why Jsf can't access Axis2 Generated ADBBean field? - jsf

I was Using JSF With EJB using RMI and it was working fine i.e. all the entities that were being used at the EJB had a sekelton on the JSF and in the xhtml i could access its field easily
Below is a sample Code
public class ABC{
private Customer customer;
public Customer getCustomer(){
return customer;
public void setCustomer(Customer customer){
//Entity Class Customer
Public class Customer implements Serializable{
private String name;
public String getName(){
return name;
public void setName(String name){
And in the XHTML pages I could use Like:
<input value="#{abc.customer.name}"/>
As you can see above that I am accessing its direct field therefore it can access both the getter and setter automatically
But Now I haved changed to the Webservices using Axis2 client Generation and they have their own generated skeleton of entities of the EJB
below is a sample:
public class ABC{
private WebClientStub.Customer customer;
public Customer getCustomer(){
return customer;
public void setCustomer(WebClientStub.Customer customer){
//Entity Class Customer
Public class Customer implements org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBBean{
protected String localName;
public String getName(){
return localName;
public void setName(java.lang.String name){
and In the JSF I can't access the name Like I was accessing it before
<input value="#{abc.customer.localName}"/>
Instead I can only access its getter or Setter, Can any One explain why, or come Up with a solution

The problem was solved, the autogenerated classes had a different Variable name now i.e. 'localName' in my case and therefore I changed this in the JSF input text box as well(as you can see in the question) the error that was coming was that the 'property was not found' against the localName and I thought the auto-generated getter/setter i.e. getName() and setName() were there i renamed them to getLocalName() and setLocalName() then it worked, hence it turned out JSF only lookes for the getter setter and don't care about the property is declared or not.


Access Session Bean Property/Inject Session Bean

Still learning JSF and Java and having trouble understanding how to access a session bean property.
I have a LoggedUser session bean which sets the user that is logged in(using the login method).
public class LoggedUser {
UserEJB userEJB;
private EntityManager em;
private UserEntity loggedUser;
private String loginUserName;
private String loginPassword;
public LoggedUser() {}
public UserEntity getLoggedUser() {
return loggedUser;
public void setLoggedUser(UserEntity loggedUser) {
this.loggedUser = loggedUser;
public String authenticate() {
if (loggedUser == null) {
return "login.xhtml";
} else {
return "";
public String login() {
if (userEJB.validateLogin(loginUserName, loginPassword)) {
return "index.xhtml";
return "";
public String getLoginUserName() {
return loginUserName;
public void setLoginUserName(String loginUserName) {
this.loginUserName = loginUserName;
public String getLoginPassword() {
return loginPassword;
public void setLoginPassword(String loginPassword) {
this.loginPassword = loginPassword;
I want to be able to view the logged user from other areas in the application. I think I am injecting it incorrectly because loggedUser is always null when I am in a different bean for example something like..
public class HistoryEJB {
EntityManager em;
#ManagedProperty(value = "#{loggedUser}")
private LoggedUser loggedUser;
public LoggedUser getLoggedUser() {
return loggedUser;
public void setLoggedUser(LoggedUser loggedUser) {
this.loggedUser = loggedUser;
public void testLoggedUser() {
// Just an example but would be null here - why?
How can I access this property from other areas in my application? Thanks for any help.
You can't use #ManagedProperty in an EJB and you shouldn't inject a view component into a business-tier component, period. #ManagedProperty is strictly web-tier stuff and is able to inject only and into web-tier, JSF components.
Your EJB ought to have a method that accepts a LoggedUser. This way, you can then pass your logged-in user to the EJB (which is the proper flow of data in a web application). What you have now is just turning best practice on its head.
Add a provideLoggedUser(LoggedUser loggedUser) method to your EJB
Call that method on your instance of UserEJB from within your managed bean
Rule of Thumb: Your EJB should not be aware of the web application
It seems you are missing the setter and getter for loggedUser. In principe it is there but it is convention to name it as follows
for a field named property. Note the capital first letter of the field name in the setter and getter!

jsf custom converter does not work with view scope

Here is my code
public class Deal implements Serializable {
private int id;
private String name;
private String description;
private Customer customer;
//getter setter omitted
public class Customer implements Serializable {
private int id;
private String name;
private String email;
private String phone;
//getter setter and equal hashcode omitted
Managed Bean
public class DealBean implements Serializable {
private List<Customer> customerList;
private List<Deal> dealList;
private Deal deal;
public void init() {
deal = new Deal();
dealList = new ArrayList<Deal>();
customerList = new ArrayList<Customer>();
customerList.add(new Customer(1, "MPRL", "mprl#mail.com", "1234455"));
customerList.add(new Customer(2, "Total", "total#mail.com", "3434323"));
customerList.add(new Customer(3, "Petronas", "petronas#mail.com", "8989876"));
//getter setter omitted
Customer Converter
public class CustomerConverter implements Converter {
public Object getAsObject(FacesContext arg0, UIComponent arg1, String customerID) {
DealBean dealBean = (DealBean) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("dealBean");
if (dealBean != null) {
List<Customer> customerList = dealBean.getCustomerList();
for (Customer customer : customerList) {
if (customerID.equals(String.valueOf(customer.getId()))) {
return customer;
return null;
public String getAsString(FacesContext arg0, UIComponent arg1, Object obj) {
if (obj != null) {
return String.valueOf(((Customer)obj).getId());
return null;
Customer : <h:selectOneMenu id="customer" value="#{dealBean.deal.customer}">
<f:converter converterId="customerConverter" />
<f:selectItems value="#{dealBean.customerList}" var="cus"
itemLabel="#{cus.name}" itemValue="#{cus}" />
When the managed bean is in request or session scope, the Customer pojo is set correctly to Deal pojo. The problem is when the managed bean is in View scope, the Customer pojo is set to Deal pojo as NULL.
I am using JSF 2.2.0
Thanks much for the help in advance.
It's not the converter, is the view scoped the one broken:
Since you're using JSF tags, you cannot use #ViewScoped annotation, because it was removed from specification and recovered only for CDI usage. You could use omnifaces view scoped or the components of apache myFaces (I personally recommend omnifaces).
You can confirm this creating a
in the constructor and checking how is called each Ajax request, so the bean is not recovered and since is marked as view and is a partial request, the values are not setted again (unless you send all the form, which is not a nice solution), other workaround could be making the bean request and recover all the data each request, making it Session (but will be alive for the session), or the #ConvesationScoped, in which you'll have to destroy and start the conversation manually.
Again, my first recommendation could be change to a Java ee server compliant and use the CDI annotations since JSF are being depreciated and not updated anymore

