Vim - make comment shortcut - vim

I often write LaTeX using Vim. And I have been taught that one can comment a number of selected lines (in visual mode) using the following command:
And similarly, one may uncomment lines in visual mode by using this command:
Here, '%' denotes the commenting symbol for LaTeX. But I would very much like to make a shortcut to make it easier for myself to use these commands. For instance a keybinding or some sort of function so that I do not have to remember this syntax. How does one do that?

First, there are several commenter plugins, that do this very well, and those are generic (and often extensible) so that they work for any filetype, not just Latex:
NERD Commenter plugin
tComment plugin
commentary.vim plugin
are just a few popular plugins.
Custom mapping
That said, it's a good learning experience to develop a mapping on your own. Here's how:
First, mappings are just instructions that when certain key(s) are pressed, Vim translates them into other keys (on the right-hand side). Your mapping is for visual mode, so the command is :vmap. What do you normally do? You select the lines to be commented, and press :; Vim automatically inserts the '<,'> for you. You write the :s command, and conclude by pressing Enter.
vmap <Leader>c :s!^!%!<CR>
The <Leader> is a configurable, unused key, defaulting to backslash. So, your mapping is invoked by pressing \ and then C. Put that into your ~/.vimrc to make it permanent, and you're done. Wait! There's more.
Advanced mappings
First, you should use :vnoremap; it makes the mapping immune to remapping and recursion.
Second, that mapping is global, but it applies only to the Latex filetype. So, it should apply only to Latex buffers; there's the <buffer> modifier for that.
You can define that for certain filetypes by prepending :autocmd Filetype tex ..., and put that into your ~/.vimrc. But that gets unwieldy as you add mappings and other settings for various filetypes. Better put the commands into ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex_mappings.vim. (This requires that you have :filetype plugin on.)
vnoremap <buffer> <Leader>c :s!^!%!<CR>
Technically, you should use <LocalLeader> instead of <Leader>. They default to the same key, but the distinction allows to use a different prefix key for buffer-local mappings (only if you need / like).
Let's add the alternative mapping for uncommenting, triggered via \ and Shift + C:
vnoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader>c :s!^!%!<CR>
vnoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader>C :s!^%!!<CR>
Note that you could combine both into one, using :help sub-replace-expression with a conditional expression. If anything here is over your head, don't worry. You should be using one of the mentioned plugins, anyway :-)


Vimscript - Mapping for commenting visual blocks

I'm trying to create a mapping on Vim, that behaves like the following:
First of all I select a block of code or text using on Visual mode.
The I use this mapping to substitute the first column on each line for '#' effectively commenting each line.
Up until now I have the following:
vnoremap <Leader>c :normal! :s/^/#/<cr>
But for some reason it is not working. Nothing happens when I hit <Leader>c on a block of text. On the other hand, if I have:
vnoremap <Leader>c :normal! s/^/#/<cr>
it will for example subsitute:
The grey fox.
/^/#/he grey fox.
Any idea on how can I solve this issue?
:normal is an Ex command that allows to execute normal mode commands (from a custom command or function, or command-line mode in general). Your keys start off with :, so immediately switch from normal (or here: visual) mode to command-line mode. That doesn't make sense. Just define the mapping like this:
vnoremap <Leader>c :s/^/#/<cr>
The : will automatically insert '<,'> for you, and that's what you want here (to operate on all selected lines). You can also define a related normal-mode mapping that works on the current (or [count]) lines:
nnoremap <Leader>c :s/^/#/<cr>
If the highlighting disturbs you, append the :nohlsearch command:
nnoremap <Leader>c :s/^/#/<bar>nohlsearch<cr>
You can simply do:
vnoremap <leader>c :s/^/#/<cr>
The substitution command will get the range, '<,'>, automatically when in visual mode.
Note: you probably want to use xnoremap instead of vnoremap.
There is a better way
Commenting is a common problem, deceptively tricky, and already solved by many plugins. I prefer to stand on the shoulder's of giants and use a plugin. I personally use commentary.vim.

