ribbon customization vs an item menu option (i.e. the callout menu on a particular item).
Are there best practices around this? What do you do?
They share a lot of the same options. The ribbon is focused on working with the entire list or library, but still has options pop up when you click on an item that are targeted at that one item. The call-out on a single item is always focused on options for just that item.
So I would say if your looking to do something with an entire list or library, put it in the ribbon. If it is going to be an option specifically tied to one item at a time, put it in the call-out menu, but also try to make it show up in the ribbon if someone doesn't look at the call-out menu.
But that's just my opinion and I haven't had any experience putting custom functionality into either sections.

How to disable button of Ribbon ToolBar?

[Possible Duplicate]
Disable Ribbon Button
But I came with question, as I'm this question not answered and I'm looking for available server side solution.
I wonder if there is a way to disable button or many buttons from Ribbon toolbar from server side?
Using Ribbon.TrimById Method (String) you can locate Ribbon, RibbonButton or RibbonGroup to hide.
Complete sample to hide Ribbon buttons sharepoint 2010 programmatically.
I think you will want to look into the HideCustomAction option of the Feature Framework.
It has the ability to hide some aspects of the default UI elements in the product and the documentation does talk about the Ribbon so it may do what you want.

Visual C++ ListBox as Preference Chooser

So I'm building a tool that allows a user to edit a whole bunch of preferences for various things. There are several groups of settings, too many to use a TabControl without creating arrow sliders to view all of the tabs, so I decided I would try and use a ListBox to list the groups of preferences, and then when they click on them, the settings that they can change show up to the right of the box.
I'm just not sure how to do this. Obviously it would invoke something in the OnSelectionChanged function of the ListBox, but I'm not sure where to go from there. Surely a dialog can have dynamic design, right? Would I mimic the creation of a tabbed-dialog where I create my designs and then bind them to the TabControl, and just do something similar for the ListBox? Again, it's not the ListBox itself that is dynamic. The user will click on "Settings A" from the ListBox, and to the right of the ListBox will be settings 1, 2, and 3 that each have textboxs/radios/checks.
Any hints on how I can accomplish this? I just think it looks nicer than having a whole bunch of tabs lined up across the top of the box. Thanks in advance to any brilliant minds who can help me out. I'm versed in C++, but I'm very much a beginner at VC++.
You can a vertical splitter with two panes:
one which contains the list
another one which contains the configuration dialogs you would normally use in a tab control
Each time the list selection changes you can load the appropriate dialog in the right pane. You can find a splitter tutorial here:
