JSF - how to add child to h:head or to h:body with managed bean - jsf

I am trying to test my managed bean to modify web page dynamically (programmatically); Most of jsf examples show how to use binding to modify ui but what about the rest of the web page? The samples are showing how to get to the UIViewRoot which is usually located in h:body block but what about the h:body itself or the h:head?
So my question is... Is there a way using FacesContext to get h:body or h:head as parent components and add children to them right with managed bean or please advise of how to get alike effect using other ways?

UIViewRoot is represented by <f:view> tag. If you don't define it explicitly in your JSF page, then it is added implicitly.
UIViewRoot which is usually located in h:body block
No, it is not inside the body, but by default surrounding the body and head. Like this:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<f:view> <!-- No need to define. Added implicitly here in ComponentTree -->
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
<h:outputText value="#{hello.message}"/>
So if you obtain the UIViewRoot using FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot() and ask for its children (.getChildren()), you will get a list of 4 elements:
UIInstructions: renders <html>opening tag
UIOutput: this is the <h:head>. Ask for getChildren again to obtain a UIOutput for the <meta> tag
HtmlBody: this is h:body apparently. Ask for getChildren to get <h:outputText>
UIInstructions: renders the </html> closing tag
add children to them right with managed bean
Yes, in general you can use your ManagedBeans to manipulate the UIComponentTree (e.g. add item, then reload the page to show it). However, consider the JSF lifecycle and processing order (you e.g. cannot add a child as first element to the body during render-phase, cause items were already processed).
Sample to add new element to body:
List<UIComponent> viewRootChildren = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().getChildren();
for(UIComponent child : viewRootChildren){
if( child instanceof HtmlBody ){
HtmlOutputText newText = new HtmlOutputText();
newText.setValue("added dynamically");

You can display/hide your JSF components using the rendered attribute.
Below is a sample -
<h:outputText value="Result = #{calculator.result}" rendered="#{calculator.result != null}"/>
Here, this element will be displayed in UI only if calculator.result is not null where calculator is the name of your managedBean and result is a variable inside that bean. You can change value of this variable in pre-render event or in AJAX call or in other events.
For more than one element, you can use <h:panelGroup> with rendered attribute.


How to trigger click event on command button in JSF, after the evalution of action EL expression [duplicate]

