Function Composition Do Notation - haskell

Is there a "do notation" syntactic sugar for simple function composition?
(i.e. (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c)
I'd like to be able to store results of some compositions for later (while still continuing the chain.
I'd rather not use the RebindableSyntax extension if possible.
I'm looking for something like this:
composed :: [String] -> [String]
composed = do
fmap (++ "!!!")
maxLength <- maximum . fmap length
filter ((== maxLength) . length)
composed ["alice", "bob", "david"]
-- outputs: ["alice!!!", "david!!!"]
I'm not sure something like this is possible, since the result of the earlier function essentially has to pass "through" the bind of maxLength, but I'm open to hearing of any other similarly expressive options. Basically I need to collect information as I go through the composition in order to use it later.
Perhaps I could do something like this with a state monad?
Thanks for your help!
This sort of thing kinda works:
split :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a -> c) -> a -> c
split ab bac a = bac (ab a) a
composed :: [String] -> [String]
composed = do
fmap (++ "!!!")
(maximum . fmap length)
(\maxLength -> (filter ((== maxLength) . length)))

One possible way to achieve something like that are arrows. Basically, in “storing interstitial results” you're just splitting up the information flow through the composition chain. That's what the &&& (fanout) combinator does.
import Control.Arrow
composed = fmap (++ "!!!")
>>> ((. length) . (==) . maximum . fmap length &&& id)
>>> uncurry filter
This definitely isn't good human-comprehensible code though.
A state monad would seem to allow something related too, but the problem is that the state type is fixed through the do block's monadic chain. That's not really flexible enough to pick up different-typed values throughout the composition chain. While it is certainly possible to circumvent this (amongst them, indeed, RebindableSyntax), this too isn't a good idea IMO.

The type of (<*>) specialised to the function instance of Applicative is:
(<*>) :: (r -> a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
The resulting r -> b function passes its argument to both the r -> a -> b and the r -> a functions, and then uses the a value produced by the r -> a function as the second argument of the r -> a -> b one.
What does this have to do with your function? filter is a function of two arguments, a predicate and a list. Now, a key aspect of what you are trying to do is that the predicate is generated from the list. That means the core of your function can be expressed in terms of (<*>):
-- Using the predicate-generating function from leftaroundabout's answer.
maxLengthOnly :: Foldable t => [t a] -> [t a]
maxLengthOnly = flip filter <*> ((. length) . (==) . maximum . fmap length)
composed :: [String] -> [String]
composed = maxLengthOnly . fmap (++ "!!!")
This maxLengthOnly definition would be a quite nice one-liner if the pointfree predicate-generating function weren't so clunky.
Since the Applicative instance of functions is equivalent in power to the Monad one, maxLengthOnly can also be phrased as:
maxLengthOnly = (. length) . (==) . maximum . fmap length >>= filter
(The split you added to your question, by the way, is (>>=) for functions.)
A different way of writing it with Applicative is:
maxLengthOnly = filter <$> ((. length) . (==) . maximum . fmap length) <*> id
It is no coincidence that this looks a lot like leftaroundabout's solution: for functions, (,) <$> f <*> g = liftA2 (,) f g = f &&& g.
Finally, it is also worth noting that, while it is tempting to replace id in the latest version of maxLengthOnly with fmap (++ "!!!"), that won't work because fmap (++ "!!!") changes the length of the strings, and therefore affects the result of the predicate. With a function that doesn't invalidate the predicate, though, it would work pretty well:
nicerComposed = filter
<$> ((. length) . (==) . maximum . fmap length) <*> fmap reverse
GHCi> nicerComposed ["alice","bob","david"]

As leftaroundabout mentioned, you can use Arrows to write your function. But, there is a feature in ghc Haskell compiler, which is proc-notation for Arrows. It is very similar to well-known do-notation, but, unfortunately, not many people aware of it.
With proc-notation you can write your desired function in next more redable and elegant way:
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
import Control.Arrow (returnA)
import Data.List (maximum)
composed :: [String] -> [String]
composed = proc l -> do
bangedL <- fmap (++"!!!") -< l
maxLen <- maximum . fmap length -< bangedL
returnA -< filter ((== maxLen) . length) bangedL
And this works in ghci as expected:
ghci> composed ["alice", "bob", "david"]
If you are interested, you can read some tutorials with nice pictures to understand what is arrow and how this powerful feature works so you can dive deeper into it:

What you have is essentially a filter, but one where the filtering function changes as you iterate over the list. I would model this not as a "forked" composition, but as a fold using the following function f :: String -> (Int, [String]):
The return value maintains the current maximum and all strings of that length.
If the first argument is shorter than the current maximum, drop it.
If the first argument is the same as the current maximum, add it to the list.
If the first argument is longer, make its length the new maximum, and replace the current output list with a new list.
Once the fold is complete, you just extract the list from the tuple.
-- Not really a suitable name anymore, but...
composed :: [String] -> [String]
composed = snd . foldr f (0, [])
where f curr (maxLen, result) = let currLen = length curr
in case compare currLen maxLen of
LT -> (maxLen, result) -- drop
EQ -> (maxLen, curr:result) -- keep
GT -> (length curr, [curr]) -- reset


Filter a list of tuples by fst

What I'm trying to do is not really solve a problem, but more to learn how to write Haskell code that composes/utilizes basic functions to do it.
I have a function that takes a list of tuples (String, Int) and a String, and returns a tuple whose fst matches the given String.
This was fairly easy to do with filter and lambda, but what I want to do now, is remove the rightmost argument, ie. I want to refactor the function to be a composition of partially applied functions that'll do the same functionality.
Original code was:
getstat :: Player -> String -> Stat
getstat p n = head $ filter (\(n', v) -> n' == n) $ stats p
New code is:
getstat :: Player -> String -> Stat
getstat p = head . (flip filter $ stats p) . cmpfst
where cmpfst = (==) . fst . (flip (,)) 0 -- Wrong :-\
The idea is to flip the filter and partially apply by giving in the list of tuples (stats p) and then compose cmpfst.
cmpfst should be String -> (String, Int) -> Bool so that when String argument is applied, it becomes a -> Bool which is good for the filter to pass in tuples, but as you can see - I have problems composing (==) so that only fst's of given tuples are compared.
P.S. I know that the first code is likely cleaner; the point of this task was not to write clean code but to learn how to solve the problem through composition.
I understand well that asking for a head on an possibly empty list is a bad programming that'll result in a crash. Like one earlier poster mentioned, it is very simply and elegantly resolved with Maybe monad - a task I've done before and am familiar with.
What I'd like the focus to be on, is how to make cmpfst composed primarily of basic functions.
So far, the furthest I got is this:
getstat :: Player -> String -> Stat
getstat p = head . (flip filter $ stats p) . (\n' -> (==(fst n')) . fst) . (flip (,)) 0
I can't get rid of the (a -> Bool) lambda by composing and partially applying around (==). This signals, to me, that I either don't understand what I'm doing, or it's impossible using (==) operator in the way I imagined.
Furthermore, unless there's no exact solution, I'll accept signature-change solution as correct one. I'd like not to change the signature of the function simply because its a mental exercise for me, not a production code.
If I were writing this function, I'd probably have given it this type signature:
getstat :: String -> Player -> Stat
This makes it easy to eta-reduce the definition to
getstat n = head . filter ((== n) . fst) . stats
In a comment, you reached
getstat p = head . (flip filter $ stats p) . (\n (n', v) -> n' == n)
I wonder if there's a nicer composition that can eliminate the anon f.
Well, here it is
\n (n', v) -> n' == n
-- for convenience, we flip the ==
\n (n', v) -> n == n'
-- prefix notation
\n (n', v) -> (==) n n'
-- let's remove pattern matching over (n', v)
\n (n', v) -> (==) n $ fst (n', v)
\n x -> (==) n $ fst x
-- composition, eta
\n -> (==) n . fst
-- prefix
\n -> (.) ((==) n) fst
-- composition
\n -> ((.) . (==) $ n) fst
-- let's force the application to be of the form (f n (g n))
\n -> ((.) . (==) $ n) (const fst $ n)
-- exploit f <*> g = \n -> f n (g n) -- AKA the S combinator
((.) . (==)) <*> (const fst)
-- remove unneeded parentheses
(.) . (==) <*> const fst
Removing p is left as an exercise.

