xxx.resources.dll should be generated after build in en-us folder right? I use vs2012 but it's not now. And I've already added the following line in AssemblyInfo file. Please help and thanks in advance.
[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en-US", UltimateResourceFallbackLocation.Satellite)]
Ok, I find the answer myself.
Add UICulture>en-US/UICulture> in project file
Cannot open a library at 'FileMapping(from=/home/alamin/Database/Automail/app/libs/additional.jar, to=/home/alamin/.gradle/caches/transforms-2/files-2.1/5c80954b8617a057a166d4547256bdee/jetified-additional.jar)'
I have added 'additional.jar' in libs folder and have added this dependency in build.gradle
implementation files('libs/additional.jar')
I have also try this solution form this question:
Cannot open a library at 'FileMapping'
You've just deleted the jetified-additional.jar file from the lib folder directly. Now you've to remove the jetified-additional.jar file from the dependencies of the program too. So go on File - Project structure - Dependencies - under app find the "jetified-additional.jar" and remove it from here. Now again run the project the error will not be there because you've also removed the jetified-additional.jar from the file tree structure of your project.
Hope this will help!!! Happy coding :)
I also answered this here Cannot open a library at 'FileMapping'
I am using Android-Studio to build my app. In order to add libraries, I need to edit build.gradle file but I don't see it anywhere. Even if I changed files-view from android to project and vice-versa .
Why don't I see/have build.gradle ?
Check in your git repository if it contains the build.gradle files.
If not, you can just add manually to your project.
You should have something like this:
You can also create a new blank project and copy the build.gradle files into your existing project (of course in the app/build.gradle file you have to change the values and the dependencies).
With huge help from #JuLes (commentting on my question) I figure out how to solve it. Here is what I did:
I totally removed Android-Studio following this guidance, then ...
I installed Gradle from this link, then ...
I re-installed Android-Studio following this link:
I am gussing the main problem was that I didn't installed Gradle manually and hence Android-Studio was using some sort of Gradle-Wrapper to allow the application to run.
Now, finally I can edit build.gradle.
I am following this link: to add the soap service in my project. I need to add this file: ksoap2-android-assembly-2.4-jar-with-dependencies in my project.
So my question is how can I add the above .jar file in my project to avoid the red highlighted errors in the image below?. Thanks in advance
Error Image:
Did you tell the gradle script to compile your jar file?
you can follow this link
Android Studio: Add jar as library?
Simply add this line in your app gradle
implementation files('libs/ksoap2_3.6.3.jar')
To test Tesseract in a simple app found in this tutorial , I need to import it in Android Studio. I get this error:
Library reference ....\tess\tess-two could not be found
How I can solve this ?
Try to set the line
android.library.reference.1=../../tess/tess-two in the file properly.
This line makes reference to the tess-two library.
Alternative way: remove android.library.reference.1=... line and after importing your project just make referencing to the tess-two library project as described here (in ADT)
Get tess-two with
git clone tess
and put tess in the right place where your main module can find it.
I've added file1.ts and I can see there's a dependent to it - namely file1.js.
I notice that any changes I made to file1.ts - file1.js doesn't get automatically re-generated.
The only workaround I have at the moment is by calling tsc.exe - as part of pre-build event.
My question is - are there any better workaround or maybe a setting somewhere I might've missed ?
Install the Web Essentials 2012 extension in Visual Studio 2012.
It will re-generate the .js file on every save of the .ts file.
You have to add a BeforeBuild target to your ASP.NET application's CSPROJ:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Exec Command=""$(PROGRAMFILES)\Microsoft SDKs\TypeScript\\tsc" #(TypeScriptCompile ->'"%(fullpath)"', ' ')" />
tip: edit your csproj file with notepad.
Support for typescript has been removed from Web Essentials 2012 v3
you now need to download typescript support directly from microsoft:
In Visual Studio you need to invoke the build process for your files to be generated. The playground does not use the same build system, and it triggers the compilation once the source changes, so this is why you are seeing the difference in behavior.
You can use Install-Package TypeScript.Compile to add a afterbuild target that compiles all TypeScript files included in your project.