Problem: Sometimes you will want to access a component from javascript with
getElementById, but id's are generated dynamically in JSF, so you
need a method of getting an objects id. I answer below on how you can do this.
Original Question:
I want to use some code like below. How can I reference the inputText JSF component in my Javascript?
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<title>Input Name Page</title>
<script type="javascript" >
function myFunc() {
// how can I get the contents of the inputText component below
alert("Your email address is: " + document.getElementById("emailAddress").value);
Please enter your email address:<br/>
<h:inputText id="emailAddresses" value="#{emailAddresses.emailAddressesStr}"/>
<h:commandButton onclick="myFunc()" action="results" value="Next"/>
Update: this post Client Identifiers in JSF2.0 discusses using a technique like:
<script type="javascript" >
function myFunc() {
alert("Your email address is: " + document.getElementById("#{myInptTxtId.clientId}").value);
<h:inputText id="myInptTxtId" value="backingBean.emailAddress"/>
<h:commandButton onclick="myFunc()" action="results" value="Next"/>
Suggesting that the attribute id on the inputText component
creates an object that can be accessed with EL using #{myInptTxtId},
in the above example. The article goes on to state that JSF 2.0 adds
the zero-argument getClientId() method to the UIComponent class.
Thereby allowing the #{myInptTxtId.clientId} construct suggested
above to get the actual generated id of the component.
Though in my tests this doesn't work. Can anyone else confirm/deny.
The answers suggested below suffer from drawback that the above
technique doesn't. So it would be good to know if the above technique
actually works.
You need to use exactly the ID as JSF has assigned in the generated HTML output. Rightclick the page in your webbrowser and choose View Source. That's exactly the HTML code which JS sees (you know, JS runs in webbrowser and intercepts on HTML DOM tree).
Given a
<h:inputText id="emailAddresses" ... />
It'll look something like this:
<form id="j_id0">
<input type="text" id="j_id0:emailAddress" ... />
Where j_id0 is the generated ID of the generated HTML <form> element.
You'd rather give all JSF NamingContainer components a fixed id so that JSF don't autogenerate them. The <h:form> is one of them.
<h:form id="formId">
<h:inputText id="emailAddresses" value="#{emailAddresses.emailAddressesStr}"/>
This way the form won't get an autogenerated ID like j_id0 and the input field will get a fixed ID of formId:emailAddress. You can then just reference it as such in JS.
var input = document.getElementById('formId:emailAddress');
From that point on you can continue using JS code as usual. E.g. getting value via input.value.
See also:
How to select JSF components using jQuery?
Update as per your update: you misunderstood the blog article. The special #{component} reference refers to the current component where the EL expression is been evaluated and this works only inside any of the attributes of the component itself. Whatever you want can also be achieved as follows:
var input = document.getElementById('#{emailAddress.clientId}');
with (note the binding to the view, you should absolutely not bind it to a bean)
<h:inputText binding="#{emailAddress}" />
but that's plain ugly. Better use the following approach wherein you pass the generated HTML DOM element as JavaScript this reference to the function
<h:inputText onclick="show(this)" />
function show(input) {
If you're using jQuery, you can even go a step further by abstracting them using a style class as marker interface
<h:inputText styleClass="someMarkerClass" />
$(document).on("click", ".someMarkerClass", function() {
var $input = $(this);
Answer: So this is the technique I'm happiest with. Doesn't require doing too much weird stuff to figure out the id of a component. Remember the whole point of this is so you can know the id of a component from anywhere on your page, not just from the actual component itself. This is key. I press a button, launch javascript function, and it should be able to access any other component, not just the one that launched it.
This solution doesn't require any 'right-click' and see what the id is. That type of solution is brittle, as the id is dynamically generated and if I change the page I'll have to go through that nonsense each time.
Bind the component to a backing bean.
Reference the bound component wherever you want.
So here is a sample of how that can be done.
Assumptions: I have an *.xhtml page (could be *.jsp) and I have defined a backing bean. I'm also using JSF 2.0.
*.xhtml page
function myFunc() {
var inputText = document.getElementById("#{backBean.emailAddyInputText.clientId}")
alert("The email address is: " + inputText.value );
<h:inputText binding="#{backBean.emailAddyInputText}"/>
<h:commandButton onclick="myFunc()" action="results" value="Next"/>
UIInput emailAddyInputText;
Make sure to create your getter/setter for this property too.
Id is dynamically generated, so you should define names for all parent elements to avoid j_id123-like ids.
Note that if you use jQuery to select element - than you should use double slash before colon:
instead of:
In case of Richfaces you can use el expression on jsf page:
to select javascript element, for example:
#{rich:element('native-jsf-input-id')}.value = "Enter something here";
You can view the HTML source when this is generated and see what the id is set to, so you can use that in your JavaScript. As it's in a form it is probably prepending the form id to it.
I know this is not the JSF way but if you want to avoid the ID pain you can set a special CSS class for the selector. Just make sure to use a good name so that when someone reads the class name it is clear that it was used for this purpose.
<h:inputText id="emailAddresses" class="emailAddressesForSelector"...
In your JavaScript:
Of course you would still have to manually manage class name uniqueness.
I do think this is maintainable as long as you do not use this in reusable components. In that case you could generate the class names using a convention.
<h:form id="myform">
<h:inputText id="name" value="#{beanClass.name}"
a:placeholder="Enter Client Title"> </h:inputText>
This is a small example of jsf. Now I will write javascript code to get the value of the above jsf component:
var x = document.getElementById('myform:name').value; //here x will be of string type
var y= parseInt(x,10); //here we converted x into Integer type and can do the
//arithmetic operations as well