Finding all palindromic word pairs

I came up with an unreal problem: finding all palindromic word pairs in a vocabulary, so I wrote the solution below,
import Data.List
findParis :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
findPairs ss =
filter ((== 2) . length)
. groupBy ((==) . reverse)
. sortBy (compare . reverse)
$ ss
main = do
print . findPairs . permutations $ ['a'..'c']
-- malfunctioning: only got partial results [["abc","cba"]]
-- expected: [["abc","cba"],["bac","cab"],["bca","acb"]]
Could you help correct it if worthy of trying?
Having benefited from #David Young #chi comments the tuned working code goes below,
import Data.List (delete)
import Data.Set hiding (delete, map)
findPairs :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [([a], [a])]
findPairs ss =
f [] = []
f (x : xs) =
let y = reverse x
if x /= y
let ss' = delete y xs
in (x, y) : f ss'
else f xs
f . toList
. intersection (fromList ss)
$ fromList (map reverse ss)
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
-- find classes of equivalence by comparing canonical forms (CF)
findEquivalentSets :: Ord b => (a->b) -> [a] -> [[a]]
findEquivalentSets toCanonical =
filter ((>=2) . length) -- has more than one
-- with the same CF?
. groupBy ((((== EQ) .) .) (comparing toCanonical)) -- group by CF
. sortBy (comparing toCanonical) -- compare CFs
findPalindromes :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
findPalindromes = findEquivalentSets (\x -> min x (reverse x))
This function lets us find many kinds of equivalence as long as we can assign some effectively computable canonical form (CF) to our elements.
When looking for palindromic pairs, two strings are equivalent if one is a reverse of the other. The CF is the lexicographically smaller string.
findAnagrams :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
findAnagrams = findEquivalentSets sort
In this example, two strings are equivalent if one is an anagram of the other. The CF is the sorted string (banana → aaabnn).
Likewise we can find SOUNDEX equivalents and whatnot.
This is not terribly efficient as one needs to compute the CF on each comparison. We can cache it, at the expense of readability.
findEquivalentSets :: Ord b => (a->b) -> [a] -> [[a]]
findEquivalentSets toCanonical =
map (map fst) -- strip CF
. filter ((>=2) . length) -- has more than one
-- with the same CF?
. groupBy ((((== EQ) .) .) (comparing snd)) -- group by CF
. sortBy (comparing snd) -- compare CFs
. map (\x -> (x, toCanonical x)) -- pair the element with its CF
Here's an approach you might want to consider.
Using sort implies that there's some keying function word2key that yields the same value for both words of a palindromic pair. The first one that comes to mind for me is
word2key w = min w (reverse w)
So, map the keying function over the list of words, sort, group by equality, take groups of length 2, and then recover the two words from the key (using the fact that the key is either equal to the word or its reverse.
Writing that, with a couple of local definitions for clarity, gives:
findPals :: (Ord a, Eq a) => [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
findPals = map (key2words . head) .
filter ((== 2) . length) .
groupBy (==) .
sort .
(map word2key)
where word2key w = min w (reverse w)
key2words k = [k, reverse k]
I posted my answer in a stale window without refreshing, so missed the very nice response from n.m. above.
Mea culpa.
So I'll atone by mentioning that both answers are variations on the well-known (in Perl circles) "Schwartzian transform" which itself applies a common Mathematical pattern -- h = f' . g . f -- translate a task to an alternate representation in which the task is easier, do the work, then translate back to the original representation.
The Schwartzian transform tuples up a value with its corresponding key, sorts by the key, then pulls the original value back out of the key/value tuple.
The little hack I included above was based on the fact that key2words is the non-deterministic inverse relation of word2key. It is only valid when two words have the same key, but that's exactly the case in the question, and is insured by the filter.
overAndBack :: (Ord b, Eq c) => (a -> b) -> ([b] -> [c]) -> (c -> d) -> [a] -> [d]
overAndBack f g f' = map f' . g . sort . map f
findPalPairs :: (Ord a, Eq a) => [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
findPalPairs = overAndBack over just2 back
where over w = min w (reverse w)
just2 = filter ((== 2) . length) . groupBy (==)
back = (\k -> [k, reverse k]) . head
Which demos as
*Main> findPalPairs $ words "I saw no cat was on a chair"
Thanks for the nice question.

