disable the fanout notification when a feed follows another - getstream-io

I have this scenario:
A user follows a feed and they receive all of that feed's current posts as new posts (via realtime notification.. likely caused by a fanout)
While its accurate that all that feed's items are new to the follower, I'd like to stop the notification from appearing..Is it possible to disable the fanout notification when a feed follows another?

We don't currently have a way to suppress realtime notifications upon follow. The only way I think you could accomplish this would be for User A to follow User B without copying any old items, but then User A would only see new activities going forward.
I'll mention this to the team as a feature request.


Real-time notification feature in MERN stack

I am trying to build a web app where users can receive notifications if their posts get likes. This functionality is actually working but the notification component renders only when the page reloads. But I want it to re-render the notification component as soon as there is a change that occurs with it. I am trying to make this work with SocketIO both in client and server but it feels like there should be a way easier way to solve this issue. How?
One way to achieve this is to use server-sent events (SSE), which can be seen as a uni-directional
and simplified version of WebSocket (only server can send data to clients). You might need route param or query string so that users can connect to different channels.
If it doesn't have to be so real-time (i.e. receiving notifications 1 minute after somebody liked the post is okay), you could also try (long)polling.
However, since post-like table may contain a huge amount of data, constantly querying it is expected to result in bad performance on the server. Also, adding an extra column to mark if the user has been notified about a specific like is trivial.
A possible workaround might be to create a new table, say pending-like-notification, which is used to stored all pending like notifications. Whenever a post is liked, we insert a new record into this table.
Therefore, when a user tries to query if any of his posts is liked recently, in the backend we lookup this table instead of the post-like table, and delete the selected rows after the user has been notified so that the amount of data in this table can stay low (hopefully).
All in all, in this scenario, I think SSE and WebSocket will be better choices.

What is the best way to add a user feed to his own timeline?

I would like to build an Instagram-like social app, where on the user timeline, you also have his own activities displayed. My first thought was to follow his own user feed but from what I read in this blog post:
We recommend blocking a user's timeline feed from following their own user feed
Can someone explain why it would be a bad practice ? How could I implement my use case if that is the case ?
Thanks !
Looking at this myself. I think the logic they describe is incorrect. The full statement in context make a little more sense in terms of what I think they mean.
We recommend blocking a user's timeline feed from following their own
user feed, and also blocking users from seeing/following another
user's timeline feed.
The first part of the sentence I believe is backwards. What I think it should says is that the "user" feed should be blocked from following the "timeline" feed. The user feed should just contain actions that the user performed, so it shouldn't contain data from the timeline feed. But if you want the user's activities to appear in the timeline feed than it seems to me that you should definetly make the user's timeline feed follow thier user feed, and prevent the user's timeline feed from unfollowing their own user feed.
The second part that says you should block users from following another user's timeline feed. I believe this is correct because the timeline feed is a series of peronalised items for an individual user. It doesn't make sense to follow another user's timeline feed.
This is how I have implemented my logic and it seems to be working so far, but if I come across any issues with it I'll come back here and update this answer.

Can Logic Apps Monitor a large number of calendars effectively?

We want to track changes in user calendars, but are concerned with how often we'd need to check 2000+ user calendars (Outlook).
Would the process of monitoring over 2000 user calendars present a problem for our network?
Trigger (Check for calendar change) -> ACTION (Http: update a DB)
The Trigger below checks a calendar every 2 seconds. Is there a trigger that behaves like a "subscription" object where it simply handles a change notification?
For the question about how often to check the calendar events, it depends on your requirement. In my opinion, if you set check event every 2 seconds(it's a little bit more frequent), you'd better check if your logic app set as run in parallel. You can click the ... button of the trigger and click "Settings". Then check if it is same to below screenshot.
For your question about is there a trigger that behaves like a "subscription". I'm afraid it doesn't exist a trigger which can implement this requirement in logic app. We can also check if any backend api can implement it, we can see the graph api document.
The example in above screenshot is for mailFolders, but it's same with events. We can see it is necessary to specify a user(like me) or a group before the /events. So I don't think we can monitor the subscription events. You can raise a post on Azure feedback page to suggest developer add this feature.

Best way to implement Notification system using Nodejs and Postgresql Database

currently i'am developing a react app where user can post and comment and like a post.
so i did everything but there is one more thing that i want to do which is getting notification after user
Post or maybe comment and so on..
so let say i have a table called 'posts' in the database (PostgreSQL) and when user called "A" create post ,that post inserted into the database and then i want to receive a notification which Said that the user "A" created a post with the ID of that post and i think the main idea here is to watch the table of posts and whenever a new raw inserted a notification fire.
i searched many sources and find that i can use Pusher ,web-socket but to be honest i can't make a decision without figuring out the best way to achieve that.
So How i can get notified hence a new row inserted into the table "posts" ?
Thank you in advance.
Postgres has LISTEN/NOTIFY that you could use in conjunction with an on-insert trigger on the posts table.
Some process can then be listening for those notifications and figure out whom to send the notification to (via whichever transport you choose).
However, I think you might be better off adding a concrete table for notifications, so the user can see notifications that occurred when they weren't connected to the notification transport.

Only show notification activities in the recipient's feed

I have a simple notification use-case: Coaches need to approve their user's weekly check-in logs. When the log is approved, the user gets a notification. 
The issue is that I don't understand how to add the activity without adding it to the coach's notification feed also by targeting the notification with the TO field. If I do that, then I need to exclude the copied activity from the coach's feed, because the coach doesn't need a notification of the activity they just took. Also, I then have an issue with the unread counts, and I would either need to automatically mark notifications that one user sends to another as read so that it doesn't distort the unread count for the sender. 
Anyway, the question I have is am I setting this up correctly? Is there an easier way to achieve the result I want?
If the feed ID and activity actor are the same, you can use discard rules to achieve this.
For instance:
If the notification feed is called notification:$choach-id and the activity verb is set to $coach-id then discard rules will make this work.
More information about this is available
