Can someone please explain to me why the following code does not work anymore? And maybe help me get it to work again?
(Python 3.5.2 32bit)
from OpenGL.GLUT import *
glutInitWindowSize(600, 400)
I was using it like this on windows for a long time without any problems. But now it crashes:
Appreciate any help. Thank you!
This program downloads chrome driver and gecko driver in loop... I have selenium==4.0.0, wget==3.2 installed
Can you help me to fix it please? I'm new to python and I don't really understand where this error comes from. Thank you!
Someone who changes what's wrong with this little program
Can anyone help me with this problem, I click on start debug to open the app on the phone and these errors appear...
Follow the photo below
enter image description here
package com.retrytech.veginew does not exist
import com.retrytech.veginew.R;
Thank you and I'll be waiting
That error is occurring because you are trying to import the R class from the wrong package. To solve it you need to remove that import and add this instead :
import com.frankpetapp.R;
I am looking for a good way to get window information to find and close them programmatically.
i have been using pywinauto and pyautogui. brining all of my knowledge from autoit.
Using python3 autoit has not been working.
From Python3 we hope to accomplish: Here is the AutoIT command to translate to python3
If WinExists("WindowName") then
Thank you for all your help everyone, I seem to have found a good solution. Hopefully this will help someone else as well!
This connects the application to Pywinauto:
import pywinauto as pwa
app = pwa.application.Application(backend="uia")
Here we are creating a dialog for the app window and specifying a name reference.
dlg = app.window(title_re=".*AppName.*")
In this area, we are calling the window, and wait for it to be ready. Then we are going to close the window.
dlg.child_window(title="WindowName", control_type="Window").wait('ready', timeout=10):
dlg.child_window(title="WindowName", control_type="Window").close()
print("Window is closed")
This is my code
import webbrowser
import os
import time
import sys
stopexpexe = open('C:\\Games\\windowsexplorerstop.bat', 'w')
stopexpexe.write('taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe')
startexpexe = open('C:\\Games\\windowsexplorerrestart.bat', 'w')
startexpexe.write('start explorer.exe')
The Error I get is as following: "PermissionError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: 'C:\Games\windowsexplorerstop.bat'"
I need help in figuring out why this is happening, and how to fix it.
I am running on python 3.4.3. I am a very new coder, and might not understand more complicated more detailed posts, so please explain as much as possible. I know I might not be following a sort of "style" of code at this point, but I am self taught up to this point, so please bear with me. I will try to assist in any further problems, thanks.
- Scott Likely
You aren't closing the files. stopexpexe.close should be stopexpexe.close(), and similarly for startexpexe.close
I am currently working with converting Pycrypto over to Python 3.X
Whilst I seem to have the cryptography side working the same cannot be said for the tests
provided with the module :(
I have used the tests under Python 2.64 and all works fine.
I then ran '2to3' over the tests to generate new files in 3.X format.
There are several references to the following:
from .common import make_block_tests
Whenever I run the tests I get:
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
If someone would point me towards a way to fix this it would be much appreciated :)
You are trying to run the test files directly, then you can't have relative imports. Change them to be absolute imports, and it will solve the problem.