Haskell: How is join a natural transformation?

I can define a natural transformation in Haskell as:
h :: [a] -> Maybe a
h [] = Nothing
h (x:_) = Just x
and with a function k:
k :: Char -> Int
k = ord
the naturality condition is met due to the fact that:
h . fmap k == fmap k . h
Can the naturality condition of the List monad's join function be demonstrated in a similar way? I'm having some trouble understanding how join, say concat in particular, is a natural transformation.
Okay, let's look at concat.
First, here's the implementation:
concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
concat = foldr (++) []
This parallels the structure of your h where Maybe is replaced by [] and, more significantly, [] is replaced by--to abuse syntax for a moment--[[]].
[[]] is a functor as well, of course, but it's not a Functor instance in the way that the naturality condition uses it. Translating your example directly won't work:
concat . fmap k =/= fmap k . concat
...because both fmaps are working on only the outermost [].
And although [[]] is hypothetically a valid instance of Functor you can't make it one directly, for practical reasons that are probably obvious.
However, you can reconstruct the correct lifting as so:
concat . (fmap . fmap) k == fmap k . concat
...where fmap . fmap is equivalent to the implementation of fmap for a hypothetical Functor instance for [[]].
As a related addendum, return is awkward for the opposite reason: a -> f a is a natural transformation from an elided identity functor. Using : [] the identity would be written as so:
(:[]) . ($) k == fmap k . (:[])
...where the completely superfluous ($) is standing in for what would be fmap over the elided identity functor.

Is Haskell's mapM not lazy?