CDI been creating new record instead of updating

I have changed my JSF manged bean to a CDI named bean. However I get a strange behavior that when I update a record using JPA merge() through EJB, a new record is being created instead of updating the entity.
my previous implementation
public class bean implements serializable{
#EJB Service service;
private Entity entity;
private void init(){
int id = 1;
this.entity = (Entity) service.findEntity(Entity.class, 1);
//invoke after editing entity
public void update(){
public class Service implements Serializable{
private EntityManager em;
public void update(Object obj){
public Object find(Class klass, object pk){
return em.find(klass, pk);
Result: entity is being updated
My new implementation
public class bean implements Serializable{
Result: entity is not being updated, and instead a new record is being created with all fields being duplicated except the id (pk) as it is an auto generated integer, and a new id is generated for the new record; Why is this happening?
Did you really want to chane the scope of your bean to ConversationScoped. I would have thought that you would use
[not javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped!!] and just use #Named. Changing a bean scope changed the whole semantics.

How to access property of one managed bean in another managed bean

I have a managed bean (SessionScope as follow)
public class Login implements Serializable {
private String userSession;
public Login(){
In this managedbean, somewhere in the login function, i store the email as a session.
I have another managed bean called ChangePassword (ViewScoped). I need to access the value of the email which is stored in the userSession.
The reason of doing so is that i need to find out the current userSession(email) before i can complete the change password function. (Need change password for that specific email)
How do i do so? New to JSF, appreciate any help!
Just inject the one bean as a managed property of the other bean.
public class ChangePassword {
private Login login; // +setter (no getter!)
public void submit() {
// ... (the login bean is available here)
// ...
See also:
Communication in JSF 2.0 - Injecting managed beans in each other
In JSF2, I usually use a method like this:
public static Object getSessionObject(String objName) {
FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ExternalContext extCtx = ctx.getExternalContext();
Map<String, Object> sessionMap = extCtx.getSessionMap();
return sessionMap.get(objName);
The input parameter is the name of your bean.
if your session scoped bean is like this :
public class Login implements Serializable {
private String userSession;
public Login(){
you can access the values of this bean like :
public class ChangePassword implements Serializable {
private String userSession;
public ChangePassword (){
public static Object getSessionObj(String id) {
return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get(id);
public static void setSessionObj(String id,Object obj){
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().put(id, obj);
Add them in your managed bean :

JSF - Get the SessionScoped Bean instance

I have this configuration on my web application. 2 beans :
1° Bean - It checks the login;
public class Login {
private String nickname;
private String password;
private boolean isLogged;
public String getNickname() { return nickname; }
public void setNickname(String newValue) { nickname=newValue; }
public String getPassword() { return password; }
public void setPassword(String newValue) { password=newValue; }
public void checkLogin() {
... i check on db the nickname and the password ...
} else {
return true;
2° Bean - Manage User parameter :
public class User {
private String name;
private String surname;
private String mail;
public User() {
String[] record=null;
Database mydb=Configuration.getDatabase();
ArrayList<String[]> db_result=null;
db_result=mydb.selectQuery("SELECT name, surname, mail, domicilio FROM users WHERE nickname='???????'");
int i = 0;
while (i<db_result.size() ) {
record=(String[]) db_result.get(i);
... getter and setter methods...
As you can see, I would like to know how get the nickname setted previously on my login bean, so i can do the query on my DB.
In fact i need to get the instance of the current-session bean login : how can I get it? I should use somethings like session.getBean("login") :)
Hope this question is clear :)
Use #ManagedProperty to inject it and use #PostConstruct to access it after bean's construction (because in a normal constructor it would be still null).
public class User {
private Login login;
public void init() {
// Put original constructor code here.
// Add/generate getters/setters and other boilerplate.
That said, this is not the correct approach. You'd like to do it the other way round. Inject User in Login by #ManagedProperty(value="#{user}") and do the job during submit action method.
You'd also like to put the password in WHERE clause as well. There's absolutely no need to haul the entire users table into Java's memory and determine it one by one. Just let the DB do the job and check if it returns zero or one row.
Also try using the following code:
ExternalContext tmpEC;
Map sMap;
tmpEC = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
sMap = tmpEC.getSessionMap();
login loginBean = (login) sMap.get("login");