Execute <Plug> commands in vim

I've recently found a vim plugin using something called <Plug>. For example there is a command <Plug>abc_def which I would like to execute.
I've tried everything like :<Plug>abc_def and similar. Nothing worked. And :help <Plug> gave no information.
However, I've been able to execute it by creating a mapping :map x <Plug>(unite_redraw). Then I can execute it by pressing x.
Now, is there any way to execute :<Plug>abc_def without creating a dummy mapping just to run it? The actual plugin I use is Unite.
<Plug> mappings are meant to be mapped and called via the map. A <Plug> map is a device to expose a clean interface of plugin actions to the user.
Example: Instead of mapping some key to some plugin function in the plugin's hard code, such as "map zz to the action 'center cursor aesthetically'":
nnoremap <expr> zz 'zz'.float2nr(winheight(0)*0.1).'<C-E>'
it is better to expose only a named <Plug> mapping from the plugin:
nnoremap <expr> <Plug>NiceCenterCursor 'zz'.float2nr(winheight(0)*0.1).'<C-E>'
that the user can then remap in their config, without having to copy and paste the "action":
nmap zz <Plug>NiceCenterCursor
This is then easy to override, reuse, plug into by the user.
<Plug> mappings are active only in the modes they have been defined for. To execute a <Plug> mapping that is defined for normal mode, you can do as with any normal command: use :normal (without the exclamation mark).
:execute "normal \<Plug>NiceCenterCursor"
Since <Plug> actually represents a special magic key, we need to use :normal together with :execute and escape the <Plug>.
The <Plug> mechanism is described in depth at :h 41.11. See also this article about this topic by a Vim master.

VIM Disable insert mappings of plugins

A plugin adds to my insert mappings a mapping for <leader>is. I have some ideas which one it can be. But it does not matter I don't want to change anything in foreign plugins. So I want to disable this mapping. I tried this:
imap <leader>is <nop>
I did not help.
What is your suggestions?
BTW, I want to ask how disable in vimrc all insert mapping of plugins?
To remove an insert mode mapping, use the :iunmap command:
:iunmap <Leader>is
I don't know whether it is possible to do "bulk unmapping", but at least you can list all active insert mode mappings with
or, even better, with
:verbose imap
which will also tell you where the mapping has been defined in the first place.
Edit: To clarify, the unmapping needs to be done after the plugin has been loaded. To do so, create a file with the following contents in ~/.vim/after/plugin/ (see #ZyX's answer):
" myafter.vim: will be executed after plugins have been loaded
iunmap <Leader>is
Your command if inserted in the vimrc is executed before plugin defines the intrusive mapping and this is why it has no effect. To make it have effect you should make it run after that plugin which is normally achieved either by putting it into ~/.vim/after/plugin/disable_mappings.vim (any name instead of disable_mappings works). Second is using VimEnter event:
augroup DisableMappings
autocmd! VimEnter * :inoremap <leader>ic <Nop>
augroup END
. To disable all mappings see :h 'paste' and :h 'pastetoggle', also :h :imapclear (though the latter will remove mappings instead of temporary disabling them).
Of course, you may also use iunmap just where I suggested to use inoremap … <Nop>. How did I came to forget this command?

Overriding a remapping from a plugin?