f:param does not work with p:commandLink or h:commandLink on query string

f:param works great with h:link, but not with p:commandLink or h:commandLink.
For example, I have two pages test_first.xhtml and test_second.xhtml, and a backing java bean TestBean.java.
I start running test_first.xhtml.
If I click link1, which is a h:link, the page will redirect to test_second.xhtml. With the help of f:param, the address bar of the browser will show .../test_second.xhtml?id=1. On that page, testBean.userId gets printed.
If I click link2 or link3, the page redirects to test_second.xhtml. However, the address bar only shows .../test_second.xhtml, there is NO ?id=#! And testBean.userId does not get printed on that page.
How can I make commandLink work with f:param? Sometimes I want the link not to redirect to another page but to call some methods of bean depending on the data.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<h:link value="link1" outcome="test_second" >
<f:param name="id" value="1"/>
<h:commandLink value="link2" action="test_second?faces-redirect=true" >
<f:param name="id" value="2" />
<p:commandLink value="link3" action="test_second?faces-redirect=true">
<f:param name="id" value="3" />
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<f:viewParam name="id" value="#{testBean.userId}" />
This is the second page.
<h:outputText value="Selected id is #{testBean.userId}" />
<h:commandButton value="Print page id" action="#{testBean.print()}" />
public class TestBean implements Serializable{
private Integer userId;
public void print() {
public Integer getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(Integer userId) {
this.userId = userId;
You misinterpreted the meaning of those two tags, namely <h:link> and <h:commandLink>, therefore, you also misinterpreted the meaning of <f:param> attached to either of the two. In anycase it is worthwhile to always read the documentation before asking the questions to get more insight.
<h:link> renders an HTML "a" anchor element. The value of the component is rendered as the anchor text and the outcome of the component is used to determine the target URL rendered in the "href" attribute. Any child UIParameter components are appended to the String to be output as the value of the "href" attribute as query parameters before rendering...
<h:commandLink> render an HTML "a" anchor element that acts like a form submit button* when clicked ... if the disabled attribute is not present, or its value is false. It renders "#" as the value of the "href" attribute, renders the current value of the component as the link text if it is specified and *renders JavaScript that is functionally equivalent to the following as the value of the "onclick" attribute:
document.forms['CLIENT_ID']['PARAM2_NAME'].value='PARAM2_VALUE'; return false;
where hiddenFieldName is as described above, CLIENT_ID is the clientId of the UICommand component, PARAM_NAME and PARAM_VALUE are the names and values, respectively, of any nested UIParameter children.
In other words, within <h:link> tag nested <f:param> will end up as a query parameter of the generated URL, while within <h:commandLink> tag nested <f:param> will end up as a request parameter with a given value.
While the first one is clear, the second one deserves a better elaboration. To understand what it does, consider that if we abstract away from the details <h:commandLink> sends a POST request and attaches all nested <f:param> tags as request parameters. But it is up to you how you will handle them, as navigation is entirely in your hands.
So, the first option is to set a hardcoded action attribute, which use case is dubious, like in action="second-page", in which way you didn't pass any query parameter at all. What will be done is POSTing to the same view and forwarding to the second without undertaking any action. Quite a dumb action.
The second option is to specify an action method, like in action="#{bean.action}". In this case you must handle navigation in the provided action method, i.e. return null/void from the method for a postback, or return a navigation case outcome as a string to make a forward to the specified view. As for the request parameters that you passed with <f:param> they will be available with standard JSF means like #ManagedProperty("#{param.name}") on a request-scoped bean, or by calling ExternalContext#getRequestParameterMap() in any-scoped bean, for example, in action method, like in String param = externalContext.getRequestParameterMap().get("name"). So now you have your parameter in action method that you're free to use how you like, just adhere to a set of rules that exist for URLs.
Two things left worth mentioning. Remember that request parameters passed with calling the command link will be available only within that same request, as you might expect it to survive a faces-redirect=true that basically fires another request. The other option is to specify includeviewparams=true to pass through the paramaters of the current view, if that's desired, as mentioned in the other answer.
You could do it by concatenating the parameters with & directly at the action attribute:
<p:commandLink value="link3" action="test_second?faces-redirect=true&id=3"/>
Update 1
You might also consider to add &includeViewParams=true. This way view parameters of your target navigation will be included automatically.