UPDATE: Okay this question becomes potentially very straightforward.
q <- mapM return [1..]
Why does this never return?
Does mapM not lazily deal with infinite lists?
The code below hangs. However, if I replace line A by line B, it doesn't hang anymore. Alternatively, if I preceed line A by a "splitRandom $", it also doesn't hang.
Q1 is: Is mapM not lazy? Otherwise, why does replacing line A with line B "fix this" code?
Q2 is: Why does preceeding line A with splitRandom "solve" the problem?
import Control.Monad.Random
import Control.Applicative
f :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g (Double, [Double])
f = do
b <- splitRandom $ sequence $ repeat $ getRandom
c <- mapM return b -- A
-- let c = map id b -- B
a <- getRandom
return (a, c)
splitRandom :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g a -> Rand g a
splitRandom code = evalRand code <$> getSplit
t0 = do
(a, b) <- evalRand f <$> newStdGen
print a
print (take 3 b)
The code generates an infinite list of random numbers lazily. Then it generates a single random number. By using splitRandom, I can evaluate this latter random number first before the infinite list. This can be demonstrated if I return b instead of c in the function.
However, if I apply the mapM to the list, the program now hangs. To prevent this hanging, I have to apply splitRandom again before the mapM. I was under the impression that mapM can lazily
Well, there's lazy, and then there's lazy. mapM is indeed lazy in that it doesn't do more work than it has to. However, look at the type signature:
mapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
Think about what this means: You give it a function a -> m b and a bunch of as. A regular map can turn those into a bunch of m bs, but not an m [b]. The only way to combine the bs into a single [b] without the monad getting in the way is to use >>= to sequence the m bs together to construct the list.
In fact, mapM is precisely equivalent to sequence . map.
In general, for any monadic expression, if the value is used at all, the entire chain of >>=s leading to the expression must be forced, so applying sequence to an infinite list can't ever finish.
If you want to work with an unbounded monadic sequence, you'll either need explicit flow control--e.g., a loop termination condition baked into the chain of binds somehow, which simple recursive functions like mapM and sequence don't provide--or a step-by-step sequence, something like this:
data Stream m a = Nil | Stream a (m (Stream m a)) that you only force as many monad layers as necessary.
Edit:: Regarding splitRandom, what's going on there is that you're passing it a Rand computation, evaluating that with the seed splitRandom gets, then returning the result. Without the splitRandom, the seed used by the single getRandom has to come from the final result of sequencing the infinite list, hence it hangs. With the extra splitRandom, the seed used only needs to thread though the two splitRandom calls, so it works. The final list of random numbers works because you've left the Rand monad at that point and nothing depends on its final state.
Okay this question becomes potentially very straightforward.
q <- mapM return [1..]
Why does this never return?
It's not necessarily true. It depends on the monad you're in.
For example, with the identity monad, you can use the result lazily and it terminates fine:
newtype Identity a = Identity a
instance Monad Identity where
Identity x >>= k = k x
return = Identity
-- "foo" is the infinite list of all the positive integers
foo :: [Integer]
Identity foo = do
q <- mapM return [1..]
return q
main :: IO ()
main = print $ take 20 foo -- [1 .. 20]
Here's an attempt at a proof that mapM return [1..] doesn't terminate. Let's assume for the moment that we're in the Identity monad (the argument will apply to any other monad just as well):
mapM return [1..] -- initial expression
sequence (map return [1 ..]) -- unfold mapM
let k m m' = m >>= \x ->
m' >>= \xs ->
return (x : xs)
in foldr k (return []) (map return [1..]) -- unfold sequence
So far so good...
-- unfold foldr
let k m m' = m >>= \x ->
m' >>= \xs ->
return (x : xs)
go [] = return []
go (y:ys) = k y (go ys)
in go (map return [1..])
-- unfold map so we have enough of a list to pattern-match go:
go (return 1 : map return [2..])
-- unfold go:
k (return 1) (go (map return [2..])
-- unfold k:
(return 1) >>= \x -> go (map return [2..]) >>= \xs -> return (x:xs)
Recall that return a = Identity a in the Identity monad, and (Identity a) >>= f = f a in the Identity monad. Continuing:
-- unfold >>= :
(\x -> go (map return [2..]) >>= \xs -> return (x:xs)) 1
-- apply 1 to \x -> ... :
go (map return [2..]) >>= \xs -> return (1:xs)
-- unfold >>= :
(\xs -> return (1:xs)) (go (map return [2..]))
Note that at this point we'd love to apply to \xs, but we can't yet! We have to instead continue unfolding until we have a value to apply:
-- unfold map for go:
(\xs -> return (1:xs)) (go (return 2 : map return [3..]))
-- unfold go:
(\xs -> return (1:xs)) (k (return 2) (go (map return [3..])))
-- unfold k:
(\xs -> return (1:xs)) ((return 2) >>= \x2 ->