After installing vim-ruby-debugger that plugin "hijacks" several mappings. Like <leader>n, or <leader>t which I use for respectively NERDTreeToggle and Command-T find.
The culprit is found at the hardcoded mappings in this ruby-debugger.
I'd prefer to have these remapped as <leader>rdX, i.e.: prefixed with *r*uby-*d*ebugger. Obviously, I could simply hack the plugin and change the mappings there. But that seems a bit too hackish (and will probably break on updates).
How can I unmap these mappings, so vim will fallback to my own mappings again? And so that I can remap the commands in my .vimrc (where it should be, IMHO).
First, I agree with ZyX's comments that this is a problem in the plugin that should be fixed. Please ask the plugin author to provide customization.
There is no easy way to unmap, because Vim does not remember the original mappings when a mapping is overridden. You have to make a note of the original mappings (:map ... when the offending plugin is temporarily disabled, or look in the Vim script for their definitions), then re-execute them after the offending plugin has been loaded (minus any <unique> flags it may have, as these will cause errors on re-execution). This cannot be done in .vimrc, it is sourced first; I would recommend a place like ~/.vim/after/plugin/zzzmappings.vim for this.
I keep all of my mappings in after/plugin/keys.vim. This seems to ensure that they always take precedence over plugin mappings. (I use a bunch of plugins, and the collisions seem taken care of) (here's my nvim config)
FWIW, I also keep filetype-specific mappings in the same folder, but write them as autocmd FileType commands with the <buffer> keyword. For example, the following is a mapping that conflicts with bullets.vim's ToggleCheckbox function (it adds an empty checkbox to the bullet if there is none)
autocmd FileType markdown nnoremap <buffer> <expr> <leader>x (getline('.') =~ '^\s*- \[' ? ':ToggleCheckbox<cr>' : '0/-<space><cr>la[<space>]<space><esc>')

how to make sure the mapping of a key doesn't change?

I'm on this computer (ubuntu) where TAB is mapped (I can't find where) to autocomplete. I searched and seems like this is done by supertab, although I couldn't find how to disable it, neither did I find its files.
In my ~/.vimrc and /usr/share/vim/vimrc files, there is no mapping of the tab key. The later file includes debian.vim (and tries with /etc/vim/vimrc.local, but that doesn't exist) but that also doesn't have any mappings of tab, or any reference to supertab.
The output of :map! is this:
i <S-Tab> * <C-R>=BackwardsSnippet()<CR>
i <Plug>SuperTabBackward & <C-R>=<SNR>13_SuperTab('p')<CR>
i <Plug>SuperTabForward & <C-R>=<SNR>13_SuperTab('n')<CR>
i <C-Tab> * <Tab>
i <Tab> * <C-R>=TriggerSnippet()<CR>
i <CR> * <C-R>=<SNR>13_SelectCompletion(1)<CR>
i <C-N> <Plug>SuperTabForward
i <C-P> <Plug>SuperTabBackward
i <C-R><Tab> * <C-R>=ShowAvailableSnips()<CR>
i <C-X> <C-R>=<SNR>13_ManualCompletionEnter()<CR>
Which indicates that supertab is indeed mapping these keys.
I tried putting nomap! <TAB> in my ~/.vimrc, but it doesn't work as it seems like supertab is being loaded after ~/.vimrc is read.
My question is, how can I disable supertab, or alternatively make sure ViM doesn't let anyone map TAB to anything else?
Supertab is a plugin. As such it should be installed somewhere in ~/.vim/. There are many ways to install plugins (default, pathogen, vundle, etc.). Look into ~/.vim/bundle (if you use Pathogen) or in ~/.vim/plugin.
If it's not there it may have been installed in /usr/share/vim/vim7x/ which is very crowded and should not be touched in any way: good luck.
Anyway, you can do :verbose map! to see where the mappings are set (and thus, where the plugin is installed if you want to remove it) or you could simply configure Supertab to not use <tab>. See :help supertab.
In case you don't want to completely get rid of supertab you can remap the default keybindings using something like (in your ~/.vimrc):
let g:SuperTabMappingForward = '<c-space>'
let g:SuperTabMappingBackward = '<s-c-space>'
If you only want to insert literal tab characters, supertab makes it easy by mapping literal tabs to ctrl+tab by default (which unfortunately doesn't work in terminal). It can be customized by using something like:
Lastly, you can always escape a mapping by prepending it with ctrl-v in insert mode.
see :h supertab-forwardbackward for more information. (might not work if you haven't built supertab docs)