Passing data to a JSF facelet

On the 1st page that is displayed in my JSF application, I want to display data from a database in the form of a table. I have a ManagedBean called a ProductList which has an ArrayList of Product Objects, and I want to put all the Products in a table. I am using the jstl c:forEach tags, but for some reason I get a compile error:
Fatal Error: The prefix "c" for element "c:forEach" is not bound.
Am I using the forEach tag correctly?
<c:forEach items="#{productList.allProducts}" var="product">
Here are the namespace tags:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
You must define all the namespaces(the h:, f:prefixes of your xml tags) that you use in the page.
The proper definition for xmlns:c is xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"
You can have a longer example here: <c:if test> seems to always evaluate true in JSF2 Facelets

Getting viewParam in POST

Consider the following code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<o:viewParam name="selected" value="#{testBacking.selected}" >
<o:form includeViewParams="true">
<h:commandButton action="#{testBacking.go()}" value="go">
<f:ajax execute="#all" render="#all"/>
The action method:
public void go() {
System.out.println("go() is called");
Collection<UIViewParameter> viewParams = ViewMetadata.getViewParameters(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot());
for (UIViewParameter viewParam : viewParams) {
System.out.println(viewParam.getName() +" = "+ viewParam.getValue());
The action method returns correct viewParam name, but the value always null. If this is the intended behaviour, how <o:form includeViewParams="true"> helps in practical usage?
I am using Mojarra 2.1.12 and Omnifaces 1.1.
Your bean is apparently request scoped. The <o:viewParam> is intented to be used in combination with view scoped beans only because it prevents the model being converted/validated/updated again and again on every postback to the same view even though it was already done during the initial request and is still there as property of the view scoped bean. This improves overall performance when the model is being bound to an expensive converter which performs the job based on DB calls. The showcase example also shows this clearly.
To achieve this, the <o:viewParam> basically skips this model conversion/validation/update job during any postback. A request scoped bean is however newly created on every request and the initial model value is thus lost on every postback and due to the design of <o:viewParam> not being set at all.
You can solve this by placing the bean in the view scope, or by just using the standard <f:viewParam> instead.
As to the <o:form includeViewParams="true">, this is only useful on synchronous postbacks. If you remove the <f:ajax> then you'll see how it's useful. Without includeViewParams="true" the URL becomes the one without the view parameter, i.e. without ?selected=somevalue and it becomes thus unbookmarkable. This has no strict relationship with <o:viewParam>, it works as good in combination with <f:viewParam>.

JSF accessing backing map object

I have a jsp subview page that I have passed a parameter to and I want to then pass that parameter to a map's get() method that is stored in a session bean.
<h:panelGrid id="panelGrid1" rendered="#{MySessionBean[param.id].showPanelGrid1}">
In the above example MySessionBean implements the Map interface and I have my own custom get method that will create an object and put it in the map if none exists for the key [params.id]. When I run the code in debug mode my get method for MySessionBean never gets called and my panel is always rendered. Am I not passing parameters correctly? Or accessing the parameter passed to the subview correclty?
Here is how I passed the parameter to this subview:
<f:subview id="subview1">
<jsp:include page="/MyTemplatePage.jsp">
<jsp:param name="id" value="staticUniqueId1"/>
The reason I'm trying to do this is so I can include this template subview multiple times in a single page so that each instance won't have the same backing bean objects. Thus using a map in the session and passing it an id to gain access to the backing beans for each instance.
Also, I am limited JSF 1.2, JSTL 1.1, JBoss 4.0.4. So I can't use answers that use RichFaces or JSF 2.
EDIT: 11/22/11 11:23
I Replaced the [param.id] with a static string value.
<h:panelGrid id="panelGrid1" rendered="#{MySessionBean.MY_TEMP_VAL.showPanelGrid1}">
And everything worked. It triggered my map get method and accessed the session beans and everything. So it is clearly not liking the whole using [params.id] passing to the map object. Not sure what to do from here.
In JSF2 the proper and easy solution would be to use composite components. Since you are stuck with JSF 1.2 and jsp you could use tag files instead. These are like regular jsps but with the extension tag or tagx and placed under WEB-INF/tags. I'm using the xml syntax in the example below, in a file name example.tagx:
<jsp:root version="2.1"
<jsp:directive.attribute name="myBean"
<h:panelGrid id="panelGrid1" rendered="#{myBean.showPanelGrid1}">
In a jspx you then have to declare the namespace like xmlns:myTags="urn:jsptagdir:/WEB-INF/tags/", in a jsp the syntax would be:
<%#taglib tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" prefix="myTags" %>
The custom tag can then be used multiple times on a page and the right backing bean can be passed as an attribute like this:
<myTags:example myBean="#{myBeanInstance1}" />
Edit: You might also need a file WEB-INF/tags/implicit.tld to specify the version:
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<taglib xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-jsptaglibrary_2_1.xsd"
version="2.1" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee">