(go (map return [3..])) >>= \xs2 ->
return (x2:xs2))
-- unfold >>= :
(\xs -> return (1:xs)) ((\x2 -> (go (map return [3...])) >>= \xs2 ->
return (x2:xs2)) 2)
At this point, we still can't apply to \xs, but we can apply to \x2. Continuing:
-- apply 2 to \x2 :
(\xs -> return (1:xs)) ((go (map return [3...])) >>= \xs2 ->
return (2:xs2))
-- unfold >>= :
(\xs -> return (1:xs)) (\xs2 -> return (2:xs2)) (go (map return [3..]))
Now we've gotten to a point where neither \xs nor \xs2 can be reduced yet! Our only choice is:
-- unfold map for go, and so on...
(\xs -> return (1:xs))
(\xs2 -> return (2:xs2))
(go ((return 3) : (map return [4..])))
So you can see that, because of foldr, we're building up a series of functions to apply, starting from the end of the list and working our way back up. Because at each step the input list is infinite, this unfolding will never terminate and we will never get an answer.
This makes sense if you look at this example (borrowed from another StackOverflow thread, I can't find which one at the moment). In the following list of monads:
mebs = [Just 3, Just 4, Nothing]
we would expect sequence to catch the Nothing and return a failure for the whole thing:
sequence mebs = Nothing
However, for this list:
mebs2 = [Just 3, Just 4]
we would expect sequence to give us:
sequence mebs = Just [3, 4]
In other words, sequence has to see the whole list of monadic computations, string them together, and run them all in order to come up with the right answer. There's no way sequence can give an answer without seeing the whole list.
Note: The previous version of this answer asserted that foldr computes starting from the back of the list, and wouldn't work at all on infinite lists, but that's incorrect! If the operator you pass to foldr is lazy on its second argument and produces output with a lazy data constructor like a list, foldr will happily work with an infinite list. See foldr (\x xs -> (replicate x x) ++ xs) [] [1...] for an example. But that's not the case with our operator k.
This question is showing very well the difference between the IO Monad and other Monads. In the background the mapM builds an expression with a bind operation (>>=) between all the list elements to turn the list of monadic expressions into a monadic expression of a list. Now, what is different in the IO monad is that the execution model of Haskell is executing expressions during the bind in the IO Monad. This is exactly what finally forces (in a purely lazy world) something to be executed at all.
So IO Monad is special in a way, it is using the sequence paradigm of bind to actually enforce execution of each step and this is what our program makes to execute anything at all in the end. Others Monads are different. They have other meanings of the bind operator, depending on the Monad. IO is actually the one Monad which execute things in the bind and this is the reason why IO types are "actions".
The following example show that other Monads do not enforce execution, the Maybe monad for example. Finally this leds to the result that a mapM in the IO Monad returns an expression, which - when executed - executes each single element before returning the final value.
There are nice papers about this, start here or search for denotational semantics and Monads:
Tackling the awkward squad:
Example with Maybe Monad:
module Main where
fstMaybe :: [Int] -> Maybe [Int]
fstMaybe = mapM (\x -> if x == 3 then Nothing else Just x)
main = do
let r = fstMaybe [1..]
return r
Let's talk about this in a more generic context.
As the other answers said, the mapM is just a combination of sequence and map. So the problem is why sequence is strict in certain Monads. However, this is not restricted to Monads but also Applicatives since we have sequenceA which share the same implementation of sequence in most cases.
Now look at the (specialized for lists) type signature of sequenceA :
sequenceA :: Applicative f => [f a] -> f [a]
How would you do this? You were given a list, so you would like to use foldr on this list.
sequenceA = foldr f b where ...
--f :: f a -> f [a] -> f [a]
--b :: f [a]
Since f is an Applicative, you know what b coule be - pure []. But what is f?
Obviously it is a lifted version of (:):
(:) :: a -> [a] -> [a]
So now we know how sequenceA works:
sequenceA = foldr f b where
f a b = (:) <$> a <*> b
b = pure []
sequenceA = foldr ((<*>) . fmap (:)) (pure [])
Assume you were given a lazy list (x:_|_). The above definition of sequenceA gives
sequenceA (x:_|_) === (:) <$> x <*> foldr ((<*>) . fmap (:)) (pure []) _|_
=== (:) <$> x <*> _|_
So now we see the problem was reduced to consider weather f <*> _|_ is _|_ or not. Obviously if f is strict this is _|_, but if f is not strict, to allow a stop of evaluation we require <*> itself to be non-strict.
So the criteria for an applicative functor to have a sequenceA that stops on will be
the <*> operator to be non-strict. A simple test would be
const a <$> _|_ === _|_ ====> strict sequenceA
-- remember f <$> a === pure f <*> a
If we are talking about Moands, the criteria is
_|_ >> const a === _|_ ===> strict sequence

Dot Operator in Haskell: need more explanation

I'm trying to understand what the dot operator is doing in this Haskell code:
sumEuler = sum . (map euler) . mkList
The entire source code is below.
My understanding
The dot operator is taking the two functions sum and the result of map euler and the result of mkList as the input.
But, sum isn't a function it is the argument of the function, right? So what is going on here?
Also, what is (map euler) doing?
mkList :: Int -> [Int]
mkList n = [1..n-1]
euler :: Int -> Int
euler n = length (filter (relprime n) (mkList n))
sumEuler :: Int -> Int
sumEuler = sum . (map euler) . mkList
Put simply, . is function composition, just like in math:
f (g x) = (f . g) x
In your case, you are creating a new function, sumEuler that could also be defined like this:
sumEuler x = sum (map euler (mkList x))
The style in your example is called "point-free" style -- the arguments to the function are omitted. This makes for clearer code in many cases. (It can be hard to grok the first time you see it, but you will get used to it after a while. It is a common Haskell idiom.)
If you are still confused, it may help to relate . to something like a UNIX pipe. If f's output becomes g's input, whose output becomes h's input, you'd write that on the command-line like f < x | g | h. In Haskell, . works like the UNIX |, but "backwards" -- h . g . f $ x. I find this notation to be quite helpful when, say, processing a list. Instead of some unwieldy construction like map (\x -> x * 2 + 10) [1..10], you could just write (+10) . (*2) <$> [1..10]. (And, if you want to only apply that function to a single value; it's (+10) . (*2) $ 10. Consistent!)
The Haskell wiki has a good article with some more detail:
The . operator composes functions. For example,
a . b
Where a and b are functions is a new function that runs b on its arguments, then a on those results. Your code
sumEuler = sum . (map euler) . mkList
is exactly the same as:
sumEuler myArgument = sum (map euler (mkList myArgument))
but hopefully easier to read. The reason there are parens around map euler is because it makes it clearer that there are 3 functions being composed: sum, map euler and mkList - map euler is a single function.
sum is a function in the Haskell Prelude, not an argument to sumEuler. It has the type
Num a => [a] -> a
The function composition operator . has type
(b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
So we have
euler :: Int -> Int
map :: (a -> b ) -> [a ] -> [b ]
(map euler) :: [Int] -> [Int]
mkList :: Int -> [Int]
(map euler) . mkList :: Int -> [Int]
sum :: Num a => [a ] -> a
sum . (map euler) . mkList :: Int -> Int
Note that Int is indeed an instance of the Num typeclass.
The . operator is used for function composition. Just like math, if you have to functions f(x) and g(x) f . g becomes f(g(x)).
map is a built-in function which applies a function to a list. By putting the function in parentheses the function is treated as an argument. A term for this is currying. You should look that up.
What is does is that it takes a function with say two arguments, it applies the argument euler. (map euler) right? and the result is a new function, which takes only one argument.
sum . (map euler) . mkList is basically a fancy way of putting all that together. I must say, my Haskell is a bit rusty but maybe you can put that last function together yourself?
Dot Operator in Haskell
I'm trying to understand what the dot operator is doing in this Haskell code:
sumEuler = sum . (map euler) . mkList
Short answer
Equivalent code without dots, that is just
sumEuler = \x -> sum ((map euler) (mkList x))
or without the lambda
sumEuler x = sum ((map euler) (mkList x))
because the dot (.) indicates function composition.
Longer answer
First, let's simplify the partial application of euler to map:
map_euler = map euler
sumEuler = sum . map_euler . mkList
Now we just have the dots. What is indicated by these dots?
From the source:
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(.) f g = \x -> f (g x)
Thus (.) is the compose operator.
In math, we might write the composition of functions, f(x) and g(x), that is, f(g(x)), as
(f ∘ g)(x)
which can be read "f composed with g".
So in Haskell, f ∘ g, or f composed with g, can be written:
f . g
Composition is associative, which means that f(g(h(x))), written with the composition operator, can leave out the parentheses without any ambiguity.
That is, since (f ∘ g) ∘ h is equivalent to f ∘ (g ∘ h), we can simply write f ∘ g ∘ h.
Circling back
Circling back to our earlier simplification, this:
sumEuler = sum . map_euler . mkList
just means that sumEuler is an unapplied composition of those functions:
sumEuler = \x -> sum (map_euler (mkList x))
The dot operator applies the function on the left (sum) to the output of the function on the right. In your case, you're chaining several functions together - you're passing the result of mkList to (map euler), and then passing the result of that to sum.
This site has a good introduction to several of the concepts.
